Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 103

Episode 103

I repeated the process several times, coming and going between different visions.


Seeing so many futures that weren’t what I was aiming for left me feeling drained.

‘How much time has passed?’

I worried that if I stayed too long, Lloydin might think I had fallen into a deep sleep and become concerned.

Just one more.

Since I’d keep having these dreams, I could move little by little each time.

Having made this decision, I moved onto the next path.

This path was longer than I anticipated.

So, I increased my pace, running towards the end.

When I finally reached the end and my vision flickered before clearing, I realized I had found the future I was looking for.

I was hidden among people, watching someone’s execution.

‘What is this…’

The scene before me was so shocking that my mind went blank.

I couldn’t think of anything or perceive anything clearly.

Then suddenly, the sound of people chattering reached my ears.

“They say he failed in his attempt at rebellion.”

So, it was indeed a rebellion.

As I had feared, my family had been destroyed for treason.

A wave of despair and sadness washed over me.

‘What should I do?’

What do I do now?

If we were really destroyed for treason, then how…

My mind was too muddled to determine my next steps.

As I was floundering, I barely managed to remind myself that this was not reality.

Right, this is just a dream.

It’s only a dream, so calm down.

Though it was a future that hadn’t come to pass yet, it was merely a dream at the moment.

I needed to see more and remember more.

Steeling myself, I focused on the conversations around me to gather more information.

“That’s right. How did a family so powerful fall so low?”

A family so powerful it could bring down birds—this referred to my family, the Anaïs.

“It’s all because of greed. They wanted more than what they had.”

“True, if you live modestly like us, you won’t end up like that.”


“If the Duke up there gets executed today, only the young lord will be left from that family, right?”


What was that?

“Right. Normally, he’d be executed too, but wiping out the Blighton family entirely would cause other problems. So, they’re sparing the young lord.”

The Blighton family?

They were talking about Ian.

“Yeah, I heard they decided to spare him because he’s still a child.”

“If the whole family were gone, there would be chaos in the territory. Guess it’s better to have someone left, even a kid.”

“They say the young lord will be kept under close watch though. Not much of a life, is it?”

“Better than being dead, I suppose. Though it’s a pity for the kid.”

So, Ian would be the only one left. My heart ached at the thought.

I needed to gather as much information as possible. Maybe there was still a way to prevent this future.

I focused on every detail, hoping it would help me find a solution later.

When I felt I had seen enough, I closed my eyes tightly, willing myself to wake up.

Slowly, the dream faded away.


When I opened my eyes, I was back in the carriage, my head still resting on Lloydin’s shoulder.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“We’re almost there.”

I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

I would find a way to change that future.

To leave the young lord alive while executing the Duke?

Shocked by the conversation, I stared intently at the distant execution platform, trying to determine exactly who was there.

Indeed, as the people said, Lloydin was kneeling with his limbs bound on the execution stage.

‘Why Lloydin… why him?’

“But they haven’t found the Duchess yet?”

“The family’s already ruined, and everyone related to them is dead. What’s the point of one person surviving?”

“Her husband will die today too.”

“Such is life.”

“Looks like it’s starting.”

The horn announcing the execution sounded, interrupting their conversation.

Faced with this horrific scene, my mind went blank, but the thought of saving him took precedence.

I tried to move, but my body, though my own, wouldn’t budge.

‘Move! Move!’

Desperately, I shouted at myself to save Lloydin, but I could only weep helplessly.

‘You fool! What are you doing? Why are you just crying?’

Frustrated and hating myself for just standing there hidden among the people, I continued to berate myself.

Just then, a loud thud echoed from the execution stage as the massive blade fell.


Screams erupted from the crowd as the horn sounded again, signaling the execution was over.

So, he… he was dead.

Until his final moment, I had done nothing but cry foolishly.

The scene blurred and I returned to the starting point, but the final image was seared into my memory, and a wave of uncontrollable, intense emotions crashed over me.


Tears welled up in my eyes and poured down like a waterfall.

How could this happen?

Why Lloydin, why…

Not only my family but the Blighton family too, accused of treason?

This future was far more horrifying and miserable than I had imagined, and I didn’t know what to do.

‘I want to wake up from this dream now.’

With that thought, I forced myself to wake up.

I opened my eyes, finding myself still in the carriage, my head resting on Lloydin’s shoulder.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“We’re almost there.”

Nodding, I felt a renewed sense of determination.

I had to find a way to change this future.

* * *

Upon arriving at the capital, I resolved to act on what I had seen. We couldn’t let such a future come to pass.

As soon as we settled back into our residence, I sought out Lloydin.

“Lloydin, we need to talk. It’s important.”

“Of course, my dear. What is it?”

I took a deep breath, steeling myself to reveal everything I had seen and felt in the dream.

“The dreams I’ve been having… they’re not just ordinary dreams. They’re precognitive. I’ve seen the future, and it’s terrifying.”

Lloydin’s expression turned serious. “Tell me everything.”

I recounted the dream in detail, sparing no horror or emotion.

“We must find a way to prevent this future. We need to understand why this is happening and how we can stop it.”

Lloydin nodded, his determination matching mine. “We’ll investigate. We’ll uncover the truth behind these accusations of treason and ensure our families’ safety.”

With Lloydin by my side, I felt a glimmer of hope. Together, we would change the course of our future.

I didn’t want to see anything more.

Overwhelmed with sadness, I prayed to wake up from the dream, forgetting where I had fallen asleep.

When I opened my eyes, Lloydin was looking at me with a startled expression.

“My dear, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Sob… Duke…”

As soon as I saw him, I threw myself into his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

“My dear…”

As I continued to cry without saying anything, Lloydin gently patted my back, trying to comfort me.

His kind actions only made my heart ache more, and I couldn’t stop crying.

“Brother… Duchess…”

I heard the voices of Ian and Dalia, tinged with confusion and worry, as they witnessed my sudden outburst.

I knew I shouldn’t show such a vulnerable side in front of the children, but I wasn’t in a state to think rationally.

After crying for what felt like an eternity, I finally managed to stop.


A deep sigh escaped me as a bit of rationality returned, leaving me unsure of how to handle the situation.

“My dear…”

Noticing that I had calmed down, Lloydin called out to me cautiously.

Hearing his voice almost made me cry again, but I bit my lip to hold back the tears.

Even though it was just a dream, the thought of him dying had left me emotionally wrecked.

“Are you feeling better now?”


My voice was hoarse from all the crying as I answered softly.

“Please, look at me.”

I shook my head at his request to see my face.

I had cried so much that my face must have been a mess, and I wasn’t ready to meet his eyes yet.

“Then I will carry you inside.”


I finally noticed that the carriage wasn’t moving.

“We’ve arrived at the residence. I sent the children ahead, so don’t worry.”

“Oh… we’ve arrived?”

“Yes. Now, hold on tight.”

Lloydin lifted me up and got out of the carriage.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder.

I kept my face hidden until we reached our bedroom.

After a moment, I heard the door close, and everything fell silent.

I slowly lifted my head, taking in my surroundings, and met Lloydin’s gaze.

His face was etched with worry.


I felt a surge of guilt, realizing how much I must have scared him with my sudden breakdown.

“I’m sorry. I must have frightened you.”

I quickly apologized.

“No, it’s alright.”

He gave me a faint smile, trying to reassure me.

His smile made me feel a little better, and I spoke again.

“You can put me down now.”

But Lloydin didn’t move.

Instead, he carried me to the bed and gently laid me down.


“You should rest for now.”


If I were in Lloydin’s position, my curiosity would be overwhelming, and I would want to know the reason behind such an outburst immediately. But he didn’t press for answers. He was more concerned about me.

His warmth and kindness brought tears to my eyes again.

Lloydin sat beside me and gently stroked my hair.

“Once you’ve rested and feel calmer, we can talk.”


“I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

“Thank you. Can… can you hold my hand?”

Though I felt much better, a bit of anxiety lingered, so I asked him to hold my hand.

Lloydin looked at me for a moment, then climbed into the bed beside me.

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

“Holding you is better than just holding your hand.”

“…It is. Much better.”

“Now, sleep.”


He was right. Being in Lloydin’s arms gave me a sense of security that chased away all my fears.

All the worry, sadness, pain, and sorrow that had gripped me moments ago faded away.

I was just tired now.

Exhausted and wanting nothing more than to rest.

So, feeling his large hand soothingly stroking my back, I slipped back into sleep.



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