Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 50:

How did you know



Wiping the sweaty palm on the school uniform jacket, Riche walked.


To get to the bedroom where Marquess Hebetzman was, he had to pass through the frozen Marquess Gerwern.


Although the trauma towards Marquess Gerwern hadn’t disappeared, he was worried about the people inside.


Ian also followed Riche, guarding him closely. Python was on Riche’s shoulder. Hikenka hid somewhere.




It was quiet inside the bedroom, which had been filled with dazzling light a moment ago.


‘The stars have arrived.’


When they entered the bedroom, Blake and Marquess Hebetzman were unconscious on the floor.


They weren’t the only ones. According to Hikenka’s words, there shouldn’t have been anyone awake inside the academy.


“If they all come at once, due to the strong power of the stars, beings within the size of a whole city will lose consciousness and collapse. So come here. I’ll give you a suggestion to withstand that recoil.”


“A suggestion?”


“Like a protective shield for the mind.”


Hikenka gave Riche and Ian a suggestion. Thanks to that, the two of them could stand tall among the collapsing people.


As for Marquess Gerwern, the star fragment bracelet he wore played a role similar to Hikenka’s suggestion, so he was unharmed. Perhaps it would have been better if he had lost consciousness instead.


Then he wouldn’t have been attacked by the stars possessing Deon and Robenhoff.


“What’s going on? Why is everyone gathered here today?”


Python’s nonchalant voice echoed in the bedroom.


And familiar faces occupying the chairs, sofas, and windows.


But their movements were completely different entities.




A strange voice flowed from Deon’s mouth, calling out Python’s name. Riche flinched at the sharp gaze, which seemed unfamiliar.


[Why are you here in the human world?]


This time, from Robenhoff.


With a colder expression than usual, Robenhoff stared at Python, who was on Riche’s shoulder.




And from Zickbert.


Although the silent demeanor was similar, it wasn’t Zick. Zick wouldn’t regard Python as prey like that.


Despite the ominous atmosphere, Python faced the stars without backing down.


“So what are you going to do? It seems like you need to return the vessels now.”


[What are you talking about?]


“Watch your back.”


Hikenka emerged from behind Deon, who was standing by the window.


And Deon collapsed, with Hikenka landing on his back.


In Hikenka’s small hand, protruding from his right golden eye, was a faint light, resembling the one from Python’s consciousness before.


“I took care of the most annoying one.”


Deon and Robenhoff stood up amidst Hikenka’s statement.


[Hikenka, you’ve betrayed us.]




“It’s not betrayal. A few hundred years ago, we were just temporary allies, right?”


Shortly afterward.”

With a loud explosion, the outer wall of the bedroom collapsed. The sound of ice forming and breaking, the roar of beasts, and the sound of destruction mingled together.


Finally, in front of Riche, Ian, and the two squirrels, three glass jars containing light were placed. They had succeeded in trapping the consciousnesses of the great stars in glass jars.


“It’s all thanks to my contractor being strong.”


Despite the crisis, the tide had turned thanks to Riche using Python’s power of destruction. It was a indiscriminate attack that didn’t differentiate between enemies and allies.


“The attacks were beyond what I could handle as a consciousness.”


As a novice in battle, Python nodded proudly, saying that it was typical of his contractor.


Once again, he failed to control his power. Ian spoke to Riche, whose face was turning red.


“That was impressive, Riche.”


Ian’s forehead was beaded with sweat, despite the cold air flowing in the bedroom due to the Hebetzman family’s ice ability.


It seemed he had struggled quite a bit to move the unconscious abilities to the safe living room.


Except for Zickbert, who was of similar height, everyone else was larger than Ian.


“Thank you, Ian. Wasn’t it difficult for you?”


“Not at all.”


Ian laughed, dismissing it as nothing.


Meanwhile, Python, who had been raising the stars in front of the glass jars for a while, seemed to have remembered something and asked Hikenka.


“But aren’t they consciousnesses too? The original bodies should still be in the bodies of the abilities, so what are you going to do about that?”


Stars coming into the human world were basically in light form. Although they could change their appearance like Python, it was highly inefficient for stars that didn’t match the human world environment to use more power.


If it weren’t for Riche’s contract, Python would have had to stay in light form as well.


“When they’re in light form, I can’t make them into consciousnesses because I can’t hold them in my hands. They need to wait for the consciousness to come out while taking control of the bodies of the abilities. That’s when their consciousnesses will be outside.”


So Hikenka used his ability to extract the consciousnesses of the stars and make them into consciousnesses, but the problem was that the original bodies were still inside the bodies of the abilities.




Hikenka glanced at Riche and Ian, who were in conversation, then raised his voice as if to listen.


“You have to destroy the vessels and remove them.”




Destroying the vessels meant destroying the abilities.


Surprised by the words, Riche turned her head. Hikenka smiled satisfactorily, as if it was worth teasing.


“Just kidding. Since we’ve made the consciousnesses of the stars into consciousnesses and put them in glass jars, the bodies can’t do anything. What can an empty shell that has lost consciousness do? So it’s best to do nothing and let time pass like this. In the meantime, the stars in the glass jars will gradually lose their strength, and the abilities will die when the time comes.”


“They’ll die?”


Riche asked, surprised.


“Because humans have a lifespan. They won’t live for more than a hundred years.”


The bodies of the stars without vessels would naturally come out of the bodies of the abilities, and by then, the stars in the glass jars would be exhausted, and the stars would fall into a deep sleep even if they were turned back into consciousnesses.


But still, it felt uneasy. Riche asked for confirmation until the end.


“Is there anything wrong with my brother and Robenhoff oppa, Zick? Like, is it dangerous?”


“It’s dangerous. They become enemies.”




“Because the power of the stars in the bodies seeps in, they’ll become even stronger than they are now. It’ll be quite difficult to deal with them, you know?”


Python, who had been listening quietly to their conversation, suddenly farted.


“Hikenka. What you’re talking about is assuming that those guys are quietly inside the glass jars. What are you going to do if I come out like me?”


Hikenka, who looked like a twin squirrel with Python, grimaced with wounded pride and said,


“I won’t make the same mistake twice.”


Anyway, now that they had achieved their initial goal of putting the stars in jars, they had to deal with the situation before the people woke up.


Riche used her ability to restore the star fragments, returning them to their original state before they broke or were damaged.

The large hole in the outer wall was also neatly restored.


Except for the remaining ice and the frozen Duke Gerwer, everything looked the same as before.


“We can’t melt the ice. It was created directly by that guy.”


Hikenka pointed to the third glass jar. The light with a slight blue hue was still flickering vigorously.


The next day, people began to wake up.


There was a brief commotion due to everyone losing consciousness, but since there were no injuries and the cause was unknown, it was brushed off as just a strange incident.


“Duke Gerwer…?”


Meanwhile, the people in the Hebetzman Duke’s residence faced a bigger problem than just losing consciousness.


The frozen Duke Gerwer.


Blake, although puzzled, questioned the witnesses.


It was a matter concerning the Duke’s safety, so it was reported to the Emperor. They received a reply stating that an investigation would be conducted immediately from the palace. Since they requested cooperation from Ian, who had abilities, there shouldn’t be any major problems.


“The Hebetzman abilities won’t become suspects.”


Although it seemed like everything was being resolved, Riche was still faced with a crisis she didn’t even know about.


“Hey, dog. Are you Lutiom?”


Deon’s angry face, awakened late.


…How did he know?


Riche took a step back, feeling a bit startled.



Royal Academy.


A three-month suspension of classes was decided due to the demon incident.


The students were scattered all over the academy grounds, waiting for carriages to take them home.


And all eyes were undoubtedly on the abilities who had resolved the recent crisis.


“Look over there. They’re the abilities.”


“I was on Zickbert’s back?”


“Derke Dion and Robenhoff were there too. They were really cool when they fought.”


“Why are Ian Dwayne’s eyes golden? What’s wrong with his appearance…?”


Whether they were coming out together from the correction facility or walking together, they stood out even more.


“But the person in the middle… isn’t that Tririche?”


“Yeah, it is. She’s kind of hidden by the abilities, but still.”


“Tririche was amazing too. Remember when those kids came into the shelter? They said Tririche saved them.”


“Were you tired at that time? Why do you look so exhausted?”


Riche walked weakly.


Yesterday, Deon found out that she was Lutiom.


“Blake, is your daughter really Lutiom?”


Hebetzman Duke tried to question Blake, but when Riche purified the aura, he left without saying a word, heading to his territory.


He seemed to be feeling complex emotions. Should he be angry at his close friend Blake for deceiving him, or should he be happy that his aura was purified thanks to Blake’s daughter?


Riche was feeling similarly conflicted.


‘What should I do?’


“What should you do about what? Now, all you have to do is wait for the glory and fortune to unfold before you. That’s how all the Lutioms I’ve seen were. I guarantee it, you know?”


Python dismissed Riche’s worries as insignificant.


He said the abilities were already accepting her, and he chuckled, telling her to enjoy the situation.


But Riche couldn’t think about such glory and fortune in the midst of her worries.


‘It seems like everyone is angry.’


Blake reassured Riche, saying he already knew. -This also surprised him quite a bit.-


Deon and Robenhoff had no idea and only found out when they heard that she was Lutiom.


Perhaps they felt betrayed. Thinking that, Riche found it increasingly difficult to speak to them. For the past two days, things had been very awkward between them.






“I believe in destiny.”




It was surprising to hear Ian say he believed in destiny after finally speaking to her after a long time.


While Riche was unsure how to respond, Robenhoff spoke to her with shining blue eyes.


“So, just wait a few more years.”


His words came out of nowhere, and Riche looked at Robenhoff. What was he talking about? She couldn’t understand at all. Deon bluntly spoke to Robenhoff.


“Talking about destiny. Are you the only one with abilities?”


It meant not to dream since he knew what she was thinking.


Robenhoff laughed softly.


“Brother, aren’t you angry?”


“Why should I be?”


“Well… because I hid…”


Deon stared at Riche for a moment, then tapped his head. After that, he said nothing. It seemed he was indeed angry.


‘Deon seems really angry…’


As Riche’s worries deepened, the family carriages began to arrive one after another.


The carriages of the noble families were the same.


After saying goodbye to the Rodwick estate, Robenhoff and Zickbert each left.


Ian also loaded the frozen Duke Gerwer onto a carriage with all sides closed.


Since they were coming to investigate from the palace, now that everyone knew what had happened to the Duke, Hebetzman was excluded from suspicion.


Still, since it was a matter concerning the Duke, an investigation would proceed even after he returned to Gerwer’s territory.


Riche asked Ian, who was ready to leave.


“Ian, is it okay to go to that mansion?”


“Yeah. Since my father ended up like that, it should be fine. And the necklace is missing too.”


Ian smiled, then whispered to Riche.


“Riche, I had a dream last night.”


It was a rare glimpse into the future that the Hebetzman’s foresight occasionally showed.


“I think something good is going to happen soon.”


Something good? Riche tilted her head. What could it be?


“I’m going to visit Rodwick Territory too. See you soon.”


Ian also left in his carriage. The only remaining noble family is Rodwick.


But for a moment, Riche thought it might be okay to stay at the academy a little longer.


“Riche, let’s go.”


Blake and Deon were waiting for her in front of the carriage.


This time, they were headed not to the Rodwick estate in the capital, but to Rodwick Castle, so they would have to ride in the carriage with the two for several days.




With reluctant steps, Riche headed towards the carriage.


  1. Nishasingh says:

    We all love this novel it is similar to Duke adopted a saint were here new family love here so much that they can do anything for here

    1. Rumi says:

      Thank you for showing interest. Stay tuned 😉

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