Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Episode 48:



Both Riche and Pytonis were aware that Hikenka’s possession abilities weren’t limited to just Philip. However, the fact that Ian was possessed took them by surprise.


“You, you…”


Pytonis pointed at Ian, who was now brushing his hair back with his hand—no, it was actually Hikenka using Ian’s body.


With a grim expression, Riche asked Hikenka, “How did you manage to possess Ian’s body? Pytonis said you should be powerless and asleep.”




Hikenka twisted Ian’s lips into a smirk. His dangerous aura seemed oddly fitting with Ian’s beautiful appearance, but that wasn’t the important matter right now.


“Did you think I’d be knocked out by that? I’m not as weak as that squirrel.”


“Weak?!” Pytonis jumped in indignation, while Riche glared at Hikenka.


“Fierce, aren’t you? When you look at me like that, it makes me want to contract with you, Rithium.”


Hikenka moved closer, so close that Ian’s lips nearly touched Riche’s.


Their eyes met. Despite being Ian’s familiar eyes, Ian was not there. It felt strange.


Hikenka, who had been looking at Riche as if trying to enchant her, lowered his gaze with a hardened expression. It was the same look he had when he warned her about Ian’s life being in danger before.


“Once again, you’ve messed up my plans. I should have awakened earlier. Why did you have to come out of that glass jar and cause trouble?”


“What did I do?” Pytonis retorted sharply.


Seeing those golden eyes immediately riling him up. Pytonis thought it might be a challenge for a fight, but Riche’s hand blocked his view, worrying that he might get captured by Hikenka again.


Hikenka addressed Pytonis with an irritated tone, “Expand your detection range. Those guys might be here.”


“What gives you the right to tell me to expand my abilities… Wait, those guys?”


Those guys.


There were few whom Hikenka would refer to in that way. For example, the three great stars who had crossed over to the human world.


Pytonis, realizing the implication, dropped Riche’s hand and urgently asked Hikenka, “Have they awakened too?!”


“Yeah. I’ve awakened as well.”


So, even without the power I took, he could still possess Ian. Pytonis muttered.


[Be careful, contractor. The yellow bastard is strong now.]


‘Got it.’


Even when asleep, Hikenka could possess through astral projection, but it significantly limited his powers. Now awake, his soul possessed Ian’s body, allowing him to use his full strength.


“Hold on a second,” Pytonis, still wary of Hikenka, suddenly remembered something and asked urgently, “Then, what about Tita?!”


Hikenka grinned mischievously. “She’s still asleep. She fell asleep a few hundred years later than us.”


Pytonis looked disappointed, his tail drooping. Listening to their conversation, Riche thought deeply.


Considering Pytonis’ flustered questions and Hikenka’s remark about Tita falling asleep later, it seemed Tita was the name of the great star who created Rithium.


‘So, she’s still asleep.’


If she ever met Tita, she wanted to ask why she had been sent to the past.

As Riche stood there, Hikenka seemed like he had something to say, but Pytonis interrupted with a question, “So what does those guys waking up have to do with me expanding my star detection?”


Without taking his eyes off Riche, Hikenka answered, “Because what they want is right here.”



Meanwhile, the other ability users were still confined to the bedroom where the Duke of Hivetzman lay.




Zickbert sat quietly, observing the situation.


‘Riche is the Rithium? This must be fate.’


Lord Rovenhaf ran through a field of flowers in his mind, reveling in his romantic destiny.






Blake remained silent, while the Duke of Hivetzman and Deon waited for his response.


‘This is turning out to be quite interesting.’


Duke Gerwer liked the way things were unfolding. It seemed his words had sown seeds of distrust among the ability users.


The Duke of Gerwer was pleased with the outcome. Coming to the academy in response to the principal’s letter had been worthwhile.


Duke of Gerwer,


Although you might have heard from Duke Hivetzman, I believe it is only right to inform you personally through this letter.


Regarding the matter you previously declined, I seek your son’s advice, Iandwayne, for…


A rejection he didn’t remember. And Iandwayne, using his powers on the principal’s request?


It was impossible. The artifact he had given his son could never be removed; it was a curse.


“Disappear without a trace.”


The Duke of Gerwer had cursed Ian’s necklace with those words.


Disappear, without even knowing it yourself. As if you never existed in this world.


‘Iandwayne, you shall have nothing. For I shall not die.’


Since a couple of years ago, Duke Gerwer had been maintaining his life with an ancient artifact.


An artifact that took on the curse of ability users. However, it only worked on new accumulated energy and shattered once it reached a certain limit.


In the end, there was only one way to purify an ability user’s energy. Rithium.


‘Rovenhaf’s foster daughter is the Rithium.’


Duke Gerwer was certain the moment he saw Blake.


Such reduced side effects. Although he couldn’t see the energy as clearly as Rithium’s like Riche could, his golden eyes could perceive the energy accumulated within ability users.


‘I will claim her. This time for sure.’


He had planned this since learning that Dukes Hivetzman and Rovenhaf were at the academy.


Reveal that the foster daughter is Rithium and incite discord among them to worsen the situation. Coincidentally, the heavens seemed to favor him as monsters attacked the academy.


The ability users were too preoccupied with the Trairiche. This was the perfect opportunity for him to claim Rithium.


‘One more time.’


Duke Gerwer rubbed the ring on his finger.


It was one of the ancient artifacts he had collected. It absorbed lethal attacks on behalf of the wearer. It was a one-time use, and one of the two rings had shattered earlier from Blake’s attack.


‘Star fragments… Without that man, I would have never known about them.’


A few years ago, while searching for Rithium in the slave markets, he had met his ancestor.


His ancestor had told him the locations of several ancient artifacts made from star fragments, not magic stones.


Taking a chance, he searched for the artifacts. Unlike magic stones, which required incantations to use, these artifacts had inherent abilities.


He was quickly captivated by these extraordinary items and began collecting ancient artifacts, particularly those made with star fragments.


This was possible due to an artifact that absorbed the side effects of his abilities.


‘Even if it comes to fighting Rovenhaf and Hivetzman, I’m strong enough to face them.’


His body itched in anticipation.


He eagerly awaited the moment when the two dukes would fight over Rithium in front of him. Then, he could seize Rithium in the chaos.


“Riche is just my daughter.”


“That’s not what I’m asking!”


The conversation between Blake and the Duke of Hivetzman grew more heated. The Duke of Hivetzman sprang from his bed. Now was the time.


Duke Gerwer turned to open the door. At that moment, a bright light flooded the bedroom from behind him.


But Duke Gerwer couldn’t even think of turning back to look at the bedroom.




His golden eyes trembled, emitting a soft glow.


Before him stood the mystical light he had longed to see since it appeared in his dreams.


“My Rithium.”


His Rithium with silver hair stood in the middle of the living room, looking at him.


Had she come to him? She was his.


Overwhelmed with emotion, Duke Gerwer reached out towards Riche.




At that moment, the ring on his finger shattered, breaking into two pieces and falling to the floor. Why now?


‘Rovenhaf again!’


He was thwarted once more. Rithium was right in front of him!


For years, he had been deceived by Rovenhaf, unable to claim Rithium.


If not for Rovenhaf, he would have found Rithium three years ago in that filthy place. He would have cleaned, dressed, and fed her, raising her with gratitude in his mansion. Eventually, she would have existed solely to purify his world, living only by his side.


‘I should have done that!’


How dare they create unnecessary familial bonds for his Rithium.


They had tried to take his life twice!


Years of pent-up anger seemed to explode all at once.


Duke Gerwer turned to glare at Blake in the bedroom. But his legs refused to move, as if someone was holding him back.



It wasn’t a person. It was ice, rising from the ground and encasing the Duke of Gerwer’s body.


The ice climbed up the Duke’s body like flames, and by the time he recognized it as Hivetzman’s ability, he was already frozen solid.




Only then did Riche, who had been standing still, take a step forward.


She was so tense in front of the Duke that her palms were drenched in sweat.


Everyone else in the room had fainted when the light flashed in the bedroom earlier.


The only ones still moving in that space were Riche and,


“Are you okay, Riche?”


“Yeah. What about Ian? He’s your father, after all.”


“……I’m fine too.”


Iandwayne, with his golden eyes shining on both sides, responded.


“Fine? That bastard caused trauma to our rabbit-like contractor!”


“Seriously, the Duke of Gerwer is a complete pervert.”


And there were two identical squirrels, chattering away.


* * *


About twenty minutes before the Duke of Gerwer was frozen.


Riche had emerged from the building where she had been hiding and was heading towards the dormitory.


Pytonis sat on her shoulder, and Hikenka, possessing Ian’s body, walked alongside her.


Riche recounted the day Ian fell into the lake to Hikenka.


“The sleepwalking Ian suffered from, it’s because of the necklace the Duke of Gerwer gave him.”


“The necklace Iandwayne is wearing now?”


“Yeah. It sealed Ian’s abilities and caused the sleepwalking. Oh, one of them was given by my dad. It’s supposed to prevent sleepwalking?”




Hikenka looked at the two necklaces Riche mentioned, then casually grabbed and ripped off one of them.


It was the necklace given by the Duke of Gerwer.


“No, stop!”


Riche screamed in horror, but the necklace had already been snapped off and dangled from Hikenka’s hand.


Images of Ian explaining what Blake had told her flashed in Riche’s mind.


“Lord Rovenhaf said that forcibly removing the necklace might be fatal.”


Despair washed over Riche’s face.


Seeing Hikenka’s nonchalant smile, Riche shouted,




  1. Nishasingh says:

    All the male character are good to fl and her new adopted family really love her which make as happy

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