Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 46:

Should I Just Burn It?


The state of Duke Hebetzman was critical, but it could improve if purified.


With Pythons back, there was no need to risk lives like during Blake’s time.


Riche attempted to purify the turmoil Duke Hebetzman gained from this battle.




“Oh, brother?”


As Riche was about to enter Duke Hebetzman’s room, she turned around in shock as Deon’s hand grabbed her shoulder unexpectedly.


“How did he end up here?”


He used his cognitive manipulation ability to lower his presence to that of a pebble.


Until he reached for the doorknob from the living room sofa, everyone treated him like a transparent person, so his ability must be active.


“He’s not even in the realm of humanity.”


Python muttered.


“Let’s talk.”


Deon took Riche’s hand and led her out of the guest room. They passed through the bustling corridors, reaching a deserted area.


He stopped but didn’t let go of Riche’s hand, as if afraid she would disappear.


“…Is that magic?”




“Right now, you look like you’re about to vanish.”


Unnoticeable, Deon’s heart was beating faster than usual.


Just a moment ago, he was observing Riche looking at the bedroom door. Suddenly, she vanished, as if her existence evaporated from his consciousness.


How surprised he was.


Deon quickly sharpened all his senses. As he felt the familiar breath, Riche’s blurred form appeared as if blending into the surroundings.


Then, he followed the form heading towards Duke Hebetzman’s room and grabbed Riche’s shoulder.


“My form isn’t clearly visible.”


Deon thought his ability didn’t work against Riche as usual.


Riche released the cognitive manipulation and asked Deon, “How did you know?”


“From your breath.”


“Don’t ever do that in front of me again.”


Deon grumbled. While Deon inwardly sighed with relief, Riche felt troubled.


“It’s a big problem.”


Being caught by Deon.


In a few hours, a carriage would be sent from Duke Hebetzman’s mansion.


“We should let him spend his last moments at home.”


As weakly spoken by Lovenharp, preparing for Duke Hebetzman’s death.


Once they leave the academy, they won’t be able to meet Duke Hebetzman alive.


“Brother, I’ll be honest with you.”


Sweat formed on her tense palm. Python finally hinted at being Luthium, jesting about seizing wealth and glory.


Deon looked at Riche as if asking her to say something.


“I… know how to alleviate Duke Hebetzman’s condition.”


He said.


Her heart pounded.


Now Deon would ask how you know that. He already had a plausible excuse in mind.


He found a collection of the old Lord Roadwick’s belongings in the private library. It had effects that could alleviate illness.


He thought it was a convincing excuse since Lord Roadwick lived for over 40 years before his death.


“There’s room for excuses.”


Riche fiddled with a star-shaped piece in her pocket and looked at Deon’s puzzled face.


It’s a bluff, but it has to sound natural. So Deon won’t suspect.

“I know.”


“You know… about the library?”


Riche looked at Deon in astonishment. He knows, but what? Could he possibly know her true identity?


“Know? About what…?”


In an instant, her spine chilled.


Please. Let him not know.


Regardless of whether Duke Gerwehr would find out, she wished Deon didn’t know. Blake, too.


If he knew she was Luthium, would they still accept them as family?


Perhaps he’d see it as deception. The words coming from Deon’s mouth might be accusations aimed at her.


Deon silently stared at Riche’s trembling eyes before speaking.


“You’re stubborn.”




“You’re stubborn, and you won’t listen to me, nagging.”


Deon lightly tapped Riche’s forehead.


“This time, I can’t back down either.






In the lounge of the guest room where Duke Hebetzman resided.


Riche called out to Deon, who was sitting on the sofa.


“What’s this…?”


A string was tied around Riche’s wrist that she had lifted. The other end was tied to Deon’s wrist.


Riche shook the string with a puzzled expression.


“What’s this?”


Deon glanced at Riche like that and replied bluntly.


Then, he spoke to Ian, who sat on Riche’s right.




It was unusual for Deon to initiate a conversation. Ian smiled at their spectacle, then immediately turned his gaze to Deon. Simultaneously, something flew into Ian’s hand.


It was a string similar to the one tying Riche and Deon’s wrists.


…Deja vu?


Deon’s voice echoed in Ian’s ears as he recalled the past.


“You too, tie it.”




Tie it. Did Deon mean to tie Riche’s wrist like he did?


Though she wanted to refuse, Deon quickly tied Riche’s other wrist and Ian’s wrist with separate strings.


He was as fast as a royal knight.


Ian looked at the knot, then subtly asked Riche.


“Should I untie it?”


“It’s okay.”


Even if he untied it, Deon would stubbornly tie it again.


At times like this, it was better to find another way to break Deon’s stubbornness.


Riche leaned back against the sofa’s backrest.


“It’s tightly tied. It won’t be easy to escape.”


Python chuckled. He was right.


For an ordinary person, Python’s cognitive manipulation could deceive the surroundings and grant freedom. But the opponent was none other than Deon. With instincts like an animal, he wasn’t an easy opponent to underestimate.


“Why is Deon doing this?”


“It’s not because you’re going to purify the Duke, is it?”


“No. If I knew I was Luthium, I would have said so earlier.”


Although she told Python it wasn’t, she felt uneasy.


Riche glanced at Deon.




“It’s uncomfortable.”


“Bear with it.”


She didn’t understand. Deon’s actions were unpredictable even in normal times.


Riche let out a small sigh. As her eyes met Ian’s again, he silently asked if he should untie it. Riche shook her head.


“I can’t ask Dad for help. He’d think it’s just me playing with Deon.”


After trying to request rescue towards the already passing Blake, Deon told Blake, “Riche was about to enter Duke Hebetzman’s room.”


“Keep having fun with your brother.”


He then left.


Philip went to escort the professors repairing the barrier under Blake’s command.


As they pondered how to escape, when Lovenharp, who finished talking with others, walked away from the group, Riche called out to him.


“Lovenharp, brother!”


“Oh, Riche… What are you doing?”


His face still wore a smile, but Lovenharp’s smile seemed somewhat weary.


“You tied a ribbon on your wrist? It’s pretty.”



Everyone would find it strange, but no one questioned Lovenharp.


Ian cautiously asked Lovenharp, “Senior, are you okay?”


“Yeah. Sorry, everyone. I’ll have to postpone buying the delicious stuff. I have to stay by my father’s side for a few days.”


The air became heavy with the words spoken as if marking the end.


Lovenharp forced a smile.


“Oh, I should get going now. I have to communicate with the mansion. See you later.”


“Lovenharp, brother. Take care.”


“If you need any help, just let me know.”


“Thanks, Riche. Ian Dwayne too.”


Deon grabbed Lovenharp’s arm as he was about to leave.




“I’ll… try to find a way.”


Finding a way. But Dercadeon wasn’t likely to have any brilliant ideas either. That’s why he probably couldn’t see properly right now.


Lovenharp nodded without much expectation for comfort from his stoic friend.


“Okay. Thanks.”


Soon after, the headmaster found Deon.


“Commander Dercadeon, I’m really sorry, but several demons that were thought to be defeated have awakened. Some skilled professors fought against demons during the day and got injured…”


Using brute force against several demons at once suited Lordwick or Duke Hebetzman’s abilities. But considering the situation of Lordwick or Duke Hebetzman and the uneasy temperament of Duke Lordwick, it was impossible to ask for help. There was no one else to ask but Deon.


“What’s with the strings?”


The headmaster noticed the strings tying Deon and Riche, as well as Riche and Ian, but he didn’t say anything as it seemed like a trend among students these days.


“Ah, kids’ play. There are many things I can’t understand about their games.”




In the end, after pondering, Deon sighed and untied the strings. Instead…




He grabbed Zickbert, who was wandering nearby, and sat him down in his place.


Although Zickbert obediently offered his wrist to be tied by Deon with an indifferent face, as soon as Deon whispered something, he nodded decisively.




Riche thought it was good seeing Zickbert would be easier to convince than Deon. After all, Zickbert surely knew he was Luthium. If he knew they were going to purify Duke Hebetzman, he would surely help. Ian also said if he wanted the strings untied, he could ask anytime.


As soon as Deon disappeared from sight, Riche touched the knot and said:


“Zick, could you untie this for me?”






“Don’t untie it.”


This isn’t it.


The firm attitude, which seemed like it wouldn’t even take a straw, was Deon’s. Could it be Deon disguised as Zickbert?


No, that’s impossible.


Zickbert, who didn’t blink an eye at Riche’s words, surprisingly accepted Ian’s words.


“You said you were going to get winter clothes. You said it’s cold.”


“Uh, yeah.”


Zickbert, who obediently replied to go get winter clothes, followed them. However, Ian made an excuse and stopped him.


“Deercadeon-senior will be surprised if nobody’s here when he comes back. Zickbert, can you pass the message?”


This time, Ian’s words worked again.


Finally, the two managed to get Zickbert out into the corridor.




As they stepped out into the corridor, Ian untied the knot on Riche’s wrist.


Touching her newly freed wrist, Riche asked Ian, “But, Ian, why did you untie it when you don’t even know what I’m going to do?”


Even lying for her.


Ian replied to Riche’s curiosity, “I don’t know. I just help you because it seems like what you want to do.”


“…What if it’s something bad?”


“Is it? But even if it’s bad, it’s something Riche wants to do, right?”


With such a beautiful appearance that seemed to have nothing to do with doing bad things in a lifetime.


“Ian… you shouldn’t trust people too much.”


As Riche hesitated to speak, Ian smiled gently.


  1. Nishasingh says:

    I know
    You work hard to translate this novel

  2. Nishasingh says:

    I know
    You work hard to translate this novel
    please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😅🥺🥺

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