Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 44:

Did You Make Up?


Blake looked at Liche.


He didn’t expect Liche to step forward, but it seemed she had something she wanted to do.


Blake decided to quietly observe the situation.


Liche asked Professor Rumblah.


“Professor, are you worried because I can’t use magic properly?”


“…That’s right.”


“Then, professor, please judge me directly, not based on Senior Ian Drewayne’s abilities.”


What is she trying to do?


Under everyone’s gaze, Liche took something out of the bag she had brought and placed it on the table.


“This is….”


A beaker, a stone, and a magic stone.


They were the practice tools from the first day of magic practice.


“I’ve been practicing all this time.”


“Traiche student!”


As Liche lifted the magic stone and the stone, one in each hand, Professor Rumblah shouted urgently.


But before anyone could stop her, Liche chanted a spell. Then water poured into the beaker.


What Rumblah and the magic professors witnessed made them gasp internally.


It wasn’t surprising that Traiche Roadwick skillfully cast the spell.


‘One second?’


The chanting time was only one second.


Even for the shortest spell, it normally took at least seven seconds due to the lengthy incantations.




‘Such a short incantation!’


The eyes of the magic professors, filled with a thirst for knowledge, turned towards Liche.


They seemed ready to rush over immediately to hear an explanation of what had just happened. Liche quietly grabbed a cushion from the sofa.


“We need to call Student Robenhaf! Right now!”


At that moment, Professor Rumblah, who had witnessed Liche’s magic up close in the training ground, shouted.


Traiche’s magic didn’t follow conventional formulas.


Previously, the water filling the beaker seemed to settle but then exploded, overflowing.


The headmaster looked between the beaker and Professor Rumblah and asked her.


“Like last time?”


“The water…!”


“The water?”




“Isn’t nothing happening?”


Contrary to Rumblah’s concerns, the water in the beaker maintained its surface tension and did not overflow even after some time.


This was the moment. The headmaster seized the opportunity and spoke to Rumblah.


“Professor Rumblah, I don’t want to be harsh, but I have to this time. Professors should believe in their students. How can you worry that a student you are teaching might cause an accident in the future?”


Rumblah had no rebuttal and admitted defeat.


“…I was wrong.”


Liche smiled and looked up at Blake.


“Dad, it seems I can keep using magic now.”




Blake patted Liche’s head in praise.


“Dad, I’m sorry. Last night, I eavesdropped on your conversation with my brother….”


Before returning to the academy.


Riche, who had suddenly come to me and brought up past stories, said she wanted to join in what Ian and I were planning.


I thought she just wanted to be part of it because she felt uneasy.


‘Was she preparing something like this?’


And in a way that wasn’t dangerous.


A slight smile spread across Blake’s face.


Meanwhile, Riche and Ian were whispering to each other.


“It went well.”


“Yeah. It’s thanks to you setting the tone, Ian. It’s all because of you.”


“I didn’t do much.”


If they had shown the success of the magic from the beginning without Ian’s performance, things wouldn’t have worked out like this.


Professor Rumblah could have argued that succeeding in magic and the future were different matters.


“You stood up to the professor, Ian. Professor Rumblah is scary.”


Ian shook his head at Riche’s words.


Compared to helping Riche, confronting Professor Rumblah was nothing.


Ian was glad everything turned out as Riche wanted. He smiled and said,


“No, it’s thanks to you, Riche.”


[It’s thanks to me. You should thank me, contractor.]


From inside the bag, Pythonus, who had been watching the situation, spoke to Riche.


Indeed. If Pythonus hadn’t removed the unnecessary formulas from the original magic spell, there would have been a water disaster again due to the excessive effects.


‘Thank you, Pythonus.’


At that moment,


A field mouse poked its head out of Ian’s pocket.




At the sound, Riche looked down and stared at the field mouse.


Its black eyes looked up at her intently, and its familiar orange-red fur stood out.




The field mouse nodded. It was Zekebert.


……Why was Zekebert coming out of Ian’s pocket?


Only then did Ian remember that Zekebert had been there and tried to explain to Riche.


“Oh, earlier in the lecture room—”




Instead of a squeak, Zekebert’s familiar voice came from its mouth, calling Riche.


“Run away.”






The entire headmaster’s office began to shake violently.


* * *




So boring.


Robenhaf stifled a yawn with his hand.


Listening to a class on ancient grammar right after lunch.


This schedule must have been concocted by someone to test the dignity of nobles.


‘I can’t lose to this trick.’


Who was he? The proud heir of the Duke of Hibetsman family.


He couldn’t lose his dignity by dozing off due to drowsiness.


Robenhaf focused his gaze straight ahead.


‘Just imagine the professor’s face as Riche’s.’


That white hair is Riche’s sparkling silver hair.


That face is Riche’s……


Impossible. It’s not working at all.


Robenhaf shook his head slightly. Still, thinking about Riche seemed to chase away his drowsiness.


‘I wonder if Derkedeon is sleepy.’


Robenhaf glanced at Deon sitting next to him.


Even though he had a frown and his arms crossed, his gaze was fixed straight on the blackboard.


Come to think of it, he had never seen Derkedeon dozing off.


“What are you looking at?”


Feeling Robenhaf’s gaze, Deon asked.


Robenhaf grinned and moved his pen on the paper.


– Did you make up with Riche?


Deon’s brow furrowed deeply as he read Robenhaf’s note.


Not yet, it seems.


‘Has it been about five days? Derkedeon must be having a hard time. It’s fun for me, though.’


Last Monday, in the club room.


The relationship between Deon and Riche was different from usual after Deon returned from the mansion over the weekend.


When Deon tried to wipe the cream off Riche’s hand, she subtly moved her hand under the table, as if avoiding contact with Deon.


Robenhaf couldn’t believe what he saw, but he soon realized his guess was right.


“Oh, brother. Next time, just tell me. Don’t touch me because it’s not allowed.”




The look on Derkedeon’s face then.


Robenhaf had never seen such a dumbfounded expression on Deon before.


He was so surprised that he asked Riche separately, and she said she was doing it on purpose.


“For about a week.”


“A week? Is there a reason?”

Sure, here’s the translation of the Korean text into English:



“That’s so I won’t avoid your hand later.”


I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but I do know one thing: avoiding Riche’s hand would lead to something terrible.


Robenhaf made a resolution.


He would never avoid Riche’s hand for the rest of his life.


If Riche avoided him like she was doing to Derkedeon now, it would be better to sleep for a week in a block of ice.


“Just hold on for two more days, Derkedeon.”


Feeling a sudden wave of sympathy for Deon, Robenhaf patted his back in encouragement.


What are you doing?


Just as Deon glared at Robenhaf, feeling sorry for him, Robenhaf’s eyes widened in disbelief as if he had seen something unbelievable.


Thinking it was just a joke, Deon ignored Robenhaf and was about to continue when,






Starting with the students by the window, screams filled the classroom.


Deon, who turned his head at the sound, saw what the students were looking at.


A massive bird’s leg perched on the windowsill.






Deon nodded at Robenhaf’s words.


“It’s a monster!”


“Run away!”


A monster.


And not just one.


“There must be about ten of them.”


The giant winged creatures were flying towards the academy from a distance.


As the students panicked and fled the classroom, Deon and Robenhaf calmly stood up.


* * *


“My lady, please stay here. It’s dangerous.”


Celine nodded to her bodyguard.


She was in the evacuation shelter of the Royal Academy.


The place where students, professors, and others had taken refuge from the monsters attacking the academy.


“What about Izra? Have you found him?”


“He appears to be outside. The building where the magic students have classes is quite far…”


Celine worried about her brother, who had yet to arrive, and looked at the closed door.


Would that boy in the same class be with him?


‘Trariche Lodwick…’


After hearing Ian de Wayne’s account, Celine had been hovering around Riche, concerned.


She wanted to make sure she hadn’t dragged him into anything unnecessary, but she never had the chance to talk to him.


“We’re doomed.”


A student sitting nearby muttered.


Having narrowly escaped the monster, he seemed to be in a state of panic.


Well, it’s not unreasonable to say such things.


There were only three areas in the Rocksha Empire where monsters appeared.


The Forest of Monsters between Lodwick Territory and Serdiya Territory.


The vast Rom Desert on the border between the Pan Continent and the Rocksha Empire.


The massive underground cave in the western part of the empire.


But the Royal Academy was not near any of those areas.


The academy’s location had been carefully chosen for safety from monsters and wars.


Since its establishment, the Royal Academy had never experienced a large-scale attack.


“Why are monsters here?”


“I don’t know. I heard the academy was supposed to be safe from monsters.”


The students discussed the reason for the monsters’ appearance but couldn’t come up with a satisfactory answer.


Just as everyone was trembling with anxiety, someone shouted.


“But still! We have powerful students in our school!”


Powerful students.


At those words, a slight sense of relief spread among the students.


Especially since there were Derkedeon Lodwick and Robenhaf Hibetsman in the third year.


Both had combat-specialized abilities.


And in the second year, there were Zekebert Serdiya and Ian de Wayne Gerwer.


With these four dukes’ heirs at the academy, they felt reassured.


“But Gerwer’s ability is non-combat… Ouch.”


Hope slowly spread among the students. One student mumbled and got poked in the side by another for being tactless.


* * *




“So it’s not just bird-type monsters?”


Robenhaf spoke as he froze a beast-type monster rushing at him and addressed Deon.


“It looks like there are land and underground monsters too, not just air types.”




Deon, in front of him, was also facing a bird-type monster flapping its wings, almost dead.


To the east of the academy where everyone had evacuated, Deon and Robenhaf were dealing with the monsters.


The area around them was covered in ice due to Robenhaf’s abilities.


Most monsters fell quickly before their powers, but the problem was,


“Wow, this is too much.”


Some monsters broke through the ice,




And some continued moving even without breathing.


The two readied themselves for the monsters charging at them again.


  1. Nishasingh says:


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