Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 36

“It’s a dog.”


“What’s wrong?”


Riche’s newly written message on the chalkboard entered Ian’s bewildered eyes, accompanied by the worried silver gaze.


Only then did his surroundings come into view. The three people sitting nearby were also looking at him.


“Ian Dwayne, do you have something to say? Why are you standing there blankly?”


At Robenharf’s words, Ian realized he was standing somewhat awkwardly from his seat.


“Oh, no, nothing.”


Ian shook his head and sat back down. Then, he briefly met eyes with Riche, and his heart fluttered.


Even without using his ability, it felt like she knew. It was that child.


‘Why is she doing this?’


Riche found Ian’s behavior strange, but quietly put away the chalkboard.


It seemed like the atmosphere was settling down. After Robenharf reviewed the club application form for the last time, he spoke.


“Since all the paperwork is done, I’ll submit the application tomorrow. Is everyone okay with that?”






With everyone’s agreement, the first meeting of the Dessert Research Club came to an end.


Along with the suggestion to hold the second meeting after the club was established.


“If anyone wants to withdraw then, feel free to speak up. A club with only three members won’t be disbanded.”


Although Ian’s comment was meant for him to hear, Ian, seated at his desk, seemed to be staring ahead as if he didn’t hear Robenharf’s words at all.


‘Is he ignoring me?’


It must have been audible.


Robenharf followed Ian’s gaze and turned his head.


“Let’s go.”


There was Deon and Riche, who was standing up.


Why was it Riche, the one Robenharf was worried about then? Anxious Ian stood up.


‘I have to confirm.’


He needed to ask Riche to confirm whether she was really the girl beyond the mirror.


Was she the only one I wished for to survive?


“Uh, Twariche!”




Calling just Riche, everyone looked at him.


There were many eyes watching. Rationality gradually took its place in Ian’s mind, filled with thoughts of confirming Riche’s identity. This wasn’t the place to discuss that.


“…Take care.”




Riche nodded and placed the chalkboard on the desk, writing something to show him.


– Seniors too.


Ian’s gaze paused for a moment at the word ‘seniors.’ It felt somewhat distant, considering that Riche hadn’t even confirmed herself as that girl yet.



Riche, who had taken the chalkboard, turned around and walked to the classroom door. Ian couldn’t take his eyes off her back.


* * *


“Oppa, thank you for helping me today.”


Deon and Riche, the only two men left, could finally speak.


After keeping her mouth shut for so long, it felt like a sigh of relief.


Although she was worried about having to continue like this, Robenhoff said that submitting a monthly activity report for club activities would be enough.


Anyway, it was a club intended for Deon. After it was established, it would be okay if they didn’t go out often, making various excuses.


“Not really.”


Deon walked alongside Riche and bluntly replied.


Seeing him like that, Riche couldn’t help but smile inwardly. Having Deon there to help, despite this and that, made her feel secure.


“Oppa, do you have any more plans for today?”


“No. Done.”


“Really? Then should I entertain you?”




Entertain? Deon stopped walking, looking at Riche’s excited expression.


Something’s off. If I’m entertaining Riche… maybe.


Deon stopped walking and lightly touched Riche’s forehead with his finger.


“Our puppy is so relaxed. There may not even be time to practice for the upcoming audition.”




There was a playful intention behind his lips curling into a smile. Riche wanted to retaliate, but since she received help today, she couldn’t.




“We agreed not to call me ‘puppy’ anymore.”


“When did I agree to that?”


Look at him pretending not to know. Come to think of it, he mentioned something about feeding the puppy in front of Robenhoff earlier.


Standing in front of Deon, Riche moved her hand from her forehead to Deon’s.


“You did last year. You said once I reached your chin…?”




The carefully moved hand didn’t touch his chin but his chest.


Looking down at Riche, Deon opened his mouth as if to mock her.




“Wait a moment.”


Riche quietly lifted her heels.


Even so, just a bit more…


Now blatantly lifting her heels, she began to tip-toe, but why was all she could see still Deon’s shirt collar?


As Deon held Riche’s hand that was approaching his neck, trembling, he said.


“It’s a puppy.”


Suddenly, Riche’s height decreased. She couldn’t hold on any longer and put her heels back on the ground.


Riche looked up at Deon in disbelief.


“Oppa, did you grow taller again?”


“I don’t know.”


Who knows. Just two months ago, I’m sure my heels touched his chin.


“If you grow up so much at twelve, isn’t it cheating…?”


Deon, who had been growing like watered bean sprouts since last year, now even surpassed Anna’s height this year. He was even starting to say that Jed might catch up to his height soon.


“You should try growing taller too.”


Deon comforted Riche by patting her forehead. But instead of comfort, it only stirred up her resentment.


Having inherited Blake’s genes, Deon was bound to grow taller. Riche knew her own height from her past life.


It already felt like a lost cause. Deon’s chin would be forever out of reach.


“Just call me a puppy….”


Riche turned her body with drooping shoulders. She intended to continue on her way.


Deon, led by the hand he had just held, followed behind her.


They soon arrived at their destination, the girls’ dormitory.


“Have you arrived, Sir? Miss?”



Philip greeted them. He had been waiting nearby upon hearing Deon’s mention of bringing Riche after the club meeting.


“Have you been waiting long?”


“Not really.”


“I’m going.”


“Huh? Leaving? Thanks for the ride. Sleep well later!”


Instead of replying, Deon waved his hand vaguely and headed towards the boys’ dormitory.


Deon’s gaze briefly met Philip’s.


Philip recognized it as a warning from his young master, so he straightened up.


Three years ago, because of the incident in the clinic, Deon didn’t look favorably upon Philip. Philip had to fend for himself.


“If it weren’t for Miss Riche, I would have had to suffer under the young master.”


“Why? Oppa’s kind.”


“That’s… only in front of Miss.”


Philip swallowed his words along with tears.


The only one unaware of Deon’s favoritism towards Riche was Riche herself.


Riche and Philip entered the dormitory. As they passed through the lounge, they saw a familiar face sitting on the sofa.






Riche nodded in response to Philip’s whisper.


It was Celine, a third-year student who had pretended to trip and fall into Philip on the day of the entrance ceremony.


Wondering why she was sitting alone without her attendants, it was a rather unpleasant face. Fortunately, she didn’t see them.


“Let’s just keep going.”




They tried to walk quietly to avoid confrontation, knowing that eye contact might provoke her.


For the two who grew up in the Ludwick family, it wasn’t difficult.


“I’m in pain…”


Amidst their walk, Celine’s voice quivered.


Philip quickly assessed the situation with a glance. Celine’s calf on the sofa was turning red. There was a fallen teacup on the carpet below.


‘Did she spill hot tea on her leg?’


There seemed to be no attendants around, probably because they had rushed to find something to treat the burn.


Well, even in an emergency situation, there was no reason to help her.


He was about to touch Riche, the one he intended to harm. There was no need to show kindness to someone who showed enmity to Ludwicks.


In a brief moment of judgment, Philip’s eyes turned forward again.


‘Miss Riche also thinks the same… huh?’

Feeling restless, Riche glanced around, and she noticed a familiar cute silver-haired figure heading towards the lounge.


Philip looked at Riche with surprised eyes as she confidently walked into the lounge.


Celine was equally taken aback.




She could only stare at Riche, unable to react to her sudden appearance.


Until Riche approached her and examined her injury.


“She’s hurt.”


Riche, after confirming Celine’s burn, used a star fragment she took out of her pocket. As Philip and Celine watched the healing process, their eyes widened.


“A mana crystal?”


Especially Celine.


The Count Ludwick family, to which she belonged, was a lineage of generations of magicians.


Although Celine herself lacked the affinity for magic as much as her younger sister, she excelled in magical knowledge.


“She’s using a mana crystal? The Ludwick Duke’s favorite mana crystal might be privately owned by Riche, but…”


To perform healing magic with a mana crystal…


“It’s logically impossible.”


Since mana doesn’t naturally exist within the human body, magic requires the utilization of mana from mana crystals.


For that, even for a minor spell, there is a lengthy process of chanting an incantation.


While Celine was still amazed, her calf had already healed completely.


Riche stood up, and Celine hesitated, extending her hand slightly. After Riche gave a courteous greeting, she turned away.


Philip, who had been watching Celine blankly, smiled when his eyes met Riche’s approaching gaze.


Celine hastily called out to Riche.


“Um, excuse me! Miss Triarche!”


Why is she calling?


Riche, who had intended to just treat her and then head straight to her room, stopped and turned her body.


Celine probably didn’t think about what she wanted to say. The last interaction hadn’t been pleasant.


“Do you know Ian Duane well?”


Philip muttered to himself, saying thanks should come first. Although it was a muttered remark, it was audible to Celine.


Celine’s face reddened at being corrected by a commoner.




“Excuse me. Did you hear my muttering? I’m sorry. I made a mistake in front of our lady.”


He emphasized ‘our lady’. It was a conscious choice of words, considering Celine. It was a reminder of her status higher than that of a duke’s niece.


Celine’s face reddened even more. Her tightly pressed lips moved with effort.


“T-Thank… you…”


Riche inwardly sighed as she looked at Celine’s wounded pride. She didn’t particularly enjoy the nobles’ quarrels and didn’t want to get involved.


So, she thought she’d just respond to whatever Celine wanted and leave.


“I’ve only met Ian Duane senior for the first time that day.”


It was a common prejudice among students. Since they were from the same noble family, it was assumed they must have had contact even before entering the academy.


Riche had been asked several times if she was close to other noble children from different families.


“…No friendship?”


Riche nodded.


At least within the academy, she and Ian hadn’t even exchanged words.


Celine made an awkward expression at Riche’s words, then, as if she had made up her mind, she approached Riche.


After confirming that no one was around, she whispered quietly to Riche.


“I saw Ian Duane wandering around at night with my attendant.”


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