Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 28

How much is the tuition fee?


The entrance ceremony was in full swing in the auditorium.


“All these gazes…”


Riche felt like she was sitting on a bed of nails amidst the stares coming from all directions.


It was her first time revealing herself in front of so many people, so she had mentally prepared herself, but…


“Eight years… It’s long.”


The education program at the Royal Academy lasted for 8 years.


Thinking about the time until graduation made her feel overwhelmed.


“It’s natural for it to feel this way at first. Once people get used to me, the novelty will wear off, right?”


Just endure it well until then.


Riche reassured herself with a forced positive mindset. Meanwhile, the principal’s closing remarks at the entrance ceremony had ended.


The emcee proceeded to announce the next agenda.


“New students, please gather in your grade classrooms in an hour. Your assigned professors will explain the semester’s curriculum.”


It was soon time to part ways with family and friends and have the last moment to talk.


The students rose up and scattered around to bid farewell to their acquaintances.


Fortunately, the attention had shifted away. Riche moved slowly, feeling no need to rush.


“I wonder if Dad has arrived at the Huangdo Manor by now?”


Blake, who had accompanied her to the auditorium, had returned home as soon as the ceremony ended.


Normally, she wouldn’t have paid any attention to it, but since it was Riche’s entrance ceremony, he didn’t want to create an uncomfortable atmosphere.


He didn’t actually leave, but the atmosphere became tense as people listened in on the one-sided conversation of the Duke’s servants.


At that moment, someone suddenly emerged from the crowd and pretended to know Riche.




“Rovenhalf, is that you?”


The light breeze made her sky-blue hair flutter. It was Rovenhalf Hebetzman.


He stood in front of Riche with a bright smile and surprised eyes.


Though slightly shorter than Deon, he was considered tall among their peers.


In any case, conversing with both of them made her neck ache from constantly looking up.


Even now, she wondered how she would achieve her first love.

“Rovenhalf, are you here too?”


Riche asked as she tilted her head back slightly, feeling the cool breeze play with her sky-blue hair. Rovenhalf Hebetzman stood before her with a cheerful smile and surprised eyes.


He was about half an inch shorter than Deon beside him, but Rovenhalf was still considered tall among their peers.


In any case, conversing with both of them made her neck ache from constantly looking up.


“And you’re… skipping class?”


“No, I’m on the ceremony execution committee. It’s not like I can skip classes as I please, unlike some people with Confucius himself.”


Rovenhalf said cheekily, showing the committee badge hanging around his neck.


Becoming familiar enough with Riche to address her informally like this had been the result of Rovenhalf’s persistent efforts.


Three years ago, on the day he reunited with Riche at the Duke’s mansion of Rodwick, Rovenhalf realized it.


He had fallen head over heels for that girl at first sight. Very firmly so.


“What should I do?”


In the face of Riche, who was only 7 years old at the time, Rovenhalf’s affectionate feelings didn’t falter, even though she was a commoner. Love had blinded him and deafened him.


Thinking of Riche, the esteemed Hebetzman family, known for their prestige and power, didn’t seem so remarkable anymore.


The problem was how he would fulfill his first love.


Rovenhalf was quick to assess the situation. Even if he confessed his feelings to 9-year-old Riche, she wouldn’t understand what that meant. They were both still young.


Marriage, let alone dating, was out of the question.


“I’ll confess when we’re adults.”


Then, what should he do until then?


He needed to express his feelings of affection to Riche.


Rovenhalf chose to get closer to Riche under the pretext of being Deon’s close friend.


Whenever there was an opportunity, he persistently frequented the Rodwick mansion, and eventually succeeded in making Riche consider him as a close older brother figure.


“Rovenhalf, didn’t I tell you not to meddle in this?”


Though the process had resulted in heightened wariness from some individuals, it was a side effect he had to endure.


“I was going to, but it’s tough for committee members like me to not meddle in the ceremony.”


Rovenhalf brazenly replied to Deon, who was holding Riche in his arms and trying to pull her away.


“Why are they acting like that?”


They usually behaved themselves when Lady Riche wasn’t around. Philip, who had approached, couldn’t muster the courage to intervene between the two and awkwardly scratched his cheek.


Riche tilted her head further up. Deon’s sharp jawline was visible.


“Deon, I’m fine if you don’t stay with me. Let’s go to class.”




With a lowered head, Deon expressed his dissatisfaction with a stoic expression. In silent protest, Riche was held in Deon’s embrace as they moved forward step by step.


“How much is the tuition fee? Since Dad is covering it, I’ll need to know.”


That’s right. How much is the tuition fee?


When Paul, the steward of the Rodwick household, mentioned the amount, Riche was so shocked she was speechless.


Fifty thousand dergels per semester. It was 150 times the price at which her uncle, Tamber, had almost sold her into slavery.


If it weren’t for Hikanka’s conditions, the Rodwick family’s finances wouldn’t have been affected by her academy expenses.


Regardless of Hikanka’s conditions, Riche made a vow.


She would attend the academy diligently for eight years, ensuring that Blake didn’t spend his money in vain.


“Yeah, our household is rich.”


That amount is a drop in the bucket.


Grumbling, Deon matched his steps with Riche’s as they walked forward. Philip followed behind them, and Rovenhalf followed suit. Riche turned her head.


“Rovenhalf, as a committee member, shouldn’t you stay in the auditorium?”


Rovenhalf, who hadn’t predicted this situation, smiled awkwardly and came up with an excuse in his head.


“Well, yes, but…”


“I see. It was nice meeting you today! See you next time.”


As expected, it wasn’t easy. His unrequited love interest.


With a bright smile and a farewell as sharp as a knife, Rovenhalf waved his hand, unable to even say that he would escort her to class.


“Sure. See you next time.”


It’s a shame. But it can’t be helped. There’s plenty of time ahead.


Deon sneered at Rovenhalf, who was still making his way through the situation.


* * *


“Pay attention in class.”




“Don’t fall asleep.”



“Don’t just listen with your ears.”


How did he know? Deon roughly replied to Riche’s nagging as he stopped at the corner of the hallway.


“The door you see over there is the classroom for first years.”


Riche leaned her head over to peer beyond the corner that Deon indicated.


In the long hallway, there was a large double-door that seemed to lead to a spacious classroom.


“Yeah. Thanks for bringing me.”


Deon watched Riche speak spiritedly, then tousled her hair wordlessly.


“What are you doing?”


Though her neat short hair quickly found its place without getting tangled.


Deon flicked Riche’s forehead and said, “If anyone bothers you, tell me right away. I’m off.”


With that, he turned away without hesitation before the students started crowding around. Riche watched Deon’s back with a puzzled expression.


Philip, who had been observing the situation nearby, spoke up.


“Isn’t it like Master Deon to be harassing you, Miss?”




As Philip approached, his shoulder came into Riche’s line of sight.


Riche lifted her head to face Philip.


A pair of brown eyes awaited Riche’s response.


“Philip, is there something different about you?”


“Oh my. The day has already come. Please, give me a moment, Miss. I’ve been trained by Master Jed to prepare for situations like this. So, if there’s something different about you—”


“No, I mean, something different about you, Philip.”


“Nothing at all?”


“I see.”


It seemed too early. Since she didn’t know when Hikanka would arrive, waiting was more difficult.


I want to see Pythonis soon.


“The servants can’t come into the classroom. I’ll wait nearby until it’s over.”


Riche entered the door opened by Philip.


The classroom was constructed like stairs, with long rows of desks and chairs descending. Each step had long wooden desks and chairs, and at the bottom of the last step, there was another wide step.


Seeing three chalkboards and a lectern installed side by side, it seemed to be a podium where professors lectured.


“This spot will do.”


Riche sat in the innermost seat of the middle desk, which seemed inconspicuous. There was a narrow staircase right next to it.


“It’s nice to come early. I can sit wherever I want.”


Soon, the seats in the classroom began to fill with freshmen. Some freshmen took seats around Riche, sneaking glances at her.


Perhaps due to the influence of the Rodwick Duke seen at the entrance ceremony, there were no murmurs about Riche among the students.


Then, the door beside the lectern opened, and professors began to enter.




“It’s Professor Lumbla.”


“I saw her during the entrance exam.”


“Is she in charge of the first-year? We’re in trouble. I heard she’s really strict.”


Seeing a professor walking in with a rigid posture, the students felt a sense of despair.


Professor Lumbla Ismitic, also known as the “Witch with Purple Eyes” among the student body. There were many phrases to describe her, but the one that resonated most was “the knife-like Lumbla.” If you ignored her warnings even once during class, you were out.


The freshmen who entered today knew enough about her teaching style.


“Welcome. I am Lumbla Ismitic.”


After the introductions of the previous professors, it was Lumbla Ismitic’s turn.


With a stiff tone, Lumbla finished her self-introduction and then opened her mouth, staring at the topmost step with her sharp purple eyes.


“And, Zigbert Sedyar.”


Zigbert Sedyar?


The name of a talented member of a noble family caused a stir among the freshmen.


“Come forward.”


Just as Lumbla started speaking after the introductions of the previous professors had ended.


A scream erupted from the back of the classroom.


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