Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 13


Episode 13: “Smells”


Rovenharf slowly turned his head.


Spotting someone standing on the street, his blue eyes widened.


“Oh, don’t be alarmed.”


It was a cute child dressed in a fancy children’s dress, looking like a noble’s ward. The wide headband worn on her short, neat hair added to her charm.


It seemed her bold act of standing in front of Rovenharf had caused wrinkles in the rich fabric she held tightly with both hands.


Her round silver eyes stared straight at Rovenharf.


“I know them.”




Without saying a word, Riche worried that Rovenharf might freeze her on the spot.


An aura emanated from Rovenharf, visible only to Riche.


The underground cellar of the Gerwehr duchy. The ability that froze the maids and servants who tried to take her away in an instant.


Riche was convinced of the boy’s ability the moment she saw it.


“He’s one of the people who came to the cellar back then. The future Duke Hibetsman.”


Why had three dukes come to her all at once at that time?


Brief questions arose, but she didn’t have time to dwell on them deeply.


“Please let him be. I’m begging you.”




Rovenharf still didn’t speak.


Deon was the same. Did they conspire not to respond to my words?


When would it be possible to have a proper conversation with people with abilities?


Riche sighed inwardly and changed her stride.


“Are you planning to fight?”


Python’s voice sounded excitedly from Riche’s shoulder.


“Alright! This Python is more than a match for those remnants! Show them your monstrous ability!”


The shock of realizing that Riche was beyond her understanding briefly made her forget her expectations of facing those with abilities.




Meanwhile, the guards watching the scene exchanged glances.


Miss Riche, walking towards Duke Hibetsman, a person with abilities.


Although they were individuals possessing great powers like the Great Star and Rhyteum, there seemed to be no one who could recognize them.


The combination of a child and a squirrel would only appear weak.


This was truly a critical situation.



The captain, Shou, discovered something and sent a signal.


“Stand by.”


Meanwhile, Riche’s mind was noisy with Python’s cheers.


“Use my power to the fullest! Crush them!”


“I’m not trying to fight, I want to try to talk…”




As Riche walked, her foot suddenly shot up.




As she fell backward, Riche saw Rovenharf.


His flushed cheeks, a look of great surprise, and even reaching out to her—all of it flashed through her mind.


Was he trying to catch her? But she was sure to fall before he could. It would be embarrassing without Deon here. Or worse, she might hear him say she’s clumsy again…




She braced herself for the impact, but instead of pain, her body was lifted into the air.


Once stable, she felt the firm chest of someone and smelled the familiar, subtle scent of cologne.




A calm, low voice called her name.


Riche, realizing the situation, snapped out of her daze and looked up. Blake’s red eyes were looking down at her. It was Blake’s embrace.




Cold sweat trickled down her back. Blake had told her to stick close to Jed. How would he react to this sight?


He might think of her as a troublemaker, or worse, feel disappointed in her.


Blake, noticing Riche’s complicated thoughts, stroked her head and asked, “Did you get hurt?”



Riche nodded.


Blake inwardly sighed as he looked at his daughter.


Right after Duke Hebertsman left the Ludwick Manor, Blake rode a carriage down to the city.


As he was heading towards the wardrobe, a loud explosion sounded, causing him to stop the carriage.


Upon investigating the alley, he witnessed a scene that made him doubt his own eyes.


The frozen street, Ludwick’s wolves, Duke Hebertsman, and…




Riche slipping in front of Rovenharf.


Thankfully, I arrived just in time; otherwise, Riche would have fallen onto the cold ground.


Blake’s eyes swept the surrounding structures. His guards, concealed within the suspicious gaze of the guests, flinched.




Blake turned his head to face Rovenharf, who was standing awkwardly.


Under normal circumstances, he would approach him with a friendly greeting and explain the situation.


But why was he standing there so stiffly? It would be easier to ask than to think about it.


“Rovenharf. Why are you alone here? Where’s Duke Hebertsman?”


“Ah, Duke Ludwick.”


Only now did Rovenharf snap out of it and greet the Duke respectfully.


Then, he explained the situation with a smile, as usual.


“My father wanted to buy a gift for my mother on his way back. I was looking around separately, and then the commotion came my way. After that, I saw Duke Seredia’s wolves. I thought the designer from the duke’s house was being kidnapped, so I… I froze…”


Rovenharf’s face turned red as he spoke fluently.


As soon as his silver eyes met with Blake’s, he seemed to lose his words, as if his lips were glued shut.


Then, slowly, he managed to move his lips, but…


“Uh, so… I froze… I froze first and then…”


He couldn’t seem to collect his thoughts.




‘Is he not going to explain? I want to know what he was planning to do with the trumpet.’


As Lady ignorant stared blankly at Rovenharf, Jed, who noticed Riche, came running down the alley.


“L-Lady! Miss!”


Blake left the handling to Jed and returned to the manor with Riche.


Ten days later…


A letter from Rovenharf arrived in front of Deon.


To my dear friend, Derkadyon Ludwick.


Is there a large bell tower on the Ludwick estate? It seems to be ringing in my ears all day long, driving me crazy.


What nonsense. Where would you find such a thing?


Rovenharf seems to be going crazy at last. Should I introduce him to a psychiatrist or something?


P.S. By the way, did you take your little…?


Deon tossed the letter into the trash can with a disgusted expression.


* * *


“Thanks to Duke Hebertsman’s cooperation, everything went smoothly. We interrogated the eastern Seredia, and it turns out they kidnapped the trumpeter for the fur. No other suspects were found.”


In Blake’s study.

Jed was in the midst of reporting to Blake about the incidents related to the kidnapping of the trumpeter that he had been handling for the past few days.


Putting the pocket watch he had been looking at back into his pocket, Blake asked, “Is Seredia still in turmoil because of the heir?”


“It seems so. The eldest son was supposed to manifest. But unfortunately, it was the younger son, who lacks support, that manifested as an Ability User.”


Jed made a face of annoyance.


It was an unspoken and unbreakable rule that the heads of the four noble families must be Ability Users. However, there were occasionally those who challenged this rule.


For example, like the current Lady Seredia’s influence.


The son of Lady Seredia, born into a prestigious family, was the eldest but did not manifest as an Ability User.


The one who manifested was the youngest, Zigbert Seredia, who turned eight this year.


Since Zigbert became an Ability User six years ago, the Seredia family had never had a quiet day due to succession issues.


They couldn’t accept a child from a poor family as the head of the family.


“My young lord isn’t worried about that, so I’m relieved. And, the adorable Lady Riche…”


Ah. Jed stopped himself mid-sentence and broke out in a cold sweat. He shouldn’t have brought up Lady Riche’s name yet.


Although Blake didn’t say anything, Jed couldn’t bear to look him in the eye.


Even if he looked elsewhere, he could feel the piercing gaze that stabbed his cheek.


Eventually, Jed, with his tingling feet, appealed to Blake.


“I really feel unjustly treated. Even if I was engaged in conversation with Anna, I should have sensed Lady Riche’s intention to leave.”


It was a role Jed couldn’t understand.


A few days ago, in the Trumpet’s Guest Room. While all eyes were on the intruder caught by Anna, Jed hadn’t ignored the sofa where Lady Riche was sitting.


For a seven-year-old child to leave, there was no way I wouldn’t have noticed.


It was because Pythos had hidden Lady Riche’s intention.


Jed knew. So he just felt unjustly treated.


“So, I’ve been thinking.”


“What is it?”


“Your Grace, could Lady Riche be a genius?”


Otherwise, how could she have escaped from the dressing room like that?


Ignoring Blake’s indifferent expression, Jed continued his explanation.


“She doesn’t seem to have received any special education, but she reads well, and she’s learning etiquette at an incredibly fast pace from the governess she recently hired.”




Then, at some point, Blake began to nod slightly in response to Jed’s words.


She is indeed smart.


“A few years from now, if Lady Riche enrolls at the Imperial Academy, she might secure the top spot.”


“That’s possible.”


The Imperial Academy.


Blake’s lips twisted bitterly at the mention.


If Lady Riche were to enter the Imperial Academy, she would be ten years old. By then, he might not be in this position.


As if to remind him of that, Blake’s chest tightened and throbbed uncomfortably.


It was a symptom caused by the built-up omens.


Sensing Blake’s symptoms, Jed quietly took out a brown bottle from his pocket and placed it on the desk.


It was medicine to relieve pain.


“You should let Your Grace see that condition. So please, live long.”


And please, don’t use your ability.


With those parting words, Jed urged him.


Live long. It was an impossible wish, but as he picked up the bottle of medicine, Blake answered Jed.





In the corridor of the Rodwick Ducal Residence, Deon, who was walking from the opposite direction, had a puzzled expression when he came face to face with Riche.


As soon as Riche saw him, she covered her mouth and nose with both hands.


“What’s up…?”




“What’s up?”


Despite Deon’s blunt tone, Riche remained silent, shaking her head nervously.


Then she hurriedly walked along the wall to make way for Deon.




Why did he feel strangely upset?


He didn’t know what this kid was up to right now, but he understood one thing.


“She’s avoiding me, isn’t she?”


Instead of walking through the open corridor, Deon turned sideways, approaching Riche, who was pressed against the wall.


“Do you… avoid me?”


Shake, shake.


Riche nodded her head.


“Lie. You’re avoiding me.”


As Deon’s face got closer, Riche tucked her chin back and pressed her forehead against the wall.


So she is avoiding me.


“Why are you avoiding me?”


When Deon pressed for an answer, Riche mumbled under her hands covering her mouth and nose.


“It… stinks…”




“It smells bad!”


Riche’s eyes welled up with embarrassment.


Deon furrowed his brow.


“What smell?”



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