Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 10

 The Contract


This world was divided into two realms.


One was the realm of humans, who built civilizations.


The other was a forgotten dimension where dormant stars slumbered.


The stars referred to that place as the ‘tomb.’


Six eminent stars presided over the tomb.


However, discord arose among the great stars.


Four stars crossed over into the realm of humans and entered the bodies of four individuals.


“But alas.”


Sitting on the bed across from Riche was a squirrel, wrapping its head with both hands.


Although puzzled why it had to be a squirrel, riche didn’t interrupt, listening attentively as the transformed being promised to demonstrate its greatness.


“The environment between the human realm and our world doesn’t match. The environment.”


Humans couldn’t fully accept the power of the stars.


The stars roamed in search of new vessels, and one of the remaining great stars in the tomb took pity on them.


“So, that foolish fellow lends his power to them?”


The squirrel thumped its bushy tail on the bed.


The great star dropped a meteor imbued with its power into the human realm.


The power was absorbed into the earth, creating the Forest of Monsters, and a lake that only formed on nights with a full moon became the link between the tomb and the human realm.


By chance, the great star used a human who ventured into the lake as the vessel to create Lertiom, infused with its power. It was the birth of the first Lertiom.


Lertiom utilized the power within its body as a conduit to harness the power of the great star.


It possessed the ability to purify the side effects accumulated in the bodies of humans who accepted other great stars.

“However, the environment was crucial. What’s the use of having Lertiom? Those beings couldn’t adapt to the human realm.”


As the weakened four stars returned to the tomb and fell into deep slumber.


The remaining power was passed down through the blood of humans, marking the beginning of the four noble houses of the Roksha Empire.


Lertiom also inherited the power, but not through blood.


“The power that returned to the earth with Lertiom, wandering the land of the human realm, sought out new vessels to give birth to Lertiom. That was the problem. New Lertioms kept being born.”


“A problem?”


“Unlike the abilities directly created in the human realm by the stars, Lertiom was the result of interference from our world into the human realm.”


A being bridging the two worlds, Lertiom.


Created for the purification of abilities, but unable to fully utilize the power of the great stars within human bodies.


When a new Lertiom grew to a certain extent, the great star guided them to the lakeside, urging them to harness the power within their blood.


Speaking, the star muttered to itself for a moment.


“I told them to harness the power when Lertiom arrived at the lake. Those humans, whether they’re abilities or whatever, pity.”


Each time, instead of the great star, unable to leave the tomb, other stars were asked to negotiate contracts with Lertiom.


To facilitate the use of their power by forming contracts with the tomb’s existence.


During this process, another auxiliary function of Lertiom was discovered.


‘The game of the stars.’


Stars that contracted with Lertiom could temporarily escape the tomb and stay in the human realm.


For stars who complained of boredom in the suffocating tomb, there was no better amusement.


It wasn’t a bad thing for Lertiom either.


Upon making a contract, not only could they purify without strain, but they could also use some of the contracted star’s power.


However, in the repeated cycle of birthing new Lertioms, making contracts, and using power.


“It was too much for the fool.”


Eventually, even the great star that birthed Lertiom fell into a deep slumber.

“Due to that influence, the power of the being in the human realm was also affected. The cycle of new Lertioms being born has gradually become longer. Now, they say a new Lertiom is born only once every hundred years?”


Riche nodded in agreement as the star resumed speaking.


With the great star asleep, the newly born Lertioms couldn’t find the lake.


Seeking the lake was a promise between the previous Lertioms and the great star, so nobody, including the new Lertioms, knew about the ‘contract with the stars’ or even the ‘existence of the lake.’


“So, the Lertioms born after that fellow fell asleep must have had a hard time. They couldn’t make contracts with the stars and had to use their own power. But do I pity Lertiom? No. With each new Lertiom born, the time that fellow spends asleep gets longer.”


The star in the form of a squirrel stood on its hind legs, confidently expressing itself.


“So, it was planning and scheming in the tomb. If a detestable Lertiom caught my eye, I would eliminate it, sucking away its power.”




Riche, who had been silent until now, spoke up.


When he purified Deon, he had mentioned that his heart didn’t explode because the star that entered his body helped him. He also said that the lakeside he saw in the forest was like a passage connecting the tomb and the human realm, enabling him to use his power.


If the star hated Lertiom so much, why didn’t it just kill him back then?


“Are you going to eliminate me?”


“Well, until you came out of the lake, that was the plan.”


The star climbed onto Riche’s arm and perched on his shoulder.


Its tail brushing against his cheek tickled him.


“This is your second life, isn’t it?”


The tone was firm with conviction.


Riche felt sheepish but nodded obediently.


He didn’t say it was a story nobody would believe; he simply had no intention of hiding the fact that he came from the past.




The star huffed knowingly.


“Only that fellow can turn back time. Despite being a fool, it’s still a great star. Sending you back to the past was all about that guy who’s asleep.”


“…So, the being that created Lertiom brought me back to life?”


“That’s right. And I want to know why that guy sent you back to the past.”


The sensation of the tail against his cheek disappeared.


The star, once again radiant, floated in the air and spoke to Riche.


“Make a contract with me, human. I’ll make you stronger than anyone else.”


In its immature voice, there was overflowing confidence that it could keep the promises it made.


But what Riche wanted wasn’t that.

“I prefer not to be in pain over being strong.”


“Not feeling pain? That’s also possible. There’s nothing my contractor can’t do.”


If not feeling pain was possible, then that was enough for Riche.


Riche nodded in agreement, signifying his willingness to make the contract.


“Good. Since we both agree, let’s proceed with the contract.”


The star asked, “Lertiom, what is your name?”


“My name is…”


Riche hesitated for a moment.


He had discarded the name from his past life, and the name for this life had only recently come to him.


He wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue living with that name.


“Hurry up. I’m not patient.”


“T-Trariche Ludwick!”


At the urging of the star, Riche blurted out the name in haste.


Then, as if waiting, the star expanded in size.


A solemn voice resonated from the radiant light instead of the immature one.


“My name is Phytonis, one of the six great stars. I enter into a contract with Trariche Ludwick with his consent.”


The massive light permeated Riche’s body.


Then, a symbol appeared, filling Riche’s palm before vanishing.


It seemed like nothing had changed.


“…Is it over?”




Riche questioned towards his palm, but the answer came from behind her.


Turning around, there was a squirrel grooming itself on the bedhead.


It was Phytonis. A cute and insignificant voice fittingly emanated from its mouth.


“Consider it an honor to become my contractor, kid.”


* * *


On a bright morning.


Blake sat at his desk, looking at documents, but his attention was focused entirely beyond the door.




The sound of dainty footsteps in the hallway.


It was definitely Riche’s footsteps, unmistakable, but she didn’t come in. Instead, the sound of pacing back and forth in front of the door was heard.


It had been happening for an hour now.


Stopping in front of the door, then moving again, and then remaining quiet for a while before moving once more.


With all that, how could Blake focus on work?


Of course, Riche wouldn’t have the slightest idea that Blake was aware of her presence, but still.


‘It seems like she has something to talk to me about.’

Suddenly, Blake completely let go of the pen and focused on the door.


If Jed had seen him, it would have been a jaw-dropping sight.


Blake didn’t even realize how unusual his behavior was; he was lost in thought.


‘The last time was when I read the picture book with Deon. Is this related to that?’


What Blake had witnessed a few days ago was quite astonishing.


Deon, enjoying himself with someone?


Even when he was with Hibetsman Gongja, another ability user and his age-mate, he had been a chilly kid.


Although Blake felt pleased about Deon’s positive change, he couldn’t help but feel a slight disappointment in seeing them together.


“The Lady brought her, but it seems the Master is getting closer to her. That was the original purpose, but…”


What Jed said struck a chord with Blake, whether he knew it or not.


So, he had brought her, but why was he awkwardly avoiding him?




Even though he had become Trariche Ludwick, the child still called him Lord Master.


So, a few days ago, despite knowing about his persistence, Blake managed to get the child to call him Dad. It was surprisingly pleasant, more than he had anticipated.


But since then, Riche hadn’t called him Dad again.


She seemed shy about it, so he didn’t push her further. But if she had come to him now to call him Dad?


“Dad, could you read me a picture book, pleease…”


It was an absurd hallucination, but it was enough to make Blake rise from his chair.


In the end, paperwork was put aside for today.


Blake opened the door slightly, revealing the small child sitting in front of him.


Due to Blake’s habit of not announcing his presence, Riche seemed unaware that the door had opened.




He cleared his throat suddenly.


But such consideration should have been made before opening the door.


Turning her head at the sound of his throat clearing, Riche was taken aback by the stoic expression on Blake’s face and abruptly stood up from her seat.


‘S-So sudden.’


Blake addressed Riche with that demeanor.


“Do you have something to ask me?”


Although his tone was solemn, his calm gaze fell on Riche’s empty hands.


… It’s not about the picture book, is it?


Riche nodded briefly at Blake’s words and cautiously spoke up.


“Um… Can I… raise a squirrel?”


“A squirrel?”

Suddenly, a squirrel?


Blake momentarily pondered whether squirrels were animals that could be tamed by humans.


Meanwhile, a small squirrel climbed up onto Riche’s shoulder.


It had brown fur with black stripes, a small and cute appearance.


“This little one… Since it’s small, it won’t eat much. Is it okay? M-Master…”




Unconsciously, Blake’s eyebrows twitched.


Worried that she had once again touched upon the Master’s sensibilities, Riche felt her heart race.


‘Is he angry? Of course… He might get upset if I, a mere guest, bring a pet into the house.’


But she couldn’t keep Phytonis a secret.


The star had said that it needed to stay close to the contracted Lertiom due to the environment of the human world.


With determination, Riche looked up at Blake.


“Is it not okay…?”


Then, hesitatingly, she added, “Dad.”




Blake’s red eyes gazed at Riche.


He had thought the same when they first met, but Blake was indeed a handsome nobleman.


His mere presence exuded nobility. He was too noble to be called her dad.


Currently, though Blake’s silence as he stared at her was an entirely different matter.


Finally, Blake spoke.


“So be it.”




Riche’s face lit up.


Blake’s reluctant permission was enough for her.


“I’ll keep it quiet! It’ll be like it’s not even here!”




Like it’s not even here…


A tinge of regret crossed Blake’s face.


To Riche, it was still a distant story that he had been contemplating having a squirrel farm just a moment ago.


* * *

Deon stepped outside of the annex.


The warm sunlight bathed his face.


It had been eight days since he had last left the annex, as the day of his escape had been excluded from the period of penance.


“Lord Deon.”


Deon was greeted by Paul, the steward of the Roadwick House.


“We have a guest.”


“A guest?”


Who could be important enough to visit the Roadwick Manor?


Curious, Deon made his way to the drawing-room.


There, he saw a boy sitting on the sofa, sipping tea. His face was creased with a puzzled expression.


The boy paid no mind to Deon’s perplexed look and simply grinned, his blue eyes crescent-shaped.


“Oh, you’re here? Derkadian.”


To an outsider, it would seem like their own living room.


The owner of the house, Roben Harf Hebetzmann, was as lively as his sky-blue hair. He, too, was a talented individual from the Hebetzmann noble family.


At the age of nine, he possessed the ability to manipulate cold.


“Why are you here?”


“I heard you got a little sister?”


“Go away.”


To your own house.


Within just ten seconds of opening his mouth, Deon bid Roben Harf farewell.



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