Beauty of Lies [Quick Transmigration]

Replace Your Life (26) What a useless thing!…

Lu Yue knew that Tong Ling was a woman with a terrible personality. She does whatever she wants, making it impossible for people to understand her sincerity. That sense of danger that people can’t see through or grasp is precisely what he is most obsessed with.

Lu Yue couldn’t find any woman who was more suitable for him than her.

He was born not content with the status quo and hated a dull life the most. The arrival of Tong Ling undoubtedly made him experience the fun again, and when he noticed Tong Ling’s influence on him, he seemed inseparable from this woman.

Tong Ling acted without deception to him, making him think he was more or less special in her eyes.

Tong Ling doesn’t want to confirm the relationship. He can only wait and use all his patience to pursue and please this woman.

He even made preparations to stay by her side as a lover without being able to be in power for the rest of his life.

But he didn’t expect that the other party didn’t have the slightest nostalgia for him and that she could abandon him just by her words. Even if he knew her secret, she didn’t care if he will reveal her identity, as if she expected him to be unable to do anything. He could only follow her idea, obediently be a knowledgeable and interesting person, and not disturb her plan.

Before, Lu Yue despised the young master of the Song family, thinking it was ridiculous for him to give up his self-esteem to become a dog.

A person may like to tease a dog, but he will never fall in love with a dog because there is no equal status between humans and dogs.

As a result, he is not as relaxed as that dog.

At least he can’t be like a dog, wagging his tail at Tong Ling, apologizing for his jealousy, and hoping she would take back that sentence so that he can stay by her side.

Lu Yue wants to be someone she can fall in love with. So he had no choice but to maintain his posture and smile at her pretending to be relaxed: “Okay, I’ll contact me after you calm down.” 

“You know, I can always help you better than others.”

As if afraid of hearing Tong Ling say something cruel, Lu Yue didn’t dare to stay, turned around, and walked quickly out of the cubicle.

Ye Huan didn’t know that his good brother Lu Yue took Yu Yurou to meet Ye Xu in private. He only knew that the woman who had always been resistant to imitating his girlfriend suddenly calmed down and enthusiastically followed him to participate in the banquet.

Sure enough, she is a woman who wants to cling to the powerful and strive to climb up.

Ye Huan was pleased with the woman’s seriousness and spoke about his plan.

“At the banquet, pay attention to two people.” Ye Huan said. “One is Song Xingyi, the young master of the Song family, and the other is my younger brother Ye Xu. Both of them like Yurou very much. If one of you falls in love with you, you will leave my side and use Yurou’s identity to be a wealthy wife.”

Although Yu Yurou knew that Ye Huan’s brain was not good, he wanted to send his girlfriend out. But it still shocked her three views.

“You want me to be with someone else?!” Yu Yurou really couldn’t understand this behavior of actively wearing a cuckold. She imitated Yu Ling’s actions, not because she was willing, but because she had no other way to improve her situation.

Lu Yue has disappeared since taking her to the cafe that day, and Ye Xu did what he said, he acted as if nothing had happened, and there was no trace of contact between the two of them. She left the house without much savings and was unwilling to go back without getting anything. She wanted those who did not recognize her to regret, so she returned to Ye Huan’s side, hoping that Ye Huan could take her to the banquet soon to socialize.

She was going to meet Song Xingyi at a banquet. Song Xingyi was the only one who could help her.

In the past, Yu Yurou was indifferent to Song Xingyi’s childishness and clinginess. Now that I think about it, what’s wrong with Song Xingyi? The Song family is one of the most wealthy families. Song Xingyi is young and easy to control, and he is very enthusiastic about her. He will never change his heart like other dogs.

The feelings of young people are the most sincere and passionate. Didn’t Lu Yue say that Song Xingyi was rejected at the banquet when he confessed to Yu Ling as her? The Song family and the Ye family also had a lot of conflicts over this. It shows that Song Xingyi is willing to do anything for her.

She had to tell Song Xingyi that she was willing to accept his confession and that the woman who rejected him was a liar, so she would not treat him like that.

Ye Huan frowned. The way this woman looked at him made him inexplicably uncomfortable, “Aren’t you willing to let you meet those people?”

Yu Yurou: “…I am willing.”

What could Yu Yurou say? Ye Huan didn’t care anymore, so she didn’t have to worry about it.

“That’s good. I’ll give you a chance to get in touch.” Ye Huan instructed, “The key is that you have to imitate Yurou well, and don’t let them realize that something is wrong.” 

Yu Yurou resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and said with a smile: “I understand.”

 When she becomes the daughter-in-law of the Song family, she will take care of Ye Huan, this bastard!

Ye Huan decided to create momentum for Yu Yurou’s return. He rented a large banquet hall and invited all the celebrities in the business world just like Song Xingyi’s school entrance banquet. The invitation letter specifically stated that this was the engagement banquet for him and his girlfriend Yu Yurou, so they were not afraid that they would not attend the appointment.

With their feelings for Yurou, if stimulated, they might ruin his banquet on the spot.

Ye Huan will hand over the stage to them and then withdraw.

After the hustle and bustle passed, he will comfort his girlfriend, then find a way to clean up Song Xingyi and Ye Xu.

Shen Man didn’t know what kind of flirting her son had done, and by the time she found out that the invitation letter, it was already too late.

“Are you crazy?” Shen Man has never wanted to throw her son away for a moment. If she had practiced the trumpet earlier, she would not have fallen into such an embarrassing situation. “You want others to know that she has stayed abroad for half a year. A girlfriend who didn’t even get a graduation certificate?”

Shen Man was busy with company affairs these days that she didn’t notice Yu Yurou’s return to China. She knew her son would be as confused as lard in the blink of an eye. This kind of thing came up out of nowhere!

“Where’s Yu Ling? You just want to be with that Yu Yurou?” Shen Man couldn’t believe that her son didn’t fall in love with Yu Ling; anyone with a brain should know how to choose.

“Mom, this matter is a bit complicated, as long as you know that I’m doing this for the good of the Ye family.” Ye Huan knew his plan was a little off the table, but he believed it was the simplest and most trouble-free solution.

“For the sake of the Ye family…” Shen Man misunderstood Ye Huan’s idea: “Because both Song Xingyi and Ye Xu like Yu Ling, so you let them out? Did you find all your girlfriends on purpose?”

Ye Huan wanted to deny it, but Shen Man showed disgust and said, “I didn’t expect my son to have no achievements in his career, but this!”

“It’s useless…!”  Shen Man never thought letting a woman in could solve the current plight of the Ye family.

The Song family will target them for Song Xingyi. Those guys with a keen sense of smell have already seen that the Ye family is in chaos, and they can use the name to help their son vent their anger, and second, they can take advantage of the opportunity.

If the Ye family was as indestructible as before, they would have to bear it no matter how angry they were. But because the Ye family was not as good as before, people kept targeting them. How could her idiot son not understand this truth?

“I won’t accept that girlfriend of yours.” Shen Man said, “If you bring Yu Ling here, it won’t be so embarrassing.”

Ye Huan didn’t intend to be with that woman, so Shen Man’s threat meant nothing to him. “I’ve already sent out the invitation letter, Mom; if you don’t want to come, you don’t have to come.” 

Shen Man was so angry that she completely lost patience with Ye Huan. “Okay, I think your wings are stiff. If you will pursue this, you won’t have me as a mother in the future!”

Ye Huan didn’t take Shen Man’s words to heart, and as expected, the banquet was held.

To make “Yu Yurou” a stunning debut, Ye Huan also spent plenty of time thinking. He provided the best clothing and stylist and let “Yu Yurou” dress meticulously. When “Yu Yurou” came out, Ye Huan was almost bewitched.

“Not bad, better than before.” Ye Huan rarely smiled in front of the other party. “It seems you have not forgotten to imitate Yurou during this time.”

Yu Yurou didn’t want to say anything; for this day, she endured too long.

When she met Song Xingyi at the banquet, she immediately kicked Ye Huan out. She must not stay by this man’s side to make herself sick!

The two people with different thoughts pretended to be loving and harmonious and walked to the banquet hall arm in arm.

In the banquet hall, many guests were scattered here and there. Although the Ye family was in turmoil, its appeal was still there, and everyone gave it some face. When they saw the heir of the Ye family, they stepped forward to say hello and even recognized Ye Huan’s female companion.

Jiang Chenrui and Hong Jun, friends of Ye Huan, also arrived early. They thought that Ye Huan and Yu Ling had already become a couple, but didn’t expect Ye Huan to bring Yu Yurou out to this banquet. Seeing their intimate behavior, they must have reconciled as before.

“It seems that Yurou is still very good.” Jiang Chenrui and his friends stood aside and gossiped: “Ye Huan was taken down so quickly.”

“It’s a pity that sister Yu Ling was let down by a scum like Ye Huan. She might be devastated.” Hong Jun sighed. “If it were me, I would be by her side to comfort her.”

“I don’t know what the hell Ye Huan is doing. He made such a banquet to officially confirm the relationship with Yurou?” Jiang Chenrui shook his head disapprovingly. “Will Mrs. Shen agree?”

“It’s difficult. Mrs. Shi didn’t like Yurou in the first place, so I don’t think this banquet will be peaceful.”

“By the way, have you noticed that Yurou’s girl is weird today?” Hong Jun wondered: “I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but I feel like she’s not like her anymore.”

As soon as Hong Jun finished his sentence, several people around him nodded in agreement: “I don’t think it’s right either; she looks awkward.”

“Is she imitating sister, Yu Ling?” A flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Chenrui’s mind: “Look at her dress; isn’t it similar to the appearance of Yu Ling’s younger sister when she appeared at the banquet?”

“They look alike!” The more people look at it, the more they feel this is the case. Finally, seeing Ye Huan’s expression is hard to describe.

Ye Huan said he was using Yu Ling as a stand-in; how could he still dress up Yu Yurou as Yu Ling? They couldn’t understand this operation.

Just as the few people were discussing, there was more commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

The young master of the Song family is here.

The hostile relationship between the Ye family and the Song family is no secret in the circle. In particular, the trigger came from a woman, and this kind of romantic news is even more imaginative.

Since the relationship between the two families broke down, they rarely meet in public. This time, Ye Huan held a banquet with his girlfriend and even handed over an invitation letter to the young master of the Song family. This behavior seemed provocative, no matter how you looked at it.

Everyone quietly observed the movements of the young master of the Song family and Ye Huan and was ready to eat melons at any time.

Song Xingyi hasn’t seen his sister for a while, and he has always been patiently waiting. When his sister needed him, he would rush to her side as quickly as possible, and her sister would treat him tenderly. That was Song Xingyi’s happiest time.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to see his sister more often. Sometimes Song Xingyi’s heart hurts when he thinks about her, but without her permission, Song Xingyi dares not go to her.

He was afraid his disobedience would make his sister angry and reject him.

When he got used to waiting, Song Xingyi felt that life was not so difficult. He began to think of ways to find something to do for himself, or rather, to find a way to cause trouble for Ye Huan.

This man who occupies the status of my sister’s legal boyfriend, whose existence is too obtrusive, would be great if he could disappear—no, not only disappear, but it would be great if he could die!

Why can Ye Huan still stay with her sister? Just thinking about it makes him feel so disgusted!

When Song Xingyi received the invitation letter from Ye Huanfa, he almost tore it up. If he hadn’t remembered that he could see his sister at the banquet, he would not have come.

Song Xingyi cleaned himself up and came to the banquet dressed neatly according to his sister’s preferences.

Then he found out that he had been tricked!

Yu Yurou immediately noticed the young master of the Song family.

From the moment Song Xingyi entered the door, no one could ignore that young man.

The young man is tall and straight, with a handsome face, wearing a white suit, and standing very eye-catching in the crowd.

Perhaps it was a change in mentality; she felt that Song Xingyi was much more mature than before and seemed a little more strangely charming.

Especially when the young man looked at her intently, her heartbeat became unbalanced by the fiery gaze.

Song Xingyi in the past didn’t have such a “manly” look in his eyes. Yu Yurou blushed slightly, and before Ye Huan gave an order, he picked up his wine glass and walked towards Song Xingyi.

“Xingyi, long time no see.” Yu Yurou curled the corner of her mouth and said softly, “How have you been these days?”

As soon as Yu Yurou spoke, the cute smile on Song Xingyi’s face disappeared instantly. His eyes were cold and full of annoyance. His lips were tightly pursed, teeth clenched, and because of the rapid change in expression, his face seemed strangely distorted.

“Who are you?” Song Xingyi suppressed his anger, feeling ashamed and annoyed that he didn’t recognize his sister at a glance. “Who told you to dress like this?” Here it comes again. That uncontrollable bad feeling comes again.

Yu Yurou took a few deep breaths and answered Song Xingyi’s question with a frozen smile: “Xingyi, have you seen Yu Ling pretending to be me? She is my sister, and I am the real one, Yu Yurou.”

———End of this chapter. 


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