Beast Castle


“Episode 23”

The long and bright white beach was immersed in the illusion of cutting through the clouds. The sound of waves approached and receded steadily. Instead of the fading sunset, it was a night when a bright moon rose. Without a chance to admire the adult moonlight reflected in the seawater, the gentle moans dominated the beach.


Ray sat back against Clodan, who lay on the beach. Clodan, holding Ray with a harmless smile, thrusts relentlessly. If Ray leaned forward, Clodan followed suit. He thrusts forward, pushes in, and then withdraws.

“Slowly… Clodan, ah!”

Even in her disoriented state, Ray turned her head to caress Clodan’s face. Clodan’s condition seemed off. He only whispered in her ear, discarding the polite words he had offered. Clodan, losing his reason, thrusts his genitals randomly, as if trying to penetrate deeply and sweep everything away. It was an act more suited to copulation than intercourse with a rational partner.

“Hu… Ah.”

Ray moaned as Clodan embraced her from behind. Clodan, with an innocent smile, held Ray firmly and thrust his hips with determination. As Ray writhed, Clodan followed her movements, alternating between pushing forward and pulling back.

“Slowly… Clodan, ah!”

Even in her disoriented state, Ray turned her head to caress Clodan’s face. Clodan’s condition seemed off. He only whispered in her ear, discarding the polite words he had offered. Clodan, losing his reason, thrusts his genitals randomly, as if trying to penetrate deeply and sweep everything away. It was an act more suited to copulation than intercourse with a rational partner.

“Hmm, Ray, do you like it?”

“Slowly… Please, it’s too fast…”

Clodan moved his hand from fondling Ray’s breasts to firmly gripping her buttocks. He gently caressed before suddenly squeezing, as if squeezing out juice. Ray trembled.

“Tell me then.”


While she was off guard, Clodan’s genitals thrust deep into her genitals. When Ray’s eyes closed tightly and she collapsed, Clodan wrapped her blonde hair around his palm.

“Which one do you prefer?”

He withdrew his genitals with a sigh, then entered persistently, wetting them again. With every thrust of the obscene genitals, it was as if they were on the verge of being ground into stone. Ray bit her trembling lips as if in a fever.

“Just… stop for a moment… please…”


The obedient genitals stopped as they were pushed in. Ray’s genitals, thirsty for the end, twitched disgustingly. Clodan poured out semen as if pressing a boy, urging the male on.



“Stop acting so filthy.”

In the moment she let her guard down, Clodan’s genitals pushed deep into her genitals. As Ray tightly closed her eyes and fell back, Clodan wrapped Ray’s blonde hair around his palm.

“What do you prefer?”

He withdrew his genitals with a subtle motion, then persistently wetted them again. At each vile thrust of his genitals, it felt like they were being ground into stone. Ray bit her trembling lips as if in a fever.

“Just… stop for a moment… please…”


The obedient genitals halted their advance. The suppressed desire for the end shuddered grotesquely. Like urging a male, he poured out semen from his genitals. A greater thirst arose.



“Stop acting so filthy.”

Excited to the point of frenzy, Ray only moved her head from side to side. Clodan touched Ray’s genitals like an inexperienced boy.

“No… I don’t like it when you do that.”

“But that’s not it.”

“No, stop touching me.”

“I wish you were out of your mind.”

“No, no, Clodan.”

“Then why are you acting so filthy?”

With Ray’s mind scrambled, Clodan thrust vigorously again.

“Ah! Stop!”

“As expected, right? Ray.”

“No, no, I don’t like it… Ah!”

Clodan grabbed Ray’s wrists and moved his hips smoothly.

“I… I have to tell you for you to understand.”

“Stop thrusting so aggressively… I don’t like it!”

“Then gently?”

The words might have sounded gentle, but the pace of his lower movements slowed only slightly. He continued to penetrate and scrape, focusing on the uncontrollable parts. He pretended not to notice Ray’s discomfort and focused solely on that spot, striking it several times. The beast hidden behind the mask was already beyond recognition.

“Ray, you’re worth saving now. I’m being gentle with you.”

“No, no, wait… A little more gently…?”

“I don’t want to.”

With a voice tinged with frustration, Clodan pulled Ray closer. Ray buried her face in Clodan’s shoulder, only to be overwhelmed by the sensation of being pressed and trampled from below. His genitals pierced deep inside her. Ray’s waist was wrapped with his forearm, and she continued to lift her hips in a lying position.

“No! I don’t like it! Ah, stop! Gentle, I don’t want… Ahh!”

There was no response. Clodan was more harmful than usual. Ray, crying like a baby, surrendered her genitals without any alternatives. With each moment of enduring the stimulating sensation on her sensitive genitals, water splashed in all directions. Ray’s buttocks were stuck to Clodan’s stomach and shoulders. The more embarrassing it was, the more sensitive her body became. It was an easily identifiable stage.

“Ah, ah, ahh, stop, ahh!”

At Clodan’s sudden pause, Ray, thrown into climax, shook her hips like dancing. The continued pleasure, difficult to handle like residual waste, struck Ray’s entire body, and in her dazed state, she only thrashed her legs.


“No, no, stop, you, Clodan, Cl… odan.”

Clodan, holding the crying Ray, stood up. Even comforting Ray was difficult for him as he kissed her forehead, mouth pressed against her lips. Then, he walked away. Not even the sound of crushed sand grains was audible.

“Where are… where are you going? I want to go home now. Clodan?”

There was no response from him. Ray looked down slightly, gazing at his genitals deeply embedded in her, and glanced around the hazy surroundings. Clodan seemed to have a clear destination in mind. Fearful, Ray asked again.

“We’re going home, right?”

Only then did Clodan’s gaze meet hers, a troubled and confused look.

“Is that your home?”

Tears blurred Ray’s vision as she sadly replied.

“No, then?”

Clodan tucked Ray’s hair behind her ear and gently kissed her exposed cheek.

“I want to live there.”

Desperate to persuade the pleading Clodan, Ray didn’t realize the unfamiliar surroundings with wooden furniture.

“Clodan, Clodan. Answer me. Huh? Answer…!”

Her head was gently pushed down onto the soft bed. In the bedroom adorned with a canopy made of light brown wood, the wide sea lay beside them. Finally, Ray realized her situation. Clodan’s engorged genitals stood firmly, and their destination was the bedroom. The next act was meticulously planned.

“Ah, ahh…”

He gently withdrew his genitals like a caring person, but his nature remained unchanged. He pushed into her opened genitals greedily, without warning.


Ray reflexively pushed Clodan’s shoulders. But it was a futile movement. Clodan, with reddened eyes, stared at her. Ray’s expression as he withdrew his genitals, the shape of her lips as he entered, and the voice moaning from unresolved pleasure—all of it was enough to steal Clodan’s reason.

“No, no, stop! Clodan, really now!”

It was a posture of being tightly embraced from above. While the upper body remained still, the lower body moved vigorously. Ray couldn’t lower her legs raised over Clodan’s thighs, and her trapped upper body had no escape. As pleasure rained down like a torrent, Ray was left defenseless, unable to seek shelter.

“Ray, Ray, ah, ah, Ray.”

“No! Ahh! Ah, ohhh, ahh, ahh!”

Clodan’s heavy breaths filled Ray’s ears. Her genitals, welcoming his, were defenseless after experiencing climax. There was no wall to block his reason. If he wetted and entered, she felt it, and if he pressed down, her body convulsed. Ray shook her hips even as she cried. She had lost her reason.

“Yes, ah, ohh, ahh, ahh!”

Clodan forcefully thrusts, claiming his place. His genitals vigorously penetrate, causing Ray’s insides to be flooded with semen. As Ray’s vision blurs, Clodan intensifies his thrusts.

“Ah, ahh! Ah, ahh!”

With each hot breath, an excessive amount of semen rushes in. His swelling genitals continue to pump semen into Ray, pushing deeper inside her.

“Ray, Ray…”

Seemingly losing his senses, Clodan continues to thrust back and forth. Ray’s genitals overflow with semen, but Clodan’s locked genitals refuse to come out like a wine cork. Ray hits Clodan’s back with her palm.

“Let… me… out…”

Her words barely form. With blurry eyes, she stares at Clodan.

“Get… out… now.”

Her words go unheeded, and with all her strength, Ray pushes Clodan’s shoulders.

“Get out…! Quickly!”


Barely managing to speak, Ray gestures downwards.



“Why are you pushing me away?”

Tension fills the air. Clodan’s glaring eyes bore into Ray’s.

“Why are you pushing me away?”

His eyes, as bright as the night, seem to pierce through everything, yet no one is there. Not even Ray is contained within. Ray raises her hand to his cheek and strokes it gently before wiping away tears.

“I hate this.”


“I hate this.”

Ray repeats herself, wrapping her arms around Clodan’s neck.

“Right now, you’re not Clodan.”

What caused this, she didn’t know. Would it be better to stay still? But Clodan’s eyes, devoid of understanding, were terribly unsettling.

Yet the beast had no will to understand, and it was a night fragilely crumbling away. Clodan twisted his hips as if seeking revenge, and Ray, resigned, knew what was coming. A night shattered by subsequent acts of lovemaking. Only the sea remained unchanged.




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