Beast Castle


“Episode 20”

The place where Ray grew up was ambiguously close to and far from the capital. Depending on whether her parents were conservative or open-minded, she would either be forbidden to go out or allowed to wear skirts that showed her peachy thighs.

It was a place where two trends coexisted. While there was a trend towards more open-minded parents as time passed, there were still families adhering to conservative policies.

The family did not encourage academic studies. Underneath that, Ray learned embroidery and eloquence. Embroidery was taught by a skilled nanny, while eloquence was taught by a lady who only interacted with noblewomen from the capital.

She had permission from Ray’s parents to criticize her, but she had never actually hit anyone’s calf. Instead, she had a talent for criticizing and humiliating people with her words.

“Miss Lisburn.”

“Yes, yes?”

“Was there a stutterer among your ancestors? Is that why Miss Lisburn’s tongue has become like this?”

“Oh, no. There wasn’t.”

“Then it’s Miss Lisburn’s personal problem. That’s why it’s fortunate if the child doesn’t look too humble even on the wedding night. Who wants to see a child from a woman with flaws?”

The lady instantly disguised Ray as a woman with flaws. As the household declined, her footsteps stopped, but Ray thought it was better that way. It was a nightmare of a class.

As a result, she didn’t have any memories of learning anything useful. Fluent eloquence was a virtue needed only for social activities, and Ray, who had no notable household, wasn’t considered suitable for handling military affairs.

Embroidery was an even more uncertain area for her. Commercially available embroidery and hobby embroidery were distinctly different, and Ray’s embroidery wasn’t sophisticated enough to be worth buying.

“Is there anything I can help with?”


That’s why. Ray thought she might as well try something challenging, like washing dishes or baking bread, even though she hadn’t properly learned anything. But Mary, who was fed up, kicked her out of the kitchen.

“If the young lady is caught washing dishes, she’ll lose her fingers to the master. Do you want that?”

“If you say I want it…”

“Then smile and say you understand, and then they’ll cut off your fingers behind your back.”

Suddenly, Mary slapped her on the lips.

“That was just a slip of the tongue. Forget about it, miss.”

“I didn’t make a mistake. It’s okay.”

“It’s not that… Anyway, don’t step foot in here. Even thinking about touching the dough is not good.”


“I made another slip of the tongue. I meant me, not the master.”

With that, she firmly shut the kitchen door. It was like covering yourself with a blanket to avoid the plague. Disheartened by Mary’s firm response, Ray didn’t give up and set her sights on the next target.


This time it was the stable. Six horses stood in line, chewing on hay. There was no timid stable boy Jack with a big build.

Looking around, the hay was fresh and the horses’ coats were shiny. There seemed to be nothing for her to do. Ray watched for a while without enthusiasm and then left.

The next target was easily found. It was the gardener who was trimming branches and approached her first, pretending not to know her. It was a shy but clear greeting. Delighted, Ray affectionately asked the gardener.

“The blue roses seem to be growing big. Will they get bigger?”


The gardener nodded satisfactorily. Other flowers faded in color in the presence of the blue roses’ majesty. Within a few days of rooting, they were already taking center stage. The gardener’s favoritism also played a role. It was a flower that was expected to flourish even more with various excuses.

“Wow. Blue roses. They’re rare these days.”

Ray was chatting with the gardener when an uncomfortable presence approached from behind.

“Oh, hello.”

It was a man named John. He seemed to be moving chopped firewood somewhere. He looked at Ray with an eager gaze, as if holding the key to a prisoner’s waist.

“Miss Lisburn?”

Miss Lisburn. No one called her that here. Ray hesitated for a moment.


“In this world, there are no blue roses.”


“Just… remember that.”

His tone was rude and uncouth. And his appearance was hazy and uncomfortable. Just as Ray was about to speak, the angry gardener interrupted.

“You. What do you. Know.”


“This. Is. Real. I mean it.”

The gardener glanced at Ray. Would she reveal the lie? Or would she send a scornful glare? Her dry throat tightened.

“I’ll be damned.”

John, who was striking the wood on the ground, shouted arrogantly.

“What’s wrong with you bastards? Did you think I wouldn’t find out about your tricks? How dare you try to deceive me…”

The enraged gardener lunged at John, covering him. Somehow, with the strength of a bull, he mercilessly punched John’s face with his clenched fist. John fell to the ground, whimpering and helpless.

Ray intervened and pleaded with the gardener.

“Stop, please stop!”

“Cancel. I’ll cancel. I’ll cancel it!”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll cancel it! I’ll cancel it!”

The commotion caused by the three people woke up the quiet mansion. Jack, the stable boy, who was sticking to them, separated the two, and Philip reported to the master.

The disturbance escalated. Originally, it should have been resolved by Philip, but Ray was involved. If the master didn’t know, things could become even more serious.

“You idiots.”

The master, who hadn’t slept a wink, was in an unstable state. Philip felt awkward near the master, and Mary, who was quick-witted, didn’t say a word. But now this happened.

Philip bowed deeply as he watched the master come down the stairs leisurely.

“Master, forgive us for the disturbance.”

“Ray’s involved?”

Looking around, the master called Ray, who stood between the gardener and John. Despite the situation, the master was affectionate towards Ray. Philip felt a little relieved.



“Come here.”

Ray flew to Clodan with a light, bird-like movement. It didn’t seem like she realized the seriousness of the situation. Clodan grabbed Ray’s arm and defended her breathlessly.

“Clodan, it’s not a big deal, really. There was just a little argument.”

“Why did it escalate?”

“Huh? That’s… um…”

“Why were you with those guys outside?”

Clodan said with tired eyes. He was in the middle of rummaging through past documents, and there was nothing sharp in his mouth or results to chew on. And now Ray, who he missed, was going out alone. Words didn’t come out smoothly.

“I just happened to run into them while admiring the flowers.”

“You admire flowers alone?”

Seeing Clodan calmly angry, Ray realized her mistake.

“Clodan, you’re busy.”

Ray quickly wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Are you upset?”

“A lot.”

“I’m, I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to ask next time. And… please don’t be too angry with the gardener and Mr. John. People sometimes get upset.”

Philip watched Clodan, who was contemplating, before he collapsed. It was unusual for the master to listen to someone’s opinion in the first place, but calmly observing the situation was astonishing in itself.


“Yes, yes.”

“Teach her properly.”

Surprised, Philip responded a beat late.

“Uh… yes. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

Philip replied nonchalantly. But neither Mrs. Mary nor Philip had experienced such a situation before. Philip took Ray upstairs to the master and pinched his cheek to see if this was really the end.

It was prepared to pull out John’s tongue or blind one of the gardener’s eyes if necessary.

“It’s a long life we live, isn’t it?”

Mrs. Mary sighed as she looked in the direction where even the back of her lover had disappeared. Philip sighed.

“It’s fortunate that you’ve found stability now.”

“I’m not sure if it’s fortunate or unfortunate.”

Philip retorted at Mary, who was snippy.

“Don’t talk nonsense. I’m so tired of taking care of them.”

“My point is, now our lives depend on her, right? If she changes her mind or runs away, what will happen to us on that day?”

She too had imagined such a scenario. Sleepless nights, fantasies overlaid with ominous shadows. But Philip didn’t show it.

“It’s a pointless assumption. We just have to do our job.”

“In the past, if we made a mistake, we might have been punished, but now if things go wrong, it’s a matter of life and death. And I’m working the hardest, you know? Philip, you need to improve your stoic mannerisms when you’re around her. She’s a lady who’s eager for affection. Even if you’re kind and friendly to her, she might still hesitate.”

“…You’re unusually talkative today.”

“I’m someone who hopes to survive more than anyone else, and I’m saying this because I hope Philip cooperates properly. Even if it sounds harsh, there’s nothing I can do.”

Mrs. Mary shrugged off his arm and went into the kitchen. She wasn’t wrong. Each person had a place waiting for them according to their capabilities, and they all had to do their own work properly.

Philip looked at the two troublemakers. They were trouble if he let them be. Especially John, who seemed to have malice in his eyes even after being beaten. But as descendants raised in a wealthy household, he treated them differently from before. He had forgiven them quite a bit, even though it was a pity to give.

“I only spoke the truth. But… still.”

“Tsk. Do you still not understand the situation?”


“Follow me. Today won’t be overlooked, so be prepared.”

After a long time, peace settled in comfortably. Philip intended to weather it out.





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