Aren’t Guides Allowed to Bite Espers?

AGABE | Episode 15

“Why are you suddenly doing this?”

“When I heard from you about Sa-weol being attacked by a Crimon and then disappearing, I felt strange.”

That day, Yu-geon had hastily concocted a plausible story for the Alpha team, who arrived late to support.

But the next day, Sa-weol’s unannounced absence shocked Yu-geon again, and even though Han-gyeol tried to stay calm, he was clearly not okay.

During meetings, he seemed distracted, his responses were delayed, and he made uncharacteristic mistakes as if his mind was elsewhere.

Yu-geon had told Han-gyeol that Sa-weol had taken a break due to feeling unwell to cover up the truth.

“There were too many suspicious things that day. You and Sa-weol tried to hide it, so I didn’t dig further, you know?”

Even though an emergency meeting was held because an S-Class Guide had been attacked, the investigation was slow and circled around the same points. It seemed like no one was leading it decisively, and the focus shifted to past incidents rather than Sa-weol’s case. Han-gyeol had orchestrated this.

“But after not speaking to each other for a while, you suddenly paired up. What should I think, Yu-geon?”

Han-gyeol softly called Yu-geon’s name, but it felt like a lump in his throat. A chill ran down his spine, and he was afraid of what Han-gyeol might say next. He didn’t want to know.

“I appreciate you pretending not to know, but if you’re going to do that, keep it up.”

Yu-geon felt stifled. Handling Sa-weol was already his first major challenge in his otherwise peaceful life, and now being pressured by Han-gyeol was adding to his stress.

“You may see us as kids, but we’re not children anymore.”

Yu-geon wasn’t entirely sure if pairing with Sa-weol, a Crimon, was the right choice, but he was determined to hold onto her, fearing the confusion and loss he’d face if he let her go.

“You don’t need to worry about anything.”

It wasn’t entirely a hopeless situation.

Yu-geon believed that once the antibiotics were developed and Sa-weol became human, it would be a happy ending for both him and Han-gyeol.

It was a conclusion he had reached after much thought, albeit one that involved ignoring the risky and complex aspects of the situation.

“Yeah. You’re not kids. That’s why I’m more worried. You two together no longer seem like child’s play. Keeping secrets feels unpleasant.”



“…Do you really like Sa-weol?”

Once again, Han-gyeol didn’t answer. But his troubled expression gave Yu-geon all the confirmation he needed.

“Sorry, Yu-geon.”

Han-gyeol bowed his head. Seeing him look anxious was unfamiliar. He had always been like a friend and an adult to Yu-geon, someone who was close but always ahead. Seeing him now without confidence was shocking.

Baek Han-gyeol truly liked Gu Sa-weol. Yu-geon had suspected it, but hearing it confirmed was a bigger shock.

“I’ll make sure not to break any rules. Even if there’s physical contact, Sa-weol can control her wavelength.”

The bond between an Esper and their Guide could affect the match rate, so showing excessive affection to a paired Esper was considered bad manners.

There were no strict rules against anything other than unauthorized guiding.

Sa-weol was skilled enough to prevent accidental guiding, so she wouldn’t make a mistake.

“I can’t guarantee the third level. I won’t initiate it, but if Sa-weol wants it, I won’t refuse.”

That was only up to the second level of contact. Yu-geon had never heard of a Guide being able to control wavelengths during intimate contact in the third level.

Also, Espers’ wavelengths reacted sensitively to each other, so if Han-gyeol touched Sa-weol, Yu-geon would sense it.

If Sa-weol kissed Han-gyeol and then Yu-geon, he would know they had kissed.

“Discuss that with your pair. If Sa-weol prefers you over me, she should be able to persuade you.”

“Are you serious? Stop it. I’m really going to get angry.”

Yu-geon spoke as if the thought alone was horrific.

“I think it’s a manageable relationship as long as we respect each other’s boundaries. I’ve thought about this for a long time, and I won’t back down.”

Han-gyeol wasn’t just making idle talk about seeing Sa-weol. He had come with a concrete plan and was more serious than ever.

“Don’t you have confidence? After all, the decision lies with the Guide in such relationships.”

Yu-geon felt like he was being hit repeatedly where he was already sore. His head buzzed, and heat rose to his throat.

Han-gyeol’s confident expression contrasted sharply with Yu-geon’s growing paleness.

When Han-gyeol had asked if Yu-geon had coerced Sa-weol, he had suspected there was a reason she chose Yu-geon over him.

But Yu-geon had denied it and acted superior, telling Han-gyeol to stay away from his guide, warning him that feelings might develop later.

Judging by Han-gyeol’s expression, he had seen through Yu-geon’s facade all along. Yu-geon’s mind raced. If Han-gyeol openly expressed his feelings for Sa-weol, how would she react? A conversation with Sa-weol flashed through his mind.


“Then I can’t guide with senior anymore?”

“Of course not.”


“Why? Do you want to?”



Sa-weol wanted to guide with Han-gyeol. The thought that they might meet secretly haunted Yu-geon.

His confidence in controlling Sa-weol suddenly plummeted.

A chilling realization struck him. What if Han-gyeol didn’t stop at just dating Sa-weol but also wanted to guide her?

“She’s my lifeline as a guide. I don’t want to take your guide from you either.”

Han-gyeol stared directly at Yu-geon. He was considering taking Sa-weol as a guide if Yu-geon opposed.

Yu-geon’s hands trembled, and he couldn’t control his emotions. His wavelength flared violently.

“Think carefully, Yu-geon. If you have no romantic feelings for Sa-weol, I’m prepared to defend my territory, even if it means going berserk.”

Han-gyeol’s proposal to separate Sa-weol’s roles as a guide and a romantic partner was his way of being considerate. He already had an idea of what Sa-weol’s choice would be.

Yu-geon realized that if Sa-weol wanted to go all the way with Han-gyeol, he wouldn’t be able to stop it.

“Fine. Do as you say.”

Yu-geon had to admit it. With Han-gyeol taking this stance, he had no other option.

If Yu-geon and Sa-weol had romantic feelings for each other, the issue would be resolved, but Sa-weol was a Crimon. Hence, it was forbidden for Yu-geon to have romantic feelings for her.

Han-gyeol’s smile, as he acknowledged Yu-geon’s answer, was charming, even from a man’s perspective.

Han-gyeol possessed a seriousness and steadfastness that Yu-geon lacked. He was always proud and dependable. But today, Yu-geon felt small and insignificant before Han-gyeol.

The thought of losing Sa-weol to him made his blood boil.

It was jealousy as a fellow Esper. It had to be.

The emotional turmoil he felt could only be due to his desire not to lose his guide to a stronger Esper.

Yu-geon felt desperate. He couldn’t lose everything. He had to keep something, even if it was just a part. It felt like his first defeat in life.

To the person he trusted and admired the most.

“But keep your word. I won’t see Sa-weol romantically, so don’t even think about guiding her.”


Yu-geon’s angry wavelength spread sharply. The space they once shared fondly now felt cold and hostile, as if any step beyond the boundary would be cut down mercilessly.

* * *

I started guiding Yu-geon on Monday morning. Whatever he did over the weekend, his wavelength levels had dropped significantly.

“What did you do over the weekend?”


“You only slept, and it dropped this much?”

“Maybe I had nightmares.”

Despite my continued questioning, he kept making such ridiculous comments.

‘I finally got him into a stable state, and he managed to mess it up in just two days.’

Out of spite, I guided him rather roughly.

“Ouch. Take it easy.”

I finished the guiding session haphazardly and then charged the crystals in the capsule. It wasn’t a level that could be raised in one go anyway. These days, while Yu-geon was in training, I didn’t have to be by his side, so I spent my time holed up in the capsule.

Soon it was time for him to start his training. But even after the guiding session ended, Yu-geon showed no signs of leaving.

“Aren’t you training today?”

“I did yesterday.”

“You train every morning.”

“Since I do it every day, I can skip today.”

“If you’re going to stay, at least be quiet. You’re distracting.”

Instead of staying still, Yu-geon was telekinetically spinning three of the guiding crystals I had charged.

What if he breaks them?



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