Aren’t Guides Allowed to Bite Espers?

AGABE | Episode 12

“This is the health record and wavelength management chart sent from the diagnostics center. Why is your wavelength graph like this?”


Yu-geon’s wavelength graph was erratic and chaotic. Considering he had awakened not long ago, it was excessive. It had been a while since I’d seen such a poor graph.

“We’ve been doing guiding sessions continuously lately. So why is your wavelength at 31%?”

If the flow of wavelengths was not stable, guiding was pointless because the esper couldn’t properly absorb it.

Yu-geon scratched his head awkwardly. Judging by his demeanor, it seemed he was aware of his condition.

“Are you not taking the wavelength stabilizers?”

“I took them at first, but they made my headaches worse.”

“What about sleep?”

“I take sleeping pills. Even then, I wake up three or four times during the night.”


“At least I’m not getting nosebleeds these days. Isn’t that a sign of improvement?”

Yu-geon tried to reassure me as he noticed my increasingly serious expression, but I couldn’t hide my concern.

The reason Yu-geon hadn’t been getting nosebleeds and was experiencing headaches instead was simply that the condensed wavelengths had moved from his heart to his brain. Far from improving, his neglected body was deteriorating in a different way. Watching the unconcerned Yu-geon made me feel suffocated.

“Why are you so serious?”

“It feels like I’m handling a ticking time bomb.”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine at all.”

A wavelength level of 31% was in the danger zone. If it dropped below 20%, it would be considered out of control and extremely dangerous. Although Yu-geon was good at following instructions, he was somewhat lax in this aspect. This was not just Yu-geon’s problem but a chronic issue among all awakeners at the center.

Espers typically suffered from symptoms like tinnitus, headaches, and insomnia. While these could be due to heightened sensitivity, they were more often caused by tangled or concentrated wavelengths, assuming the wavelength itself was not insufficient.

Guides were supposed to address this issue, but it was nearly impossible to meticulously manage the health of an esper who might only be a one-time encounter. The diagnostics center only measured the quantity of wavelengths, exacerbating the situation.

Guides fulfilled their quota by merely meeting the wavelength requirements, paying no mind to whether the esper was suffering. To make matters worse, espers treated all these symptoms as trivial.

They only realized their serious health condition after collapsing. Trusting their seemingly healthy bodies, they ended up getting a rude awakening.

‘They’re all simple and foolish.’

Just then, the last paragraph of the email from the diagnostics center caught my eye.

“Guide Gu Sa-weol, thank you very much for pairing with Esper Baek Yu-geon. We look forward to your guidance.”

Since Yu-geon was an S-Class Esper, he would be a special care target at the diagnostics center. However, their role was limited as they were not guides.

As seen, when an esper gets a pair, the diagnostics center entrusts all wavelength management to the guide. Previously, the diagnostics center checked the patient’s condition and matched them with a suitable doctor, acting as a broker. But pairing meant the esper now had a dedicated personal physician.

“Now that you have me, things will get better.”

That also meant I was responsible if anything went wrong with this esper. If an S-Class Esper went berserk or became unwell, all the blame would fall on me.

If Yu-geon couldn’t protect me in a dangerous situation, it would be the same.

None of the espers I had guided had ever gone berserk. Not even a single instance of primary berserk, let alone secondary berserk.

Requests for guiding piled up like mountains every time I went to work, so there was no reason to choose an unstable esper. It wasn’t because I lacked confidence in restoring an unstable esper to normal. It was simply too bothersome.

I silently stood up from my seat.

“Where are you going?”

“Follow me. Let’s get you a new prescription for the stabilizers.”

“Why? I told you they give me headaches.”

Since I had taken on the task of guiding Yu-geon, regardless of why we were paired, I had to bring him back to normal levels. I didn’t want to tarnish the reputation I had built as a guide.

“Just listen to me. I don’t think you’d understand even if I explained.”

“Tell me. I don’t want to be in pain.”

Keeping one esper healthy was not difficult for me. Moreover, Yu-geon had a high compatibility rate with me.

Despite Yu-geon’s complaints from behind, I ignored him and walked ahead. He grumbled but followed my instructions to go to the diagnostics center for a thorough examination.

I appreciated that Yu-geon didn’t exhibit the typical stubbornness of espers. Had he resisted, I would have been extremely annoyed.

“Please, ma’am. Please don’t hurt me when taking my blood. I really hate needles.”


That didn’t mean he wasn’t stressed at all. It was embarrassing and shameful to see my esper whining to the diagnostics center’s technician about a mere needle.

“Ah, ah!”

I felt like I was taking care of a child, not an esper.

* * *

“So, you two came separately today? Han-gyeol is busy with work?”

On Saturday evenings, Han-gyeol always had dinner with the family at the main house. When Han-gyeol arrived at the dining room, his mother, Su-ryeon, and Yu-geon were already there.

Normally, around 5 PM, Yu-geon would come to the dormitory and ask Han-gyeol to go with him without being asked. But today was different.

Yu-geon had sent a text saying he would head out separately since he was already out and had left for the house on his motorcycle. Han-gyeol witnessed this while waiting for Yu-geon in the lobby.

“No, Yu-geon said he would go separately today because he was out.”

“Huh? That’s not what Yu-geon told me.”

“We were both busy outside, and it was convenient.”

Yu-geon mumbled, trying to gloss over his words. My innocent brother who had never done anything wrong.

Recently, Yu-geon seemed to deliberately keep his distance from Han-gyeol, but he was clumsy at it. Han-gyeol found this behavior more endearing than upsetting.

“I’m the one who’s busy. You must be busier now that you have a pair.”

“Pair? With whom? Yu-geon, you didn’t mention anything to mom.”

Yu-geon flinched at the mention of the word ‘pair.’ His eyes shot a sharp look as if asking why Han-gyeol would bring that up.

“Yu-geon, who did you pair with? If it’s a guide matching your level… Could it be Sa-weol?”

Han-gyeol smiled mischievously as if he was allowed to tease this much. Seeing Yu-geon remain silent, Han-gyeol nodded, and Su-ryeon exclaimed in surprise.

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me!”

At that moment, the door opened, and their father, Ji-sang, entered.

“I guess he’s just now mentioning it.”

Ji-sang went straight to Su-ryeon, kissed her forehead, and took a seat. As the family gathered, the household staff began serving the meal on the long table.

Ji-sang, who had re-awakened as an A-class esper at the age of 50, still maintained a robust physique and exuded charisma and authority that only deepened with time. Though his appearance suggested he was in his mid-30s at most, he held the position of head of the A-Division.

“Why didn’t you tell me either?”

“Yu-geon has his privacy. I didn’t want to speak out of turn.”

Su-ryeon’s expression remained disappointed. Ji-sang gently patted her hand, trying to soothe her, and her petulant, girl-like demeanor showed her feelings were still hurt.

Even after over 20 years of marriage, they still had the air of newlyweds. Han-gyeol found this sight pleasing.

“I thought Sa-weol would pair with Han-gyeol, but it was surprising.”

“So did I. Didn’t Sa-weol say she had no interest in Yu-geon?”

Ji-sang was well-informed about the rumors circulating at the center. The fact that even the S-Class Esper Yu-geon was ignored by Sa-weol had been a hot topic.

As the division head, he couldn’t easily socialize with other awakeners, but his secretary kept him informed.


Yu-geon remained silent even as they talked about him. Normally, he would have chatted about his week regardless of Ji-sang’s knowledge, but today he was unusually quiet.

“Maybe Sa-weol got tired of waiting for Han-gyeol to request a pair?”

“Who knows. If Sa-weol wanted to pair with Han-gyeol, she would have spoken up. What’s going on with you two?”

Ji-sang finally brought up a topic he had kept to himself for a while. He had known for a long time that Han-gyeol and Sa-weol were close.

Ji-sang was the most delighted when Sa-weol manifested as an S-Class Guide. S-Class Guide Gu Sa-weol and S-Class Esper Baek Han-gyeol seemed like a perfect match. The family had even discussed the possibility of them marrying.

Since they had been close even before their manifestations, it was natural for everyone to expect them to pair up.

But Han-gyeol had firmly stated he had no such thoughts, though he still kept Sa-weol close, leaving Ji-sang with hope.

“Recently, I requested a pair with Sa-weol, but she declined.”

Han-gyeol’s words shattered their assumptions.

“The next day, she submitted a pair request with Yu-geon.”

Although Han-gyeol spoke with a slight smile, the atmosphere turned chilly. The clinking of cutlery and the crossing of gazes filled the table.

Even the household staff serving food quietly left the room. With just the family remaining, Su-ryeon pressed Yu-geon.

“Baek Yu-geon, did you steal your brother’s guide?”

“I didn’t steal anything.”

“Yes, Sa-weol simply chose Yu-geon.”

Yu-geon defended himself, and Han-gyeol clarified the misunderstanding.

“I just mentioned it because of the guide attack incident. I didn’t have any specific intentions.”

Even so, Su-ryeon’s suspicion lingered.

“Yu-geon, even if you fancy Sa-weol, it’s too much. I said Sa-weol was off-limits unless Han-gyeol had no interest.”

“Han-gyeol always said he didn’t mind if I paired with Sa-weol. You know my compatibility rate is low with anyone else. No other guide works for me. What about my needs, mom?”

Normally, Su-ryeon would prioritize her biological son Yu-geon, but she wasn’t like that. She had always worried about Han-gyeol, who constantly yielded to Yu-geon, despite not being related by blood.


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