Aren’t Guides Allowed to Bite Espers?

AGABE | Chapter 5

Han-gyeol asked detailed questions about the cremon incident that day. Unable to remain silent, I answered most of his questions by saying I was too shocked to remember clearly.

I was wary of lying too blatantly, as Yu-geon’s account might contradict mine.

“Did you see anyone?”


“…Alright. It’s good that you’re not hurt.”

Han-gyeol seemed resigned to my short answers, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth as if he had much to say but was holding back.

An uncomfortable silence hung between us until he sighed and spoke again.

“For now, stay in the dormitory until we determine whether this was just an accident or if someone deliberately incited the cremon to attack the guide. Even if you have any business, don’t go far.”

“I find the dormitory uncomfortable.”

“Even if it’s uncomfortable, endure it for now. If you have to go out, take an esper with you.”

The situation was bad. Staying in the dormitory meant I couldn’t bring creature blood to consume, and even with an esper, I wouldn’t be able to go out as usual.

Despite this, I couldn’t argue, knowing the gravity of an S-class guide being attacked. It was not something to take lightly.

The guide attack incidents had started in C region and were gradually escalating, targeting different guides.

I had gone there as a cremon, not a guide, thinking a cremon wouldn’t attack another cremon. That was my mistake.

Going to a remote area from the center for a meal at such a time was clearly careless on my part.

“I’m sorry.”

Han-gyeol’s hand reached toward my cheek but then withdrew.

“Your face looks gaunt.”

Despite his stern tone, his voice still held concern. He turned and spoke firmly.

“I’m going to brief the team about what happened in the main conference room. You don’t need to attend.”

“I’m really okay now.”

“That’s for me to decide. Since you’ve had contact with a cremon, go to the diagnostics office for a check-up and then go home.”

“Wait, senior!”

He left after saying what he had to say. I followed him out, seeing some of the Alpha team members heading to the main conference room.

At that moment, Yu-geon emerged from the office and our eyes met. He immediately looked away, manipulating his tablet as he entered the conference room.

* * *

As instructed, I went to the diagnostics office for a check-up. The test was for cremon detection, involving a two-stage process: an X-ray to check for the presence of a core, followed by a blood test.

Most cremions are identified in the first stage, so unless there are unusual circumstances, the second stage isn’t usually needed.

Naturally, no core was found in my body, and after the check-up, I returned to the dormitory. The next day, I went to work as usual, and nothing significant happened.

‘If it wasn’t an accident, I need to be prepared.’

I was too distracted that day to notice who else was around. After encountering Yu-geon, I was so flustered that I didn’t even fully revert from my creature form before running outside.

My creature form’s attribute is speed, which belongs to the physical category. Running at full speed, no ordinary person would have been able to make out my appearance.

However, the attack on an S-class guide was a serious matter. I was worried that during the investigation, my connection to cremions might be discovered.

Reflecting at home, I realized that if it was just an accident, it wouldn’t matter. But if someone targeted me as a guide, they might start asking questions.

If Emily and Yu-geon thought I had dealt with the cremon, that would be good. But did the attacker know Emily was there and still target me? Or did they think they could handle one cremon?

I wanted to delve deeper into this incident, but Han-gyeol had excluded me from the mission briefing, leaving me in the dark about the details.

Despite not knowing how to handle the aftermath of the incident that day, Yu-geon’s silence and inaction unnerved me. He had been trailing me everywhere except the bathroom, and now his sudden change in behavior left me uneasy.

I was curious about his change in attitude, but I couldn’t initiate a conversation. Talking to him would inevitably lead to discussing that day, forcing me to explain what happened. Given that he saw everything, it would only confirm the truth.

“Baek Yu-geon is acting strange.”

“Strange, indeed.”

“Has he finally given up?”

“Sa-weol, what did you say to him to make him like this?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

The Alpha team members were gossiping behind Yu-geon’s back, noticing his sudden docility over the past few days. Although the guiding waiting room was about 20 pyeong (approximately 66 square meters), their voices might still reach Yu-geon, even from opposite ends of the room.

However, they didn’t seem to care. Maybe they wanted him to hear.

“What happened to him?”

“He looks like a sick chicken. Is he ill?”

“It doesn’t seem like he’s sick. He’s just become very calm. But it’s awkward to talk to him now.”

Indeed, his overall tension had dropped recently, and without his usual cheerfulness, his sharp features and eyes made him seem less approachable.

“I liked it when Yu-geon was whiny. It was cute seeing such a big guy grumbling.”

“Then why don’t you pair with him?”

“How can an esper pair with another esper?”

“What about Kang Ji-han? Seems like being a man doesn’t matter to you?”

“Of course, if it’s Yu-geon, it’s possible. He’s young, talented, and honestly good-looking.”

“That’s right. I’d be okay with it too. Remember the uproar among the guides when Yu-geon first joined? Everyone gave up when they saw him following Sa-weol around.”


I couldn’t help but hear some things, whether I wanted to or not. From the start, Yu-geon had been popular among the guides not just for his rank but also for his handsome appearance.

Most awakened individuals were reasonably attractive, but Yu-geon stood out even among them. His delicate face combined with a physical build surpassing many physical-type espers made him the subject of much admiration.

“Look at that! Sua, are you interested in Yu-geon?”

Ji-han narrowed his eyes, questioning Sua. Though she was B-class, Sua had been at the center for a long time and had a relatively high matching rate with Yu-geon. With a matching rate of 34%, she was next in line after me.

“Everyone in the Alpha team is interested, right? Who wouldn’t like a pretty and talented esper?”

Calling him “pretty” seemed a bit off, but I had thought the same thing when I first met him. He was fine as long as he didn’t open his mouth.

“Sa-weol, if you’re not going to pair with Yu-geon, can I?”

As the team discussed Yu-geon, Sua asked me directly. I glanced at her and replied indifferently.

“He’s not mine. Why ask me?”

“Just in case you change your mind?”

“That’s not happening. Do whatever you want.”

“Great! I’ll start working on it today.”

“Ooh, this will be interesting to watch.”

Sua seemed pleased with my response and smiled brightly, while the others joined in, amused. I stood up, signaling the end of the conversation.

“Where are you going, unni?”

“Captain’s guiding.”

* * *

I headed to the guiding room where Han-gyeol was waiting. He looked up as I entered, a mixture of concern and authority in his eyes.

“Sa-weol, you’re here. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. Just a bit shaken.”

“Yu-geon told me you were attacked by a berserk cremon.”


“But why didn’t you answer your phone?”


“What were you doing so far away? You know that cremions have been targeting guides more frequently lately.”

I felt a pang of guilt as he continued questioning me. Avoiding his eyes, I stayed silent. Han-gyeol tilted his head, scrutinizing my expression.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?”

He had known me since before I awakened as a guide. Because of my parents, who were researchers at the center, I lived in the dormitory when I was young, and Han-gyeol often played with me.

To me, Han-gyeol had always been a friendly and kind person. But now he was my superior. As the captain of the Alpha team, he was responsible for managing and directing the team.

Any behavior that seemed like favoritism could be detrimental. This applied to both of us. Therefore, we kept our close relationship hidden from others.

“What happened?”


I hesitated, trying to find the right words.

Perhaps the team members were right, and Yu-geon had finally given up on pairing with me. Even though our matching rate was high, his desire to pair was when he didn’t know I was a cremon.

A guide with creature blood mixed in would be unpleasant to guide with, given the physical contact involved. It was entirely understandable.

Part of me thought that if I could bury my secret so easily now, it might have been better to have been exposed earlier. When Yu-geon caught me that day, I thought my world was ending, but it wasn’t.

Could this be considered a blessing in disguise?

* * *

“Why are you here so early?”

I arrived at the guiding capsule ten minutes before the scheduled time, only to find Han-gyeol already there. He was lounging on the sofa but sat up straight when I entered.

“You could have called me when you got here.”

“I came early because I had some extra time.”

Han-gyeol smiled softly. For the past few days, he hadn’t mentioned the incident again, though a subtle chill lingered.

I extended my hand to him. He calmly placed his arm over my hand. His smart watch displayed the wavelength reading.


“This is a bit dangerous, isn’t it?”

Wavelengths between 41% and 100% are considered stable, 21% to 40% are considered unstable and strongly recommended for guiding, and below 20% is considered the first stage of berserk, with below 10% being the most dangerous second stage.

Han-gyeol, being high-ranked, found it difficult to stabilize his wavelength. He often avoided guiding unless absolutely necessary, causing trouble for the diagnostic wavelength managers.

That’s likely why they assigned me, someone of the same rank. Even though I only held hands, the efficiency would be similar to a B or C rank guide.

“It would be better for you to receive guiding from an A-rank guide with a good matching rate. I’ll go talk to them.”

“Stay put.”

When I tried to get up, Han-gyeol held onto my hand and pulled me back down. His cool touch wrapped around my fingers.

“You’re enough. Just guide me longer.”


“You’ll do it, right?”

When I hesitated, Han-gyeol gently rubbed his cheek against my hand, much like a puppy seeking affection. I was taken aback by his unexpected display of neediness.

“Yes, yes. Of course.”

I hastily spread my wavelength, causing Han-gyeol to let out a low laugh as he closed his eyes, indicating the start of the guiding.

‘He must be really exhausted.’

We’ve known each other for 15 years. While he’s always been kind to me, as a captain, Han-gyeol is far from gentle.

He’s serious and somewhat sensitive. His perfectionism had intensified since he became captain, making him more tense and energy-drained than other espers.

“How is it? Should I reduce the wavelength density?”


“Any headaches or tension in any body parts?”

“No, it’s perfect right now.”

A satisfied hum resonated from Han-gyeol’s throat. His slightly curved lips showed how much he was enjoying this. The only time I saw him so relaxed was in the capsule.

That’s why I liked this time. Seeing his eyes closed, his overly sensitive wavelength slowly calming down because of mine.

As Han-gyeol’s body completely relaxed, a captivating scent wafted through the air. The strong musk scent made me swallow unconsciously.

Though not as enticing as Yu-geon’s, Han-gyeol’s human scent naturally made me thirsty. I pressed my nails into my thigh, trying to distract myself.



Suddenly, Han-gyeol spoke. I repositioned my hand, waiting for his next words.

Normally, he would stay silent with his eyes closed until the guiding ended. What did he want to say?

“Will you pair with me?”

I froze in place. Despite knowing him for so long, Han-gyeol had never proposed pairing.

The last time we measured our matching rate, it was 52%. Not bad, but an awkward number for the same rank.



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