April Night

The Jurist in the Garden (part 5)

The squelching sound of his fingers entering her tightly closed entrance made her acutely aware of how wet she was inside. Soon, there were two fingers, lightly tapping the inside of her vaginal walls.


-Good inside. Hot, tight, and slippery. I want to thrust in right now.

Anais writhed at the heat building in her belly following the Sultan’s movements, but he held her legs firmly with his other hand.

“Please, uh, Sultan, no more…!”

She was scared. The overwhelming pleasure brought fear. Anais begged tearfully, but the Sultan didn’t stop. Finally, as the pleasure became unbearable, her fluids gushed out, and her toes curled.

“Haa, haa….”

Anais could only gasp for breath. Her blindfolded eyes were wet with tears shed from the intense pleasure. The tears that had soaked into the cloth were now cold and stinging. However, the Sultan had no intention of letting Anais go just yet. His desire was not yet satisfied.

There was no mistaking the hot, heavy thing pressing against her entrance. Anais’s body, which had been moaning from the exhausting pleasure, tensed up involuntarily. She wanted to push him away and run, but the reality that she couldn’t do so was frustrating.

Soon, the Sultan’s large member split Anais’s body in two as it thrust inside her.


Anais’s body stiffened at the intense pain she was experiencing for the first time. It felt like a red-hot knife had been plunged into her stomach, making it difficult to breathe. The Sultan rubbed her clitoris to warm her body again and whispered in a low voice.

“Breathe, Anais.”


She hadn’t expected this at all. She didn’t know the Sultan could speak Irene. But Anais’s surprise didn’t last long. As the Sultan thrust his hips, Anais’s body collapsed.


“Tighter than I thought.”

Anais writhed from the pressure and pain of the large member. She unconsciously tried to pull her hips back to escape, but the Sultan didn’t allow it. Instead, he gripped her pelvis tightly with his hands and thrust his hips.

“It hurts, ah…!”

“Relax, Anais.”

“Hah, ugh…”

Anais tried her best to get used to his movements. At some point, her hips began to move slightly, following his rhythm.

At first, his movements were only painful, but gradually she grew accustomed to them. And following those movements, heat began to spread through her body once again.

“Hah, ah, ahh…!”

When the Sultan’s member reached a certain spot, Anais was now moaning sweetly from pleasure rather than pain. Now her inner walls were dripping with fluid, tightly wrapping around the Sultan’s member and pulsating.

The Sultan’s lips met Anais’s, which were letting out sweet moans. He sucked on her swollen lips as if to devour them, and his tongue explored her mouth, seeking hers.

Anais, who had been panting to match the Sultan’s hip movements, barely managed to accept his kiss. As the kiss ended, Anais’s body trembled in climax. The Sultan released himself into Anais’s tightening walls as she reached her peak.


When Anais came to her senses, she realized she was in the room where she had been staying. And Dalia, with her expressionless face just like when Anais first saw her, was standing beside her.

“You’ve awakened, Anesa Hatan.”


Anais repeated after Dalia. Hatan. It meant she had officially become the Sultan’s concubine.

She wanted to deny it, but the dull pain that had been bothering her since she opened her eyes told her this was reality. Her throat was so dry she could barely speak.

“I won’t report that the Hatan deceived the Sultan.”

“Thank you.”

At least I’ll keep my life, she thought. Looking out the window, she saw the sun high in the sky.

“…May I take a walk in the garden?”

“From now on, you don’t need to ask for my permission.”

Dalia’s words brought tears to Anais’s eyes. In exchange for being confined here forever, the only freedom given to her was to freely walk in the garden before her.

Anais got up and headed for the garden. The servants and Dalia tried to stop her, but they couldn’t grab her again even with a light touch.

“Hashim, Hashim!”

Anais called out for Hashim from a bench in the garden. But her calls soon turned into sobs. Anais clung to the bench and wept loudly.

Everything was over. Because of her own impatience.


How long had she been crying? Someone’s warm hand patted her shoulder. It was Hashim’s hand.

“I, sob, have become a Hatan, the Sultan’s concubine.”

Anais clung to Hashim and cried loudly. Hashim silently embraced her shoulders.

That warmth was so heartbreaking. And so, Anais accepted her fate.


Of course, Anais didn’t tell the whole truth this time either. She had to create a story that people would like.

In the story, Anais was an ideal concubine who accepted her fate, served the Sultan, and prayed for the peace and tranquility of Kamar. She didn’t forget to portray the current Padisha as ideal as well.

“I have accepted my life as the Padisha’s concubine and serve him.”

Fortunately, people were happy to accept the story that Anais had been moved by the Sultan and came to admire him.

“The Padisha has cherished me. Although I am a foreigner, I am not ungrateful.”

Even those who had some doubts accepted her story as true due to Anais’s humble attitude.

On the other hand, the Guardians couldn’t hide their displeasure as the flow of the trial turned in Anais’s favor. They seemed to be barely holding back, as finding fault with her story now would be like finding fault with the Padisha.

However, they did have one thing they could pick on.

“Strange. If you accepted your fate, why did you accuse the Padisha?”


Anais put on a bitter expression. In truth, she wanted to smile.

“Because the Sultan became the Padisha.”

This was the final part.



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