April Night

Stranger in the Desert (part 2)

As Karim thrust his hips while ejaculating, Anais’s slender abdomen trembled and her head tilted back. Hot lips bit her slender neck.

“You say no, but down here you’re gripping tightly and won’t let go? Hm?”


His lips moved from her neck to her earlobe. Though it seemed like enjoying afterplay, the manhood still filling Anais’s insides hardened again, tirelessly tormenting her.

While slowly rotating and thrusting his hardened organ, Karim’s other hand caressed Anais’s waist and parted the bush glistening with her fluids.

“Be honest, Anais. Beg for more.”

“Ahh, no, no. Sultan…! Ah!”

Realizing what that hand was seeking, Anais twisted her body to avoid it, but this only resulted in her rotating her hips and buttocks, stimulating Karim’s manhood. Soon, his firm fingertips grasped and twisted her sensitive bud.


When Karim twisted the swollen clitoris, a thunderous pleasure shook her. Juices gushed out again from her already wet vulva, soaking her thighs. Anais’ waist and thighs trembled with ecstasy.

“Ah, please, Sultan…”

“No, Anais, you should beg for me to fuck you harder.”

Despite Anais’ pleas, Karim unhurriedly continued to devour her. Anais’ hands and toes, lost as to where to go, clawed at the bed, slipping. Her shaking waist and hips moved involuntarily, but each movement tormented Anais with growing pleasure.

If Karim pushed in even a little harder, the undulating ecstasy already at its limit would burst throughout her body.

It was frightening and terrifying, but her craving was so great that she could no longer hold back.

“Pl-please, Sultan…”

“You have to say it properly if you want me to heed your plea.”

“Ugh, p-please, fuck me, fuck me.”

Tears unable to soak into the fabric streamed down her cheeks. But the pleasure brought by Karim’s thick shaft pushing in strongly soon overwhelmed her.

“Sultan, ah, ahn!”

The ecstasy exceeded its limits, and any sense of shame had long since been forgotten. Even greater pleasure lay ahead. Anais kept moaning, wanting Karim’s shaft.

When he withdrew, she would cling to it beseechingly, and when he pushed back in, she would relax herself deeply to allow him in further. At those times, Karim would pound Anais’ cervix even harder.

The sloshing sounds of overflowing juices echoed lewdly, drowned out only by Anais’ high-pitched cries and Karim’s rough panting.

“No, no more, aaah, ah…!”

Anais’ legs convulsed in the air. At the same time, Karim buried his shaft deeper within her. His shaft throbbed again, the trembling sensation fully felt by her sensitive cervix.

Anais breathed heavily, feeling the arms embracing her. She sensed Karim’s hand caressing her hair. Anais lay nestled in Karim’s embrace, silently accepting his touch.

The hand caressing her hair soon moved to encircle her waist and fondle her soft breasts, but Anais tried not to react in a way that would please him.

“So you no longer ask me to let you go.”

“How could I do that.”

Tears welled up at Karim’s words, but Anais answered with a trembling voice. Satisfied with her response, Karim penetrated her again.


Her still-wet cervix eagerly enveloped his massive shaft. She felt his breath on the back of her neck as he held her from behind. Karim’s hand teased the proudly protruding clitoris above her gaping opening.


“Your docile compliance is quite pleasing.”

Listening to Karim’s satisfied tone, Anais surrendered herself to his touch, hoping to fade the unforgettable memories of that day, amidst the surging waves of pleasure.


Lifting her head, the sky above was a deep indigo. Amidst it, the moon shone brilliantly white, its light mirrored in Anais’ platinum hair hidden within the dark veil.

“You’re going to the night market, aren’t you?”

The startled voice of Hadiya, employed to serve Anais in Kamar, still echoed in her ears. Hadiya had previously worked as a harem attendant for the high nobility of Kamar.

Despite her young age, the spirited girl accomplished the work of three people on her own and was also fluent in Irene’s language. She was someone who could somewhat satisfy Anais’s curiosity about Kamar.

Thanks to her, Anais could secretly follow Hadiya to explore the market or visit the nearby oasis without her father Alexander knowing.

Hadiya liked and encouraged Anais’s curiosity and adventurous spirit. However, there was one thing that Hadiya was startled by and tried to prevent: the night market.

“Non-human beings mingle in the night market! Mischievous fairies and Geor magicians and such!”

Hadiya exclaimed in horror, but this only fueled Anais’s curiosity more. Although she promised Hadiya she wouldn’t go, when everyone was asleep, she got up.

Anais took out the clothes she had hidden under her bed and changed. The Kamar outfit Hadiya had procured consisted of long pants and a thin tunic with elaborate embroidery, tied with strings, but over it, she fixed a black veil that covered her face, leaving only her eyes visible.

Anais, who had even carefully put on gloves to hide her skin color different from the Kamar people, looked at herself in the mirror. To anyone, she would appear to be a Kamar woman.

Hiding her satisfied expression behind the veil, Anais carefully slipped out of the mansion.

The residential area where the McKain family mansion was located was quiet, enveloped in darkness. In the distance, the ridge of the sand dunes glowed faintly in the moonlight. Anais found herself captivated anew by this sight.

The desert.

Coming to the desert had been Anais’s dream since childhood.

The vast golden desert and the mysterious stories hidden within it were enough to captivate the sensitive young girl.

When Anais declared she would follow him to Kamar, her father Alexander seemed to be pondering how to refuse his beloved daughter’s request.

“Kamar is a dangerous country for women to go to. Moreover, it’s hotter than summer during the day and colder than winter at night. You’ll have to wear a veil every day, are you okay with that?”

Anais’s eyes sparkled at those words.

“That’s even better. If I wear a veil, they won’t know I’m from Irene, so I can blend in better with the people of that country!”

“Annie. That’s not what Father means,” her brother Johan sighed. Anais pouted at her brother’s attitude that seemed to dismiss her. Her plump red lips on her fair cheeks were lovably annoying.

“In Kamar, women are treated like slaves. They can’t even go out without a male relative.”

“That’s for Kamar people, I’m from Irene,” she retorted.

“Good grief, in Kamar, it doesn’t matter if you’re from Irene or Geor. Only the Padisha’s word is law there. You want to go to such a barbaric country?”

She deeply regretted not having given Johan a good smack when he smugly said he couldn’t believe she was an adult.

“No. I heard that in Kamar, if a woman shows her face to a man, they have to marry. It might be the only way for a wildcat like you to find a husband.”


Seeing Anais’s shoulders trembling with anger, Alexander scolded Johan sternly, but Johan just shrugged his shoulders.

In the end, the family couldn’t break Anais’s stubbornness. Anais had come to Kamar with Alexander.

Anais was completely captivated by the beautiful buildings, the desert, and the unique culture. Even though it had been over a month since she arrived, Kamar was still an unknown world to her.

It was inevitable that Anais would be drawn to the legend of Amani, which she had learned about by chance.

‘It was Hadiya who told me it’s a place where you can find items that grant wishes or meet special connections.’

At Amani, the night market that opens every full moon, you can find anything. This was a cliché phrase used in Kamar.

Moreover, Hadiya had proudly told her that sometimes at Amani, you could find objects that grant wishes. Anais blamed the innocent Hadiya as she hurried her steps.

Of course, she wasn’t going with the expectation of finding such an object. She couldn’t even communicate without Hadiya anyway.

But as if such legends really existed, as she got closer to Amani, the lights of the shops filling the night market dazzled and enticed Anais.



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