Ancient Land Convenience Store

The battle between shamans and demons, fought at the Heavenly Pillar of Buzhou Mountain, collapsed heaven and earth. Gonggong (Chinese water god) observed the deaths of many shaman elders and destroyed Buzhou Mountain. The Heavenly Pillar fell and spiritual power was in disorder. Then, the Mother Goddess mended the heavens. But none of this mattered to Luo Feng. He just stared at everything in front of him in disbelief.

After a long time, Luo Feng took a deep breath and cursed loudly, “Damn it! God damn it! All I did was sell the nearly expired goods in my convenience store at a low price. Is it necessary to send me to such a damned place? This is the end of the Ancient era, the most important time before the investiture of gods! There are as many demons as dogs and there are immortals walking the earth. How can I survive in such a place?”

After cursing for half an hour, Luo Feng turned his head to look at the Ziwei Mountain behind him and howled, “Oh my god! Who can save me? I want to leave this damned place!”


With a quiet ring, a mechanical voice sounded in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Hello, dear host. Congratulations on obtaining the Ancient Land Convenience System. It is currently being bound…”

“What the hell is this?” Before Luo Feng could react, he discovered a great amount of information pouring into his mind.

It felt like someone tore his head apart and was trying to pour something inside as fast as possible.

After a long time, the pain slowly subsided a little. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he began to check the information in his mind.

“The system has been successfully bound. The current world: late stage of the Chaotic era and the early stage of the Gods era. The danger level is five stars. In consideration of the high danger level being detrimental to the growth of the host, the difficulty of the task will be reduced by ten times.”

“You must sell a product from the convenience store within a week. If you succeed in the task, you will be rewarded with 100 merit points. If you fail, you will be deducted merit points. If merit points are not sufficient, the host will be killed.”

Hearing this news, Luo Feng jumped up from where he was and shouted, “Who’s playing tricks? Come out!”

However, the mechanical voice in his mind didn’t pay any attention to him at all. Instead, it continued with a series of prompts, “Because the world was very difficult back then, the first item will be gifted to the host. When it appeared in the world, a hundred birds sang in celebration, and tens of thousands of rainbows appeared at the same time. Please use it carefully…”

He was completely stunned as more information kept ringing in his mind.

After a while, Luo Feng finally came to his senses and roared, “Hey, who… Oh, the Ancient Land System, right? I want to see my merit points.”

“Sure! As long as the host focuses, he can pull out his own attribute board.”

Following the voice in his mind, Luo Feng calmed down and found a three-dimensional image in front of him. With a closer look, it seemed to be a miniature version of himself.

Name: Luo Feng

Age: 20

Profession: Owner of the Ancient Land Convenience Store

Grade: Mortal (Rankings in the Ancient Land: Earth Immortal, Heaven Immortal, Golden Immortal, Tai Yi, Da Luo)

Merits: 50 (because the host is the first to use the Ancient Land system, he will be gifted 50 merits)

Seeing the words, ‘first to use’, Luo Feng’s mouth immediately turned into an ‘o’ shape. This thing is treating him as a lab mouse!

After a while, he cursed angrily, “Damn it! Doesn’t this mean that if I can’t sell the first product within a week, I will be killed?”

“Yes, host.” The Ancient Land System answered the question for him.

It seemed to Luo Feng that the voice was gloating at him.

Taking a deep breath, he cleared all the distracting thoughts from his mind. But the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to cry. This was the period of the investiture of the gods, full of monsters and immortals with immense power. Even if he had one hundred lives, it still wouldn’t be enough to make deals with them!

The Ancient Land System seemed to know what was bothering Luo Feng, so it tried to comfort him, “Don’t worry. Since the host has just entered this world, even an ant here can kill you. So the system will provide a barrier for your convenience store for half a year. In this barrier, even saints can’t kill you.”

Hearing this, Luo Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was already the owner of a convenience store, so of course he knew how to fool… No, he knew how to sell his goods.

Out of curiosity about the Ancient Land System, Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the use of this merit point thing?”

“Merits make up the energy that brings the present world’s commodities into the Ancient Land. The larger the size of the commodities, the more merits you need. Of course, you can also use your merits to exchange for various cultivation methods and divine weapons in this prehistoric world. In other words, as long as you have enough merits, the system can even exchange for supreme weapons such as the Heaven-splitting Axe for you,” explained the Ancient Land System in a rare show of support.

Hearing that there was even such a good thing as the Heaven-splitting Axe in the system, Luo Feng’s eyes lit up. “Can I get some magic treasures in advance to protect myself?”


“Can you lend me some merits and let me arm myself?”


Luo Feng tried to negotiate with the Ancient Land for 10 minutes, but was still met with rejection in the end.

With this, Luo Feng was greatly discouraged.

It doesn’t matter. So what if you don’t want to give me anything? I can just earn it myself.

Thinking of the task given to him by the Ancient Lands System, the corners of his mouth curved up slightly. “Fine, then let me see the convenience store now!”

In his previous life, Luo Feng was already the owner of a small convenience store. He didn’t expect that he would still be the owner of the convenience store in this world filled with gods.

With expectant eyes, a golden light rose behind him. The blaze of light was filled with an air of greatness. He couldn’t help but guess at what kind of luxurious convenience store the Ancient Land System is giving him.

However, when the golden light disappeared, Luo Feng was stunned. What appeared in front of him was a shabby convenience store. Half of the paint on the building had fallen, and the signboard with the words “Ancient Land Convenience Store” hung in the air, as if it could fall at any time.

“Forget it. Although it’s small, it probably has everything needed. There must be a room full of goods waiting for me to discover.” As he comforted himself, Luo Feng walked inside the convenience store. Within a moment, a roar could be heard from inside, “God damned system. This is the age of gods and you gave me a bag of laundry powder. How am I supposed to sell this?” 


  1. Lamar Williams says:

    Sell it to mortals dumbo. It might be a world of immortals but immortals aren’t a big portion of that world

  2. BRIAN LOPEZ says:

    Good novel!! Still know too little info though since its a Wuxia!
    is there Romance?!

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