An Investor Who Sees The Future

“They say they can’t do anything even if you lay out the red carpet, but when I asked them to speak up about what they want, everyone kept quiet and just looked at each other.

After a while, my grandfather cautiously spoke up.

“Well, I… It’s not that I have something I want, but now that I will be retiring next year, I hope our Yun-hu can have a stable job too.”

“Has Yun-hu not found a job yet?”

“Well, that’s something that can be stopped anytime.”

Grandmother smiled and said, “Already, he wants to quit because the job doesn’t suit his aptitude. I think it would be nice if Jin-hoo could work with you.”

“You know we are an investment company. If you think of venture capital, PEF, SWF, it’s similar.”

“Venture… capital? PEF? Anyway, it’s just about learning and doing it, right?”

Mi-young quickly added, “Your brother-in-law is very interested in that kind of work. I’m not saying this because he’s my husband, but he’s not the right person to be in such a small company.”

Pleased with his wife’s praise, Choi Nam-woo straightened his shoulders.

“What are you doing now?”

“I’m a salesperson. Selling fitness equipment.”

I turned my head towards the kids.

Jung-min and Mi-na were looking at me with shining eyes. Hearing that their cousin was a remarkable person, they seemed amazed and hopeful.

In a way, this kind of reaction seems much more innocent.

I spoke the truth.

“We are actually in need of manpower right now.”

Everyone’s faces lit up at my words.

“Wow, that’s great!”

“Haha, we came at just the right time.”

I haven’t finished my story yet.

“But to take on the role, you need to have received training related to CFO, CHO, CRO, CTO, or at least have certifications.”

Grandmother asked, “What are those?”

“Or you should have experience in finance, accounting, investment, law, or related fields,” Choi Nam-woo confidently said.

“I have some experience in stocks. If my brother-in-law entrusts me with that job, I can do it well,” Mi-young noona clapped her hands.

“Yes! Lee used to trade stocks a bit when he was young. What was it called…?”


“Yes, isn’t that something not anyone can do?”


Everyone does it. Scalping might sound good, but it’s just quick trading with random stocks.

Looking at Choi Nam-woo, I asked, “Do you know what Window Dressing or Cross Trading is?”

He asked in confusion, “Dressing? Crossfit trading? Are you talking about exercise?”

I didn’t expect him to know.

“Just keep doing what you know, scalping.”


Choi Nam-woo fell silent, looking puzzled.

This time, Grandfather spoke.

“Are there not many other companies besides investment companies? K Company is also under Jin-hoo. They recently acquired a large automotive company in the United States. And it’s not just one or two other companies that they have?”

Grandfather cleared his throat unnecessarily.

“Ahem, managing subordinates should be entrusted to trustworthy individuals. Like those upper management or executives, that kind of thing.

Simply put, doing less work and making more money…or even more simply put, wanting a job where you can slack off.

Of course, such jobs might not actually exist. If you’re determined to create one, there’s nothing stopping you, but I don’t see the reason for it.

Aunt said, “Not long ago, I saw on the news that the chairman of Lite Group allowed his mistress to sell popcorn and soda at the movie theater. It would be nice if we could have something like that too.”

More precisely, Chairman Jin Kyung-ho handed over the concession for running the cinema snack bar to RT Distribution established by his third wife(?).

Thanks to favorable contract terms, RT Distribution was able to pocket hundreds of billions in unfair profits.

“That’s considered embezzlement. And right now, the prosecution has filed charges.”


They were probably on the news for that, what exactly did they see?

Grandfather mentioned casually, “What about investing in Jin-hoo so that we can do business?”

Mother nodded.

“Oh, that sounds good.”


Now the true intentions come out.

No matter how they talk about wanting to help with work, in the end, what they really want is money.

If I had become a billionaire, I probably would have been annoyed. But once I realized that my assets exceeded billions, the conversation shifted.

Whether for me it’s 10 billion or 100 billion, it’s all the same useless money. So what they want is to have a share of that money for themselves.”

Just because it’s in the bloodline.


It’s easy to think that the rich just throw money around everywhere, but that’s not the case. True wealthy individuals spend their money very rationally.

Even if they throw around millions in a single night at a bar or spend tens of millions at a department store… It may seem like a waste to others, but to them, it holds value, so they spend money on it.

On the other hand, they never open their wallets for things they consider worthless.

If our father were still alive and needed even just tens of thousands of won, we wouldn’t hesitate to give him millions now.

But because he didn’t need help, we didn’t feel compelled to help. In short, it feels like a waste of money.

Why should I spend money on such pointless things?

Grandfather suddenly lamented,

“Ah, it would have been nice if Dong-hyun were still alive.”

Aunt sniffled, tears welling in her eyes.

“Yes. Poor brother. He didn’t even get to see his children succeed before he passed away.”

Uncle patted Aunt on the back.

“Still, when Jinhoo achieves such great success, one would be happy up in heaven. He raised his son very well.”

I feel like kicking them all out. But one way or another, they’re my father’s family.

“How much do you need?”

Grandfather avoided my gaze.

“Well, it’s up to you, Jinhoo. It would be nice to set up a small business at least.”

“Just do what you can. Don’t feel pressured.”

Mother mumbled in response to Father’s words,

“Still, you need at least 1 billion to do anything…”

Miyoung noona chuckled brightly.

“Noona wants to try real estate leasing with a commercial building. These days, they say building owners are above landlords.”

“Brother-in-law, I’m confident. Give me a push.”

The aunt placed her daughter in front.

“Jin-hoo oppa, Mina wants a building. Please buy one.”

They desire businesses, money, buildings… a lot.

Came with a firm intention to secure a solid background.

Beyond annoyance, anger surged.

If I give 1 billion each, will everyone truly be satisfied and leave?

Desires are endless. Easily get 1 billion, then crave more. Probably using the family tie to keep demanding more.

It’s fine for me, but I’m worried about mom.

Even if estranged relatives suddenly visit, and see her warmly welcoming them into our home, mom is kind and softhearted.

Likely to trouble mom more than me.

What should I do?

What would dad do if he were alive?

While pondering with arms crossed, mom’s voice came from behind.

“Stop it! Are you all here to see Jin-hoo act this way?”

Everyone’s gaze turned to mom. Perhaps she had rushed out while preparing fruit, holding a half-peeled apple.

Relatives who were just lively a moment ago became cautious.

“No, we’re just…”

“Actually, we’re just…”

Mom pointed to the door.

“Please leave. Don’t contact or visit us again.”

Her voice was calm but firm.

“Jae, Jae Su-ssi?”

“Why, Unni?”

Mother’s face turned cold.

“You know, after Jin-hoo’s father passed away, things were tough for us. We struggled a lot financially. Our house was even auctioned off because of medical bills, and we had to move out like we were being chased away. Do you remember when I asked Jin-hoo for help with his tuition fees back then?”

Grandmother said.

“I know. We were all in a tough situation….”

“I understand. Everyone was struggling. But still, we shouldn’t forget Jin-hoo’s father. He worked tirelessly to support the family since he was young. He paid for his little noona’s university fees, helped with his daughter’s wedding expenses. Whether the business was doing well or not, he always remembered, taking care of his family. He supported his parents until the end, even paying for the medical and funeral expenses.”


“But how did everyone manage after Jin-hoo’s father passed away? Did anyone help even a fraction of what they received before from him? So, demanding something from Jin-hoo now is shameless. Let’s continue to support each other as before.”

Father-in-law blushed.

“What are you saying, Sister-in-law? Jin-hoo is our nephew.”

“That’s right. He’s a family member from the Kang family.”

Mother cut in sharply.

“No. Jin-hoo is my son.”

Speechless, the father-in-law brought up his father again.

“Think about it, Jae Su-ssi. How would you have handled it if Dong-hyun were still alive?”

Aunt chimed in.

“That’s right, Unni. You shouldn’t act like this when thinking about your brother.”

Mother nodded calmly.

“If he were alive, he would have taken care of his siblings, younger noona, and nieces and nephews. He always put his family first, even towards others.”

“Look at that. If it were my brother….”

“However, he is already deceased. He may have had such responsibilities and obligations, but not Jin-hoo. Jin-hoo only needs to take care of his parents and siblings, just like his father did. So, please don’t expect anything from Jin-hoo.”


Relatives were shocked and couldn’t say anything.

I was equally surprised. Mother is the type to rather suffer herself than say harsh words to others.

But I never expected her to speak so sternly!

Even after all this, no one left their seats. They probably instinctively knew that if they backed down now, they would never get another chance.

“Sister-in-law. Please calm down first and let’s talk more.”

“If something bothers you, talk about it.”

“But they are family….”

Mother opened the front door and told the security guards, “Escort these people out.”

The security guards outside rushed in.

Surprised, Jung-min and Mina burst into tears.



I patted the kids’ heads.

“Goodbye, kids.”

If Father hadn’t passed away, maybe I could have been a good cousin to them?

What did these kids do wrong?

I told the security guards, “What are you waiting for? Hurry and take these people outside.”

Relatives shouted at me and Mother, “We were wrong, so please forgive us, Jae Su-ssi.”

“Jin-hoo, do you remember how much your noona took care of you when you were young?”

“Brother-in-law! CEO, brother-in-law! Please trust me once!”

“Okay! I’ll contact you again!”

Although everyone hesitated to leave, the security guards escorted them all out and locked the door.

The house was quiet as if wondering what had just happened. It felt like calm had returned after a storm had passed.

I asked Mother, “Are you okay?”

Mother, seeming to have released the tension in her legs, plopped down on the couch.

“Oh, I’m not sure if what I did was right.”

“You did the right thing.”

“Sit down for a moment.”

I sat down next to Mother.

She held my hand and said, “Jin-hoo, from now on, take care of yourself and the people you care about. Don’t worry about what others say. Do you understand what Mom is saying?”

“Yes, I do.”

Success attracts people like a magnet.

Not only to me but to Mother as well, people would continue to come seeking help. We never know who else might come asking for favors. If we keep fulfilling every request, it will never end.

That’s why Mother made the decision to cut off relatives for the sake of her son.

“Get me some water, please.”

I fetched water from the kitchen. After gulping down the cold water, Mother finally let out a sigh.

“But why didn’t you tell me you were taken by the prosecution? Do you know how worried I was for days after seeing that on TV?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Have you eaten?”


Mother rolled her eyes.

“What’s the point of making a lot of money if you can’t even eat properly? I’ll prepare something for you, so eat quickly.”


I had a premonition that a long nagging was about to start.

Quickly, I said, “Taekgyu’s outside, should I call him?”

“If he had come with you, he should have said so earlier. Hurry and bring him in.”

I went outside.

Taek-gyu was waiting by the car.

“What happened inside?”

“They asked for money, so I kicked them out.”

Taek-gyu nodded in response to my words.

“He was bad-mouthing you on the way here.”

“What did he say?”

“He said you became disrespectful after earning money.”


I couldn’t swear in front of me, maybe I’ll find out behind my back.

“You shouldn’t just stand there while they bad-mouth your friends. That’s why I spoke up.”

As always, no one cares for me like this guy does.

“What did you say?”

Taek-gyu confidently replied, “‘Don’t get it twisted. Jin-hoo wasn’t disrespectful even before he started making money.’”


You scoundrel, lie down.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️

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  1. Aldevil says:

    Yeah, cut off those leeches

  2. Birju Raeskhan says:


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