Taekgyu asked,
“Who do you think should become the president?”
“If we think about the global economy…”
Taekgyu interrupted me,
“No, I mean for us.”
“It would be good for Ronald to become the president.”
While the outcome of choosing Diane is uncertain, helping Ronald win would definitely bring many benefits.
“Then what’s the issue?”
“You saw it too. If someone like that became the president, it feels like the world would be in chaos.”
Even just in Korea, choosing the wrong president caused so much suffering. But that was only Korea’s issue. If the wrong U.S. president is chosen, the whole world suffers together.
Taekgyu looked incredulous,
“When did you start thinking like that? The so-called righteous person caused financial troubles domestically when smartphones exploded, and during Brexit, they drained the foreign exchange market.”
I replied defensively,
“At least I didn’t cause those incidents.”
“Don’t you know it’s not the virtue of a gentleman to profit when others are in trouble?”
Why did this kid suddenly become so smart?
Regardless, this situation is a bit different. If in the past I reaped the results when someone else caused the problem, this time I am the one causing it.
The repercussions could be even greater than Brexit.
Do I really have the right qualifications for this?
“When you look at a strategy book…”
Surprised, I asked,
“You read strategy books too?”
Taekgyu corrected himself,
“In the webtoon ‘Phantom Go King,’ this phrase is used.”
“What phrase?”
In response to my question, he said one word,
“Live first, then kill others.”
It’s a famous saying in the world of Baduk, instructing to capture the opponent’s stone after securing one’s own.
It’s a striking statement.
Taekgyu placed his hand on my shoulder and said,
“Regardless of how Korea is doing or how the world is doing, don’t worry about it. Let’s first find a way to live, and then think about it.”
I nodded my head.
“It might be good to meet with both sides first.”
Anyway, we have good cards in our hands. If Diane wants our cards, we can reconsider.
Diane had an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
The reporter was very friendly towards her. There was no doubt that they would write a good article.
After the interview, the reporter said, “Since it may be difficult to meet later, I will tell you now. Congratulations on your election, Madam President.”
Diane chuckled pleasantly. “I’ll save that for our interview after the election.”
She shook hands with the reporter.
As she got into the car, her secretary and chief strategist were waiting.
“What’s next on the schedule?”
“We have visits to an orphanage, nursing home, and a charity event organized by a foundation.”
Diane sighed. “Another hectic day, it seems.”
The campaign had been intense since it began. A few days ago, she almost collapsed before getting into the car. Ronald attacked her, questioning if a woman who couldn’t even take care of her own body could lead a country.
The chief strategist, Joel, said, “We received a call from Golden Gate.”
“What’s it about?”
“The CEO of OTK Company wants to meet you.”
Diane raised an eyebrow. “Which company?”
“It’s an investment firm with a mysterious identity. They are currently a major shareholder in several US startups and made billions in the foreign exchange market during Brexit.”
“Ah, I’ve heard of them.”
She nodded.
The incident where OTK Company attacked the foreign exchange markets of the UK and Japan was so famous that even the general public knew about it. Financial institutions that bet against them suffered heavy losses, including prominent Wall Street investment banks and companies.
“Why do they want to meet now?”
Already in a strong position with sufficient campaign funds, there was no need to create rumors by meeting with a company with a bad reputation, especially when the current government and the Democratic Party were already under scrutiny for their ties to the financial sector.
“Please convey that it’s difficult to change the schedule.”
It was a polite way of refusal.
Joel also agreed with Diane.
Henry said, “Diane declined the offer.” I nodded in disappointment.
“Too bad. It was somewhat expected. Still, I had some hopes since Golden Gate introduced me to her.
Does this mean my chances of meeting Diane and getting her support have gone down the drain?
“How about Ronald?”
“He’s currently campaigning in LA, but he said he can spare 15 minutes before my flight tomorrow.” I sighed with relief. “That’s fortunate.”
Even though they are both in California, the distance from Silicon Valley to LA is as far as from Seoul to Busan, if not farther. The U.S. is practically a country of its own with each state being like a different nation.
Henry cautiously asked me, “But do you really need to meet Ronald? Unlike Diane, Ronald doesn’t seem to have much chance of winning.”
“I see you share the same thought.”
Looking at the current political landscape, not many people would expect Ronald to win. However, this year has been full of surprises. Who would have imagined Brexit happening?
“May I ask the reason for your interest?”
I chuckled.
“I’ll tell you after I meet him.”
We arrived in LA a day in advance. Ronald was staying in his own Stamper Hotel VIP room.
Before entering, security guards searched our bodies. They used metal detectors and we had to remove our shoes. We even had to leave our phones for a while.
Taekgyu spoke in Korean.
“Do we really have to go through all this?”
“Just bear with it. We’re meeting a US presidential candidate.”
We entered the room where about ten people were gathered. A large man sat on the center sofa, and a young white woman stood beside him.
Her name was Veronica, a Czech model who married Ronald twelve years ago. She was his third wife while he was on his fourth marriage.
The man on the sofa looked at us and said in a deep voice, “Are you here because Diane didn’t meet you?”
Taekgyu was taken aback.
“Oh! How did you…?”
I quietly nudged him to be cautious.
It seemed like he knew about our attempt to contact Diane. Considering the important election, having a spy in each other’s camp wouldn’t be surprising. After all, our contact with Diane wasn’t a significant secret.
Thinking about it, I started feeling uneasy. What if meeting Ronald also informs Diane’s side?
Ronald stood up. Despite being a 70-year-old man, his height of 192 centimeters and over 100 kilograms gave an imposing presence. His wide suit and thick tie looked somewhat comical. However, sticking to this style had its reasons, making him appear even larger.
His overwhelming appearance made me wonder if I would lose even if we fought here. Of course, before that, we may get shot by the security guards.
“As a businessman, I was curious about who the CEO of OTK Company, always causing trouble, was. But I didn’t expect a young Asian.”
Referring to him as a businessman was sarcasm used by the media to imply he wasn’t suited for politics, but saying it himself was unexpected.
Maybe he sees politics as a form of business? Judging by his actions so far, he doesn’t seem to have strong political beliefs. Even the policies he proposes don’t align much with traditional Republican values.
I reached out my hand.
“It is an honor to meet you, sir.”
Ronald grabbed my hand.
“Pleased to meet you.”
He didn’t just lightly hold my hand; he gripped it tightly as if showing off his strength. As I winced from the pain radiating from my hand, Ronald chuckled and released my hand, jokingly commenting, “Seems like our young friend lacks strength.”
My hand was already turning red.
Ronald looked at Taekgyu and asked, “Who is this friend?”
We had submitted our profiles before the meeting, so he should have known. Did he not read them?
“He’s just a companion who came along,” felt like an inadequate response. Taekgyu is the second in command at OTK Company by title.
I spoke my mind, “He is the COO of OTK Company.”
Taekgyu gave me a questioning look with his eyes, as if asking, ‘Since when was I the COO?’ I responded with a knowing look, ‘From this moment on.’
With this, OTK Company now had a CEO and COO structure in place. The lack of any other employees beneath us was a problem.
“Let’s sit for now.”
We sat on the sofa.
“Time is short, so let’s get straight to the point. Why did you want to see me?”
The area of the United States is nearly 100 times larger than that of Korea. With such vast land to cover for campaigning, every minute counts. Being the CEO of OTK Company got me a 15-minute slot with him – otherwise, it would have been impossible.
The worst-case scenario is Ronald losing despite my help. In that case, I’ll have to face the consequences, and I cannot expect any support from the upcoming U.S. government.
But there is a prediction that Ronald will become the president.
If I don’t assist Ronald or choose to support Diane, could it disrupt the prediction?
However, in this case, I gain nothing from it. Above all, the fact that I met Ronald must have already been made known to Diane.
Without saying a word, Taekgyu muttered something under his breath beside me.
That damn ‘Live first, then kill others…’
I got straight to the point.
“I want to help with the candidate’s election.”
“Are you going to stand on my side?”
Ronald burst into laughter.
“Hahaha, do you think I’m in trouble because I’m short on election funds?”
The campaign funds Ronald has amassed are only half of Diane’s. The reason for such a drastic difference is that most wealthy individuals, including entrepreneurs and financiers, sided with the Democrats.
Again, the U.S. presidential election is fought with money.
The largest portion of campaign funds is for media advertising, and Ronald has cleverly utilized it.
He constantly made controversial statements on social media and during public speeches, and the media criticized and condemned him for it.
In response, Ronald lashed out at the media as liars, and the media fiercely countered, leading to ongoing verbal battles.
Meanwhile, Ronald’s popularity continued to rise. He seemed to embody the entertainment industry saying it’s better to have negative comments than no comments.
If I had thought of providing funds, I should have come earlier. What good would it do to show up with money when the election is almost over?
Well, I wouldn’t refuse if they offered it anyway.
“I want to offer something more important than campaign funds.”
“What is it?”
“Victory in the election.”
Ronald chuckled in disbelief.
“The young friend speaks interesting words.”
“As you know, the candidate is currently behind in polls. If it continues like this, Diane will win,” the man behind me remarked with a serious expression.
“Perhaps choose your words more carefully?”
His name was Toby Rush.
As the husband of Ronald’s eldest daughter Irina, he was currently serving as the chief strategist in Ronald’s campaign.
I casually remarked, “It’s true that we are significantly behind in the polls, aren’t we?”
Ronald gestured dramatically and said, “You know that opinion polls are all nonsense, don’t you?”
Is this about Brexit?
I nodded my head.
“You’re right. Perhaps the candidate’s actual support is higher than in the polls. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it can beat Diane.”
The people around us looked at us with sharp eyes. Taekgyu subtly turned his head away, but I confidently met their gaze.
They probably know that I am right. But they probably wouldn’t want to hear it from someone else.
Ronald leaned back on the sofa and said, “How do you plan on bringing victory to me? I’m curious about the method.”
“The candidate pledged to revitalize the collapsed American manufacturing industry and create jobs for Americans.”
Ronald nodded at my words.
“That’s why I want to become president.”
“But politicians making promises during elections is not uncommon. Diane is attacking the candidate for making unrealistic promises as well.”
When the chief strategist Toby tried to speak up, Ronald raised his hand to stop him.
“What do you want to say?”
“I’ll change those promises to cash right now.”
For the first time, a look of surprise crossed Ronald’s face.
Oh nooo, sangat tanggung, aku menghabiskan moon dust terakhir ku untuk ini TIDAKKK
yani baştan düşmanlık gösteren bir aday diğer aday umursamadı bile 3. kişinin kazanması daha rahatlatıcı olacak gibi
Damnit man
Asengyeonhusalta????? Translation would be good…
Hi, Thank u for reading it’s fixed. It was meant to be a short quote
Well, dunno but for me, instead of trying to meet Diane first, he better meet Ronald from the beginning, cause it woulda have more impact at the time to say to him, you’ll became the next president.