An Investor Who Sees The Future

After an absence of three years, I returned to school.

I parked near the central library and walked up, everything felt unfamiliar. I had noticed the changes when I came with Ellie last time, but it had really changed a lot.

I even got lost for a moment because I couldn’t find the business school building.

I had forgotten how to register for classes, so I had to ask Yuri for help. Since we were both second-year students, we had to take the major courses together, and for the general education courses, I decided to just listen to what Yuri chose for me.

As I was heading towards the business school building, I saw familiar faces.

Minyoung and Kyeongil waved at me.

“Hey, Kang Jinhoo.”

“You came?”

Minyoung had gone on a language study trip to the Philippines last year, and Kyeongil had taken a leave of absence before that, so they were both fourth-year students now.

Due to reasons like graduation, studying abroad, military service, there weren’t many classmates left. Still, I was fortunate to have these two.

“What did you do for a year instead of returning to school? We didn’t keep in touch much,” Minyoung asked.

“I just traveled here and there.”

Kyeongil quickly asked me, “Have you met the beauty you came with back then?”

“Ellie? She went back to Hong Kong a while ago.”

So, a few days ago, I went to Hong Kong and met her there.

Minyoung seemed to remember something.

“Oh! Do you know there’s the son of the MCK Food Chairman among this year’s freshmen?”

“Master Chicken?”

South Korea is the Chicken Republic. More chicken restaurants are concentrated on this tiny land than all McDonald’s outlets worldwide combined.

Among them, Master Chicken is a large chicken franchise with over 1,800 stores. They have a 30-story headquarters in Sinsa-dong, and the company is listed on the KOSDAQ with a market cap of approximately 120 billion won.

Selling chicken to this extent. How much chicken do people in our country eat? At one point, Taekgyu also used to order it frequently.

“I heard someone came in as a third-year, but it seems like there’s a problem with their child.”

“What kind of problem?”

Kyeongil said, “During orientation, I saw them making the newcomers play games and forcing girls to drink until they vomited… It was chaotic. They acted all superior, even towards their seniors.”

“What did the seniors say?”

“Well, that’s the thing…”

Suddenly, a group of students approached and greeted with enthusiasm, “Hello, seniors!”

They were unfamiliar faces, all looking young and inexperienced.

“Oh! These are the new freshmen this year. You know Minyoung, and this is my junior, Kang Jinhoo. He came back to school this semester.”

Kyeongil introduced each of the freshmen to me one by one. Having taken a long break and missed orientation events and freshman welcome parties, I couldn’t easily discern who were our department juniors.

Proudly, Kyeongil said, “That’s why everyone should attend orientation like I did.”

“A fourth-year like you going there.”

“Many seniors from higher grades also came.”

Reflecting, I remembered how during my freshman orientation, groups of graduated seniors came with alcohol. It was amusing to see middle-aged men and women at such a young age.

“Please get me coffee, senior.”

“I’ll have a caramel macchiato.”

It’s a newcomer’s privilege to ask seniors to buy things.

Minyoung asked.

“Do you want to come too?”

“No. I have a meeting with the department head.”

Minyoung and Kyungil took their juniors to the campus cafe, while I headed to the department head’s office.


Department head of the Business Administration Department, Kim MyoungJun.

Despite his relatively young age, his teaching style was engaging, and he took good care of his students. Therefore, he was highly respected among the Business Administration students.

Professor Kim greeted me, “It’s been three years. I’m glad you safely returned to school.”


He probably knows about me taking a leave of absence due to family issues. However, he might not be aware of what happened afterward.

“You made the right choice. Nevertheless, it’s better to graduate from school.”

“Even after graduation, isn’t it tough to find a job?”

He chuckled at my remark.

“Indeed, the job market is tough now. However, by the time you graduate, the economy might improve. So, don’t worry and just focus on your studies.”


“If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to talk to me. Even if I can’t offer much help, I can at least buy you a drink.”

“Thank you.”

As I was about to leave the office, I hesitated.

“Why the pause?”

“I want to give you a gift.”

In response, Professor Kim extended his hand.

“Don’t accept. Due to the Kim Young-ran Law, we’re not supposed to receive even a drink from students. I’ll appreciate the gesture, so just take it with you.”

“It’s just a piece of paper.”

I pulled out a piece of paper from my bag and handed it over.

It had a crumpled signature with ‘To. Professor Kim MyoungJun’ written on it.

“What’s this?”

“It’s Chase Southwell’s signature. You know how much Professor likes him.”


Done with my task, I closed the door and stepped out. A while later, I heard a shout from behind, “Hey! Where did you get this?” but I pretended not to hear.

I could ask my friend’s sister later; she works at Golden Gate.


As I entered my second year, my major subjects increased.

Accounting, Management Science, Corporate Law, Marketing Cases, Business Communication, and more.

After the Corporate Law lecture ended, Yoori packed her books and asked me, “How was it, senior? Manageable?”


Even though I had been active in the field until recently, now that I was attending lectures, I didn’t understand a thing.

Is theory different from practice, or is my mind just too stiff?

Regretting making a big fuss about securing straight A’s when I went back to school. Since getting good grades won’t guarantee a job, I should just aim to graduate. As long as I attend classes and do assignments properly, I shouldn’t fail.

“Will you come to the opening party after class?”

“I don’t know.”

“Please come, senior. To continue going to school, you need to get to know your juniors at such events. You barely know the classmates you’re studying with now.”

“That’s true.”

Most of my classmates are in their 3rd or 4th year, so I rarely see them in class. To comfortably go through school, I should at least get familiar with their faces.

“Alright, let’s go together.”

Yuri smiled brightly at my words.

“It’s a promise.”


After the morning lecture ended, I waited in front of the central library with my classmates to have a late lunch. Female students were gathered in one corner of the parking lot.

“Wow! Look at this car.”

“What is it?”

“It’s an i8. This is my first time seeing it in person.”

“This car is so pretty. Who would drive such a car?”

Surprisingly, it was Taekgyu driving it.

Although I rode in it today, I haven’t been in Korea much until now, so it was okay, but now that I’m going to school, I also need a car. I’ve been looking into what kind of car to buy.

The girls enjoyed looking at the cars and even took selfies in front of them.

“There’s a contact number here. Should we try contacting them? They might be students at our school, right?”

“Don’t. That’s Taekgyu’s contact number. They’re not students at our school.”

Shortly after, Minyoung arrived first.

“Where’s Kyeongil?”

“He’ll be here soon. Oh, that’s an i8 over there. Who drove it here?”

Both Taekgyu and the i8 stand out. Should I get a less conspicuous car? But then, I can’t afford a luxury car.

“They say there are many pretty new students this year. Kyeongil is rushing to get a girlfriend early in the semester. Are you not interested?”

I shook my head.

“Never mind. After paying expensive tuition, you should focus on studying. What’s the point of dating at the height of intellect?”


“What about you?”

“I’m not interested either. I’m too busy worrying about getting a job.”

As Seon-ah and I broke up, Min-young also had an experience of dating a senior in the department and breaking up.

Because of that, campus relationships feel like a hassle.

As I continued to wait for Gyeil, I saw Yuri walking towards us from afar. I could recognize her at a glance, maybe because of her blonde hair.

Min-young looked at Yuri and said, “We still have the top two girls in our department, Seon-ah and Yuri.”

“Is that so?”

Well, if it’s Yuri, she has the looks to debut in a girl group. Besides being pretty, she also has a unique charm.

Yuri noticed us and waved, saying, “Jin-hoo senior! Min-young senior!”

However, at that moment, a man approached from behind and gently held Yuri’s wrist, saying affectionately, “There you are. I called earlier, why didn’t you pick up?”

Initially, I thought they were close, but Yuri’s reaction was a bit strange.

“Let go of my hand.”

Nevertheless, he still held her wrist, smiling pleasantly and said, “Haven’t had lunch yet? Let’s go together. I’ll treat you.”

Yuri frowned.

“I wish you wouldn’t let the senior know about this.”

“Oh, come on, we are the same age, what’s the big deal? It’s nice to be comfortable with each other, right?”

“Let go of my hand.”

Yuri tried to pull her hand away forcibly, but she couldn’t resist the man’s grip.

“Why are you so prickly? Don’t tell me today is the day?”


“Oh! Judging by your expression, it seems like you’ve hit the jackpot.”

Yuri seemed frozen, unable to say anything.

I was taken aback by their reaction.

“Who is that guy?” Min-young also spoke in surprise.

“I told you before. Among the freshmen, there is Master Chicken’s son.”

Unable to bear it, I approached Yuri.

“Can you let go of her hand, please?”

The guy scanned me up and down at my words.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Kang Jin-hoo from the Business Administration Department.”

He dryly nodded his head.

“I’m Chae Myeong-ho. Nice to meet you, senior.”

From his attitude, it didn’t seem like a very pleasant meeting for either of us.

I then removed the guy’s hand holding onto Yuri’s wrist. Then, I pulled Yuri behind me.

At that, Chae Myeong-ho’s expression changed.

“What are you doing?”

“What about you?”

He stood in front of me. Though we were of similar height, his shoulders were broader, indicating regular exercise.

He had a fairly handsome face, and even at a glance, his pants and coat looked like luxury brands.

“We’re planning to have a meal with our juniors, so please step aside, senior.”

“No, we seniors will have the meal together, so why don’t you step aside, junior? Right, Yuri?”

Yuri nodded in agreement.

“Right. I’m going to have a meal with Jin-hoo senior.”

Chae Myeong-ho sighed as he spoke.

“Ugh, this senior who acts like he’s never heard anything before butting in and causing a scene…”

Swearing at someone you’ve just met. Talk about his character.

“What did you just say?”

“Do you perhaps not know who I am?”

“And you, do you know who I am?”

The atmosphere was gradually getting worse. It wouldn’t be strange if one side threw the first punch.

Just as Min-young and Yuri tried to separate us, an unexpected figure appeared at that moment.

A big man with a military-like short haircut and baggy sweatpants.

“Hey, Kang Jin-hoo! What are you doing with your junior?”

“Oh, Kyu-won senior.”

I’m not sure about other schools, but Korea University isn’t particularly big on military influence. However, there’s always at least one senior who likes to act all authoritative. In the Business Administration Department, that person was Lee Kyu-won.

But seriously, he still hasn’t graduated.

Senior Kyu-won was immediately angry with me.

“Hey! When did the military culture at university disappear? Why are you still treating your juniors like soldiers? Act like a senior should, man.”

“Well, the thing is…”

As I tried to explain the situation, Senior Kyu-won cut in.

“Where do you get off talking back to a senior?! Can’t you show some respect as a senior? This kid took a long break from studies and lost his military influence.”


He tells me not to act like a soldier, yet he’s the one talking about military influence.

Chae Myeong-ho gritted his teeth as he watched this. Then, he grabbed Senior Kyu-won’s arm and said.

“Please stop, senior. I think Junho Senior got the message by now.”

“No, Myungho. Sometimes you have to scold them sharply.”

At this, Chae Myeong-ho smiled and said, “I told you to stop. Didn’t you hear me?”

Although his mouth was smiling, his eyes gleamed sharply.

Kyu-won senior flinched and said, “Oh, okay, Myungho. If something like this happens again, feel free to tell me anytime.”

“Let’s go grab some food. I’ll treat you.”

“Uhm, okay. Thank you.”

Kyu-won senior followed Chae Myeong-ho and said to me, “I’ll keep an eye on you from now on, so be careful.”

The way he followed was like a puppy wagging its tail to its owner.

What on earth is going on?

Although he can be a bit annoying trying to act tough all the time, he’s not someone who acts like this without reason.

“Why is Kyu-won senior like this?” Minyoung sighed and said.

“Try to understand. Do you think he’s acting that way because he likes it?”


“Kyu-won senior’s father was forced into retirement last year.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“He opened a chicken restaurant.”


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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️

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