An Investor Who Sees The Future

I stopped the staff member from reporting to the branch manager.

If the manager comes, they won’t even give a discount, so what’s the point of meeting?

I had the gift for my mother delivered to the house in Dongtan, while I brought the rest with me. Ellie proudly kept glancing at the watch on her wrist.

“Do you really like it that much?”

“Of course! It’s the first gift Jin-hoo has ever given me.”

Thinking back, I realized I had been quite oblivious. I only focused on making money, hardly preparing for the birthdays or gifts of those close to me.

I asked Ellie, “Is there anything else you want?”

“Aren’t you overdoing it?”

“It’s still your birthday until midnight, so I’ll grant your wish before then.”

Ellie joked, “Saying that makes me feel like Cinderella.”

“When the clock strikes twelve, this car might turn into a compact one. So hurry up and tell me.”

After a moment of giggling, Ellie clapped her hands.

“Ah! I thought of something!”

“What is it?”

“You’ll find out when we get there.”


We arrived at the Lotte Tower Observation Deck in Jamsil.

Completed last year, Lotte Tower is the tallest building in Korea and a significant landmark. The topmost level of the 124-story building is an observation deck, welcoming visitors.

Lotte Group’s main businesses are not manufacturing but include food, distribution, hotels, department stores, and services. They used the profits to construct such an impressive skyscraper in the heart of Seoul.

I had heard rumors about it several times, but this was my first visit.

As we approached the window, Seoul lay before us in panoramic view. We could see Gangnam, the Han River, and even Gangbuk.

Ellie gazed out the window in awe.

“The night view of Seoul is beautiful.”

Seeing her so pleased made me feel glad I brought her here.

“Do you remember you said that before?”

She winked at my remark.

“I do remember.”

We had once driven along the Olympic Highway and admired the night view of the Han River. At that time, Ellie promised to show me the night view of Hong Kong when I visited.

Later, I went to Hong Kong with Taek-gyu, and we enjoyed the night view from Victoria Peak with Ellie and Hyun-joo.

With a 360-degree view centered around the tower, we slowly made our way counterclockwise.

While Ellie was exploring, I bought coffee at the café inside the observation deck.

“Here, drink this.”

“Thank you.”

I sat in a chair, and Ellie took a seat next to me. The space was small, and our hands accidentally brushed against each other.

Ellie didn’t pull her hand away, nor did I.

We sat like that until we finished our coffee.


In the car back to the hotel, Ellie didn’t say a word. She simply rested her chin in her hand and stared out the window.

Suddenly, my mind became a mess.

I wasn’t sure when it started, but it seemed Ellie had feelings for me.

At first, I thought it might be a misunderstanding due to cultural differences or ways of expression, but her actions over time suggested it was more than that.

It felt hard to believe that a woman who was perfect in looks, personality, and profession could actually like me.

Surely, I wasn’t the only one misinterpreting things, right?

So, what should I do now?

It had been so long since I had been in a relationship that I felt lost.

While I was deep in thought, the car arrived at the Grand Dayton Hotel in Samseong.

As Ellie opened the door, she said, “Thank you for the ride. Be careful going inside.”

“Wait a moment.”

In a sudden impulse, I grabbed her wrist. Ellie was taken aback by the unexpected move.

“What’s wrong?”

“Uh, well….”

I had taken hold of her wrist, but what should I say now?

“Can you give me a some time?”


Saying something like this out of the blue, it was no surprise she reacted this way.

“Uh, so….”

As I fumbled with my words, Ellie nodded.

“Okay, I understand.”

I wasn’t sure what she understood, but inside, I breathed a sigh of relief. At least if she said she understood, that was a good sign.

She looked at my expression and playfully smiled.

“But you shouldn’t keep me waiting too long.”

“Yes, of course.”

Ellie got out of the car and waved her hand.

“I had a great time today. Drive safely!”

I drove home, and since the distance from the hotel to my house wasn’t far, I arrived quickly.

Once I parked the car, I suddenly came to my senses.

I wasn’t sure what I had just said a moment ago.

I took a moment to rest my head against the steering wheel and reflect before taking the elevator to the first floor.

Taek-gyu was playing video games in the living room.

“What took you so long to come back?”

“I had a bit of a situation.”

I handed Taek-gyu a shopping bag.

“What’s this?”

“A gift for Hyun-joo. I picked it up while I was at the department store. You can deliver it.”

“Don’t I get a present?”

I nodded my head.

“Nope. You buy your own.”

What a guy with plenty of money.


After finishing the meeting with the team leaders, I received word that an unexpected guest had arrived at the company.

I instructed them to send her to the CEO’s office. Moments later, a woman in her early twenties entered.

She wore a short beige dress that accentuated her figure, topped with a trench coat, and donned high heels at a moderate height.

Her face, seemingly well-cared-for, was flawless, with no blemishes, and her features left no doubt that she could be called a beauty.

From the bag she carried to her necklace and earrings, even someone like me, who isn’t well-versed in fashion, could easily tell that everything she wore was luxury brand.

She smiled and extended her hand.

“Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

“Nice to meet you, Executive Director Han Hyo-rin.”

Once seated, her secretary brought in coffee.

“I hear it’s not easy to meet the CEO of OTK Company, so thank you for making time for me.”

“I just finished a meeting.”

Hyo-rin took a sip of her coffee and gazed out the window.

“The view is nice. This building belongs to OTK Company, right?”

“What brings you here?”

She is the daughter of the president of Eunsung Card and the cousin of Han Chan-young.

Everyone in the business world knows about my unfortunate connection with Eunsung Motors. Yet, I never expected someone from Eunsung Motors would seek me out.

I didn’t harbor any particular ill feelings toward her simply because of our familial ties, but I was curious as to why she had come.

In response to my question, she brushed her hair aside and said, “I heard we were called off because of you. Is that true?”

If Seosung SB had been handed over to Im Seung-yong, then she would have certainly married him. There’s no union as definitive as marriage.

However, not only did Im Seung-yong fail to acquire Seosung SB, but he also lost Seosung Heavy Industries and Seosung Engineering.

With no reason left for a political marriage, it seems that the engagement was naturally called off.

What a time we live in that we’re still talking about political marriages.

When I look at things like this, it feels like our country’s chaebols are living in the Middle Ages.


Han Hyo-rin smiled at me.

“I wanted to say thank you. I wasn’t really fond of that person.”

I recalled Im Seung-yong’s appearance at the funeral.

“He probably would have been upset if he heard that.”

He’s not particularly handsome, but there’s nothing wrong with his looks. If I had to describe him, he looks just like a typical third-generation chaebol.

“Since Chairman Im Jin-yong has taken notice of him, I won’t be seeing him in this circle anyway.”

From the way she spoke, she seemed to have quite a personality.

“Do you know we’re classmates from Korea University?”

That took me by surprise.

I thought she was around my age, but I didn’t expect her to be from the same school and the same class year.

“I heard you were in the Business Administration department. I’m in the Department of Contemporary Art.”

“Thinking back…”

I vaguely remembered hearing rumors about the daughter of the president of Eunsung Card enrolling when I started. The reason I couldn’t recall it exactly is that there should be only a few chaebol children at our school.

Just why are there so many of my classmates from chaebol families?

“We might have crossed paths at school at least once.”

For reference, the Business and Art buildings are quite far apart.

Well, we might have brushed past each other briefly on the way in and out through the main gate…

“I only attended school for a year and a half.”

She nodded at my words.

“That’s really impressive. To build such a huge company without even graduating college.”

It’s not that extraordinary.

“Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft. Mike Goldenberg, the founder of FaceNote, also dropped out of Harvard.”

“That’s in America.”

That’s a fair point.

Dropping out of college and succeeding is only feasible in the U.S.; it’s practically impossible in Korea. If those two were born in Korea, they would have been preparing for civil service exams or jobs in major corporations.

Han Hyo-rin put down her empty coffee cup.

“I enjoyed it. You must be busy, so I should get going.”

“I won’t be going far.”

She said one last thing before leaving.

“Oh! Would you like to get a card? A new VVIP exclusive card just came out. The annual fee is 3 million won, but I can give you a special discount.”

I shook my head.

“Let’s think about it once Eunsung Card separates from Eunsung Group.”

Han Hyo-rin smiled as if she knew I would say that.

“I’ll leave my business card, so contact me if you change your mind later. It’s okay to reach out when you’re bored drinking alone. We’re peers, so next time we meet, I’ll speak informally.”

She placed her business card on the table and left.

I picked up the card and muttered to myself.

“My classmates must be busy preparing for jobs by now.”

While others join as new employees, I’m already an executive.

Rich people really do start from a different line.


It was a holiday, so I indulged in some sleep.

Waking up near lunchtime, I headed downstairs. Since I hardly cook, the kitchen was neatly organized.

I brewed a cup of coffee and went to the living room.

Taek-gyu was sprawled out on the sofa, sleeping.


Why does this guy always sleep here instead of his own room?

On the table, leftover chicken and beer were scattered around. We had eaten together last night, but I went to my room first.

I turned on the TV and switched to CNN. There was a political news segment on. A large, frowning face of Ronald filled the screen.

There must be plenty of other photos, so why are they always using that one?

“Today, CNN seems to be busy criticizing Ronald again.”

I leaned back on the sofa and casually watched the news.

The Ronald administration, which launched amid worries and concerns from people worldwide, started off on the wrong foot.

During the campaign, Ronald made all sorts of ridiculous promises: stopping immigration, protecting trade, building a wall with Mexico, and dismantling the healthcare reform.

Usually, politicians, whether in Korea or abroad, tend to ignore some of their campaign promises after getting elected. However, surprisingly, Ronald seemed determined to fulfill all of his promises.

He began by withdrawing from the TPP, signing an anti-immigration executive order, and scrapping the healthcare reform initiated by the previous administration before proposing a new plan.

However, the anti-immigration order faced a setback from the Supreme Court, and the healthcare reform proposal was blocked by opposition in the House.

In Congress, he fought against the Democrat-controlled Senate and House, battled the media at press conferences, and dealt with trade disputes and withdrawals from various agreements abroad…

Since Ronald became president, American politics has never had a quiet day.

Separate from the complicated political situation, the US economy is gradually rising. Last year, it achieved a 3% growth rate, and the first quarter of this year is also predicted to comfortably reach 3%.

Although 3% might not seem significant compared to the rapid growth of China and emerging markets, consistent 3% growth in a country of America’s economic scale is truly remarkable.

The US holds a dominant share of global GDP. Hence, America’s growth translates directly to global growth.

To put it metaphorically, a person with 100 million won earning a 10% return makes 10 million won, while someone with 10 billion won earning 3% makes 300 million won.

Boosted by economic recovery, the Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P have been setting new all-time highs.

Ronald boasted that this was all thanks to him being president, but it was really due to the previous administration’s success, with little credit going to him.

Well, there’s some anticipation for the corporate tax cuts, but…

In any case, given that China’s growth is gradually slowing, the fact that the US economy is entering a phase of robust growth is certainly good news.

As I contemplated whether to eat the leftover chicken from yesterday while watching TV, the phone rang.

The caller was none other than Chairman Im Jin-yong.


Chairman Im Jin-yong spoke casually.

[What are you doing this weekend, junior?]

“Oh, I’m just resting at home.”

[If you have some time, how about going to watch a baseball game together? There’s an exhibition match today between the Seosung Dragons and the CL Giants.]


The chairman of Seosung Group just invited me to go watch baseball with him?

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️

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  1. whirose says:

    ahahhaha hala hayattaki konumunu şaşkınlıkla izlemesi

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