An Investor Who Sees The Future

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. Before I knew it, the day had dawned. Taekgyu was sleeping on the opposite couch.

We had the entire 38th floor to ourselves. Inside the CEO’s office, there was a study, a meeting room, and a reception area, while towards the back, there was a separate room with two super single beds and a shower.

He must have chosen to sleep on the couch because going inside seemed like a hassle. It somehow seemed easier to fall asleep on the couch.

If someone saw us, they might think we had worked diligently and dozed off.

I showered inside and woke Taekgyu up.

“Hey, wake up.”

Taekgyu struggled to get up.

“Uhh, what time is it?”

“8:30. Let’s shower and head to my noona.”

The papers with empty columns were still on the table. While Taekgyu was showering, I filled in the amounts, put them in an envelope, sealed them with a string.

We took the elevator down to the lobby. It was just in time for work as employees were swiping cards and entering the building.

Among them was Senior Gi-hong.

As soon as he saw me, Senior greeted with a bow.

“Good morning, CEO Kang Jinhoo. Vice President Oh Taekgyu. Good morning.”

“Yes, Senior… I mean, Manager Jung. Good morning.”

Senior Gi-hong introduced the new employees.

“I would say they look younger… but they must have graduated from college and joined us.”

The employees greeted us.

Taekgyu, feeling awkward in this situation, whispered, hiding behind, “Feels like we should crack a joke or something.”


I shook hands with each one of them.

“It’s been a pleasure to meet you.”

“You’re my idol.”

“I am honored to join OTK Company.”

While greeting the employees, somehow their faces seem familiar.

“Could you be Senior Hyunjeong?”

Although I didn’t take classes with her, I feel like I’ve seen her occasionally at company events or gatherings.

Her expression brightened at my question.

“Yes, that’s right. I am Jun Hyunjeong from Korea University’s business administration department. Thank you for remembering.”

Senior Gi-hong said, “There may be more familiar faces among the new hires.”

Come to think of it, it’s natural.

Considering the number of Korea University business administration graduates aiming for jobs in the financial sector, there must have been many applicants.

Back in my freshman year, I couldn’t have imagined hiring senior alumni who graduated before me to work in my company. Probably, the seniors also didn’t expect to end up working at their juniors’ company.

That’s why life is interesting.

“Good luck, everyone.”


As we entered the Golden Gate building, the receptionist didn’t need to be told anything; they guided us to the elevator leading to the president’s office.

At this point, we could consider ourselves regulars.

Inside, Ellie and Henry were seated.

Ellie greeted us warmly, waving her hand. “Good morning!”

Henry awkwardly said in Korean, “Good morning.”

I asked Ellie, “Where’s noona?”

“She’s getting ready inside.”

“Looks like everyone stayed late working.”

“Yes, Jinhoo didn’t leave either, the lights were still on. Were you pondering over the bidding price all night?”

“Well, actually… I played games, had some black bean noodles, played games again, and fell asleep. I just quickly decided and wrote down the bid price in a second.”

“I have something to give Jinhoo and Taekgyu.”

Ellie handed us a shopping bag.

“What’s inside?”

“It’s a gift. Open it.”

I opened the shopping bag to find a suit and a shirt inside.

“I ordered these with Jessica at a luxury store in Cheongdam-dong.”


Was that why she asked for my size earlier and discreetly took my measurements?

Ellie winked and said, “You have an important event today.”

Come to think of it, after the press conference, this is my first formal event.

“Thank you, Ellie.”

“Try them on quickly.”

“I got it.”

Taek-gyu and I went into the meeting room and changed our clothes.

The new clothes fit perfectly as if they were tailored just for us. The fit and design were different from the suits we were wearing before, giving a much more sophisticated feel.

Ellie clapped her hands.

“Both of you look great. Do you like it?”

“Of course.”

“I will get changed as well.”

I didn’t expect such a gift.

Henry also complimented us, but it’s hard to compete with a handsome blond man.

“Just a moment. Jessica will help with makeup and hair, and I’ll freshen up as well.”

And 30 minutes passed.

Taek-gyu asked, “Didn’t you say it would only take a moment earlier?”


When will they be ready?

Just as I was thinking that, Hyun-joo and Ellie appeared.

Hyun-joo wore a black high-waisted skirt with a white blouse, black stockings, black heels. Her black hair was neatly pinned up, and she wore her usual silver-framed glasses.

She had light makeup on her face, subtly eye-catching gold necklace and earrings, and a thin chain-strap watch on her wrist.

Her usual work attire, with just a bit of makeup and accessories, completely transformed her look.

She looked so beautiful and elegant, it was hard to believe she was Taek-gyu’s noona.

Was Hyun-joo always this stunning?

It’s normal to have fantasies about an older friend’s noona during childhood, especially if she’s a college beauty.

Now she feels like a noona to me too.

“Jessica looks pretty, right?”

Even Ellie, saying that, was equally beautiful.

Wearing comfortable pants and jacket, but with a voluptuous figure that cannot be hidden, the lively energy on her face seemed to be enhanced by the makeup.

If Hyun-joo is an Asian beauty, could Ellie be a Western beauty?

Both of them having such appearance and being financial elites seems like cheating.

Am I the only one thinking this way, or was Henry lost in thought?

Hyun-joo picked up her briefcase and said, “Let’s start heading out slowly.”


Hyun-joo’s car is a Benz Maybach S600L.

It wasn’t purchased with money, but provided by the head office at Golden Gate as a company car. Usually, a secretary would be driving, but Taek-gyu took the wheel so we could talk comfortably among ourselves.

Ellie sat in the front passenger seat, while Hyun-joo and I got in the back. The back seat was not just spacious, it was vast. You could stretch your legs out completely.

“Where are we headed?”

“To the Seoul branch of Morgan Stanley.”

Ellie marked the map on the navigation system.

Like most foreign IB branches, Morgan Stanley’s Seoul branch was located near Gwanghwamun. As Taek-gyu stepped on the gas, the car glided down the road.

During the journey, Noona did not smoke. Probably because of the smell.

When we reach the bidding venue, all the representatives of the participating companies will already be there.

This is my first time going to such a place.

“Noona, you must be familiar with this place since you’ve been here a lot.”

At my words, Hyun-joo nodded.

“I’ve only gone a few times. I was leading the inspection team, not in charge.”

Ellie said, “I’ve been a few times, no need to be nervous.”

I handed the sealed document envelope to Hyun-joo.

“How much did you bid?”

“We decided after discussing with Taek-gyu. It’s not an excessive amount, so don’t worry.”

Hyun-joo gave a bitter smile.

“The question is whether we can win the bid.”

The main bidding starts at 1 p.m. If we don’t submit the documents by then, we’ll be automatically disqualified.

We arrived at the Morgan Stanley building at 12:30 p.m.

After showing our IDs and stating our purpose of visit to the reception desk staff, we were guided to the bidding venue.

There were already many people gathered there.

The group of executives, including secretaries, lawyers, and practitioners, consisted of about 20 people. It is said that Eunsung Group and Canline Group have already placed negotiation teams elsewhere, ready to start sales negotiations immediately upon winning the bid.

Are they going to drink Kimchi soup first?

I’ve only been in the financial market for three years.

On the other hand, the people here have been fighting in the financial market for decades, rising to top positions or becoming experts in their fields.

Ellie said,

“To those people, Jinhoo must look even more impressive.”

I chuckled.

“Is that so?”

Of course, no one here has made more money than me. Making a profit of 1 trillion with one deal is significant, but I have made tens of trillions.

As we entered, I felt the eyes of the people in the room focusing on us.

Hyunjoo noona handed the documents to the host first. The envelope was sealed and tied with a string. To open it, the string needed to be cut.

The submitted document envelopes were placed where everyone could see them, guarded by the staff.

A man in his late forties approached and greeted us.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Jongho.”

Hyunjoo noona shook hands with him.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Oh Hyunjoo.”

Before coming here, I had studied and learned about the names and faces of the executives and practitioners.

Lee Jongho is the Korean representative of Canline Group. He was originally in the insurance industry and is famous for turning the long-standing loss-making LHK Insurance into profit within three years.

Taekgyu said to me,

“I need to use the restroom.”


“I’ll be back after the greetings are done.”


It seems that exchanging greetings with unfamiliar people one by one is exhausting.

“Come back before 1 o’clock. The door will be locked once the bidding starts.”

“Got it.”

Taek-gyu fell behind.

CEO Lee Jong-ho reached out to me.

“Pleased to meet you. I see that I am meeting the esteemed OTK Company CEO here.”

I shook his hand and replied, “Thank you. I have also heard a lot about CEO Lee Jong-ho.”

Soon, Korea manager KRR, Jung Tae-ho, approached us.

He had been a longtime expert in hedge funds, graduated from Korea University’s Economics Department. He is a senior to both me and Hyun-joo.

Hyun-joo greeted him warmly, “Long time no see, Director Jung Tae-ho.”

Director Jung smiled kindly and said, “Nice to see you again, Director Oh Hyun-joo. I was quite surprised to hear the news. Did you foresee back then that you would become a director?”

Hyun-joo chuckled, “I had no idea back then.”

“Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.”

“Thank you.”

I had expected Yuri’s father, Vice Chairman Shin Byeong-doo, to come, but it was reported that the inspection was personally conducted by Ha Chang-hoon, the head of RCK Bros.

We exchanged greetings.


In front of me was a man in his late thirties with short hair and glasses. Standing over 180 centimeters tall, he exuded a dominating presence even just by standing.

He introduced himself in a deep voice, “Nice to meet you. I’m Han Chan-young.”

Normally, when shaking hands, people slightly bow forward. However, Han Chan-young kept a straight posture and extended his hand forward.

I lightly grasped his hand, saying, “Nice to meet you. I’m Kang Jin-hoo.”

He is the heir to the massive kingdom of Eunsung. Destined to be a king from birth.

On the other hand, I was born in an ordinary house and stood in this place through my own luck and effort.

How often does an average person encounter an heir to a conglomerate?

If my father and company were doing well, and if I had continued my university studies, wouldn’t it have been possible to come across such a situation?

The man next to Han Chanyoung introduced himself as Seo Sangwon.

He was the Korean CEO of Redstone Group, but moved to a newly established merger and acquisition team under Eunsung Cha Group last year. Perhaps he was in charge of due diligence and operations for this bid.

Han Chanyoung said to me, “Can we talk privately for a moment?”

There is still time before the bid.

“Of course.”

After sending a reassuring look to Hyunjoo and Ellie, I followed Han Chanyoung out into the corridor.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you. I thought you might attend today, so I came, and luckily we got to meet like this.”

“Did you come to meet me specifically?”

Smiling at my question, Han Chanyoung replied, “As you know, Eunsung Cha and OTK Company have had various connections all this time.”

It must be a fateful encounter.

Eunsung Cha took away my ordinary family and father, and I snatched opportunities from CarOS and the US market.

Who suffered more damage?

“I have one question.”

“What is it?”

“Why did OTK Company participate in the X-Cop bid?”

Han Chanyoung’s gaze as he asked that question was cold and piercing.

As befitting an heir of a massive conglomerate, his strong charisma was palpable. Most people wouldn’t dare to meet his gaze directly.

I didn’t shy away from that gaze.

“Because it’s necessary. Is there any other reason?”

He slowly nodded his head.

“I see. How likely do you consider the possibility of acquisition?”

“Well, there are so many strong candidates.”

“It seems like X Cop will be acquired by Eunsung Group.”


Well, will that really happen?

Just as I know about him, he would probably know about me too. How our family fell apart, how my father passed away…

Yet, he acted as if he didn’t know those facts. Or is he behaving like this because he knows?

As I pondered this, something started boiling inside me.

At that moment, a voice came from behind.

“What are you doing there? Time’s up.”

I turned my head to see Taekgyu standing there. Looking at the clock, there were only three minutes left until 1 o’clock.

Taekgyu pointed at Han Chanyoung and asked, “Who is this gentleman?”

Han Chanyoung, as before, reached out his hand without stooping his upper body, “Nice to meet you. I’m Han Chanyoung.”

Bowing deeply, Taekgyu shook his hand, “Hello. I’m Oh Taekgyu.”

“Nice to meet you…Thank you. I got a good deal on the CarOS thanks to you. If you have any other good deals, let us know.”

A slight change in Han Chanyoung’s expression was visible.

Encountering a character like this while doing business must be a first for him.

I put my arm around Taekgyu’s shoulder, “Let’s go inside.”

When it turned 1 o’clock, the doors of the conference room were closed.

The main bidding had begun.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️

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