An Angel Will Love You for Me

Chapter 1 Part 1

Early morning.

The woods on the campus are filled with mist, there are sound of cicadas, and the birds are flapping their wings and passing by. It was drizzling, soft and transparent, and the air was as fresh as a dream.

But Xiaomi doesn’t have the spirit to appreciate these.

Just got off the train early in the morning, unexpectedly there is no morning bus! It cost her fifteen yuan to take a taxi to the school gate, heart ached to death. So from the school gate to the dormitory building, she decided to walk!

Camphor trees with dense branches, the leaves rustle in the drizzle.

Xiaomi dragged her heavy luggage along the path in the forest, her forehead was covered with sweat, and the back of her white dress was already soaked in rain or sweat. She stopped, gasped for breath, and looked around.

God, this school is too big!

It took her half an hour to walk here from the school gate, but according to the school map, she still needs a third of the journey to reach the dormitory building! If I had known it was so far away, I would have taken the school bus ruthlessly, oh, to save a dollar, her arms were about to be broken and her feet were about to be worn out with blisters!

Xiaomi wiped the sweat from her forehead in frustration, and looked around.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up—

In the shade of lush trees.

The morning sun shines through the leaves in the rain, and the air seems to be covered with a layer of green and moist light like glass.

A boy was lying prone on the stone table.

Dazzling flaxen hair, handsome back, slender and powerful legs, just a glance at him give a very powerful appearance.

Xiaomi suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, dragged the suitcase towards the boy, and greeted him:


The boy didn’t move and continued to sleep.

She poked his arm and raised her voice, “Classmate, can I trouble you for your help?” Hehe, help me pull my luggage to Fengyuan Wushe.

The rain floats quietly in the forest.

The boy was still asleep, ignoring her, his slender back revealing an air of indifference.

“Hey! I’m talking to you, don’t you hear me?”

Xiaomi getting angry.

Even if you don’t want to help, at least you can just say something or
a nod would do. What is this, it’s too rude.

“Hey! Hey!”

She pushed him hard twice, wishing she could kick him with her feet. How could he be so indifferent to her? Is her voice that scary? It’s really a blow to her self-confidence.

The boy seemed to be asleep like the dead.

It was so quiet as if there were only cicadas singing in the woods.

Xiaomi suddenly felt that something was wrong, she turned her head and thought about it, why did she feel a creepy feeling in her heart? She stared at the boy in a daze, her fingers gradually turned cold. This coldness came from him just now…

He was as cold as—

dead body!

Xiaomi screamed!

The birds in the woods got startled!

She was trembling all over, and the coldness passed from her fingertips to her toes in an instant! After an unknown amount of time, she bit her lip and gently reached out her hand to push the boy.


He collapsed on the stone table.

Short flaxen hair, full of sunshine, a high and straight nose, with a sparkling diamond piercing on the right nose. What a handsome boy! It’s just that his face was pale and lifeless, with a hint of purple, and his sharp lips were also colored in purple-blue.

She held her breath and held her finger under his nose…


There still a little breath.

Xiaomi hastily shouted: “Anyone! Is there anyone here! HELLPPPPPP!” The voice pierced through the leaves and echoed in the forest like a magic sound piercing through the brain.

The huge forest was silent.

Raindrops slid from the emerald green leaves and fell on the muddy ground.

Xiaomi stomped her feet anxiously.

There must be some mistake! Such a big campus, where are the people? Where has everyone gone? How come there are only a few birds and a group of cicadas? Looking at that boy, she couldn’t care less. Carrying him on her shoulders, she dragged both of them outside of the forest with difficulty.

So heavy!

Xiaomi was panting heavily, her cheeks were flushed, she had exhausted all her strength for nineteen years.

The two long legs of the flax boy dragged feebly on the ground.

Breathing seems to be getting lighter.

“Hey! Hey! Don’t die!” Xiaomi turned her head nervously, and shouted to the flax boy on her back, “I’m saving you!”

The flax boy’s lips became more and more purple.

“Hey! Don’t you dare died on me, okay?! Pull yourself together!”

She was so anxious that she could not speak coherently, and pulled his arms tightly, gritted her teeth and stepped on the stone steps in the forest, step by step, and finally came to the road. Haah, fortunately, the campus of this school is so big that taxis are running everywhere, she didn’t even have time to think, and waved for a taxi.

“Hospital! The nearest hospital!” Xiaomi shouted to the driver with sweat on her face!

The driver slammed on the accelerator, and the taxi sped away!

Rainwater splashed across the car windows like threads.

It was foggy outside the window, and couldn’t see anything clearly.

In the taxi, Xiaomi put the flax boy’s head flat on her lap, and placed her trembling fingers under his nose again.

His breathing was weak, and he looked like he was about to die…

His purple-blue lips were extremely tightly pressed, his skin was blue-purple and pale, almost horribly transparent.


Is it a heart attack?

Xiaomi thought hesitantly. She has checked many books about heart disease, and it is written that the symptoms of the disease are roughly like this. If the syncope lasts too long without timely treatment, He may die soon.

“Is he having a heart attack?” Xiaomi looked up in a panic and asked the taxi driver.

“How do I know!” The driver ran through a red light and stepped up the accelerator, “However, his situation seems to be really dangerous.”

At this time–

His breathing stopped!

Xiaomi stared at the flax boy with his eyes wide open in shock!

Will he die? !

Hah, I can’t care less! With a cruel heart, she held his heart with her left hand, cleaned her fist with her right hand, and hit the back of her left hand hard!




Desperately thinking about the percussion rhythm mentioned in the book, she punched his heart hard.

“Are you going to beat him to death?!” the driver shouted in surprise.

“Not doing this equals to his death too!” Xiaomi’s face was full of sweat, “A dead horse should be treated like a living horse!”

Thump! Thumop! Thump! Thump! Thump! …


The flax boy suddenly coughed and trembled slightly.

“Are you awake?!”

Overjoyed, Xiaomi bent her head down, just in time to meet his slowly opening eyes.

A pair of indifferent eyes.

With a taste of cynicism.

The mist outside the car window seemed to spread into his eyes, alienated, blurred, with a trace of elusive evil, and a little faint fragility.

Xiaomi was stunned by those eyes.

It felt like something had hit her hard!

“Who are you? Where is this?”

The flax boy struggled to sit up, but his body was still a little weak after all, his head was dizzy, and he fell heavily back on her lap.

“On the way to the hospital.” Xiaomi suddenly felt that his head was pressing her lap, and it felt strangely heavy.

The flax boy’s eyes flashed with anger, and he cursed, “Damn! Who told you to take me to the hospital! You want to die!”

“It’s you who is looking for death.” Xiaomi secretly gave him a look and muttered in a low voice. It’s really hard to be a good person in this world for being scolded for being unrewarded for kindness.

“The hospital is here!”

The driver hits the brakes, announcing happily.

Because Xiaomi had made an emergency call on the way, there were already doctors, nurses, mobile beds, and first-aid equipment waiting anxiously at the front of Ren’ai Hospital.

Xiaomi opened the car door and hurriedly shouted, “The patient is here!” Then, she showed a cute smile to the angry flax boy.

The flax boy was stunned.

Xiaomi using both arms pushed him hard, and the flax boy was “thrown” out of the taxi by her unexpectedly. Hehe, seeing how angry he is, he should be fine. She covered her mouth and snickered, turning a blind eye to the devouring anger bursting out of his eyes as he fell to the ground.

A fat girl was sitting on a stone bench, she was wearing a pink sk irt with lace, she was as cute as a lucky doll in a New Year painting. The fat girl held the milk in one hand and the apple in the other. While eating, she tilted her head and said to Xiaomi, “Why have you been away for so long? I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Xiaomi stared blankly at her, weeping with gratitude.

“Have you been watching things for me?”

“Yes.” The fat girl looked at the time on her phone, “It’s almost time for class. If you don’t come, I’ll have to hand it over to the security office.”

“Thank you, thank you…” Xiaomi was so moved that she didn’t know what to say. There were all her belongings in the box and bag. If she lost it, she would want to find a wall and hit it . Ah, no… Xiaomi scratched her head… What did she just say? …Attend class? …

She looked at the time—

It’s already seven forty!

“Ah! We’re going to be late!” Xiaomi jumped anxiously. The luggage has not been put in the dormitory, and does’t know where the classroom is! what to do! what to do!

There was a breeze in the woods.

The morning light shines.

It seems that a lucky angel flapped its white wings, flew gently to Xiaomi, and smiled at her.

When I sat down in the classroom seat, it was seven fifty.

Xiaomi clasped her chest in shock, and thanked the fat girl in the front row who was eating potato chips with a desperate nod and a smile.

Unexpectedly there is such a coincidence.

The girl’s name is Qi Guoguo, and she is actually a classmate of hers. Qi Guoguo is a really good person, without saying a word, she helped her carry the heavy suitcase and rushed to the teaching building. While the two were running, Qi Guoguo talked to her enthusiastically, “1 kg of apples!”


“The Crystal Fuji kind.”

“Uh… good.”

“1 kg of kiwi fruit.”


“Two bags of dried tofu.”


“Two bars of Dove chocolate.”


Xiaomi scratched her hair, staring at Venus in front of his eyes. Pity her, she is poor.

Qi Guoguo glared at her and stopped, “What, you don’t want to buy it for me? I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour! And I also still am your porter!”

“Hey, no more,” Xiaomi said with a smile all over her face, “I’m just wondering, why do you want two of everything?”

“Because I’m fat.” Qi Guoguo sniffled, “Of course fat people have to eat double.”

Xiaomi widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at her, “Are you fat? Where are you fat?! You don’t know how cute you look! I was thinking it just now, I’m very lucky, as soon as I arrived I met a beautiful girl.”

Qi Guoguo seemed to be beaten by someone, “You…you’re laughing at me, aren’t you?” All the classmates laughed at her for being fat, she was completely desperate, and she simply let go of her belly to eat to show her respect for the world.

“If I laugh at you, I will be fined not to become an angel.” Xiaomi dragged the suitcase forward, and turned to her with a bright smile, “To be honest, I really think you are kind and cute.”

Qi Guoguo grabbed the handle of the suitcase and remained silent for a long time.



“You are the first person to call me cute.” Qi Guoguo said sullenly, walking so fast that Xiaomi had to trot all the way to keep up. “So, I decided—you will be my friend from now on!”

The sun shines on Xiaomi after the rain.

So lucky.

Xiaomi showed a big happy smile.

So, until now, Xiaomi is still immersed in happiness. St. Elm College would be her lucky place. So many interesting things happened when she first came here.

She was giggling.

The classmates in the class are looking at her curiously.

“What’s your name?”

“Hey, are you really a transfer from Qingyuan?”

“Why are you here?”

It’s not that they are very curious, Qingyuan is really famous, and those who can be admitted there are basically excellent top students with a bright future. Although Shengyu is not bad, it is a first-class university, but compared with Qingyuan, there is still a huge gap.

Hearing those questions, Xiaomi raised her head and smiled cutely: “My name is Mi Ai (Love love).”

“Mi Ai?”

A few girls snickered, Mi Ai Mi Ai, isn’t the meaning of it is no love? (A/N: one way to say no in mandarin is mei, and it sounds 11/12 to mi, that’s why they said the meaning is no love)

“Hehe, the name is weird, isn’t it?” Xiaomi scratched her hair, with a frustrated face, “I’m also very troubled, so everyone please call me Xiaomi.”

“Xiaomi.” The girls covered their mouths and laughed, “Is it the millet that we eat?”

“Yes.” Xiaomi smiled without hesitation, “Although it’s cheap, it’s very nutritious.”

At this time, a cool voice came from the corner of the classroom──

“Hey, that’s strange. Qingyuan is so good, why did you transfer here, Xiaomi?” A girl with long curly hair and bright appearance was applying lip gloss to the small mirror, and her eyes drifted to Xiaomi surrounded by classmates, “Could it be that you did something wrong and couldn’t stay in Qingyuan any longer, so you came here because there’s no other way.”

There was an eerie silence in the classroom.

The students looked at Yang Kewei, and then at Xiaomi. Well, they are also very curious about this question.

Over there, Qi Guoguo hugged the bag of potato chips, elbowed the girl beside her, and whispered, “Help me, Xiaomi is my new friend.”

The girl had short hair and single eyelids, exuding a delicate and introverted temperament. She was concentrating on looking through the English dictionary. Hearing what Qi Guoguo said, she looked up at Xiaomi.

Qi Guoguo hurriedly said, “I will clean the dormitory this week!”


The girl with single eyelids accepted the exchange. She stood up, walked in front of Xiaomi, and stretched out her right hand──

“Hi, my name is Cheng Yuan, welcome to our class.”

As she said that, Cheng Yuan glanced across the classroom, and the students in the class immediately applauded vigorously in unison, shouting to Xiaomi, “Welcome! Welcome! Warmly welcome!”

Like magic, the classroom conjures up a warm atmosphere as if welcoming a celebrity guest.

Wow, this girl named Cheng Yuan must have a lot of background.

Xiaomi hurriedly got up, looked at her gratefully, and held her hand, “Thank you!”

Cheng Yuan smiled, then looked at the girl with long curly hair with disdain, and said, “Yang Kewei, is this your attitude towards new classmates? Are you ashamed? She just arrived here, and instead of saying to help, What nonsense are you talking about!”

Yang Kewei closed the small mirror with a snap, and said coldly, “Really? Then why did she come here?”

Xiaomi looked at Yang Kewei in surprise, “Shengyu is great!” She smiled cutely, “It is said that Shengyu is the most beautiful school in the world, and it really is. I never thought that the campus can be so beautiful that people are amazing. Moreover, Shengyu’s business school is also very powerful and influential in the country, and it is really a pleasure to come here to study with everyone.”


What she said made the students feel very comfortable, and they all smiled.

Yang Kewei sneered: “Pretty good at flattering.”

Xiaomi blushed a little, and stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, “Cough, I heard it. That… I was trying to please everyone, because… I hope everyone can accept me…”

Classmates, keep your eyes open!

Haha, what a frank and lovely girl, suddenly, they got so close to her. There were smiles on the faces of the students.

“Xiaomi! We welcome you!!”

This time it was Qi Guoguo who took the lead, and another burst of applause resounded like a storm from the classroom!

Xiaomi’s smile was bright and bright, “Thank you! Thank you everyone!” Huu~~ Fortunately, she seems to have been accepted.

Xiaomi sat in the last row of the classroom, and the seat next to her was vacant. In fact, she would have liked to sit there, for it was close to the window, where she could breathe the fresh air and watch the birds fly by in the woods. However, although no one was sitting there, there were two books in the drawer of the desk, and a layer of dust had already settled on the surface of the books.

She scratched her hair and hesitated.

Forget it, it must be the seat of a person who likes to skip classes, well, if he (she) really doesn’t come often in the future, then it’s better to change to that seat.

She withdraw her mind and concentrated on listening to the class. The first class she took was human resources, and the professor’s surname was Fu, who was in her forties and slightly bald. Although the content of Professor Fu’s lectures is not very lively and interesting , but after listening carefully, it is quite logical and insightful. Xiaomi couldn’t help but gradually became engrossed in listening.

The class is very quiet.

The students listened and took notes.

Professor Fu also beamed with joy.

So, when the classroom door was kicked open with a “bang”! Everyone was shocked!


  1. b1433 says:

    السلام عليكم
    اعجتني الروايه واجدها ممتازة وحيوية

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