Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 8


Side Story 2: The Deer Inn


The notorious twin troublemakers of the village, Lottie and Lona, spotted me approaching the Deer Inn and ran to hug me.

“Are you better now?”

“We missed you!”

The mischievous girls, who used to play pranks while I stayed here, seemed genuinely happy to see me. I gently patted their heads.

“Yes, I’m fine now. I’m fully healed.”

After clearing the SSS-rank dungeon, our first destination was my hometown, Spring Village. It was a sudden visit, but I was glad they welcomed me so warmly. The twins looked at me with curious eyes.

“Aine, you seem different.”

“Yeah, where did you get those clothes? They look nice.”

Unlike my usual shabby clothes, I was now wearing clean, well-made attire, which seemed to make them suspicious. Since I planned to tell Malri about everything, I decided to take the twins inside the inn first.

“Where’s Malri?”

“She’s cleaning the rooms!”

“We’ll go get her!”

The mischievous twins clattered up the stairs. Their cheerful noise brought back memories.

It had only been a few months since I left, but I realized how much I had missed it. The smell of bread baked by Malri’s husband, the faint dust tickling my nose, the mischievous twins… All the familiar things welcomed me back.


Malri’s voice called out from behind me.

Malri, holding a broom, ran over and hugged me tightly. Her actions were so similar to the twins that it was clear where they got it from.

“Are you really okay now? What about the curse?”

“It’s all cleared. The curse has been purified.”

“Did the temple purify it? And what about these clothes? This fabric is of very high quality, where did you get it…?”

Malri marveled at the fabric, only snapping out of it much later. She sat me down on an empty chair in the inn and began interrogating me. I had plenty to say.

“…So, you joined the Warrior’s party, purified the curse, and now your level is 51?”

Malri looked thoroughly confused by my story. It was understandable. For someone who barely had a level of 10 to join a Warrior’s party, purify an S-rank rare curse, and exceed level 50 in such a short time—it was a lot to believe, even for me.

“Aine, you haven’t gone mad from the curse, have you?”

Caught between belief and disbelief, Malri finally decided to worry about my sanity. It must have sounded like a crazy tale.

“It’s true, Malri.”

Should I show her something? I hadn’t been to a hunting ground in a while, so I couldn’t show her my prowess against monsters. I rummaged through my nearly full inventory for something else to prove my level. Just then, the inn door opened, and customers walked in.

“Welcome… Oh my!”

The people who said they’d give me time to reunite with my friend couldn’t resist and came in, settling down as if they owned the place. Malri, sensing something unusual about them, scrutinized each one.

“Would you like to order? Are you adventurers? How did you end up in this small village? We have everything you might need, even though it’s small. Have you found a place to stay? We happen to have exactly three rooms available.”

The inn only had three guest rooms to begin with. Was she renting out the room I used to stay in? I caught Malri’s eye, and she winked. It seemed my room had already been cleared. Understandably, she needed the space for paying guests, but it was a bit sad to think my room was no longer mine.

“We’ll stay for one night. Can you prepare all three rooms?”

“Of course! But the payment is upfront.”

The price she named was so exorbitant that I couldn’t keep quiet.

“Malri, they’re with me.”

“You won’t find a better rate in this area… What?”

“I told you earlier, I’m part of the Warrior’s party.”

Kelian, the Warrior, looked at me. Maybe he had been watching me the whole time. As I approached, he wrapped an arm around my waist. His touch seemed unusually frequent today.

Malri’s eyes widened, almost popping out of her head. The twins, peeking from the stairs, and Malri’s husband, who had just come out of the kitchen, were equally shocked. Dain clicked his tongue in the background.


She understood my hint to be fair with the prices and reluctantly adjusted her tone.

“Well, in that case, I’ll give you a special discount…”

Even her revised rate was above average, but it seemed she wouldn’t budge further. The party paid without complaint and soon found themselves being interrogated by the excited Malri.

“Then take my daughters with you!”

Malri, who loved Warriors tales, immediately wanted to send her daughters off with us. The girls cried, clinging to their mother in protest.

“Mom, no! We don’t want to go!”

“We want to stay with you!”

The party’s reaction was secondary to the girls’ adamant refusal, making Malri drop the idea. Still, her eyes glimmered with plans on how to benefit from the situation. She was consistent, I had to give her that.

Meanwhile, Malri’s mild-mannered husband showed us to the rooms upstairs.

“I’ll call you for meals.”

Jenin and Dain took one room, Barkrud and Sayiris another, and Kelian and I took the third. It felt natural, yet a bit awkward.

Natural yet awkward. It sounded contradictory, but it perfectly described our situation.

Kelian, who had stayed close to me the whole time, silently sat down when we were alone in the room. It was the room I used to stay in, but it had been rearranged with two beds.

“I’ll take a bath first.”


I walked to the bathroom as casually as possible. I felt his gaze on my back until I closed the door.

Recently, being alone with Kelian had become awkward. We didn’t have this strange tension before we cleared the SSS-rank dungeon.

I had some guesses. Since the rare curse was purified, our intimate moments, which were part of the purification process, had naturally stopped.

While traveling to my hometown, it became clear in the inns we stayed at that although Kelian was more physically affectionate during the day, he avoided me at night.

This realization complicated my feelings. For him, our past intimate moments were part of the purification ritual. I missed his touch more and more each day.

But how could I express that? Being his lover was already a blessing, and I didn’t want to be greedy.

Even if he had some affection for me, wanting a physical relationship might be too much. Kelian might not desire such things.

As I sorted my thoughts, I felt calmer. If our past nights were mainly for the curse purification, then his current distance made sense.

I decided that if we remained in this awkward state, I wouldn’t let my feelings make things difficult for him.

The twins had prepared the bathwater. I undressed, soaked in the warm water, and relaxed. After a while, I finished and stepped out.


Kelian was leaning against the wall, waiting. Our eyes met.

“Sorry for the wait. Was it long?”

“Not really.”

His gaze seemed to avoid mine. I moved aside to let him into the bathroom.

“Go ahead, Kelian.”

My attempt to be casual only made things more awkward. The phrase ‘go ahead’ sounded too much like something a married couple would say.

Without acknowledging my thoughts, he quietly replied, “Sure, Aine,” and went into the bathroom. Once the door closed, I let out a long breath.

“This is hard…”


I had no intention of revealing my longing for our past intimacy, but the awkwardness between us needed to be addressed. However, I was unsure how to overcome this awkwardness or what Kelian was thinking.

At that moment, Jenin emerged from her room.

“Aine, you’re still up?”

“Oh, Jenin. I just finished my bath.”

“Aren’t you going to talk more with your friend? It felt like we interrupted earlier.”

“No, it’s okay. We can talk more in the morning.”

“That’s good to hear. Those twins seem very lively…”

“Lottie and Lona? Yes, they’re quite the handful when you live with them.”

Thinking about the twins, who were probably in dreamland by now, made me smile. But Jenin, who had been watching my face, suddenly sighed.

“Aine, if you’re planning to stay here…”


“Not that I’m trying to pressure you, but if you come with us, there will be more fun things to do. We can show you the sea like we talked about. And, really, I don’t mean to pressure you, but…”

Jenin seemed to resolve herself and spoke firmly.

“Don’t stay here. Come with us!”

Her voice echoed through the old inn’s corridor. I looked at her, slightly bewildered, as she held my arm.

“If you want to stay because of those twins, we can bring them along. I’ll convince Dain.”

“Wait, Jenin, hold on.”

“If they don’t want to come, I’ll find similar kids elsewhere.”

From her words, it seemed like I couldn’t live without the children.

“Jenin, please listen to me.”

After finally calming her down, I saw her looking slightly sad. She seemed worried that I would choose to stay in my hometown, and while I appreciated her concern, it also confused me because I had no intention of staying.

“I’m not planning to stay here. I want to keep adventuring with you all… if that’s alright?”


“Of course.”

“I thought you’d want to stay. You seem close with your friend.”

“Yes, this is my hometown, and I’m close to Malri, but… I want to keep going with you all.”

Even though our adventures started because of the rare curse purification, that wasn’t the only reason I was traveling with them. My level had risen significantly, but that wasn’t the main reason either. The truth was, I simply enjoyed being with them. I loved Jenin, Barkrud, Dain, Sayiris, and Kelian. I felt overwhelmed with emotion just thinking about them.

“As long as you all will have me.”

“Of course we will!”

Jenin answered immediately, looking relieved.

“That’s such a relief. I was worried even before we came here. I couldn’t oppose you visiting your hometown, but I was anxious about you deciding to stay.”

Her concern was different from mine. I had come here to tie up loose ends, not to stay. Now it made sense why they insisted on accompanying me.

“Did you worry about that? You didn’t need to. And the twins—Lottie and Lona—they don’t want to leave, even if we offered.”

Jenin laughed at my half-joking comment.

“It’s a relief you’re so determined. But you should clear up the misunderstanding with the others, especially Kelian.”


“Yes, he’s been the most anxious. Worried you might decide to stay here.”

Kelian was anxious…?

Jenin’s words left ripples in my heart as she left to get some rest, relieved. I couldn’t stay in the corridor, so I returned to my room, my mind in turmoil.

Just then, Kelian entered the room, his hair still wet from the bath. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him directly, so I turned away abruptly. Awkwardly, I started a conversation.

“Kelian, did you know? This room used to be mine.”

Kelian couldn’t have known that. It was a foolish thing to say, but fortunately, he answered seriously, “I see,” and began inspecting the room.

“I didn’t have much stuff, and the furniture has been rearranged since I left… Oh, look at this. This doodle—I drew it when I was a kid.”

There was a small drawing of bread on the wall beside the bed. I wasn’t sure why I drew bread—maybe I was hungry then. Kelian bent down to examine it closely.


He gently traced the drawing with his long, elegant finger, and it felt as if he were touching me, making me flinch.

“Is it a monster?”

His clueless question, which dispelled any lingering tension, made me burst into laughter. I must have been terrible at drawing. Kelian looked puzzled by my laughter.

“It’s bread.”


His handsome face frowned slightly, not in displeasure but in concentration as he studied the drawing more closely, making him look even more beautiful. With a lingering smile, I spoke softly.

“Don’t leave me behind.”

Kelian’s gaze shifted slowly to me. He turned fully towards me.

“I still want to go with you. So don’t leave me, Kelian.”

Please. The last word followed pathetically, but I had no other choice. If he decided to leave me behind, there was nothing I could do.


There was no immediate answer. But I didn’t need one as he wrapped his arms around me. His embrace always calmed me remarkably fast.

“I never intended to leave you. Never.”

His whispered words carried a strong resolve, as if he would drag me along even if I wanted to stay. Despite the recent awkwardness between us, Jenin’s words seemed true, and it felt like the wall between us was crumbling.

Yet, it didn’t feel completely resolved. Both of us seemed uncertain about something.

Finally, Kelian spoke.

“Let’s not share a room for a while.”

I looked up sharply at his resigned tone.

“I’ll ask Sayiris to switch rooms tonight.”

Kelian seemed determined, ready to head to Sayiris’s room immediately. His sudden decision left me speechless, but I instinctively grabbed his sleeve.


All I managed to ask was why.

Regardless of his reason, separating would probably be better for me too. Being alone with him, the source of my longing, was harder than enduring rough travel.

But I found myself clinging to him, demanding an answer.

“I don’t trust myself.”

“What do you mean…?”

“I can’t keep myself from you.”

Even though we were slightly apart, our bodies were still closely aligned. I could feel his heat and muscles through the thin fabric. Kelian exhaled softly, resting his head on my shoulder.

For a moment, I thought he might be struggling with the same impulses I was. Based on his words, he was. Knowing he shared my desire was reassuring, but I didn’t understand why he was holding back.

This uncertainty stirred anxiety deep within me.

“It’s okay if you can’t.”

It wasn’t a rational statement. It came purely from emotion. I felt his body tense in response. He furrowed his brow slightly, trying to understand my meaning.


I met his confused gaze. I had restrained myself, thinking he didn’t want this. But if he did, and I did too, why should we hold back?

While my mind was busy justifying this, what mattered was confirming he truly wanted this.

“If you don’t like it, bite me, Kelian.”

I used his own words against him and tiptoed to press my lips to his.

Startled, he leaned back, but I pushed my tongue into his mouth, pressing against his.

It had been a while, so my technique was sloppy. I worried he might bite me and leave.


But instead, Kelian grabbed my buttocks with both hands, pulling me closer, and his tongue captured mine.


The heat between us made me moan softly. As he lifted me into the air, I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I thought he was just carrying me, but his hand slipped under my skirt.

“Can I put it in…?”

His low voice felt like a caress against my eardrum. I nodded fervently, dazed from our intense contact.

His hand pushed aside my underwear and touched me intimately. I felt the wetness on his fingers and blushed. How was I already so wet from just a kiss…?

“You’re already this wet.”

He confirmed it by running his wet fingers along my inner thigh. The slick, slow touch sent shivers through me, and I clung tighter to him. He kissed my cheek tenderly.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered.


“As wet as you are.”

He pulled my hips closer, spreading my legs wider as the hard tip of his member pressed against my entrance. I could feel its size, heat, and thickness without even looking. It was already wet, mixing with my own moisture, and he slowly pushed in.

“Ah, ahh…”

His length penetrated me slowly, and I bit my lower lip to stifle my sounds.

“You’ll hurt yourself.”


“Bite me instead.”

His voice was gentle, but his teal eyes were filled with a dark desire. His face, usually as beautiful as a portrait in the imperial palace, now looked decadently erotic.

His presence made me instinctively tighten my lower muscles, which made Kelian frown.

“That’s not what I meant.”

With a swift motion, he thrust fully inside.

“Ah! Mm…”

I almost cried out but quickly covered my mouth with both hands. The Deer Inn wasn’t well-insulated, and even though our room was at the end of the hall, I couldn’t risk making too much noise.

Kelian, however, seemed unconcerned as he increased the pace of his thrusts, gripping my hips tightly.

“Haah! Ah, ahh, mmm…”

I tried to stifle my moans with my hands, but I couldn’t suppress them completely. The sound of our bodies meeting was loud and wet.

“It’s… too deep…”

Each thrust felt like it was going to drive me crazy. Despite being rougher than usual, Kelian’s upper body remained gentle, holding my trembling form securely. The long separation seemed to make our reunion more intense.

He wasn’t hurting me, but the forceful intrusion of his large member was overwhelming, drawing out my pleasure in ways I could barely handle. And he didn’t show any signs of climaxing soon…

“Ah, ahh, hngh…”

Before I knew it, I was lying face down on the bed, with Kelian thrusting into me from above. I tried to crawl away, but he gently pinned my hands down and continued his relentless pace.

I was feeling so much that I thought I might faint. It felt like an endless peak, my climax prolonged indefinitely. Kelian suddenly flipped me onto my back and began suckling on my nipples.

“Kelian, gently…”

He nibbled on my stiff peaks before soothing them with his tongue. His actions made my nipples even more sensitive, and seeing this, he sucked on them harder.

“Hngh, ahh…”

His suckling made my inner walls throb, causing me to cling to him desperately.

Thrust, thrust, thrust. He quickened his pace, holding my thighs apart with his strong hands.

“Ah, it’s too… it’s scary…!”

His member seemed to hit a spot deep inside, making me shudder. I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. When he pulled out slightly, my inner walls clung to him tightly.

“Haa, mmph.”

Releasing my chest, Kelian straightened, pounding into me faster and harder, as if he had lost all restraint.

“Ah! Again, haah! Wait…”

A wave of sensation, different from the urge to urinate, built up inside me. I wanted him to stop, but my mouth was quickly covered by his kiss. My hands were firmly held by his.

“Mm, mmph…”

As he continued to thrust, the intense pressure built up until I couldn’t hold back anymore. My body convulsed as I climaxed around him, gripping him tightly.

“Ah, ahh… Kelian…”

He finally reached his peak, his movements becoming erratic. With one last powerful thrust, he spilled inside me.

Both of us panted heavily, my body still trembling from the overwhelming pleasure. Kelian held me close, his breath warm against my skin.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered again, this time with a gentleness that made my heart swell.

As we lay there, catching our breath, the awkwardness that had been between us seemed to melt away. I realized that our bond had only grown stronger through our trials and that we both wanted the same thing—to stay together.

“Kelian, thank you.”

He looked at me with a soft smile, brushing a strand of hair from my face.

“For what?”

“For being with me, for understanding.”

His smile widened slightly as he kissed my forehead.

“Always, Aine. Always.”

We stayed like that for a while, basking in the afterglow of our reunion, before eventually drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms.


With a sudden, deep thrust, Kelian pushed into me, pressing against a spot that made my whole body tighten, and a jolt of pleasure shot through my mind. I saw his jaw clench as he finally reached his climax.

Even as he released himself inside me, he continued to move slowly, prolonging the pleasure.

“Hnngh, huh…”

Overwhelmed, I couldn’t help but let out a soft sob. My toes curled, and my legs trembled as I felt the warmth of his release filling me.

“Haa, Aine.”

“Ahh! Ah, ah! Hngh!”

When he called my name, it felt like my vision flickered. I writhed in the endless waves of pleasure.

A burst of fluid escaped me.

It was different from what had been flowing before, literally bursting out. Kelian paused for a moment, staring at our joined bodies. There was a moment of silence, filled only with my heavy breathing.


I didn’t understand the meaning behind his sigh, but he seemed to become more excited.

“Ah, ahh, oh, ah!”

My ability to suppress my moans was fading. Thankfully, the overwhelming pleasure left me too exhausted to make loud noises. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

Kelian increased his pace, thrusting harder, and all coherent thought vanished.

“Did it hurt?”

After two more intense rounds, Kelian looked at my teary face and asked, slightly concerned. I shook my head, managing a response.

“No, it felt too good…”


He leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth. As his soft kisses dulled the sharp sensations, I felt him hardening inside me again. Even in my exhausted state, I had mixed feelings—both dread and anticipation.


The light kisses turned more passionate, and he began to move again.


I was jolted back to reality by the sound of a scream, not my own but Malri’s, from downstairs.

―Oh, honey! That feels so good! There, there! No, not there! There!

Though I was familiar with Malri’s loud moans, they were surprising to Kelian, yet he continued to focus on me.

“Wait, ah! Hold on, Kelian.”

Kelian finally seemed to hear Malri’s voice and glanced at the floor. The sound was definitely coming from below.


When I lived here alone, I never realized how loud Malri’s moans were. Now, it seemed they were quite excessive. Interestingly, her twin daughters never seemed to hear these noises, always sleeping soundly through them. I knew this from the times I had put them to bed.

―Oh, honey! That feels so good! Ahhhh!

Hearing her familiar moans in this situation, with Kelian, made me feel a bit embarrassed. I wondered if they had heard us too. Probably not, given how focused they were…

Continuing in this situation seemed impossible. It wasn’t because I was tired. Absolutely not.

Kelian seemed to understand and slowly withdrew. The feeling of him leaving was disappointing but necessary. As he pulled out, a mix of his seed and my fluids spilled out.

“I’m sorry. I think I pushed too hard… again.”

Kelian, now calmer, apologized with a hand over his mouth. He seemed to think he had lost control.

“No, it’s okay. I wanted this too.”

I couldn’t go on tonight, but I couldn’t help but laugh weakly as Malri’s moans continued.


I called his name, opening my arms. He looked at me for a moment before bending down to embrace me. His golden hair, catching the light, spread out over my chest.

“This is why I suggested separate rooms.”

Seeing his sad eyes, my chest tightened.

“I was worried that if I acted like this, you’d decide to stay here.”

“…But I said I wanted to go with you.”

“You might change your mind. You found it hard before, didn’t you?”

His implication was clear. He wasn’t entirely convinced by my words. He feared I might decide to stay behind because our relationship was too difficult.

I felt a mix of frustration and sympathy. I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding.

“It’s true, it was hard.”

His beautiful face looked even sadder, like a forlorn beast.

“But it’s because I enjoy it so much. It’s so good that it drives me crazy…”

It was obvious from the mess we had made of the bed. Oh no, how was I going to clean this up? I’d have to get up early to hide the evidence. But that was a worry for later. Right now, I needed to reassure my gentle lover.

“So don’t worry and rest.”


Kelian closed his eyes, feeling my arms around him, but then gently pulled away and stood up.

“We should clean up before sleeping.”

Given the mess we had made, he was right.

He picked me up, covering us both with his robe, and carried me to the bathroom. Despite having bathed earlier, I didn’t mind. The feel of his skin against mine was too pleasant.


Malri’s moans continued from downstairs.

❖ ❖ ❖


“You can’t leave already!”

Malri made a fuss, but we had already stayed longer than planned. This only heightened Kelian’s anxiety, and we couldn’t delay any further.

As we left the inn, with Malri’s scolding in the background, I noticed that the villagers had gathered outside, watching us. I turned slightly and saw Malri grinning sheepishly.

“Everyone was just so curious…”

It seemed Malri had spread the word that the Warrior’s party was staying at the Deer Inn. While it was true and therefore fine, the attention from everyone was slightly overwhelming.

“Aine! It’s me, Rigen! Remember? We used to play together when we were kids! Don’t you remember?”

Rigen, one of the few young men in the village, grabbed my arm as I passed. While it was true we had played together a few times as children, he was also one of the kids who often said mean things about my parentless status. Now, as a grown man, he often made unwelcome advances.

“You remember, right? We were so close…”

Kelian stopped in his tracks, and so did Jenin, Dain, Sayiris, and Barkrud. Their sharp gazes turned toward Rigen, making him stutter.

“Why-why are you all looking at me like that…”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, stop it! Let the Warriors pass.”

Thankfully, Rigen’s aunt smacked him on the back and pulled him away, easing the tension. Kelian, however, still seemed wary, keeping an arm around my waist as we walked on. This meant I stayed close to him.

“Aine, don’t forget the things I told you to bring next time! Promise me!”

Malri recited her list of requested gifts as if trying to imprint them in my mind. We had already brought many presents, but she wasn’t satisfied.

Though this was my hometown and I had close friends like Malri and her adorable daughters here, mentioning a return visit in front of Kelian was out of the question. He was still anxious that I might decide to stay in my hometown.

Sure enough, at Malri’s mention of “next time,” Kelian shot me a glance, as if seeking reassurance. I avoided his gaze and squeezed his hand, which he quickly returned, the warmth spreading through me.

“Warriors, please come again!”

“Aine, take care!”

“Goodbye! See you again!”

Malri and her daughters waved, and I waved back, feeling a mix of emotions. I was excited for the future but also felt a bit empty leaving my hometown behind.



Kelian clung to me as if asking for my attention. If I turned to wave at Malri one more time, he might sulk. Was he really that anxious? How many times did I need to reassure him that I was certain I could only be happy with him and the others?

“Kelian, can you hold me?”

We had just left the village and weren’t tired, but I knew Kelian felt secure holding me, so I asked. Without questioning, he lifted me up, holding me tightly. Dain clicked his tongue at the sight.

“Next time, should we visit my hometown…?”

Jenin murmured, seemingly nostalgic.

“If you’re going to do that, go to the magic tower first.”

“Hey, I said it first. Let’s go to my hometown. It has lots of dungeons.”

“Do you think the magic tower doesn’t have dungeons?”

“Those dungeons were pretty boring.”

Dain and Jenin argued, their debate unresolved even as we neared the river.

As for me, it didn’t matter where we went. Whether it was the kingdom, the magic tower, or anywhere else, it would be fine.

At the starting point of our journey, with them, I was happy.


The Altruistic Warrior – Fin.

TL/N: After a long break I finally decided to complete this novel it was a headache to see the manga updating and not the novel I myself was frustrated by the drama happening at salmon but fear not I will complete all my novel here

Happy reading! I hope you enjoy!!


  1. Bree says:

    One more side story is left it will be uploaded tomorrow

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