Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 5.3

Thinking it was better to go first than to see him after he had washed up, I quickly entered the en suite bathroom. If the bathroom had been outside the room, it might have been less embarrassing, but here it was, connected to the room, making my neck feel warm.

I quickly washed up and came out, sticking to my plan.

“…Already finished?”

Kelian, waiting patiently, looked surprised. I must have been quicker than he expected. I nodded vigorously.

“I’ll wash up now.”

As Kelian entered the bathroom, I sat on the single bed in the room. There could have been two beds, but there was only one. It was large enough for both of us, but it still felt awkward. Kelian seemed unaffected, while I was overthinking.

Despite knowing I had deceived them, they didn’t cast me out. They hadn’t been traveling with me for a long time, just a short while, yet they decided to keep me with them and help purify my curse. They even worried about me.

However, romantic feelings are separate from forgiveness. I doubted he still felt the same about me.

“That couldn’t be…”

Feeling somewhat calmer, I looked up just as Kelian came out of the bathroom. His hair was damp, and he had changed into a white outfit, looking somehow cuter than usual.

“How do you feel?”

He asked as he sat beside me.

“Good. I slept a lot, and the purification at the temple helped.”

“That’s good to hear.”

I then asked him,

“How about you, Kelian? Aren’t you tired from all the sudden traveling because of me?”

Though his stamina was beyond my imagination, he had spent two days taking care of me and then traveled to Lilka to visit the temple.

Kelian, making a meaningful expression, sighed and covered his eyes with one hand.

“I might feel a bit dizzy…”

Before I could respond, he continued,

“…because you’re so far away.”

His words were unexpected, making my heart flutter. His eyes were playful but sincere. My earlier concerns seemed trivial now.

He then reached out and pulled me closer, wrapping me in his arms. The warmth and security of his embrace melted away any remaining doubts and fears.

“You don’t have to worry anymore. We’ll face this together.”

At that moment, I knew everything would be alright. The party’s acceptance, Kelian’s reassurance, and the bond we shared were enough to face any challenge ahead.

I was startled, leaning closer to check on him.

“You’re dizzy? What should we do? Should I call someone…?”

Kelian stopped me as I was about to rush to Sayiris’s room.

“Just having you by my side will help.”

His words made my heart flutter, even in this situation. I reached out and caressed his cheek, worried that simply being by his side wouldn’t solve his dizziness.

Kelian closed his eyes momentarily, like a gentle beast under my touch. I wanted to do everything I could for him, seeing him so vulnerable.

“Is there anything else I can do for you?”

It still felt like my presence alone wouldn’t be enough. Maybe getting Sayiris to use healing magic would help. As I furrowed my brow in concern, Kelian suggested something.

“There is.”

“What is it?”

“Kiss me.”

For a moment, I thought I misheard. But it didn’t seem like a mistake. As I hesitated, his hand caught mine, and he gently leaned back, lying on the bed. Looking up at me with a pleading expression, he asked,

“Do you not want to?”

From the way he asked, it felt like he was asking the most unnecessary question in the world. Who could say no to that face, especially since I liked him even more now?

“Kissing won’t help with your headache.”

I tried to refuse, but he started tracing his finger over my palm, sending a tingling sensation through me. When his finger brushed the inside of my wrist, I couldn’t help but look like I was about to cry.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Even though they had taken me back, I still felt guilty. If he kept doing this, I might mistakenly think he still had feelings for me and expect more.

“Because I like you.”

Kelian didn’t hesitate to answer my question. His eyes, which had been looking at me with longing moments ago, now held a serious expression.

“I like you, Aine.”

His words lingered in my mind like a warm echo. My lips parted slightly, but I couldn’t find the words to respond.

If this beautiful Warrior wasn’t confusing me with someone else, then I understood correctly. Kelian liked me romantically.


The question slipped out.

“My level is low, I deceived you, and I’m not that kind-hearted. Malie is my only friend…”

I was rambling, trying to dissuade him from liking me, but it felt like I was begging him not to. Kelian pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.

“I never thought you were kind.”

That was shocking in a different way. He smiled at my expression and continued, kissing my palm softly.

“All I care about is your feelings. Whether you like me or not, that’s all that matters.”

All he cared about was my feelings… As my mind started to process his words again, I realized I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. Maybe I couldn’t suppress my feelings any longer.

I leaned down toward him, closing the distance. Despite his usually cool temperature, his hand felt incredibly warm. Following gravity, my head naturally lowered, and I awkwardly kissed his lips.

My tongue, inexperienced, moved hesitantly, exploring his mouth. His tongue relaxed, letting me lead.


A strange, pleasurable sound escaped from between our intertwined tongues. As I sucked on his tongue, a wet sound filled the air.


His breath, restrained with excitement, stimulated my ears. I fervently kissed him, licking and sucking until I reached my limit and pulled away. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, and in the haze of leftover passion, I spoke.

“Me too.”

It was a confession clumsier than my kiss.

“I like you too, Kelian. I really, really like you.”

Breathing heavily, my words sounded more desperate than romantic, but I wanted to convey my sincere feelings. I wasn’t sure if he understood; Kelian just stared at my face.


Had he changed his mind because of my earlier awkwardness? When I called his name, he covered his mouth with one hand, looking slightly dazed.

“No… I’m just really happy.”

Relief washed over me. As my breath steadied, I smiled.

“That’s a relief.”

Kelian liked me, and I liked Kelian. This simple fact brought immense peace. We tightened our grip on each other’s hands, and as soon as our eyes met, he pounced on me.

“Right now, I might not be able to control myself.”

His words weren’t a warning but a mere statement of what was to come. He bit my lip gently, then plunged in. Compared to the kiss I thought was intense earlier, this one was much rougher. His tongue swept under mine, then curled around my hesitant tongue, holding it firmly.

“Mm, hah…”

He seemed to savor even my moans, devouring them as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth. When he finally pulled away, I was gasping for air.

“If you don’t like it, bite me, Aine.”

I thought he was giving me a break, but instead, he started kissing me again. Telling me to bite if I didn’t like it—did he mean I should bite his tongue?

Kelian, who had left such words as a restraint, lowered his hand and grabbed my buttocks through the white dress. His hands kneaded and spread my cheeks embarrassingly before returning them to their original position.

He pressed me onto the bed, reversing our earlier positions. Spreading my legs, he reached into his inventory and pulled out a contraceptive pill, which he drank down. The bottle seemed larger than before. Watching his throat move as he swallowed the liquid was excessively provocative.

After he finished, he looked down at my disheveled form beneath him.

“We’re both in white clothes.”

Indeed, we were both dressed in white. Anyone looking at us might think we were pious devotees, yet here we were.

“They’re going to get dirty.”

I meant that we should take off our clothes, but Kelian responded differently.

“Dirty them.”


“Dirty my clothes.”

I could feel my face flush. The Warrior, who had always acted so reserved, was now speaking as if such talk was second nature. Seeing his white clothes so clearly now, I felt an inexplicable urge to dirty them as he wanted.

Kelian, who already seemed ascetic with his usual cold and expressionless demeanor, looked even more so in his white clothes. But I knew how red and hot his tongue was, which made the contrast difficult to bear.


I responded, still dazed. He leaned down to kiss me again. The kiss started gentle but quickly grew more intense.

He pulled my dress up, exposing me from below my chest. The cheap negligee I wore underneath was also pushed up, stopping midway and only partially covering my breasts. He gently cupped my exposed lower breast with one hand.


A sigh escaped my lips as his thumb circled my hardening nipple. My body twisted involuntarily, my legs brushing against his thigh multiple times.

“You’re very sensitive here too.”

He murmured softly, his fingers now playing with my other nipple, which he took fully into his mouth.


I gasped each time he sucked and twirled my nipple. I didn’t know if it was because I was sensitive or just extremely aroused, but it was driving me crazy.

While I was lost in the sensation, his hand that had been stimulating my nipple moved down to caress my vulva. Feeling him get wet from my arousal was humiliating, especially since I was already so wet. All we had done was kiss and have him suck on my breasts, yet I was soaking.

A single finger slid into my entrance, the intrusion incredibly smooth and natural.

“You’re so hot and wet,”

He whispered into my ear as he licked its rim, describing how he felt inside me.

“Don’t… say things like that.”

It felt more embarrassing because he was the type who would never say such things.


Perhaps he interpreted my words as “stop talking and move your fingers,” because he started sliding his finger in and out. Wet sounds echoed with each movement.

“Ah… Kelian, ha, Kelian…”

“Yes, Aine.”

His calm voice contrasted sharply with the wet sounds reverberating around us. His fingers moved faster, and it felt like more had been added. They had.

He left a deep kiss on my neck, as if he couldn’t help himself. My legs, spread on the bed, tensed, and my toes curled. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he gently withdrew his fingers.

My whole body went limp, and I lay there panting, looking up at him.


Kelian tilted his head toward me, exhaling deeply. Seeing him frown slightly, I worried despite feeling weak from the pleasure. Was he really dizzy earlier and not just playing around?

“Is your head… still dizzy?”

Kelian shook his head.

“No. It’s just that you’re too sexy, Aine.”

I hadn’t expected that answer. I couldn’t agree with it, though. He was the one who was truly sexy. Even now, his golden hair and turquoise eyes made him look like a drawing come to life, brightening my vision.

As I thought about how he had been sucking on my breasts and fingering me moments ago, a strange sense of guilty pleasure washed over me.

Kelian lifted my limp body, positioning me to straddle him. I felt unsteady as his hands supported my weight, holding me by the waist, and I looked down at our new position, confused.

“I want to go deeper.”


Kelian undid his pants, letting his erect member spring free. It was still intimidatingly large, but less so than before. Instead of fear, I now felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

“Yes, deeper.”

Holding my waist with both hands, he guided me until the tip of his penis was at my entrance. I swallowed hard, bracing myself against his shoulders for the impact.


But no matter how much I braced myself, it didn’t change much. The tip slipped in, and as he lowered my hips, the penetration grew deeper. My mind went blank from the intensity.

The tightness inside me kept swallowing more of him. With me sitting on top of him at an angle, the depth of his penetration was terrifying. Finally, I understood what he meant by going deeper.

“It’s too deep… Ha, Kelian, stop…”

Surprisingly, Kelian halted immediately. He looked extremely conflicted, his eyes dark with desire despite his innocent appearance. But despite stopping, the bulge in my lower abdomen indicated he had already filled me almost entirely.

“I won’t put it all in.”

I couldn’t help but protest at his words.

“You’ve already put most of it in…”

“No, I haven’t.”

Seeing his troubled expression, I glanced down to check our connection… and he was right. There was still more left. The veins at the base of his shaft were visible. He hadn’t fully entered me yet. How was that possible…?

“I’m going to move.”

“Ah, wait… Ah!”

As he lifted my hips and thrust upwards, my body collapsed against him, arms wrapping around his neck for support. He licked and bit my neck, his hands gripping my buttocks, making my lower body move uncontrollably.

My body rocked up and down, the massive heat between my legs stretching me open repeatedly. I thought I had run out of fluids, but each thrust made me feel like more was gushing out.


He called my name in a ridiculously erotic voice. Tears welled up as I struggled to keep my eyes on him.

Unlike me, who was half-naked with only a disheveled negligee covering my upper body, he had only lowered his pants enough to insert himself, keeping the rest of his attire pristine.

Despite his lustful gaze, his clothes remained untouched. I didn’t want to be the only one in disarray; I wanted to dirty his clothes too, just as he had asked.

“Ah! Ah, Kelian, ah… Stop, wait! Just a moment!”

“Did it hurt?”

“No, keep… moving, just don’t move so fast.”

Kelian adjusted his pace, slowing down, making the sensation more intense with each deliberate thrust. I moaned and clung to him, feeling the pleasure build again as we moved together, lost in each other.

He obeyed my command and stopped his movements again, his tongue slowly tracing his lower lip as if trying to quench his own thirst. I pushed his shoulders back, and though he looked puzzled, he allowed himself to be guided down onto the bed.

“I want to do it too.”

The connection between us felt heavy. The depth of this position was intimidating, but seeing Kelian lying beneath me, looking up with curiosity, gave me the courage. The desire to dirty his white clothes blinded me to my own shyness.

“Kelian, you’re not allowed to move. Promise me.”


“Until I say it’s okay.”

Though the request was somewhat unfair, Kelian nodded. He still seemed a bit dazed but didn’t resist.

“I promise.”

Only after his verbal confirmation did I lift my hips slightly. The sensation of his tip dragging against my inner walls as it withdrew made me moan involuntarily.

The flimsy negligee that had been precariously covering my breasts slipped down, now only partially shielding my thighs and the area between them. Though it didn’t do much to cover me, it offered a small comfort.

“Aine, this is…”

I lowered my hips again. Though I wanted to move as quickly as he had, doing it myself made my movements cautious. He was so big… but it felt so good. My lower abdomen ached, and heat pooled around my eyes.

“Ah, ah…”

I couldn’t see the look in his eyes as I moved my hips, but I knew he was watching me intently. The tightness and fullness inside me were overwhelmingly pleasurable.


It felt so good, but… would this be enough to dirty his clothes? Or was I the only one enjoying this?

Despite my clumsy movements, Kelian’s erection remained hard and unyielding inside me. It made me wonder if he found this less satisfying than I did. I was worried that he might find it lacking compared to his earlier pace.

In my haste, I suddenly dropped my hips harder than intended, taking in more than I could handle. The entirety of his length was now inside me.



My jaw clenched, and I nearly fell backward, but Kelian’s hands on my hips steadied me. My waist ached, and my legs trembled. The intense pleasure felt like it was siphoning my sanity, making me drool slightly.

Kelian, having steadied me, leaned back once more, covering his eyes with one arm. His clenched fist showed how tense he was, muscles straining.

But I couldn’t focus on that. The sensation of being filled so completely was suffocating.


I wanted to move, but it was difficult. After struggling for a bit, I placed my hands on him and began to move my hips again. I could barely manage to pull him out slightly before thrusting him back in.


The sensation of my inner walls clenching around his shaft was vivid. His breathing grew heavier, indicating he felt it too. However, with his eyes still covered, I couldn’t see his expression clearly.

Even amidst the overwhelming pleasure, I wanted to see his face.


I reached out with a trembling hand to pull his arm away from his face. When his expression was finally revealed, it was as sharp and fierce as a honed blade.

“Can I move now?”

His voice was tinged with desperation. I nodded without thinking, and he immediately thrust up hard.

“Ah! Wait, Kelian, ah!”

“Ugh, ha…”

Freed to move, Kelian lost control, pounding into me with rapid, deep thrusts. He left no space unfilled, driving himself into me fully. He leaned forward and began sucking on my nipples through the negligee.

“It feels… so strange, so strange, ah!”

I repeated how strange it felt as something indescribable welled up inside me. He sucked so hard my chest ached, the fabric of the negligee soaking through. The relentless stimulation above and below made the sensation grow even stronger.

“Ah, this, Kel…”

I couldn’t form coherent words. My head was spinning, unable to function properly, as if I’d been pulled out of the water.

Kelian, having laid me down, spread my thighs even wider, increasing the speed of his thrusts. The sounds of our bodies meeting filled the room, my ears feeling drenched by the rhythmic pounding.

I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t even know what I was holding back, but I couldn’t hold it any longer.


As he pulled out momentarily to thrust back in, a gush of fluid escaped me. I wasn’t sure if it was just my arousal or something else. I wanted to cover my face with my arms.


I wished he hadn’t noticed, but the sudden halt in his movements made that unlikely.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear, the embarrassment hitting me like a slap. The only solace was that I had finally dirtied Kelian’s clothes as he had wanted… though it wasn’t much comfort.

Kelian, who had been looking down at me for a long moment, muttered something under his breath. It sounded like a curse. Did he just swear…?

“I think I’m going to go crazy.”

This time, I clearly heard him. He lowered his face closer to mine, his arms caging me in, veins standing out on his muscles.

“If you dislike it… bite me. I can’t promise I’ll stop, though.”

Just like before our rough kiss, he warned me. Unable to respond immediately, he resumed his movements with an intensity and relentlessness that left me breathless…



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