Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 4.3

“Your companion surely expects a sincere apology. As for compensation, we’ll do our best to meet their wishes. Killing me won’t help this situation in any way.”


“If you just want bloodshed, if your companion truly desires that, then fine. You can do as you please. But if that’s not the case, please reconsider with an open mind.”

Regal’s words were so pathetic that if the guild members saw him, he would have no words even if they threatened to leave the guild. Regal felt relieved that no guild members rushed in, but the unusually quiet corridor felt ominous.

“Killing you won’t necessarily improve the situation.”

“W-Well, I suppose not?”

No, the companion isn’t even dead! They said they were receiving treatment and resting well, so why beg like this? Regal suppressed the rising emotions and forced a smile.

After some thought, the man finally put his sword back into his inventory. That alone brought a sense of relief.

“If you’re not from this village, please let me know where you’re staying, and I’ll come to visit first thing tomorrow morning.”

Suddenly, for some reason, the man looked a bit downcast as he provided the address of the inn. Then, as if he had nothing more to say, he turned away.

There was no need for Regal to open the door as it had already fallen off. Regal nodded vigorously, expressing his gratitude. Then, as the man turned to leave, he suddenly turned back and left a parting remark.

“Don’t mention what happened to my companion.”

Was he referring to the guild invasion…? Whatever it was, Regal nodded eagerly.

As the man walked down the corridor, fallen guild members were visible on both sides. That’s why nobody came even though the guildmaster’s room was in chaos. The commotion earlier was the sound of guild members trying to stop the man but ended up getting beaten instead.

Watching this scene only fueled Regal’s anger. The suppressed rage he had held back in front of the man now surged forth.

Regal quickly went to his desk and rang the bell hidden in the drawer below. The bell, which made no sound, was an artifact used to summon the highest-ranking elites within the guild. It was rarely used unless it was an emergency, but the situation called for it now.

“Do you want me to let him go like this?”

Regal was not one to hold grudges against others without reason, but he was determined to exact revenge.

Hans was his family. Although he had been somewhat useless and had nowhere to use his abilities, he had still put in effort to help him level up, being his wife’s beloved younger brother. After killing Hans, there was no way Regal would let this man who dared to appear before him leave unscathed.

If he couldn’t face him one-on-one, he would overwhelm him with numbers. Taking advantage of the man’s momentary distraction, Regal would strike from behind. Once the man was gone, he would deal with the companion. If Hans was dead, then the opponent should meet the same fate.

“You called for me, Guildmaster.”

Three elite guild members, all above level 50, entered through the secret door and greeted Regal. After briefly explaining the situation, Regal led them to find the man. They wouldn’t have gone far yet.

As Regal expected, the man was entering an alley not far from the guild building. His casual stroll into the dark alley seemed like a signal for Regal to pounce.

“Arrogant bastard…”

Whether they were high-level or noble, Regal wouldn’t let them off easy. He followed the man into the alley with the guild members. As soon as they saw the man’s slick back in the dimly lit alley, Regal ordered the attack.

Kill him!

Various attacks were unleashed, and Regal was the first to swing his chain.

Regal’s chain was almost invincible in this area. Although its power had slightly diminished with age compared to his younger days, it still looked menacing. When the thick, long chain seemed to envelop the man’s body, Regal considered his revenge successful and smirked.

Then, in the next moment, he felt his lifelong weapon, the chain, moving away from him.


No, it wasn’t the chain that moved away. It was his arm, his arm that moved away.

“Ah, agh!”

A sharp scream scratched his throat. His right arm, which held the chain, was cleanly severed at the elbow. He couldn’t understand why this happened so suddenly.

At the same time, he heard ominous sounds from both sides, something dropping with a thud, thud. With trembling eyes, he looked to the side. Three elite guild members, pride and founding contributors of the Brave Hawk Guild, all had their throats cut and lay dead. It was horrific.

“Well, lucky you.”

Even with that face, did his voice have to sound so pleasing…? The voice that he had thought was pleasant echoed in the alley.

“Killing you wouldn’t make me feel any better.”


“But it doesn’t seem like things will get better without it.”

He was somewhat regretful.

The man’s face was excessively beautiful, as if it were not of this world. Regal regretted ignoring his intuition warning him not to confront him. And now, he realized.

The blond hair, cyan eyes, dazzling beauty, high level… Kelian Ail.

The fact that the opponent was the most famous warrior in the empire.

But it was already too late. Before he could fully feel the pain spreading from his severed arm, his head had already flown off.



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