Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 3


After running for another three days, we arrived at a village that, as Jin said, was reputed to be the wealthiest in the vicinity. Its name was “The Sole Village.” It was bustling like any large village, with a considerable number of people, but it had one more special feature: the presence of a teleportation mage.

Teleportation magic was an extremely rare skill, managed directly by the empire, and teleportation mages were dispatched to various places, where they would cast the spell for a hefty fee from those who visited the location. Therefore, teleportation magic could be considered the exclusive domain of wealthy high-level individuals or nobles.

“It’s a Grade S rare curse…”

The priest, after casting the spell with his hand on my forehead, removed it and spoke.

“If it were Grade A, it might be difficult to confirm the presence of the curse with magic, but from Grade S onwards, it becomes challenging.”

Then why did they confirm it with magic now? As someone who had announced being afflicted by a Grade S curse from the beginning, it seemed absurd, but I quietly waited for the conversation to continue.

“However, assuming you’re afflicted by a Grade S curse, you can attempt purification.”

Even though it was true that I was afflicted by a Grade S curse from the start… It was unavoidable since the curse couldn’t be confirmed with magic.

“The purification cost would be around 1,000 gold.”

Here, too, it was 1,000 gold… It was still an enormous amount, but it seemed that the costs didn’t vary greatly between temples. I had earned 100 gold by selling the Grand King Kuku’s Wing that Kellyan had said wasn’t needed, but I still had a long way to go before reaching 1,000 gold. The priest, noticing my slightly melancholic expression, added a shocking statement.

“The 1,000 gold I mentioned is the fee for one purification session. You’ll need a minimum of ten sessions for it to be effective, meaning you’ll have to pay a total of 10,000 gold.”

…Excuse me?

“A… a thousand gold?”

“And did you think purifying a rare curse wouldn’t cost that much?”

“Well, in other temple towns, they said it’s 1,000 gold for ten purifications, right?”

“I’m not sure which temples those are, but they certainly don’t compare to the purification power of our Tikane Temple.”

Was the cost much higher because the purification effect was better? It was frustrating not being able to compare their purification abilities since I hadn’t seen them in action.

“It’s not the time to haggle over the cost. Rare curses can be excruciatingly painful. We can completely heal you.”

“But I don’t have enough money.”

“How much do you have?”

“Uh, a hundred and… um…”

“Then please leave.”

The priest lost all interest before I could finish speaking. Well, if they’re asking for a thousand gold and the other party has barely a hundred, it’s understandable that they’d lose interest.

In fact, knowing that I didn’t have enough money even as I came to the supposedly largest temple in the village, I hadn’t had high expectations. Still, a thousand gold seemed excessive. Whether it was because of a significant difference in purification power or because this priest was a scammer, I couldn’t tell…

“Leave a confirmation fee of 50 silver before you go,” the priest said to me as I was about to leave the temple.

“A confirmation fee? You didn’t mention any additional costs.”

You didn’t even ask for magical confirmation in the first place, did you? But the priest unfairly cast me as a thief when I protested.

“When we’ve used magic for you, it’s only natural that there would be a cost, don’t you think? Are you saying you won’t pay now?”

As the priest shouted in a particularly brisk tone, knights in white armor began striding towards us from afar. The weapons they carried on their backs were longer and larger than their own height, looking ominous enough that one swing could tear a person apart.

I hurriedly took out 50 silver and placed it on the table before leaving the temple. Fortunately, the knights didn’t follow me after I paid.

Scammers… Did they build this grand temple by swindling money like this? If it was Sayiris, she would have likely performed the confirmation magic without charging a fee. Of course, there wouldn’t be a need to ask her for such a favor.

Although I hadn’t visited with high expectations, the cost was more than I had anticipated.

The important thing was that neither this temple, which demanded a thousand gold, nor the summer temple, which demanded a thousand gold, gave a definite answer that they could purify me. They just said they could try, that it might work, but no one gave a guarantee that they could remove my curse. I didn’t have that kind of money, but if I paid a thousand gold and still wasn’t purified, it would be incredibly bleak.

Apart from what happened inside, the pure white exterior of the Tikane Temple was very sacred. As I weakly walked along the path of the extending wall, I stupidly exclaimed when I saw someone standing at the end. Even though he was just standing quietly at the beginning of the alley, he also looked at me when I looked at him.


As I approached and called his name, he reached out a hand to me. Why is he extending his hand? For a moment, I was puzzled by the gesture, but when our hands touched slightly, Kelian’s lips curved up. Ah, I see.

But this warrior is being reckless again in broad daylight. Fortunately, unlike the completely susceptible others, I had developed a slight immunity, yet those without any immunity were captivated by his small smile.

“I’ve come to take you.”

“Thank you. But why the hand…?”

“Do you dislike it?”


It seemed as though he thought it was okay as he continued to tightly hold my hand, and I found myself walking hand in hand with Kelian almost by accident. Of course, I didn’t really mind. Instead, I tried to suppress the excitement that bubbled up, feeling almost like I was in some kind of romance, unable to differentiate time and place. Romance? That couldn’t be…

“It seems you had some business at the temple.”

He spoke while we walked hand in hand. How did he know I had visited the temple? Well, I guess it wasn’t hard to guess. There was only the temple in the direction I was coming from.

“Oh, yes. Just some prayers.”

“Were you a follower of the Tikane god?”

“A follower… Not really, I just went there once.”

Fortunately, it didn’t seem to be a topic he was particularly interested in, as he nodded his head without delving deeper.

Our destination was a large inn located in the middle of a street filled with shops. It was an inn I could never afford to stay at alone, but with the wealth of the warrior party, there were no issues. None of them, not even Dain, seemed to mind me spending money.

Of course, it wasn’t a situation where I could freely spend money since I didn’t know when I would need to visit the temple again… But I didn’t have much money to spend in the first place. With that thought in mind, I stole a glance at Kelian’s profile.

Compared to the temples that demanded a thousand or ten thousand gold without giving a definite assurance of healing from the curse, Kelian, who could alleviate my pain for days with just a single kiss, seemed even more remarkable. Ironically, he didn’t even know that he was the one providing the purification.

Kelian, who had seemed somewhat gloomy since the knights sent by the Lord of the Three Seasons had arrived, now seemed to be doing better.

“Should I let go now?”

As it seemed we were almost at the inn, I withdrew my hand from his first. While Kelian willingly let go of my hand, he looked at me as if asking for a reason.

“Other people might see us. Our, uh, companions.”

“Is it not okay if they see?”

“Of course…”

Doesn’t it matter…? Not…? I had naturally thought it wasn’t okay, but now that Kelian, who is in charge of the warriors in the party, casually agreed, I suddenly felt confused.

“If you want, then yes.”

Kelian said that amidst the countless gazes of passersby. Despite his gruff tone, the atmosphere seemed to have become slightly awkward. Perhaps it was just my imagination!

As we got closer to the inn we were staying at, there were many people on the street, most of whom couldn’t take their eyes off Kelian. Some might have recognized him as a warrior, but it seemed that there were more who were just admiring his face.

For now, there was no one we knew around. Sayiris would be at the inn, and Barkrud said he was going to repair his weapon, so he wouldn’t be on this shopping street. Jenin and Dain had decided to go to the information guild, and although I didn’t know exactly where they went, it seemed they weren’t around here.


When I called his name and stopped walking, he also stopped and looked at me.

“Yes, Lady?”

I was about to dash forward, but conscious of the surrounding gazes, I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him to a corner. It was better than walking in the middle of the street, but the gazes still followed us. It was a bit scary to enter a dark alley, so I decided to compromise and stay here. Of course, with Kelian by my side, there was nothing to fear.

I reached out and gently lowered Kelian’s cheeks, which were looking at me with confusion. Pat, pat. Not on the lips, just around them, I kissed him twice before letting go. I didn’t know why it had to be twice. I just did it.

Kelian seemed a bit surprised. It must have been strange for the woman who had asked him to stop holding hands because others might see, suddenly kissed him. Or maybe he was surprised by the sloppy kiss. There was a possibility for the latter, too, which saddened me.

“Shall we go now?”

I casually started walking, pretending nothing had happened. Even though I knew Kelian was following, I couldn’t bring myself to look at his face and just walked ahead.


This time, he called me. I was afraid of what he might say, but I couldn’t pretend not to hear him calling my name. I replied with a voice drowned in embarrassment.


“I want to kiss you.”


I almost heard a sigh escape me. I stood still, turned around, and faced him.

“I did. Just a moment ago.”

“This time, I want to. Fair enough.”

What kind of competition is this? Fairness? I was incredulous, but I had my own problem. It was the corner of my mind that couldn’t be controlled by reason, buzzing with excitement at his words. The kisses we had shared before had been so wonderful that just hearing him suggest it now made my heart flutter. Even though I had heard such words from him after coming back from the temple, the purification of the curse was still on the back burner.


We were almost at the inn…. Hesitating with a threadbare strand of reason, he calmly agreed.


Then he seemed to want to quicken his pace again. Almost subconsciously, I reached out and grabbed his coat.

“I also… want to… do it.”

But somewhere with no one around…. He, who had listened to my trivial words to the end, lifted my hand that was grabbing his coat and lightly kissed the back of it.

“Let’s go to my room.”

Fortunately, we didn’t run into our companions as we entered the inn. If we had, I wouldn’t have been able to follow Kelian with such a refreshed pace.

It wasn’t intentional, but the room meant for single occupancy, including mine, was quite far from the rooms of the other companions. As soon as we opened the door and stepped in, we kissed each other as if starved.

“Mm, ah….”

It was still so good. Every corner his tongue touched seemed to melt away.

When we actually started, he didn’t change his attitude and didn’t criticize me for clinging to him with both arms around his neck. Instead, as if to confirm my earlier permission of ‘it’s okay to touch,’ he called my name before slipping his hand into my shirt.


“Yes, yes.”

I nodded eagerly in excitement. His hand, which had kissed my lips so tenderly, slid down from below and firmly grasped my soft chest. I barely suppressed a reflexive moan that almost burst out.

As the shirt rose up, my bare skin was fully exposed. With each firm grip of his large hand, the flesh of my chest protruded vividly between his fingers. The sensation of wet tongues intermingling, the caressing of my chest, the erect nipples… there wasn’t a single thing that wasn’t arousing. I was so overwhelmed with excitement that I felt like I might pass out any moment now.

If only he could kiss me forever. If only he could touch my chest forever. My head, intoxicated with excitement, was dreaming of shameless desires, but suddenly, he released my chest and gently laid my body onto the soft bed.

“Ah! K-Kelian.”

Looking up at him, who had settled on top of me in a missionary position, I suddenly noticed that his hand, which had descended, was now tickling my legs and slipping into my skirt. His cold hand gently squeezed and released my plump thighs.

“Yes, Aine.”

Such a low, indifferent voice didn’t match this heated situation at all. If his hand hadn’t lightly brushed aside my underwear and entered deeply between my legs, I might have pretended not to care.

As a man’s hand touched that place for the first time in my life, I instinctively took a deep breath, causing my chest to swell upward. Kelian stared down at me as if observing my reaction.

“Huh, ah… W-Wait…”

Even as my thighs tightened inward and trapped his hand, he continued to stroke my mound with his fingers without hesitation.

“It’s wet.”

Even with his matter-of-fact tone, my face flushed noticeably. Well, of course, I was aroused…. Even though this was my first time experiencing such things, and I hadn’t felt desire properly until I met him, I knew that a woman’s arousal could make her wet. I just doubted if it was normal to be this wet.

When his fingers moistened the parted flesh and touched the entrance to the inner hole, my buttocks became damp to the point of soaking.

“Ah! Ugh…”

Clumsy moans echoed in the room. I worried that our companions passing by in the corridor might overhear us, but with each stroke of his hand covering my lower body, my toes curled uncontrollably, and I couldn’t help but feel an unbearable sensation.


Kelian, who had been expressionless all along, exhaled softly. I was already swaying my waist and trembling my legs as if I had reached my limit.

Then, his hand stopped moving. It felt like I was about to lose my mind, but that overwhelming sensation abruptly ceased, as if forcibly cut off. My waist slowly sank back onto the bed, and I looked at him with exhaustion. Even though I still felt tingling below, his resolutely paused touch was already frustrating.

“Kelian, please, more.”

My chest was exposed, my skirt was pushed up. My clothes were in a strange state, neither fully worn nor completely removed, but I couldn’t care less about it now. Hanging onto him, I pleaded.

“May I lick you?”

“Yes, yes. Please do everything.”


Kelian looked at me as if he couldn’t help it, or as if he were incredibly embarrassed, seeing me in a state of semi-consciousness due to the pleasure I had learned late. No, perhaps he didn’t realize he was embarrassed because of his own issues. After a while, he rushed at me as if his patience had completely run out.

“Ah, ah…!”

He swallowed my nipple. As his finger delved into the sensation of being deeply sucked, he bit down on my lower lip with terrifying force. A finger entered me between the parted lips, which were already soaked, smoothly accepted by the already moistened opening.

“Kell… ah, ah, ohh!”

He teased my erect nipple sharply with the tip of his tongue. Meanwhile, his fingers slowly retreated downwards, then pushed back in, repeating the action. At this rate, I felt like I might melt entirely.

“Ah, ohh….”

It seemed like the number of fingers moving below had increased. The increasing speed, accompanied by the squelching sound, echoed through the room in a disturbing manner. Even if it was believed to be emanating from somewhere else in the water where I had placed it, the sound was loud enough to be believed.

“Oh, ah…!”

When I felt his fingers teasing me below and his mouth gently nibbling at my nipples, tears flowed down my cheeks. Seeing my face like this, Kelian hesitated and gently withdrew his fingers. A sound was heard as the wet cork was pulled out. Even though it was natural for me to get wet when excited, hearing such a sound was still embarrassing. I wondered if it was normal to get this wet.

“Are you okay?”

Kelian wiped away the flowing tears with his tongue. Even through my blurred vision from the tears, he had a handsome face.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Actually, I wasn’t sure if I was fine. Every place he touched seemed to ignite flames. Still, I nodded my head, not wanting him to stop, and he kindly brushed away my disheveled hair. His manners were impeccable even in bed… I momentarily forgot the tingling below and enjoyed his affectionate touch. So I didn’t even realize how wide my thighs had spread.


Until he lowered his head, I had only anticipated that he would suck my breasts again, but the intense sensation I felt much lower made me gasp in surprise. Between my spread legs, Kelian’s head was visible. More precisely, he was licking that place.

“Kell, wa, wait, just a moment, aaah!”

I couldn’t say more and simply moaned while tilting my head back. His wet tongue on the wet area created a much squelchier sound than when teased by fingers. It was too hot below. As his tongue sucked into my entrance, I involuntarily took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe Kelian was doing this to me so quickly.

While struggling to control the almost maddening sensation, a hot and soft tongue slid into my already opened entrance.

“Please, please.”

I begged without even knowing what I was begging for. I twisted my head from side to side as I felt the tongue exploring below. Every time the tongue swept across my walls, my hips spasmed.

“It seems like it’ll melt.”

After a while, Kelian, who had withdrawn his tongue, muttered. A sticky gaze met a sight that had already been opened once. The fluids that I thought wouldn’t come out anymore flowed out almost like pouring, dampening my buttocks and the sheets. Surely, he must have seen such a scene up close, but the pleasure-dominated mind still dulled the embarrassment to some extent.

While Kelian undid the top, lying on top of me, the feeling of his well-sculpted upper body revealed by his refreshingly cool touch looked like a work of art. Broad shoulders forming a right angle, beautiful muscle lines not excessive or lacking. It was a flawless body with nothing out of place.

As I observed him with licking eyes, Kelian, without hesitation, grabbed my underwear and pulled it down. My shoulders twitched as something sprung out. It was unintentional, but I had touched it once with my hands. Even though I touched it through the clothes, I thought it was as thick as a forearm.

Kelian took out a small bottle from his inventory and swallowed its contents in one go. The curiosity about what he was drinking vanished into thin air at the sight of the daunting male organ. As I expected, later on, it was going to enter me. Although men wouldn’t all be that big… No matter how I thought about it, he was too big.

“Is there a problem?”

Did I stare too intently in that direction? Or did he notice signs of my disgust? Kelian asked with a puzzled expression.


Suddenly, I got scared. The fearful imagination that something might go wrong if that were to go inside me rose in my head like smoke.

“Maybe… It won’t work. That thing.”


Kelian blinked his eyes slowly. It was natural for him to be embarrassed after saying he would do everything and then deciding to stop just before. My mind, still not fully recovered from the intense pleasure, somewhat suppressed the embarrassment.

“I won’t do it if you don’t permit.”

He said that too. He really didn’t seem upset. But his member was still standing menacingly, leading to an awkward silence. Soon, Kelian asked for my permission. If he could proceed alone. Naturally, I nodded.

Brushing back his slightly disheveled blond hair with one hand, Kelian gripped his own genitals with the other.

Although there was no sense of fragility in his frame, Kelian, who looked very much like a young man, had a lower half that was completely different from his face. No one could describe that thing as handsome or beautiful. It looked more like a weapon with its swollen veins and dark color.



Jewel-like eyes stared at me. His hand, which had been leisurely exploring his own, began to move faster. Once our eyes met, I couldn’t look away. The muscles of his torso rising and falling with each breath, the intense gaze filled with uncontrolled desire, the occasional low breath, and the increasingly audible collision of flesh…

Even though he wasn’t touching me, my whole body tensed up again. It felt really good when he teased with his fingers… and when he licked with his tongue too…

Maybe even if that enters, it might feel good?

I found myself ridiculous for being so indecisive. Kelian, completely naked, was just masturbating in front of me, not even touching me, but the heat spread throughout my body as if I wanted to swallow cold water.


Eventually, as if possessed, I called his name, and he stopped his actions and responded. Yes, my lady.


I kept hesitating with my lips that wouldn’t part, and Kelian patiently waited for me to finish, showing remarkable patience.

“Would you like to… with me? I mean, what we almost did earlier…”

What exactly did I want to do? I had to bear the overwhelming regret as soon as I blurted it out. Saying I want to, then saying I don’t, then saying I want to again… How indecisive could I be? If I’m scared, then just keep being scared. If I’m going to give in to desire, then just do it.

I thought he would at least sigh. Even though he was so well-mannered, I didn’t think he would tolerate my fickleness without any complaints. Maybe he would even leave the room straight away.

But… Kelian’s actions were completely different from what I expected. Without any reproach, he pressed his lips against mine and covered me, simultaneously pushing his still sticky organ deeply inside with his slick thrusts. My mouth widened with the vivid sensation, but the kiss only deepened further.

“Ah… hmm…”

The first thing I felt was a dull ache. The sensation of barely accommodating him as my walls stretched sharply came vividly.

This definitely doesn’t feel right. As the indecent image of his member kept popping up in my mind, filling me with regret after regret, Kelian descended soothingly with feathery kisses on my face. Soft, gentle kisses on my eyelids, cheeks, and lips distracted me. Meanwhile, below, either he relaxed or I did, because his member penetrated even deeper.

“Kelian, Kelian…”

“Speak. My lady.”

I embraced his neck with both arms as if holding onto a lifeline. Even in this position, as his member continued to enter, my thighs, spread wide, trembled fiercely.

“Ugh… How long will you keep… entering…”

Even though it seemed like it had already entered enough, it kept pushing in relentlessly. When will it stop entering? Hearing my confused words, Kelian whispered in my ear.

“There’s still… more to go.”

While the excitement in his voice felt extremely sensual, at this moment, I couldn’t be as enthusiastic. There’s still more to go? Shocked by his statement, I tried to look down, but at that moment, the remaining pillar forcefully entered, causing my head to snap back.

“Ah! Ugh! Ahh…”

Was the slow penetration until now some kind of warning for the forthcoming act? He withdrew to the end and then thrust back in with force, repeating the motion.

“Kell, Kell, please, ahh…”

I moaned almost like a scream as I was shaken wildly by his movements. The hard truth was that with each vigorous thrust, my head would go blank and the unbearable itch would be relieved.

“Ah! Wait, wait, ahh!”

Feeling the sensation overwhelming me, I tried to move my hips back in fear, but Kelian, holding onto my waist from behind, forcefully pulled me down. His second attempt at escape while still in the same position resulted in being forcefully impaled. With only my hips protruding while the upper body lay sprawled on the bed, it felt embarrassingly awkward.

Kindness, gentleness, manners… None of the things I thought constituted Kelian came to mind at this moment. There was a time when Malley mentioned wanting to meet a beastly man because her husband was too timid at night. If she were here now, I would seriously ask her. Malley, is this man in front of me exactly the beastly man you were talking about?

Thud, thud… The messy sounds of wet flesh filled the room. With each close contact of our lower bodies, I could feel the flesh of our buttocks mushing together. The once neat bedsheet became so wrinkled in my hands that it was hard to recognize its shape.

“My lady.”

Kelian called my name with a husky voice. His hand, which smoothly moved up from my waist, caressed my chest.

“If we do it like this.”


“You’re so tangled inside me.”

It felt insanely good. Kelian expressed his penetration into me in a somewhat rough and obscene manner. The back of my neck was quickly nibbled.

“Kell, Kelian, too much, ah, this is too much, ah!”

I felt like I was going crazy. Especially when his glans scratched inside me, saliva flowed from my mouth that I couldn’t close, giving me a distant feeling. Even the flow was the same below. Semen overflowed from the huge genitals, running down my thighs and even onto the sheets.

As if regretting even the saliva flowing, he turned my head and kissed me. My back fit perfectly against his strong torso. While still pushing in at a steady pace, the kiss was slower and softer than ever. That made it feel even crazier.

“Ah! Ha, ah, ah!”

After the kiss ended, his upper body lay down on the bed. As Kelian easily put my body back into position, he settled between my legs and increased the pace of his waist movements. I couldn’t have imagined it would get faster from there, and feeling my pupils dilate, I shook my head back and forth, but soon lost my reason to the merciless thrusts.

At some point, it seemed like Kelian reached his peak and abruptly stopped the action. Then he slowly raised his waist a few times. Until now, I hadn’t been able to see properly, but it seemed like my lower abdomen bulged every time his penis went in. I watched it heavily, like a soaked paper.


Kelian, who was staring at me with an unknown gaze, soon lowered his waist and overlapped his upper body. However, he didn’t lean his weight on me, so it wasn’t heavy or tiring. Instead, the warmth of his embrace gave me a strange sense of fulfillment. For a moment, we felt each other’s breath very closely.


But I had to speak. Because his touch, which was gently teasing my nipples, was becoming increasingly intense.

“Can you pull out now?”


Without hesitation, Kelian, who I thought would pull out his penis, hesitated for a long time unexpectedly. Without my realizing it, a moan escaped as he softly sucked on my nipple.

“I don’t want to leave your insides.”

He subtly pressed me like someone demanding what they want, with an indifferent tone. And those turquoise eyes staring at me… If the temptation had been unconscious until now, it seemed deliberate and tempting now.

What is this reckless warrior doing now? I was about to say, “Do whatever you want with me,” and almost spew out endlessly submissive words. I really was weak to this face.

“But, we should buy contraceptive items and…”

“I’ve already taken it.”

Ah, the thing I drank earlier was a contraceptive item…

“The other companions may return, so I should go now…”

“There’s no rush.”

“…I’m too tired and want to rest.”

Stubbornly persistent, Kelian finally acquiesced after hearing about my fatigue and withdrew. As his penis slowly withdrew from inside me, liquid that had been sloshing around inside me spilled out as if it had been waiting to burst. I couldn’t help feeling embarrassed.


He lifted me up, supporting my back and the insides of my thighs. When I looked at him with a puzzled expression, he kissed my forehead.

“It would be good to wash up.”

“Ah, then I’ll do it later…”

“Rest. I’ll take care of it.”

Take care of it by himself… Is he implying he’ll draw my bath now? Without further objection, he embraced me and briskly walked into the bathroom.

Fortunately, the town was large and affluent, so it was a good inn with a bathroom inside the room. Of course, it would cost a lot, but money wasn’t much of an issue for our group, including Kelian.

Although the bathtub already had water in it, it was cold, so Kelian used the items prepared next to the bathtub to adjust the temperature. After turning the sphere, which emitted a bright red light, a few times, Kelian checked the water temperature with his fingers and entered it.

“Is it cold?”

“…No, it’s perfect.”

The discomfort wasn’t about the water temperature; it was the fact that I was lying sideways between Kelian’s legs, leaning my back against his chest.

“I’ll wipe you.”

Unlike the rough poking from earlier, his hand, wiping my body, didn’t evoke any desire. I briefly looked up at his face, which was so indifferent that I thought I could quickly wash up and leave, but the problem was my body flinching every time he touched me.


My body, messed up with sweat, saliva, and semen, was being wiped clean. His large hands touched my chest and abdomen as if giving a massage, and went down even further.

“Ah, K-Kelian.”

“If I don’t clean here too, it will be uncomfortable.”

“Wait a minute!”

Kelian, who was concerned about my discomfort, without any pause, pushed two fingers into my vagina. His fingers bent like hooks inside, scraping against my walls. Trapped in his sturdy body, I barely stifled a moan, but couldn’t stop the fluids from flowing again. Sensing that, he whispered from behind.

“You’re wet again.”

He didn’t need to tell me that! With a tone as indifferent as if he were reading a book, Kelian continued to describe how much fluid was coming out, how wet it was inside, and how slippery it was, every time he touched me. Moreover, he seemed to notice how embarrassed I was each time, saying that if he said such things, I would squeeze his fingers inside. Meanwhile, the object touching my buttocks had become inexplicably bulky, making it confusing whether this was still washing or an extension of the act we started earlier.

“I’m sorry. I mean it.”

Kelian, who came out of the bathtub, wiping my body with a towel, apologized. However, his lips had a soft smile, so it somehow looked pleasant.

“I hate you…”

“Yes, I was wrong.”

He’s good with words. However, amidst my exhaustion, I didn’t reproach him further, knowing that I actually enjoyed it.

Since I couldn’t lie on Kelian’s messy bed again, I decided to put on my clothes and rest in my room for now. Specifically, it was Jenin’s and my room.

“It’s better if I carry you…”

“That’s not allowed. What would others think if they saw?”

“Well, if you’re worried, you can say I’m helping you because you twisted your ankle.”

That makes sense… Although I momentarily lost my words, I still thought it would be better for me to walk by myself. Even if I didn’t have much energy left, I could still walk to my room. Of course, if I had yielded to Kelian’s insistence to do more, I wouldn’t have been able to return to my room on my own.

Since he couldn’t carry me, Kelian ended up holding one of my arms to support me instead and escorted me to the door of my assigned room. Jenin hadn’t returned yet, so there was no one in the room.

“Good night.”

Before entering the room, Kelian hugged me tightly with his large body.

“It was good. Very much.”

The words that came through my ears were overly sweet. Even though he meant that the act we did together was good, my heart pounded as if he was saying that I was good.

“I liked it too.”

It was exhausting… I thought I was going crazy from feeling too much, but… even that was closer to a feeling of liking it. It was so good that it was exhausting.

We stayed like that for a while, reluctantly detaching our bodies that didn’t want to separate. After entering the room and closing the door, as soon as he disappeared from view, I took a deep breath.

I slept with Kelian.

Although I still felt sore below and wasn’t in a state to think about doing anything, I couldn’t really feel it at all.

‘If you form a relationship with someone with a powerful divine power, or drink their blood… like a warrior. It would be okay to receive their saliva and drink it.’

The words of a priest from the Temple of Lixian came to mind. I didn’t drink blood, but I formed a relationship this way. I also drank saliva several times. So am I now liberated from the curse? But there was no notification that the curse had been purified. Is once not enough?

Even if it wasn’t enough, if I formed a relationship a few more times, there was a high chance it would be completely purified. Kelian’s divine power was remarkable enough that kissing him hadn’t caused any pain for days.


When I looked up, I saw a room with rare traces of human use. Unlike Kelian’s bed, which was mixed with saliva and semen, the bedding in this room was fluffy as if it were new. Considering how much they had paid for the room, the housekeeper who made the bed would be very surprised to see it so dirty.

Despite my improved stamina due to leveling up, I felt heavy and sleepy after just forming a relationship once. Of course, it was a very long and draining encounter, but… considering Kelian’s eager response, it seemed like it wouldn’t have been usual to end it after just once. If I had asked, I might have been able to continue. I keenly felt the absence of my only friend.

Had Jenin, Dain, and Barkrud not returned yet… If Jenin returned, he would probably come into the room at some point, so I decided to wake up then. I closed my eyes, gradually drifting into a hazy state of mind, and weakly asked myself.

Now what?



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