Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 2.1


Long ago, a system emerged in our world. There was much debate about its origins, but it was widely accepted that the twin creator gods, Segian and Atu, left us and bestowed the system upon us.

Following that, levels appeared, inventories emerged, skills developed, hunting grounds formed, and dungeons appeared.

The author of a certain book said, “Levels are the guidance bestowed by Segian, and dungeons are the punishment bestowed by Atu.” While I couldn’t fully agree with the idea that the level system was divine guidance, I couldn’t deny that dungeons were indeed a form of punishment.

Once you entered a dungeon, you couldn’t leave until you cleared the boss, and even if you did clear it, the contents would reset if you left and reentered. In other words, it meant that even after defeating the boss and leaving the dungeon, you had to start from scratch if you went back in. I heard that many people used this system to level up, but that wasn’t such an important story, so let’s move on.

The first time a dungeon is cleared is called the “first clear.” The problem arose with dungeons that couldn’t achieve this first clear.

Typically, this happens when the dungeon is located in an extremely remote location or when it is so difficult that nobody can clear it. If a long time passes without achieving the first clear, the monsters inside the dungeon start to come out into the world.

Countless humans died before humanity realized this.

As a result, rulers organized troops to attempt to clear high-difficulty dungeons, but the dungeons they found were endless, and the levels of the troops had their limits.

At the brink of despair, the first hero appeared. Of course, I’m not talking about Kelian.

The hero wielded a holy sword and appeared in the village, eliminating the monsters and achieving the first clear of the highest-grade dungeon discovered. At the time, the hero’s level was 53.

After that, people admired those with high levels and many first clears, and among them, those with strong divine power were revered as heroes. Nowadays, anyone with a high level or many first clears is called a hero, but back then, it was different.

In that context, Kelian was also called a hero from around the age of eighteen. Moreover, he was a true hero with powerful divine power.

“Amazing. To be called a hero from such a young age.”

“So when I first met Kelian, I thought he wasn’t human.”

As I listened to Jenin’s story, I genuinely admired it, and she nodded in agreement, stoking the fire between us, which crackled softly.

Forest insects chirped clearly in the darkness, and the wind brushed past just cool enough to be refreshing. It was a pleasant night, clear and cool, free from the pain of curses.

With a heart that had loosened considerably, I continued to listen to Jenin’s tale. There were stories I knew and stories I didn’t, but regardless, Jenin was unexpectedly skilled at storytelling, making it enjoyable to listen to.

“The first party was formed by Kelian and Sayiris. They met in a dungeon, and their hunting styles complemented each other well. I don’t know the details, but it must have been quite an uneventful party.”

Even as she talked about themselves, Kelian and Sayiris didn’t bat an eye. They simply sat there, gazing into the fire with shadowed faces, lost in thought. Despite both being strikingly beautiful, to me, they seemed rather vacant, as if lost in their own thoughts.

“Next to join was me, Jenin. I left my homeland, the Tarip Kingdom, and arrived at the Casauog Empire, where I met Kelian and Sayiris. I had heard that I was the strongest in the kingdom, but meeting the strongest people on the continent made me realize how small I had been. In truth, I was also called a hero in my homeland.”

That small hero from the well had a level of 73 now. Even back then, it would have been high, definitely not low. Indeed, my world was different from theirs.

“Then there was Dain. It was probably… when we cleared the dungeon near the Imperial Tower, but those lazy wizards, well, they were too busy with their magic research to bother with the dungeon right next to the tower.”

“They weren’t lazy; they were busy with magical research.”


Jenin brushed off Dain’s somewhat excuse-like remark with a shrug.

“So, as we were about to leave after the first clear, Dain suddenly appeared out of nowhere, having heard that we had come, and suggested a round of sparring… Haha.”


Just the thought of it made Jenin burst into laughter, unable to continue speaking for a moment. I could only watch alternately between Jenin, who was laughing so hard her sides hurt, and Dain, who stood his ground, unsure why she was laughing.

“Oh, sorry. Anyway, Dain was barely an adult back then, and still hadn’t shed his baby fat. Unlike now, he was all lanky, and he was like, ‘Hero, let’s spar!’ to Kelian, but then he got a good punch as soon as he charged in. Since then, he’s been following Kelian around like a puppy…”

“It’s too loud!”

Even in the dark of night, Dain’s face was visibly flushed.

Joining them, I learned that Dain was the youngest member of the group. He was 23, Barcrud was 31, Sayiris was 29, Jenin was 26, and Kelian was 25, making me the same age as Kelian. I glanced at Kelian one by one, almost meeting his gaze, then quickly turned my head back to Jenin.

“The last one to join was Barcrud… He had been wandering as a mercenary until he met us. Oh, come to think of it, the last one to join wasn’t Barcrud, it was me.”

Jenin made an excited remark with her characteristic bright smile, but Dain, who couldn’t remain silent after hearing such words, wasn’t going to let it slide.

“It’s not like you joined completely. We said we’d travel together for a year. After a year, you’re gone.”

Even though it had only been three days since we started traveling together, Dain’s lingering resentment seemed unabated. Whenever he remembered, he would shout about one year. I didn’t know how to react each time, but seeing him speak, I was relieved that he seemed willing to accept me as a companion for a year. It must have been an inevitable choice for him, considering what the rest of the group wanted.

“I don’t want you to be gone after a year, either.”

“Me neither, Jenin.”


As Dain watched our conversation, where flowers bloomed between the two of us, with an awkward expression.

At that moment, something rolled towards me.

Roll… roll… roll…

Thinking it might be a wild beast or a small monster, I stiffened for a moment, but the object that approached and lightly tapped my leg turned out to be Sayiris’s staff. It was odd to see something like that rolling quietly on flat ground, so I looked down at it in puzzlement.

“Aine, would you pick up the staff?”

“Oh, yes. Sayiris.”

Carefully picking it up to hand it back to Sayiris… her gaze as we met was strangely intense, shining brightly.


What, what’s going on…? The way she stared at me instead of immediately taking the staff made it seem like she wanted something from me. Her hand holding the staff started trembling. Even as I let go, the staff continued to descend, but Sayiris still didn’t flinch. What could she be hoping for? I desperately wracked my brain.

…Could it be?

“Oh, you’re very pretty today too. The staff, I mean.”

At that, Sayiris smiled like a blossoming flower.

“Indeed, you have a discerning eye.”

Finally realizing that I had guessed correctly as I watched Sayiris take the staff from me, I understood. Praise… She must have deliberately sent the staff to me in hopes of receiving praise. Should I praise her more often…?

Trying to hide my embarrassment, I sat down, only to be met with the overt glances of the other companions.


I heard Dain mutter, targeting me, but I pretended not to notice. From my previous experiences, it seemed that Sayiris really enjoyed praise, so I resolved to give her more… It was a peculiar observation, considering the icy expression beneath her silver hair.


As I searched for more things to praise, a sudden, intense pain spread throughout my chest and body. With a low groan, I bowed my head, and Jenin asked me with concern.

“Aine, what’s wrong?”

“I, I think I ate too quickly. My digestion isn’t working well, so I think I need to walk it off.”

“Then I’ll come with you. It could be dangerous alone.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll just walk around nearby.”

I dissuaded Jenin from following and walked along the moonlit forest path. The throbbing pain in my chest was undoubtedly the unmistakable agony of the curse.

It was the third day since the kiss with Kelian. It seemed that his kisses provided relief from the curse’s agony for only three days. I had expected that I wouldn’t be completely cured, but…

When we had distanced ourselves somewhat from the group, my weakened legs buckled, and I collapsed onto the ground. It wasn’t too severe yet. My heart was racing, and my body ached a bit. If the night deepened, the pain would likely intensify… Tears welled up already. A few days of relief seemed to have heightened my fear.


In this situation, the sweetest voice I could hear came through.

“Sir… are you alright?”

I couldn’t tell whether he had followed me out of concern for my disappearance or if he had stumbled upon me while taking a post-meal stroll, but either way, it didn’t matter.

I looked up absentmindedly at Kelian, who reached out a hand as if to help me up, just like he had when he rescued me from the ruffians. The difference was that my condition now was much worse than it had been then. Even when I wasn’t in pain, I worried that I might collapse under the weight of a knight, but now, in the midst of agony, it was even more precarious.

I took his large hand with both of mine. Kelian’s beautiful green eyes widened slightly, as if surprised by my grasp. It was as though he had reached out for me to take his hand, but hadn’t expected me to actually hold it.

I rose to my feet with the support of Kelian’s guiding force, but his hand that I held remained firmly in mine.

“Sir… about what we did back then, would you like to do it again?”

I felt my cheeks flush with pain and embarrassment. It was fortunate that it was night, despite the embarrassment of the moonlight. If it had been daytime, he would have seen me in this state, completely exposed.

Kelian didn’t ask what “what we did back then” meant. It was difficult to guess his thoughts from his expressionless face, but his palm, hardened under my thumb, felt strangely rigid.

“What we did back then. If you didn’t dislike it… I, I liked it.”

Unlike Kelian’s tempting allure, which was intense even if unintentional, my temptation was as feeble as rotten leaves scattered on the roadside. It wasn’t my place to push my appearance onto a man even more beautiful than I, so I couldn’t coerce him with my looks. I had to find another way, but it seemed like it was futile to try to seduce him with words.

“…You didn’t dislike it?”

Perhaps due to the increasing pain, my voice betrayed an intense yearning. From what I had seen of him so far, he didn’t seem to appreciate this kind of clinginess… Yet, I found myself clinging onto him. I wondered if the other women he had pushed away had felt like this. Of course, most of what they said about the curse was probably lies…


Just as he had urged me to take his hand earlier, this time I urged him to give me an answer. But when no words came, my anxiety grew. I gritted my teeth and endured the pain that surged through me. Cold sweat ran down my back.

If Kelian didn’t permit it, then I should hide my feelings from him. I couldn’t let him see me writhing on the ground in the agony of the curse. So I gradually released my grip on his hand, which I had held so desperately.

Then, he firmly grasped my hand.

“I enjoyed it too.”


“It came to mind unexpectedly, to the point of embarrassment.”

And then he kissed me.

Supporting my waist with one arm as I fell back from the force of the kiss, he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. He tenderly soothed my trembling tongue and eagerly explored it. Our entwined flesh was ablaze with heat.

“Sir, I can’t… breathe…”

With my hand still intertwined with Kelian’s, I couldn’t pull away. So, I gently pushed against his tightly pressed body with my other hand and managed to say, “I can’t… breathe.”

Even as I tried to turn my head away until then, he pursued me with his lips, speaking with eyes filled with excitement.

“Aine, breathe through your nose.”

“Ha… okay…”

“That’s it… just right.”

As he guided me to breathe while kissing, it became a bit easier to breathe. So, I eagerly drank in more of his saliva.

It felt like my lips were melting away. It had all started because of the curse’s pain, but like the first kiss, I was now completely lost in the kiss with him, unable to think of anything else. It felt like a corner of my mind had malfunctioned due to the overwhelming bliss.

“Sir, um, it feels so good.”

So, words that hadn’t gone through proper thought process slipped out spontaneously. Kelian’s gaze, seen through my blurred vision, seemed a bit more intense. Our kiss became even more passionate.


If not for Jenin’s voice echoing from a distance, we might have continued kissing indefinitely. Snapping out of it, I leaned back, and this time, he didn’t follow, slowly lifting his head. We both lay still for a moment, listening only to each other’s breathing.

“I should go now.”

Feeling that the excruciating pain that had been so intense had suddenly disappeared, I spoke, and he nodded.

“If you go first, I’ll follow.”

“Aren’t you going with them, sir?”

Was it to avoid suspicion from the other party…? Puzzled, I looked at him, and he responded with a faint smile. Again, he smiled without a warning. The man who could kill several people without touching them.

“I need time to sink in.”

Sink in… what exactly? Even after hearing his answer, it took me a while to realize the meaning. When I finally understood, I uttered a foolish “Ah.”

“Yes, then I’ll go first.”

Unable to meet his gaze, I hurriedly returned to the group.

The moonlight made it easy to find my way, and it didn’t take long to locate the party. I apologized to Jenin, who seemed worried about my prolonged absence, heard the sound of Dain’s tongue, and then sat back in front of the campfire as before. My flushed face was well-hidden in the darkness and the glow of the fire.

After a while, Kelian returned to his seat. Unlike me, still unsure of what to do, he seemed quite composed. But he must have sunk something… As my imagination continued, I felt too embarrassed and decided to stop.

Fortunately, it seemed like no one suspected that we had just kissed. Hiding the fact that I was under a rare curse brought about a different sense of guilt. It felt like committing a misdeed secretly, much like a child doing something wrong behind their parents’ backs.

“Get a good rest and wake up, Aine. We’ll arrive at the village tomorrow.”

Then, as if the nearby horses understood Jenin’s words, they let out a gentle neigh, as if responding to his command. Turning my attention away from the seemingly untroubled sleep talkers, thanks to Sayiris’s healing magic, I responded with a simple “Yes.”

When I learned that Sayiris could perform healing magic, I had hoped it might have some effect on the curse as well. However, when I subtly inquired about it, I received a firm response that purification of the curse was impossible due to the lack of divine power. Despite her directly casting a healing spell on me the previous day, the curse’s agony resurfaced today, making it clear that it had no effect other than physical recovery.

Once again, it was Kelian who purified the pain.

Thinking of Kelian brought back the recent kiss naturally. My gaze, unable to find a focal point, involuntarily shifted towards him. Worried about what would happen if our eyes met, I was relieved to find him already leaning against a large tree with his eyes closed.

I also put on the robe with insulation Kelian had given me on the first day. Although they had mentioned I could sleep alone in the carriage if I wanted, I had no intention of distancing myself from the group. Sleeping close to them unexpectedly provided a sense of security and comfort.

“Sleep well, Jenin, Sayiris, Dain, Barkrud, Kelian.”

“Good night, Aine.”

As I laid down and closed my eyes to say my goodnight, Jenin was the first to kindly return the greeting. After that, somewhat rigid responses followed.


“Good night.”


Nevertheless, it was much better than the first day when there was no response for a long time. Drawing them with stoic expressions in my mind, I felt a somewhat ticklish sensation. The absence of Dain’s response was expected, so it didn’t matter.

Sleeping with someone else turned out to be a more comfortable experience than I had thought. I had no recollection of my parents since they passed away when I was young, and sleeping with Mali was a distant memory.

Although it wasn’t like the village boys were to my liking, and being alone was inevitable as my journey prolonged, having people around throughout the day, including sleeping hours, felt surprisingly reassuring.

Perhaps it was because they were good people. And although my journey hadn’t been very long, I might still be naive about things…

❖ ❖ ❖

For the first time, I set foot on land other than the three-season village. Although it was also my first time in a summer village, the fact that I was completely outside the area of my hometown brought about a strange and fearful feeling.

“The Village of Rest.”

The village we entered following the weathered sign was as tranquil and sparsely populated as its leisurely name suggested. Despite the clear and sunny weather, there was an inexplicable darkness surrounding the place.

“It’s called the village of wanderers because there aren’t many settlers here.”

Barkrud, the only one among us who had visited before, briefly explained. He mentioned staying overnight here during his mercenary days.

“Let’s rest here for a day and then head to the next village.”

Kelian pointed out the somewhat noticeable inn as he spoke.

“I stayed there too. At that time.”

Barkrud murmured, lost in memories. He seemed willing to revisit the place where he had stayed during his mercenary days, but in reality, it wasn’t so much a coincidence as it was the only option available. There wasn’t much around here.

As we entered through the door, accompanied by the jingling sound of the bell, a rugged-looking man eyed us suspiciously. Seeming to be the owner of this establishment, he placed mugs of beer on one of the three or so customer tables and walked over to us. While not as large as Barkrud and Kelian, he had a sizable build of his own.

“What do you want?”

“We’d like to stay for a night. Do you have any rooms?”

“One room for 30 silver.”

Kelian nodded and then turned to me, who was standing next to him.

“Aine, do you want to use a room alone?”

To him, it might have been an insignificant question, but my ears perked up slightly at the whisper-like inquiry.

“I’m fine sharing with the others. Of course, if they don’t mind…”

“Of course, I don’t mind. Originally, Dain, Barkrud, and I shared a room, but how about sharing with Aine this time?”

“Yes, Jenin.”

So, Dain and Barkrud shared one room, Jenin and I shared another, while Kelian and Seiris each had their own room, totaling four rooms for our stay. Additionally, when Kelian handed over some extra money while entrusting the carriage and requesting meal and bathwater preparations, even the tough-looking innkeeper’s demeanor softened noticeably.

Considering there weren’t many people around and business might not be booming, there was no reason for the innkeeper not to be accommodating to guests who spent generously. Unlike in other villages where the dining establishments would be bustling with many customers during dinner time, there were only five other patrons visible in this inn’s dining area, all of whom seemed to be eyeing our group.

“Let’s eat first and then head upstairs.”

Agreeing with Jenin’s suggestion, we all took our seats. I was the only one feeling self-conscious about the stares from other patrons, while the warrior companions casually engaged in conversation as usual until the food arrived.

“I’m going hunting later.”

Dain said, leaning one arm on the back of his chair.

“There are no rare dungeons here. Can’t level up.”

“…It’s not about leveling up, just want to take a walk. And how can you be so sure there are no rare dungeons? Maybe we’ll stumble upon one by chance.”

Despite Barkrud’s objections, Dain seemed determined to go ahead. It seemed more like he was really interested in leveling up, despite claiming otherwise. Jenin jokingly interjected.

“Don’t go too far. And don’t do anything dangerous.”

“I know that without you telling me…”

“And don’t come back too late.”

Barkrud chimed in afterwards. Be careful, he added.


Of course, Dain was younger than them, but he wasn’t a powerless child, nor was he an inexperienced adult. It seemed excessive to worry so much about him, but Dain, who blushed fiercely as the thought crossed his mind, began to assert himself.

“My level is also 71. Just because you guys have higher levels than me doesn’t mean I need babysitting, you know?”

“We’re just concerned.”

“So, save those worries for that girl!”

Dain, adept at pointing fingers, pointed at me with his index finger. Perhaps it was more embarrassing for me since it was in front of me, and he even gave me an innocent glare.

“Why are you suddenly getting mad?”

Jenin shook his head nervously, while Barkrud, out of the blue, acted like he knew the cook and the owner who brought out the food.

“Do you remember me? I was a mercenary.”

“Well, I’m not sure.”

Then he received a cold shoulder and looked strangely sulky.

Despite the food being served, the commotion among the group didn’t seem to die down. Jenin and Dain were arguing, Kelian and Barkrud were eating, and Seiris, who hadn’t said a word since earlier, was… subtly nudging her staff to be more visible to others.

I noticed her liking compliments, so I couldn’t help but notice such behavior particularly. Unfortunately, no one seemed to be interested in that staff. I casually complimented her.

“Seiris, your staff seems to shine brighter today.”

“You have a good eye. I sprinkled some Philip powder on it this morning.”

Not knowing what Philip powder was or what difference it made, I just agreed and gave a few more words of praise as if I did. Seiris seemed satisfied and finally began her meal.

Throughout the meal, there were minor squabbles between Jenin and Dain. Previously, I might have just kept an eye on them, but now there seemed to be a difference in being together for a while. For instance, now.

“Barkrud, when will you finish eating? You’re always late.”

If he’s finished eating, he can just get up by himself. Dain needlessly gave Barkrud a look for eating slowly.

“Oh, sorry.”

Barkrud picked up the pace of his eating under his colleague’s urging, but his thick eyebrows seemed even more furrowed than before, as if it didn’t sit well with him.

“There’s really no rush, Dain. Besides, this isn’t a town where you’d expect to find rare dungeons anyway…”

“So how can you be sure there are no rare dungeons? What if I find one and level up?”

Despite saying it’s not about leveling up… it seemed like Dain was already scheming to find a rare dungeon for leveling up. Jenin brushed him off with a fresh smile.

“Well, that’s fine. But if it seems dangerous, you should retreat. Got it?”

From Jenin’s perspective, it might have been a simple expression of concern, but from Dain’s perspective, it sounded more like looking out for something lacking in him. Dain frowned instantly. But before he could respond, Kelian added fuel to the fire.

“It’s fine to go alone, but make sure you come back when it’s clear.”

At first glance, it sounded like a common remark one could make to a colleague, but the underlying nuance seemed more like addressing a younger sibling than an equal peer. Being an old comrade and the party involved, Dain couldn’t possibly miss what I, too, could sense.

“Are you ignoring me?”

Naturally, his colleagues didn’t understand why Dain was getting upset. Could it be that after being treated like a younger sibling since he was a child, it had become a habit? Or perhaps they didn’t understand the sensitive response because they didn’t do it with malice?

…Anyway, that was the atmosphere of their party. Despite their long-standing relationship and familiarity to the point where they wouldn’t get up from their seats until everyone finished eating, there seemed to be a lack of understanding towards each other. They seemed accustomed to such arguments, yet the resulting fatigue wasn’t insignificant.

As I had only recently joined, I could see these things more clearly.

However, I didn’t have any special solutions. Apart from my minor discomfort at sensing tension every time they argued, I sincerely hoped that such issues could be resolved through human warmth towards them. Unfortunately, my experience with human relationships was too limited to mediate between them.

I was well aware of this fact, but the problem was that I couldn’t endure the increasingly tense atmosphere until the end.

I moved my hand. Very cautiously.


Kelleyan, as if about to call Dain’s name to warn him, hesitated for a moment. I continued to raise my right hand over Kelleyan’s thigh, pretending not to notice. It was possible since we were sitting right next to each other. Jenin, unaware of what was happening under the table, looked at him curiously.



Whether he sensed my intention to stop or not, Kelleyan closed his mouth blandly. Finally, I could cautiously address Jenin.

“Is it possible for SS or SSS grade rare dungeons to appear in this town?”

“They could appear, but… I’ve never heard such stories, so the likelihood is very low. Maybe A or S grade, but not higher.”

“I remember you said before that even S grade dungeons could be cleared by Dain alone.”

It was more like Kelleyan and Sayiris could easily clear them, while Dain and Barkrud would take a long time. Anyway, the point was that they could be cleared. Jenin responded with a “yes.”

“Then, shouldn’t you worry a little less? Of course, it’s good to worry about your colleagues, but…”

I looked at Dain’s displeased face, feeling uncomfortable no matter what I said.

“And if I’m Dain’s colleague, I don’t think you need to worry so much. Since your level is 71…”

“Flattery won’t help.”

Dain brushed it off like that, but I didn’t mean to flatter him. No matter how high my level had reached since meeting them, I couldn’t compare to a party with members over 70.

“Anyway, unless it interferes with the schedule, shouldn’t adults like Dain handle it themselves? Whether they go out and suffer or not…”

Oops. My true feelings slipped out unintentionally. Dain furrowed his brow even more deeply.

“Whether I suffer or not?”

To be honest, Dain, who didn’t treat me well like the other party members and often picked arguments, going out alone to endure hardships or not was truly none of my business. However, that wasn’t the message I wanted to convey, so I deliberately changed the subject.

“Anyway, a bit more trust…”

“That’s fine, ain’t it, Ain?”

Fortunately, Jenin’s response was positive.

“I get what you’re saying. I misunderstood.”

He didn’t need to reflect on it to that extent… Jenin made a sound of understanding and patted Dain’s shoulder, who sat next to him, with a gentle tap.

“Sorry. You’ll handle it well on your own. I trust you, so I won’t be like that from now on.”


Thanks to that, Dain also turned to look at her, forgetting the words I had just spoken.

“…You trust me?”

“Yeah. Barkrud, Kelleyan, and Sayiris all think the same, right?”

Barkrud seemed to be too focused on his meal to hear well, but he nodded anyway. Sayiris, naturally, didn’t bother to respond, and Kelleyan, with his hand resting on his thigh, exerted a bit of force, and with a sinking voice, said, “Yeah,” in response.

By the way, did he put something in his pants pocket? Underneath, it felt closer to my forearm than my thigh. But since his left hand was outside the pocket, it wasn’t his forearm. Why? I was briefly curious, but soon focused on the original topic and said.

“So, wouldn’t it be better for Dain to get up first now? If you’re going to the hunting ground.”

“I’ll handle it.”

It still wasn’t a polite response, but his momentum was much weaker than before. Even so, he responded to my words and got up from his seat.

“I’m going. …I’ll be back before midnight.”

He glanced at the party once and then left the inn. Looking at the door where Dain disappeared, I said to Barkrud.

“Take your time eating. I also want to enjoy my tea leisurely.”

To my surprise, Barkrud liked it more than I thought.

“Is that so?”


Although it didn’t take as long for him to drink tea as it did for him to eat, I didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to someone who was eating well. If it seemed to take a long time, he could just get up first.

“I appreciated it earlier. Thank you.”

Jenin greeted me, mentioning Dain’s work. Even if I were to get angry for changing the subject, I had nothing to say. Instead, hearing words of gratitude made me feel even more sorry.

“I’m sorry. I interfered without thinking.”

“No, it’s okay. We probably asked too much. We should have raised him more firmly.”


“It’s like ‘go out and suffer or not,’ as Aine said.”


Now I understood. Jenin didn’t decide not to treat Dain like a child; he just decided to change his disciplinary methods. Dain seemed to have completely misunderstood…

“I’m glad it helped.”

Still, since the result was good, I decided not to delve deeper. It was difficult for me to intervene to this extent, given that I had only one friend for a lifetime. Fortunately, it seemed like things had settled down somehow.

As the tension eased, the sensation of my right hand resting on Kelian’s thigh became even clearer than before. No, it wasn’t that my senses had sharpened; something in his pocket had become larger and harder than it was just now. The question that had been momentarily forgotten resurfaced.

“Kelian. What’s in your pocket?”

Taking advantage of Jenin talking to Sayiris, I whispered to Kelian, who was sitting next to me. As I lightly touched it with my finger, Kelian sighed softly. His brow also seemed slightly wrinkled, making it look as if he was not in a good mood. Could it be that he was angry because of me?




“I don’t have anything. In my pocket.”

Kelian spoke with a stiffer tone than usual. While I was about to apologize, I momentarily closed my mouth and thought about what he had said. There was clearly something in his pocket. Even now, I could vividly feel something large and long beneath the palm of my hand, which I couldn’t completely grasp.

“Well, then what is this…”

About to ask again, I froze as if turned into ice. If it wasn’t Kelian’s forearm or something in his pocket…

…Could it be that?


With a somewhat rough sound, I quickly pulled my hand away from him and stood up from my seat. The rest of the group, excluding Kelian, looked at me in surprise.

“Sor-sorry… I’ll, I’ll go up first. I want to wash up quickly.”

Bakruud, who had just finished his meal, nodded, and Jenin stood up, saying he would go with him.

“What about you guys?”

When Jenin asked, Sayiris and Bakruud said they would go up a bit later, and Kelian…

“Go first.”

He answered in a low voice. Now that I knew the truth, his voice couldn’t sound so harsh. What did I do? No, why is that there? Was it always like that? It’s not too big, is it…? Even in the midst of confusion, my legs were steadfastly climbing the stairs with Jenin.

“Maybe the three of us should have a drink.”

“…Jenin, aren’t you joining us?”

“I’m a bit sleepy, so I’ll just wash up and go to bed.”

The room where Jenin and I would stay together for the day was dark but reasonably tidy. Although it was frustrating that there was no window, a faint fragrance emanated from the flowerpot on the table between the two beds.

“Aine, may I go wash up first?”


Still unable to calm down with the lingering sensation of it on my palm, I stood eagerly by the door even after Jenin left the room to find the bathroom.

Of course, I hadn’t directly touched it, but indirectly touching a man’s genitals, even if through clothing, was a first for me. I was still extremely confused about why it was there, why it was so big… It was perplexing, but more bewildering for Kelian, who had his private part unexpectedly touched.

“What should I do?”

When I looked at his face again, what should I say first? It was a completely different situation from the kisses we had shared before. Even though it was just above his pants, how awkward and surprised must he have been when I directly touched there? I really didn’t expect it to be there…

As I struggled with embarrassment, Jenin, having finished washing up, returned.

“Haha. What are you doing?”

She laughed brightly, as if she thought I was playing alone, and then plopped down on the bed.

“Oh, I’m tired. I’ll sleep first, so wake me up if anything happens, Aine.”

“Yes. Sleep well, Jenin.”

“You too.”

Leaving Jenin, who quickly started snoring behind me, I exited the room.

“Are you going to take a shower?”

The caretaker, who seemed to have cleaned once after Jenin left, asked in front of the bathroom.


“The water here is leaking due to a plumbing issue, so you can’t use it.”

“…But the others just showered a while ago.”

“It broke just now. We accidentally made a hole while cleaning.”


“Then, is it possible to block the damaged part and use it?”

Although I asked with the desire to shower, the caretaker’s face showed how annoying it would be.

“If you really want to shower, go to the bathroom on the first floor. It’s the one we use, but if it doesn’t bother you, it’s okay.”

On the first floor… It meant I had to go down again, and I hesitated for a moment because I didn’t have the courage to face Kelian again. Should I just wash up early tomorrow morning?

“By any chance, when will the second-floor bathroom be fixed? Can it be used by tomorrow morning?”

“I don’t know. Father doesn’t like spending money on these things, so it might take a month.”

…I guess I’ll just have to use the one on the first floor. As Jenin said, the group would probably be busy drinking, so I decided to quietly wash up and come back.

After expressing my gratitude to the caretaker, who was expressing annoyance all over his body, I walked down the stairs. The restaurant, with few guests, wasn’t as noisy as the dining areas in other inns, so I became more cautious with my footsteps.

Despite coming down the stairs almost crawling, I couldn’t see Kelian’s shadow in the restaurant. Did he already go to bed? It was strange, but without bothering to approach them and ask, I went to find the bathroom. They didn’t seem to notice me either and quickly emptied their glasses.

The bathroom, as if someone had prepared hot water in advance, was already filled with a thick steam. Since there didn’t seem to be time to do laundry, I quickly undressed, stored my clothes in the inventory, and dipped my foot into the tub.


It felt like the subtly accumulated mental fatigue and the lingering embarrassment were gradually melting away.

Tomorrow, when I see Kelian, I need to apologize first. What should I say for an apology? Should I say sorry for touching there? But then, it might make things awkward between us. As I pondered on such thoughts with my sluggish mind, a creaking sound suddenly reached my ears, and I turned my head towards the door.

“Who is it? I’m taking a shower.”

Someone, who was about to enter, abruptly stopped. The steam filled the room, making it impossible to identify who it was. Until I heard the voice.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion.”



I thought he had gone to sleep since he wasn’t visible in the restaurant. I urgently called out to Kelian, who was about to close the door and leave.

“Uh, wait a moment.”

“What’s the matter?”

Although I called him out like someone chased by the desire to apologize, in reality, this wasn’t an appropriate place for apologies. However, I couldn’t help but think that way.

“Earlier, I was really sorry.”

I said to the barely visible Kelian, and as I tried to get up from the tub, I realized I was still naked. I sat back down, feeling embarrassed.


While I was struggling with my repair, Kelian, seeming resigned, leaned back into the bathroom and closed the door. I couldn’t see anything, but I could tell that he was turned away. Vaguely, I could see the broad expanse of his back.

“You don’t need to apologize, Aine.”

“But, I to… touched, did that, so I should apologize…”

The more I spoke, the more I realized what I had done. From now on, I must never think of a man’s, especially Kelian’s, thigh as just a thigh. I must always remember that there might be something else there. Absolutely…

“I will never touch casually again.”

In a way, it was quite obvious. What was I thinking, touching Kelian so recklessly? Interfering in the group’s fight after just kissing the hero a few times, and then accidentally touching Kelian’s genitals. In the lukewarm water, my body involuntarily shrank.

“I don’t want that.”

And I uttered a foolish question in response to his words.


“May I come closer?”

Once again, I gave a foolish answer.


Having received permission, Kelian approached without hesitation. The blurry figure from a distance became clearer and more beautiful as he came closer to the tub. He crouched inside the tub, looked down at me, and calmly opened his mouth.

“You can touch. Aine, anytime you want.”

Although his attitude was nonchalant, like saying, “You can have some of my beer if you want,” the content of his words didn’t sound light at all.

As our eyes met after hearing Kelian’s provocative words, a tingling sensation below my waist sent shivers through me. I turned away, trying to ignore my body’s reaction, and asked.



“Why is it okay for me to touch you, Hero?”

He didn’t seem to have said such things to other women. At least from what I had seen, he seemed more weary than someone who would casually make such remarks.

So, what makes me different from them that he grants permission for me to touch him anytime? How lethal would it be for someone like him to say something like, “You can touch if you want”?



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