Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 1.3

When Dain made another remark, the irritated lord couldn’t hold back and snapped at him.

“Who do you think you are, constantly meddling in others’ affairs when you’re not even a Warrior?”

“Why are you pointing fingers at him? Don’t you realize that finger-pointing can upset the other person?”

Dain responded to the lord’s outburst with another retort. However, there was something bothering about his words… Instead of me, it was Jenin who pointed it out.

“Dain, you often point fingers too.”

“That’s…! Jenin, whose side are you on?”

As they continued to bicker, the lord seized the opportunity to try persuading Kelian again.

“Warrior, if you marry my daughter, you can become the thirtieth lord of the Three Seasons Castle…”

Kelian silently stared at the lord who had stepped closer to him. Unlike before, there was no discernible emotion in that gaze, but it still seemed uneasy somehow. A courteous Warrior like him wouldn’t do anything to make me feel uneasy, but it felt like something might happen at any moment…

However, nobody except me seemed to notice Kelian’s demeanor. No, perhaps this was also my misconception this time.

But still…

“I cannot accept the marriage.”

I thought they might not hear my words because everyone was talking, but unexpectedly, everyone heard, and immediately, warm glances were directed at me. I regretted speaking as soon as the words left my mouth, but with Kelian also looking at me, I couldn’t just shut up.

“For Kelian, I am here… He cannot marry anyone else.”

Then, I blinked vigorously at the somewhat dazed Kelian, signaling him to play along with my rhythm.

“I heard that the Warrior doesn’t have a lover. Who might you be?”

The lord and his daughter, who were giants even if not to the Warrior’s party, stared at me, seemingly sizing me up. While the Warrior’s party could just leave, I would continue living here, so maybe I had acted too recklessly. But it was too late now.

“He does have a lover. It’s likely that it hasn’t been made public yet, as we’ve only been dating for a short time. Neither Kelian nor I really knew each other’s feelings until recently.”

To make it more plausible, I added unnecessary details. Dain frowned, Jenin widened her eyes, looking at me. Seyris, who was looking out the window calmly, and Barkrud, who hadn’t finished his meal yet, were the only ones ignoring the situation.

“Warrior. Is what she said true?”


Thankfully, Kelian, seeming to understand the meaning behind my gesture, gave a brief affirmative response. However, the lord’s gaze shifted sideways, indicating that his suspicions weren’t entirely gone. Gulp. Under that scrutinizing gaze, I swallowed nervously.

“Very well. If the Warrior indeed has a new lover.”

Although the lord didn’t seem entirely convinced, he reluctantly accepted it, given that the Warrior himself confirmed it.

“Nevertheless, the proposal still stands. My daughter lacks nothing to become your wife.”

While saying this, the lord glaringly looked at me, implying that I had many shortcomings.

“Furthermore, Warrior, you should know. A momentary flame, once gone, leaves nothing behind.”

The interpretation wasn’t difficult this time either. It meant something like, “This relationship is just a fleeting spark; marrying my daughter will leave you with much more.”

If I were a high-level player like the Warrior’s party, or if I were Kelian’s real lover, I might have stood up and said something right away. But since reality didn’t fit either scenario, I just kept my mouth shut.

“A flame…”

Kelian, muttering my words aloud, suddenly looked at me.

“Not bad.”

The lord asked with a puzzled expression at the sudden remark. What did he mean?

“Because we’ll be together even in death.”


“And leave nothing behind. Turning into flames.”

That… wasn’t the intended meaning, right? Once again, Kelian unintentionally sprinkled temptation all around. Like when he kissed the handkerchief I handed him.

Not only me but also the lord’s daughter, with a haughty expression crumbling, blushed slightly while looking at Kelian. Indeed, a Warrior was a dangerous existence.

“W-well, let’s give it more time. We’ll send a carriage here tomorrow at this time, so please think deeply until then. Linna, let’s go.”

The untimely temptation of the Warrior made even the lord unable to hide his confusion. He left with the daughter who didn’t respond, along with the group, down the stairs.

Only when the sound of footsteps completely disappeared did I let out a deep sigh.

“I’ve finished eating.”

After a moment of silence, it was Barkrud who spoke first. Ignoring the arrival of the lord, he continued his meal until he seemed to have finished.

Still, his indifferent tone slightly refreshed the atmosphere. Riding on that, I also apologized to Kelian.

“I’m sorry, Warrior. I think I made things difficult by acting on my own…”

“No, thanks to you, we avoided trouble.”

“That’s right. Ain’t no need for apologies since Ain helped Kelian out.”

Jenin, who had a strong liking for me, also chimed in, but Dain didn’t just stand by while watching.

“Of course, you should apologize. You made up such a big lie on your own. After all, aren’t you aiming for Kelian, approaching him like that?”

The rest of the party looked at Dain, as if prompting him to start again, but I silently nodded in agreement. It’s true that I had approached Kelian with a motive.

As if avoiding it, I turned my gaze outside the window. In the time it took for the lord to arrive, the sun had completely set, and darkness enveloped the surroundings. I felt the intangible pain getting closer. Although it wasn’t too late for the curse’s pain to arrive, I still didn’t know when it would strike. Being a rare curse, there was no certainty about when the pain would start.

“Let’s go back to the inn.”

Seyris, who had been silent, stood up with a smooth motion and spoke more like an order than a suggestion. Kelian and the others, including myself, rose from our seats without a word. I was the only one sitting there, as if my bottom was glued to the chair.

Just when I was about to confess honestly, the lord appeared. Now that the lord was gone, the atmosphere had become tense. Kelian’s mood seemed even lower than before.

Not only was Dain still suspicious of me, and the Warrior’s mood appeared gloomy, and even though Jenin seemed to like me, it was unknown whether she would sympathize with my approach, knowing my intentions. Still, if not now, when else could I ask them… I couldn’t let them leave like this.

The courage I missed earlier had somehow turned into cowardice. With a rapidly shrinking heart, I nervously rummaged through my pocket and took out money. Staring blankly at the approaching restaurant owner to settle the bill, I handed the money to Kelian, who was standing beside me.

As he extended his hand, my hand and the 1 gold coin on his palm were looked at for a moment. I wanted to say something like, “You can keep the change,” but my pockets were not in a good condition for that.

“Just pay for the meal, and 15 silver will do. The total for what I ate is 85 silver.”


“….Is it more than 85 silver, by any chance?”

It couldn’t be. When I checked the menu earlier, it was definitely 85 silver.

As Kelian’s silence continued, I became worried if it was a miscalculation in the bill. Perhaps the Warrior’s party usually split the bill equally, no matter how much each person ordered? If so, the amount would surely be more than I could handle. Just thinking about the number of dishes Barkrud had ordered made my head spin.

As the anxiety narrowed my forehead more and more, my forehead returned to its original state when Kelian folded his hands over mine. My worries about miscalculating the bill seemed to be unnecessary. But I still had to endure a breath I had held until he calculated.

During the sudden contact, my heart thumped. No, I could have just said it without holding hands. Was it necessary to go that far? Indeed, a dangerous Warrior.

Kelian, unaware, had almost tested the limits of my patience a moment ago. Even now, I felt tense because they might leave me if I didn’t hurry.

I have to say it now.

I hope I can wait until the Warrior’s mood improves, but unfortunately, there was no time for that. I needed to reveal my curse immediately and ask for help. Once the calculation was complete, Kelian turned around, and only then did I release the breath I had held.

He had touched me unexpectedly, and it felt like my heart had returned after a brief departure. No, I could have just said it with words. Did I really have to hold hands? Oh well, a dangerous Warrior.

Kelian had no idea, but he had almost tested my patience a moment ago. I was already nervous about them leaving like this.

I should have said it now.

Even if I could wait until the Warrior’s mood improved, unfortunately, there was no time for that. I had to tell them now.

Dain looked at Kelian as if to suggest he didn’t think so, but Kelian didn’t offer any particular response. This topic seemed uncomfortable.

“Remember how there was talk about a princess in the Phillique royal family being cursed with a rare curse? Seyris confirmed it was also a lie. Honestly… If you don’t even know what a rare curse is, would we believe such excuses?”


“Let’s say, for argument’s sake, she really was cursed. So what? Are we supposed to go around purifying curses that strangers are afflicted with? Just clear the dungeon and be done with it, what more do you want?”

He continued to vent his frustrations, as if he had been accumulating them since before coming to this village. Jenin nodded in agreement, then glanced at me with a slight smile when she noticed my frozen expression.

“That’s why Aine is more precious. She’s different from those people.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying that woman is suspicious too?”

“Ugh, you’re really picky.”

“It’s not that I’m picky, it’s that you’re being too lenient!”

Although their arguments had become quite familiar by now, since it was one-on-one, it should not have been a clear victory for either side. However, the balance shifted due to Seyris quietly intervening.

“I don’t find Aine suspicious.”

She mentioned my name again, and even defended me from Dain. I had thought she might have taken a liking to me, but I hadn’t expected her to go as far as this. With this, I now had two allies against Dain.



As Kelian, the person in question, called my name as if to stop, Dain, feeling outnumbered, let out a frustrated sound and closed his mouth. This time, at least outwardly, it was a perfect victory for Jenin. Of course, Dain’s guard against me hadn’t completely disappeared, but still.

“Oh, by the way… Didn’t Aine have something she wanted to say too?”

Jenin belatedly turned to me with a puzzled expression. Then Seyris, who had quietly enveloped me, Barkrud, who had gulped down the huge pitcher given by the restaurant owner, Dain, who still seemed irritated, and Kelian, who still looked gloomy, all turned to me.

It was an awkward situation, but I was grateful that they paid attention to me. Because I had something to say. And it was something very important.

Yes, I have something to say. Actually, Dain’s suspicions were correct. I approached you, warrior, to take advantage of you, and now I’m going to make the shameless request to purify my rare curse. My life depends on it, so please don’t refuse. I’m not lying. The agony of the curse will begin again in a few hours, maybe even sooner. Please, help me.

The words I wanted to say to them were neatly organized in my head. Now that the groundwork had been laid, all I had to do was speak. Even if they felt betrayed by trusting me, or if they refused angrily, I couldn’t help it. After all, if I parted ways with them like this, there was a high chance I would never receive their help again.

What was somewhat fortunate was the fact that Kelian had given me a rare dungeon item. I’m not sure if it’s an item that can be sold at the shop for 1,000 gold, but… Still, it would be a great help when I got rejected by the warrior and had to go back to the temple. With that in mind, I finally opened my mouth.



“I didn’t say anything.”

What am I saying right now…? My mouth blurted out words completely different from the command my brain had given.

“Really? Should we go out now?”

Jenin said cheerfully, and Kelian waited as if to go down first. Lips that didn’t speak according to my master’s will drew a line this time too. Smiling as if grateful to them for showing manners, I went down the stairs. Even my legs didn’t listen to my commands this time.

“Thank you so much, everyone… I won’t forget. I hope you have a pleasant journey ahead.”

I bid them farewell at the entrance of the darkening restaurant. Farewell, what farewell! I should be talking about the curse! Asking for help! Kneeling down and begging, even!

But my mouth was already speaking freely, completely blocking out the orders of reason.

“Well then, I’ll be going now…”

I turned away from them and walked in the direction of the inn where I stayed last night. This isn’t right. This isn’t it…


A sigh escaped me at my own foolishness. Not being able to say anything!

However, in front of them who believed in me, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help because I was cursed. It had only been two days since we met. Yet, compared to those two days and my entire life until now, no one had been as kind to me as the warrior and his companions. Even my only friend, Malie, who had been there for me, had started a family and drifted away. Most of all, I was too afraid of their expressions changing after hearing my words.

…But, was that more important than my life? After all, they were people from a different world than mine. There wouldn’t be any chance to see them again, let alone treat me well in the future.

I couldn’t understand myself at all, but amidst all this, my legs were still walking smoothly towards the inn.

If it wasn’t for the warrior’s help, I had no choice but to go back to the temple. After spending another night at the inn, I planned to sell the rare item at the shop early in the morning and use the money to go back to the Rexan Temple. As I made such plans, a deep sigh escaped me.


Suddenly, my name was called, and I was so startled that my shoulders jumped. When I turned around, Kelian was approaching alone.

“Did I startle you?”

“Oh, no. I’m fine. But, why are you here, sir…?”

Didn’t we return to the inn together with the rest of the party? Although our directions to our respective inns were similar, I purposely took a slightly different route. So, the warrior shouldn’t be in front of me now.

“The lord left a guard behind. It seems they’re also following Aine.”

I was about to look around in surprise at his words, but I held back. It wouldn’t do to show that we were aware of the surveillance.


“It’s either to prevent me from escaping or to monitor our relationship.”

Both possibilities existed. No, there was no other reason. While nodding my head, I felt a strange sensation at Kelian’s mention of “our relationship.” Even though I knew there was no meaning behind those words.

“So, I’ll escort you back to where you’re staying.”

With Kelian standing by my side, I felt much more secure. Perhaps because I had experienced firsthand that the safety in this town wasn’t great, the deserted streets at night felt a bit eerie.

“Thank you.”

Unable to refuse, I walked along with him. The warrior’s manners were impeccable until the end. I wondered if all high-level adventurers were like this, or if this was why they were called warriors.

“Where will you go once you leave this place?”

“I’m going to an S-grade rare dungeon.”

“Oh, didn’t you say you need to qualify for an SSS-grade rare dungeon?”

I recalled the ‘Key to the Trap of the Thorny Tree Snake’ still in my inventory.


“If A-grade is next, then S-grade… after that would be SS-grade, right? Does it matter which village’s rare dungeon you enter as long as you meet the grade?”

“That’s correct.”

If Dain had been there, he might have been uncomfortable with Kelian sharing such information with me, who wasn’t part of the group. However, Kelian simply answered my questions as they came.

There were a few passersby who recognized him and paused, but they didn’t linger, perhaps because there weren’t many people around like during the day.

“Ah, here it is.”

As we stopped in front of the run-down inn that seemed like it would collapse with a poke, Kelian momentarily struggled to control his expression.

“Are you staying here…?”


I hadn’t yet told the innkeeper that I would be staying another night, but I wasn’t worried about there being no vacant rooms. Except for a few individuals like me with circumstances, there didn’t seem to be many guests here.


Kelian spoke earnestly.

“Shall we go to the inn where we’re staying? Safety seems to be a concern here.”


“I’ll cover the cost.”

Perhaps he thought I hesitated because of money, as he quickly added. Of course, I wasn’t without financial concerns, considering the inn they were staying at seemed quite expensive…


Feeling his gaze urging my response, I continued to read Kelian’s face as if entranced. Even in the darkness, he shone nobly. Paradoxically, in the darkness, he seemed to exude a different atmosphere than during the day. A bit more dangerous, a bit more mysterious…

I had almost given up, but the polite and beautiful Warrior kept putting me to the test.

“Sir Warrior.”

I called him calmly, and as if prompted by my words, Kelian approached, taking a step closer. I tried not to show any signs of nervousness.

“Even now, um, is Lord’s watcher still watching us?”

He leaned in as if to hear my whispered words better. Due to the difference in height, it felt like my field of vision was completely filled.

“Yes, he is watching.”

He replied with a confident voice. It seemed like I could still feel their surveillance. It was fortunate for me since the watcher’s presence could justify my actions from now on. I reached out with trembling hands and touched Kelian’s shoulders on both sides. The muscles under the fabric felt firm, and they subtly twitched.

“Then, let me, at the end… help you.”

Even though I stood on my tiptoes, my hands gently cupped his cheeks without reaching. His firm cheek muscles subtly responded to my touch.

“I’ll take care of it.”

Just by inserting my tongue, strange sounds escaped as if I had difficulty breathing. I felt relieved that the darkness concealed the flushed cheeks. But after inserting my tongue, what should I do next…? I didn’t know how to move to justify kissing him and drinking saliva to avoid Lord’s suspicion.

In the midst of confusion, something soft and warm touched the tip of my tongue. Kelian’s tongue swept over mine. Ah, for a moment, a tingling sensation ran through my spine, and I unintentionally lowered my heels. Following my decreased height in his sight, he lowered his head even more. From the unfallen mouths, our tongues intertwined more smoothly.

“Uh, ugh…!”

I had definitely pushed my tongue in first. In the midst of my confusion, his tongue was sweeping through me. The tingling sensation that pierced my palate and his tongue entwining more vigorously made me shudder. Though I had pushed my tongue in first, most of it was devoured by him. This was too much…

Our backs hit the inn door, but Kelian supported my head with his hand, so I wasn’t hurt. However, judging by his thrusting momentum, it seemed like he might crush my body against the door. I was swallowing the long-awaited Warrior’s saliva, but I couldn’t even be happy because I was too distracted. He bit my tongue slightly, and tears welled up. It wasn’t painful… no, something about it felt strange.

“Th-that’s enough, Sir, um, Sir Warrior…!”

As I turned my head to avoid him and pushed his shoulders away, his persistent pursuit came to a sudden stop.


He, not as much as I, but was also catching his breath. Slightly furrowed brows, a gracefully sculpted nose, and the lips that had been entangled with mine just moments ago… I couldn’t bring myself to look at him directly, so I turned my head and barely managed to speak.

“Now, perhaps Lord won’t be as suspicious.”


“I’ll just stay at this inn. It’s not as unsafe as you’re worried about.”

Even though I was pouring out words without really understanding what I was saying, I opened the door and hurried into the inn.

“Well then, goodbye, Sir Warrior.”

As the door slammed shut, Kelian’s figure disappeared. I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at his face until the end.

Already swollen as if it would burst at any moment, my face flushed even more. The innkeeper, who seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep, suspiciously watched me panting.

“I… I’m going to stay for one more day. Could you prepare some water for me to wash up?”

I handed the 1 gold coin that I had intended to give to Kelian for the meal, but he had refused, to the innkeeper. With a suspicious look, the innkeeper took the money and gave me back 50 silver. The room was the same one I had stayed in yesterday.

Hurriedly entering the room and closing the door, I stood by the window and took a deep breath. The pounding of my heart, was it a sign of the curse’s torment, or was it because of the kiss with Kelian? It was hard to distinguish.

After a while, I managed to snap out of it.

First, let’s wash up. Because of the early morning visit to the rare dungeon, I looked like a mess. It was ironic that I, who had done nothing, was the dirtiest.

Leaving the room and heading to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, I saw the innkeeper coming out, as if she had just prepared the water.

As I soaked in the tub, washed my hair, and scrubbed my body, my mind remained foggy. Every time I blinked, Kelian’s excessively handsome face floated in my mind. The intense gaze, our tangled breaths, the increasingly rough kisses… There was nothing not provocative about our first kiss.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly raised my wet hand and slapped my cheek! It helped me snap out of my daze a bit.

“This isn’t the time for this.”

If I kept mulling over it after coming to the bathroom to wash up, I could face the curse’s torment right here. So I forcefully pushed thoughts of Kelian aside and hastened my washing.

Fortunately, the torment didn’t come until I finished washing and returned to my room. And until I lay on the bed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep…

It’s gone! The torment!

Waking up refreshed after a good night’s sleep, I looked out of the window, still dim before the sunrise, with joy. It was the first night without torment since being cursed. The only thing I could guess was the kiss with the Warrior.

The curse, which the high priest said would require 10 purifications even at the grand temple to see effects, was hidden by just one kiss with the Warrior. Since the purification notification didn’t appear, it probably wasn’t completely gone, but what mattered was that the high priest’s words, that the Warrior could purify my rare curse, were true. Perhaps more reliable than at the Lexan Temple.

How powerful was the Warrior’s sanctity? My attempt to give up on the Warrior yesterday was excessive. Perhaps this time, I should kneel and beg him to kiss me until the curse is completely purified, just like yesterday.

As I thought that, someone knocked on the door from outside the room.

There was no one in this remote village who would come looking for me, so I naturally assumed it was the innkeeper and opened the door.

“…Sir Warrior?”

And there, the Warrior was. He wore a simple gray tunic, but unlike the last time I saw him, there was not a single wrinkle, presenting an impeccable appearance.


My name called by him suddenly felt unfamiliar.

“How about leaving together?”

It was an unexpected proposal, and for a moment, I was left speechless. Seeing my surprise, Kelian, the proposer, sensed the lack of explanation and continued, observing my expression.

“Unless you have other plans.”


“…We can set a deadline. How about a year for now?”

As there was no immediate response from me, he continued speaking. As is well known, their current plan is to clear the SSS-grade rare dungeon, and to do that, they need to clear grades A to S, SS to obtain the entry qualification for the SSS-grade rare dungeon. Since I already obtained the entry qualification for Grade A, it wouldn’t be an issue immediately. If I felt endangered, they could take me to a safe place, and they would go to the dungeon on their own, etc. Kelian explained their plan without stumbling over his words, his expression remaining cold.

Though it felt like a dream that a Warrior would suggest going together, asking me if I wanted to join them…


He said there wouldn’t be an immediate problem, but in reality, there were too many issues.

“My level is lower than yours, I don’t have much, and most importantly, we haven’t known each other for long. Why would you want to take me with you?”

Once I voiced it, it seemed like there was no place for me in their group. Even if they set a one-year deadline, usually, people would choose someone who could be helpful as a companion, right? Is it because I don’t know much about parties that I’m thinking like this?

To my reasonable and natural question, Kelian provided an answer.

“Living alone, this town doesn’t seem quite suitable.”

That… I agree. If it weren’t for the presence of the large temple and the Warrior, I would have returned to the Spring Village long ago when I had nothing else to do. Kelian, who had already witnessed me being caught by ruffians twice, probably felt similarly. However, his response seemed a bit off as an answer to my question.

“If we go together… you won’t have to worry about financial issues. I can guarantee that it will be better than staying here, at least. And.”

To say that he won’t have to worry about financial issues… what a more enchanting statement could there be? Well, there might be one. Something like ‘I will lift your curse’…

“I like you.”

Kelian said it in the same blunt tone as when he explained the plan earlier. Despite feeling excited as he brushed aside his slightly disheveled golden hair, his words didn’t bring about any particular expectations.

In fact, when I considered his words as a whole, the conclusion was quite clear. He, or they, liked me, but rather than genuine affection, it seemed more like they ended up favoring someone who happened to be involved, and due to the unfortunate low level, they were worried that I might face some difficulties. However, even if it was sympathy, it was an unexpected development.

“…If you take me with you, I’ll be grateful.”

Upon hearing my clear answer, Kelian smiled. The atmosphere changed in an instant.

Externally, he responded with a seemingly casual smile, but internally, my head was buzzing, and my heart was pounding. If we spend a year together, will I become somewhat immune to that face…? I suddenly laughed and surprised myself. He should have warned the other person before laughing.

“We’re leaving right now. Do you need to stop by your hometown?”

“No, it’s okay. I don’t need to. Just let me change my clothes. Wait a moment!”

Choosing the best clothes from the limited options, I took them out of the inventory. Meanwhile, Kelian had already closed the door and left. He was surprisingly fast.

“I’m dressed now.”

As I opened the door and spoke, Kelian, who had been standing still in front of me, nodded his head.

“Oh, but did the others agree to take me with you?”

Jenin would probably agree. Seyris might have agreed as well. Barkrud probably didn’t oppose strongly. As for Dain… no matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like he would have opposed.

“Yes, they agreed.”

It seemed futile to argue with Kelian’s assertion, so I just closed my mouth.

And as I descended to the first floor, I came face to face with the other companions who seemed to have been waiting for me all along. I could easily guess the situation from Dain’s heavily furrowed expression. He opposed it and got scolded, huh? Or perhaps he opposed it alone and reluctantly accepted it.

“All right. From now on, we’re comrades.”

As expected, Jenin seemed the happiest. I gently took her extended hand and greeted everyone.

“I’ll do my best from now on. Please take care of me.”



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