Altruistic Warrior

AW | Chapter 1.2

Suddenly, Barkrud muttered. They’re coming? What’s coming?

As if pulling a weapon from his inventory, a large spear appeared in his hand. The spear fiercely pierced the air.


He thought he had pierced the air, but in fact, the spear had attacked a bat-like monster, and one fell to the ground from where the spear had retreated. It was a blood-soaked monster with small black eyes.

[Level up.]

And then, in a flash, a notification appeared indicating a level up.


“Cuckoo looks cute every time I see it.”

“You think it’s cute with so many eyes? Jenin, your taste is really unique.”

Jenin and Dain conversed while killing the monsters that flew in with a sword and a staff respectively. Starting from that, monsters of the same appearance appeared one after another, fluttering their thin wings and attacking the party endlessly. If I were to speak for myself, I should have been scared and hiding, but I just couldn’t muster the spirit to do so.

[Level up.] [Level up.] [Level up.]




[Level up.] [Level up.]

The level-up notifications were appearing so crazily that it seemed like something was wrong. The flashing in front of my eyes made them sting. I wondered if I was the only one experiencing this, as the casual voices of the chatting warrior party occasionally reached my ears.

“It seems like this dungeon is all about quantity.”

“Even if there are a lot of cuckoos, it’s just boring.”

“But Barkrud likes this kind of thing, right?”

“I do.”

At the same time, the screams of the creatures called cuckoos echoed repetitively from all directions. I could barely, just barely manage to speak amidst the spinning vision.

“S-stop… please…”

But my voice was so weak that it seemed to not reach them. Jenin and Dain kept on yelling.

[Level up.]

The level-up notifications seemed endless. I felt utterly exhausted, swaying in my blurred vision. Thanks to the warrior party who killed all the approaching monsters before they could attack me, I hadn’t taken any damage, yet I felt extremely fatigued. Meanwhile, my health was stronger than ever, making the contrast even more terrifying and exhausting.

Thunk, something wrapped around my waist to support me. Slowly blinking, I found Kelian right in front of me.

“Aine, what’s wrong?”

That soft voice calling my name. Even amidst my staggering state, I found solace in the warrior’s voice. Not long after, the onslaught of cuckoos ceased, or rather, the actions of the warrior party killing them stopped, and I gradually regained my senses.

“Suddenly leveling up…”

As I explained, I noticed the warrior’s arm still wrapped around my waist and quickly slipped out of it. Then, Jenin caught me as I stumbled again.

“You leveled up already? We haven’t even killed the boss yet.”

Jenin asked cheerfully, seeming puzzled. That’s right… It was my first time in a dungeon, let alone an A-grade rare dungeon, so I couldn’t understand the situation fully. But more importantly, what surprised me was that I didn’t just level up once.

With trembling hands, I checked my information. In my information window, visible only to me, where my level should have been marked as 7, I could see it had become 17.


Suddenly shouting, even Sayiris, who hadn’t given me a proper glance, turned towards me.

“L-Level… 17.”

“Huh? Didn’t you say it was 7?”

“I did level up quite a lot just a moment ago…”

I’m level 17! Just by forming a party with the warrior party and participating in an A-grade rare dungeon, my level jumped up by 10. Dain casually commented as if he knew.

“Well, you were quite low level.”

“Wow, low levels level up really fast. Congratulations, Aine.”

Jenin cheerfully congratulated me, and I replied with gratitude, still feeling a bit dazed.

“Can you walk?”

Even in my dazed state, I couldn’t hide the reminiscence, and Kelian asked, bringing me back to my senses.

“Yes, yes. I can walk. I just felt dizzy for a moment after leveling up so suddenly. It’s my first time experiencing this.”

“Then let’s keep going.”

With an indifferent expression, as if he had no interest in level 17, Kelian swiftly turned and resumed walking. Gradually, my agitated feelings subsided. Feeling a bit awkward, I realized that boasting about being level 17 in front of people with levels over 70 wasn’t such a wise move. Moreover, the fact that I leveled up was all thanks to them.

However, walking with them again, my mouth kept twitching upwards awkwardly from time to time.

I’m level 17.

Considering that my last level-up was five years ago, and the one before that was three years ago, it was truly unbelievable. I had thought I might barely surpass level 10 in my lifetime or right before dying. But at this moment, it felt like I was cursed with an S-grade rare curse.

With mixed feelings, walking alongside the warrior party whom I should be showing respect, I found myself unintentionally teasing them at times. Sayiris was praised for the precious staff on her side.

“That staff is pretty.”

To be honest, it seemed excessively flashy. Normally, staffs were simple and modest in appearance, but Sayiris’s staff was painted in various vibrant colors, sprinkled with star-like particles, and had blue flowers blooming on the handle. It undoubtedly looked overly extravagant and lacked a sense of modesty, but in my improved mood, it seemed somewhat beautiful.

Upon my casual comment, Sayiris abruptly stopped walking, and the rest of the party turned to look at me. Why, why is she doing that?


Sayiris’ expression had been as icy as when I first saw her yesterday, making it impossible to read any emotions.

“Aine. About that staff…?”

Jenin, too, as if unable to believe it, gestured towards Sayiris’s staff. In response, Sayiris suddenly glared at her, issuing a warning.

“Jenin, be careful with that finger.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Jenin hastily retracted his finger, and only then did Sayiris turn her head towards me. Her deep, indigo eyes, like the night sky, emitted a peculiar light.

“Why is it so beautiful?”


“My staff. What’s so beautiful about it?”

I had just said it was pretty… Somehow, facing her expectant gaze, it felt like I needed to provide a long and detailed response.

“Well, the colors are vibrant, and the shape of the blooming flowers is beautiful, no, not beautiful, it’s… mesmerizing.”

“You have an eye for beauty.”

As the silver-haired beauty smiled at me, the dark cave momentarily transformed into a flower garden illusion. The surprise at Sayiris’s smile seemed to be shared by the rest of the party. Even Kelian stopped in his tracks and observed us.

“So, what’s your name?”

“Aine… yes.”

I had mentioned it earlier. Jenin had been calling my name continuously. If he checked the party member information, my name would appear. Despite these thoughts, I didn’t show any signs of it.


After leaving those words, Sayiris looked at the warrior as if asking why we weren’t moving.

“What’s good about it…?” It was a situation that was difficult to understand in many ways, but Kelian also stopped observing and, as if breaking the strange atmosphere, everyone had no choice but to continue walking.

“You’re a great flatterer. Calling that ugly thing pretty.”

As Dain approached me and made a very small sound, Sayiris, who was walking just behind Kelian, seemed to turn this way, and he quickly pretended not to say anything.

At that moment, the sound of Cuckoo echoed through the cave.




It didn’t seem like just one. Is Cuckoo rushing us in a swarm like before? However, no matter how tense I was, Cuckoo did not swoop down.

“It’s a mutated pattern.”

Dain was annoyed by Barkrud’s words.

“They’re already disgusting, and now they’re mutated…”

“Dain, your stomach is too weak.”

“Because you’re unique, Jenin.”

As we walked, the sound of Cuckoo’s became louder. It seemed like something was visible in front of us.

“Should I try roasting them with fire?”

When Dain raised a staff with a red gem, a fireball shot up from there and flew forward in an instant. Something that was still too far away to be seen properly screamed when hit by the fireball.




It was a sound that felt like my ears would tear apart if I continued to hear it. When we walked a little further, the shape came into view. As expected, it was not just one or a few Cuckoo, but for some reason, when gathered, it looked like a single large Cuckoo.

“Mutated pattern…”

I muttered the words Barkrud had said. Calling that a mutated pattern… It sent chills down my spine, as it was a sight I could never see even if I hunted in beginner areas for a lifetime.

The Cuckoos, all gathered and rolling around each other, looked almost like a single giant Cuckoo despite being many, many of them, which made it even more terrifying. The Cuckoos, already grotesque with many eyes, now looked almost horrifying with only eyes visible. After Dain’s fireball, the ones on the surface seemed to have died and fallen off, revealing the bodies of the grayish Cuckoos.


As we left the somewhat narrow path in the cave and reached a large space where the giant Cuckoo was, it seemed to have detected us and began to bounce its massive body.

“Can I kill it?”


As soon as the warrior gave his permission, Barkrud raised his spear and charged forward.



Barkrud’s spear pierced the abdomen of the Cuckoo, but the Cuckoo didn’t stay still and immediately retaliated. Countless thorns sprouted from the wings of the Cuckoo, attempting to pierce Barkrud. Barkrud barely managed to dodge by lowering his head and then swung his spear vigorously.

“Barkrud, don’t waste time and kill it quickly today!”

Dain shouted at Barkrud as if he was bored. They didn’t show any sign of hesitation even though their companion was fighting alone against the giant monster.

“I want to play more!”

Even Barkrud, who was fighting the giant Cuckoo, casually shouted such words. It felt like I was the only one silently watching.

“That’s how it usually is, so you don’t have to be too surprised.”

Jenin said affectionately, but still, the wonder didn’t disappear. Every time the giant Cuckoo swung its thorned wings, my heart trembled, but Barkrud, the one receiving the attacks, managed to avoid them or block them with his thick arms while swinging his spear.

As the giant Cuckoo realized that its attacks were not effective at all, it started trembling in place with its two wings covering its body as if it was panicking.

“What’s this?”


Along with the sound that never seemed to get familiar, the giant Cuckoo spread its wings wide. At the same time, an enormous number of thorns sprouted from it, and some flew towards us. I belatedly tried to pull out my club weapon to fend off the thorns, but it was too late as the thorns were already flying close. Instead of swinging the club, I tightly shut my eyes.

“You can open your eyes. It’s me, Ain.”

After hearing Jenin’s gentle voice, I cautiously opened my eyes again.

I thought Jenin was the one who protected me from the thorns… However, when I opened my eyes, the scene was a bit different from what I expected.

No, it was indeed Jenin who protected me, but before that, Kelian was already blocking the way in front of me. Moreover, there was a blue light enveloping my body…


As Kelian unexpectedly called Sayiris’s name, the faint light that illuminated my body suddenly disappeared.

“What’s wrong with Sayiris? He doesn’t usually shield us.”

Jenin asked, not hiding his curiosity. Ah, the blue light from earlier was a shield spell… I searched around, trying to find the vanished light.

“Since you guys can handle it even without a shield.”

“That’s mean…”

As Jenin swung his sword once, numerous thorns of the giant Cuckoo fell to the ground with a hiss. In front of Kelian, who protected me, there were countless thorns scattered around. The thorns were larger and sharper than my palm, and if it weren’t for them, I would have been riddled with holes all over my body.


Dain suddenly made a strange sound.

“What? What the hell is it!”

He pointed at each of his teammates with his fingers, looking confident.

“Jenin, I get it if you liked that girl! Sayiris, why are you acting like this? Did you take offense because she praised your staff earlier?”

“Get rid of that finger, Dain.”

Dain quickly bent his finger in response to the threatening atmosphere, but he didn’t stop rambling.

“And Kelian! What’s wrong with you? Since earlier… It’s weird!”

As there were no more thorns flying towards us, Kelian stepped back from me. Meanwhile, Barkrud was still energetically “playing” with the giant Cuckoo.

“Why do you keep trying to protect that girl? It’s really strange!”

“Well, it is a bit different from usual.”

Jenin acknowledged Dain’s words. I, not being close enough to the warrior to feel the ‘strangeness’ they were talking about, could only watch silently. Even the warrior seemed to frown slightly, as if not understanding their words.


Kelian seemed to say, ‘Is it really strange to protect a low-level like me who fell into a dungeon with high-levels like you…?’ It seemed like Dain, who was pointing it out, appeared even stranger. Jenin seemed to share that sentiment and quickly changed his posture.

“Kelian is usually polite… It’s not really that weird.”

“Well, even though… it still feels strange!”

Kelian, who hadn’t given up on Dain yet, spoke with an indifferent tone.

“Tell me exactly what feels strange. Dain.”

He seemed genuinely curious about Dain’s answer, but when asked, Dain couldn’t continue. It was evident that he had blurted out something without organizing his thoughts.

“It really feels strange.”

After mumbling that last word, Dain glanced at me once and turned his head away, making a triumphant snorting sound.


Startled by a louder scream than before, I shifted my gaze to see Barkrud mounting the fallen giant Cuckoo and pulling out a spear. The colossal Cuckoo rapidly disintegrated, and countless Cuckoos fell to the ground like a waterfall.

“He killed it.”

Barkrud’s playtime seemed to have finally come to an end. And I…

[Your level has increased.] [Your level has increased.]

I was able to have the rare experience of leveling up twice at once.


My vision flashed again, but this time I managed to endure it. However, when I checked my information and saw the number 19, I couldn’t contain my excitement… Without realizing it, I let out a sound of delight.

“If you’re tired, you can take a break.”

Seeing me like this, Kelian kindly suggested in a calm tone, perhaps misunderstanding that I was struggling. Indeed, the warrior’s manners seemed impeccable.

Although I still sensed a somewhat chilly atmosphere from him, considering that he was a warrior admired by everyone to the extent that women would come running to him with fake curses, it was reasonable to expect such a barrier from him.

Above all, if he treats me so well with that face, I might even mistake it for a marriage proposal.

My prolonged contemplation annoyed Dain.

“What’s so hard for you?”

He was right. I finally took out my only weapon, the club, but it was practically just for show at this point. I hadn’t even swung my arm properly once since I couldn’t muster the opportunity, courage, or ability to kill the rare dungeon monsters.

Nevertheless, despite their vigorous efforts in killing all the monsters while I trailed behind quietly… Anyway, I had done nothing.

“It could be tough.”

Jenin sided with me, Sayiris didn’t seem particularly opposed, and Barkrud, who had approached unnoticed, swung his spear a few times in the empty space, seemingly disappointed that he couldn’t play more. Feeling like they might take a break because of me, I hurriedly decided to make an excuse.

“No, I’m fine. I just followed along.”

“Are you really okay?”

“Yes, yes…”

Out of courtesy, Kelian asked again, and only after hearing my firm answer did he nod. Dain, as if going crazy, just thumped his chest with his fist, as if to say that he’d had enough. It seemed to hurt quite a bit, as he soon stopped doing that.

“…Now, this is the boss’s room.”

Passing by various creatures like the cuckoo spider and the transformed cuckoo trio, we suddenly found ourselves at the boss’s room. Jenin had dealt with the cuckoo spider showing off his swordsmanship, while the transformed cuckoo trio, as before, was causing trouble until Dain used magic to incinerate them, claiming it was taking too long.

That turned out to be fortunate for me as well. If we were to delay until nightfall, the cursed suffering would begin in front of the warrior party. In that case, it was uncertain whether they would help me or be even more wary and not help.

“Here’s the boss’s room…”

At first glance, it didn’t seem much different from the numerous cave rooms we had passed by so far, except for the translucent barrier blocking the entrance, ominously tinged with red. That red light seemed to resemble blood.

“The boss is probably a cuckoo too, right?”

“Of course, considering the dungeon’s name is ‘Cavern of the Great Cuckoo.'”

“Can I kill the Great Cuckoo?”

“Barkrud, no, you can’t. You’re being too reckless.”

“Then, what about me and Dain…?”

What we had learned while exploring the dungeon was that the conversation in this party revolved around Jenin, Dain, and Barkrud. Kelian occasionally chimed in or responded when asked, and Sayiris was even rarer. I was just a temporary member of the party, so I was excluded.

Even now, following that pattern, Jenin, Dain, and Barkrud were chatting away, but for some reason, Kelian spoke up.

“Can I eliminate the boss?”

“Kelian…? Weren’t you trying to compromise with us this time too?”

When Jenin asked, looking surprised but seeming indifferent, Kelian looked at me and replied.

“I think it’s best to leave soon.”

Seeing him speaking to me like that, it seemed like the reason was because of me… Did “it’s best to leave soon” mean he wanted to part with me as soon as possible? Although he had been taking care of me as a warrior and a high-level player since we entered the dungeon together, could it be that he was feeling uncomfortable all along?

It would be good for me to leave soon since the cursed suffering would start if much time passed. However, suddenly waking up from my reverie, I felt a sense of reality return, as if I had just woken up from a dream, thanks to the good treatment from my companions and the warrior’s manners.

Kelian stepped his foot into the red barrier. He confidently walked inside, showing no sign of hesitation whatsoever. Following behind were Sayiris, Dain, Barkrud, and finally, Jenin and I entered the boss’s room together.

“Human intruders! Humans have invaded!”

I was startled by the unfamiliar voice as soon as we entered. When my shoulders tensed, Jenin explained beside me.

“When exploring dungeons, sometimes you encounter monsters that can speak. They speak like humans, have intelligence… Sometimes, humanoid monsters that look exactly like humans appear.”

“All hail the great King Cuckoo’s legion! Defeat the intruders!”

Screams echoed as the cuckoos attacked mercilessly upon someone’s command.

Leading the group, Kelian drew his longsword and swiftly swung it through the air. Instantly, the aggressive cries of the cuckoos turned into silence. The blue glow emanating from the warrior’s sword had mown down the horde of cuckoos in one fell swoop.

Amidst the unbelievable sight, even the armored commander cuckoo, seemingly as bewildered as I was, kept muttering something in disbelief.

“T-This is insane. How can humans be this strong…? Kiiiyaaah!”

The commander cuckoo’s neck was severed by Kelian’s sword, which he had swung as he leaped forward. It all happened in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, the ground…”

Simultaneously, the ground trembled. Just like the previous time, I was the only one visibly startled by the shaking cave floor, while the expressions of the warrior party seemed somewhat indifferent.

[Defeat the Boss, Great King Cuckoo.] [Difficulty: Grade A (Rare)] [Reward 1: Great King Cuckoo’s Wings

Reward 2: ?????]

Emerging through the wind was a bat-like monster smaller in size than any cuckoo seen before. Perhaps with its appearance, resembling that of the Great King Cuckoo, the tremors in the cave floor gradually ceased.

As the dungeon was of Grade A rarity, as expected, the boss’s difficulty was also Grade A rare, but the question mark for Reward 2 was incomprehensible. It was as if seeing the notification marked with ‘?????’ for the first time in my life…

“You’re the first human I’ve seen with such strength.”

Even the Great King Cuckoo marveled at Kelian, who stood before him. Though his voice sounded strained, as if forced out of his throat, his pronunciation was no different from that of a human.

“I despise humans, but if you’re as strong as you seem, I can accept you as my subordinate. Become a citizen of my kingdom and fight for me. Then… Wait, hold on!”

Whatever the Great King Cuckoo was about to say was interrupted by Kelian, who confidently approached him. Despite the flapping wings of the small creature, there was little sense of the weightiness of a king.

“Stop! I-I’ll order my commander if you want! Don’t come any closer…!”

Though somewhat rushed and desperate, those words became the final command of the Great King Cuckoo. His body, attempting to flee in haste, was torn apart in midair and fell to the ground in pieces. This time, I couldn’t even perceive the movement of the sword.

[Dungeon cleared.] [Reward granted for defeating the Great King Cuckoo.] [Level up.] [Level up.] [Level up.]

Notification after notification popped up. My surroundings were still flashing, and yet, my level had risen. Now, my level is 24.

This can’t be real…

Level 24. In just one day. No, not even a full day. And the rewards…

Checking my inventory, the reward 2, previously marked as ‘?????’ before defeating the boss, was now listed as ‘Key to the Tail Tree Snake’s Trap 1 (Bound).’ It was clear that this was the qualification needed to enter the SSS-grade rare dungeon, the party’s ultimate goal.

While I was now part of their party and seemingly given this item, it was utterly useless to me. Being bound meant I couldn’t give it to anyone else, let alone sell it.

The fact that I couldn’t use or sell the rare dungeon item I had acquired was a bit disappointing, but simply reaching level 24 was a stroke of luck that might never come again in my lifetime.

Of course, if I couldn’t endure the curse’s torment and died, it would all be for naught…

Lost in thought, I found myself glancing at Kelian without realizing it. He happened to be looking at me too, and before I could react, he handed me something.

[Acquired Great King Cuckoo’s Wings.] [Item Grade: A (Rare)]

“This is…”

The Great King Cuckoo’s Wings, which were the first reward…

“Why would you give this to me…”

Seeing that Kelian had it, it seemed to be a reward meant only for him for defeating the boss. So why did he give it to me?

“It’s an item I don’t need.”

I see… If someone else had said it, it might have been hard to believe, but coming from the warrior, it made sense. Since he was strong enough to defeat the boss of a rare dungeon in one stroke, the items obtained from it would seem like mere trinkets.

Then, there’s no need to refuse his kindness… Right?

“Thank you. I’ll accept it gratefully.”

I wondered how much I could get if I sold this. Imagining a feeling of abundance and warmth filled my chest, and a smile formed on my face involuntarily.


There was a slight hint of confusion on Kelian’s face, who had maintained a chilly expression. However, he didn’t seem particularly flustered out of the blue, so it was clear that it was just my misconception.

More importantly, I realized that I shouldn’t keep receiving things from the warrior party. While I had led them to the rare dungeon, it was thanks to clearing the dungeon together with them that my level had risen from 7 to 24, and I had also obtained items from the rare dungeon. Moreover, I needed to show myself as a capable companion to the warrior to be liberated from the curse’s torment. So, I absentmindedly rummaged through my trouser pockets again.


As I called out to him, his shadowy, beautiful eyes beneath his long eyelashes looked at me. The warrior was truly excessively handsome.

“I’ll give you this too.”

I didn’t even touch the money, fearing he might ask for gold. Fortunately, what came out of my pocket was a handkerchief. It was a relatively worthless item compared to an A-grade rare item, but it was a precious item I had used since I was young. It was adorned with flowers embroidered on a white background… Hmm, was it too childish?

“For me…?”

Kelian’s voice lowered even further. He probably didn’t like it… While I thought he wouldn’t like it because he treated an A-grade rare item like a common item, I felt a bit disheartened.

“If you don’t want it…”

“No, it’s fine.”

He took the childish handkerchief from me. As he did, our fingers brushed against each other strangely. No, strange was just my perception, and Kelian took the handkerchief with an indifferent attitude and pressed it to his lips.

…Did he just press it to his lips?

“Thank you.”

I was too surprised to respond with gratitude. What did I just witness?

Was I supposed to admire the warrior’s manners for not showing disdain even after receiving a useless item, or was I supposed to be enchanted by the sight of him accepting it and pressing it to his lips, naturally tempting me? I couldn’t grasp the situation.

Of course, he probably wasn’t trying to seduce me… Anyway, the warrior was truly a dangerous presence in many ways. Even if it wasn’t the curse tormenting me, having such a presence by my side would have made me feel tested every moment.


The sound of Dain’s shivering next to me snapped me back to reality.

“Isn’t this still strange? It’s too weird!”

He continued to berate us, disturbing the quiet cave.

“So, what’s the matter?”

Kelian asked calmly, and

“Dain, are you starting again?”

Jenin teased, while

“Let’s get out of here now. I’m hungry.”

Bakrude said something different, and


When Seiris ignored him, he quickly quieted down. Dain seemed to be annoyed with the party for not acknowledging his feelings, but once again, it ended with him glaring at me. What did I do…

We exited the dungeon through the magic circle that appeared in a corner of the boss’s room. It would have been troublesome if we had to find the same magic circle we entered through, but fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

We emerged from the darkness of the cave and returned to the beginner hunting ground where the sun was still shining brightly. The middle-aged man who had collapsed earlier, still lying in the same spot, looked worse for wear, probably due to Kelian’s actions. I had no choice but to leave him there and go, but upon Dain’s suggestion to deal with him before leaving, Bakrude swiftly lifted the man and tossed him onto the magic circle at the dungeon entrance. It was the same rare dungeon we had just escaped from. Considering that none of the other party members, including Kelian, tried to stop it, it seemed that the warrior party’s control was quite certain.

The magic circle glowed and swallowed the man’s body. The chance of survival… was probably none.

Since there was only one way back to the village after leaving the hunting ground, the warrior party and I naturally walked together after exiting the dungeon. Although I wanted to stick closer to the warrior a little longer, I was somewhat surprised that they didn’t comment on it.

The people who had gathered to see the rumored warrior party had all disappeared by the time we cleared the rare dungeon, and the path out of the hunting ground was eerily quiet. Occasionally, beginner monsters would pop out, only to quickly disappear without causing any trouble to the warrior party. In such quiet surroundings, I spoke up.

“…Did you all come to this village because of the dungeon?”

Jenin responded with a cheerful smile, “Yes.” Despite Dain shooting her a warning glance as if to tell her not to gossip, it didn’t seem to convey much.

“Well then, are you leaving the village now?”

Although I felt like I already knew the answer without asking, I had to inquire. Jenin, who seemed to sense the loneliness in my voice, couldn’t muster a cheerful response this time.

“Well, yes, probably…”

“We’re leaving.”

Cutting off Jenin’s trailing words, Dain interjected, seeming displeased.

“Have you decided exactly when you’ll leave?”

“Why do you care?”

Because I need the warrior. Because I don’t want him to leave me behind. Because I need to confirm if his spit really lessens the curse’s pain like the priest said.

Such thoughts circled in my mind but never made it out. Instead, Jenin, who interpreted my silence differently, scolded Dain once again.

“Don’t talk to Ai-nee like that.”

“What do you care how much you’ve seen Ai-nee, Ai-nee…”

Dain’s grumbling was actually of little concern. Although gaining the favor of the warrior party was important, for now, Dain seemed to be sulking, and what was even more important was gaining the favor of the warrior himself.

I glanced briefly at Kelian, but he simply walked ahead without any intention of talking to me. Well, he was a polite warrior and a high level one at that, he had to protect low-level players inside the rare dungeon, not here.

Already, we had entered the village after leaving the hunting ground. The warrior party, whom I thought had disappeared somewhere, suddenly emerged from the entrance of the beginner hunting ground, and instantly, the villagers crowded around them. They were indeed popular figures.

“Now we should go our separate ways, shouldn’t we?”

Dain looked at me as if suggesting that we part ways soon. Although the words were inquiring, the meaning was unmistakably, “It’s time for you to stop following us.”


Did we really have to part ways now? Did I have no choice but to let go of the warrior? But what could I do to keep him by my side? If I denied Dain’s suggestion to go our separate ways and said I would continue to follow them, even the slight favor they had for me would surely disappear.

I forced a smile, hiding my trembling hands behind my back.

“It was really…nice to meet you all. Jenin, Seiris, Bakrude, Dain, and…sir.”

With quivering hands tucked behind my back, I managed to maintain a smile as I bid them farewell. I sincerely hoped they didn’t sense the trembling in my voice, but I hoped they would feel some sympathy.

For example, just like when I’m rejected by newly made friends and pretend to smile without showing any signs of sadness, I hoped to appear pitifully on the outside, even if the relationship between us was superficial. We had only gone into a dungeon together by chance, and they had protected me, but regardless of the truth, it was enough to appear pitiful on the surface.

If Jenin, who seemed to have a particularly strong liking for me, called out to me, wouldn’t she say something more out of pity for my state? With such hopes in mind, I slowly turned away from them. Please call out to me. Don’t let me go like this. Hold onto me. I pleaded silently.


He called out.

It was even Kelian’s voice. As I slowly turned my body back in their direction, I saw turquoise eyes staring at me.

“Shall we have a meal together?”

It was a suggestion I hadn’t expected, and instead of being pleased, my head suddenly felt muddled. I had assumed that if someone among them were to make such a suggestion, it would naturally be Jenin.


Recalling the conversation from a moment ago, it should have been a matter of course, but Dain’s mouth fell open in disbelief. Fortunately, except for Dain, there were no negative reactions. Above all, Jenin clapped her hands in approval, saying it was a good idea.


When there was no response from me, Kelian called my name again. So I hurriedly replied. Of course, I accepted.

“Yes. Sounds good.”

“I hate it!”

Even though I hadn’t been asked, Dain also responded. When Kelian shifted his indifferent gaze to Dain, he faltered.

“Dain. You hate it?”

At first, it sounded like an ordinary question, but because Kelian asked, it felt strangely significant.

“…No, I don’t hate it that much.”

Perhaps sensing something similar to me, Dain quickly backtracked. Kelian then patted Dain lightly on the shoulder, saying, “There, there.” Meanwhile, Jenin chattered away next to me. They had decided to go to a restaurant today that the innkeeper had recommended as the most famous eatery in the village. Upon hearing this, Dain, who had regained his voice, spoke roughly.

“That woman from this village would know better than anyone about that place you’re bragging about.”

“Oh, right. Aine, is it really a famous restaurant?”

Jenin asked, making me feel a bit awkward. I had only been in this village for barely two days, so perhaps I knew even less than they did. Admitting the truth might invite more suspicion, but… But lying here would also be a problem. I wouldn’t be able to answer properly if asked about the village. In the end, I decided to be honest.

“I’m not sure. It’s also my first time in this village.”

“Your first time in this village?”

Sure enough, Dain’s eyes sharpened again. I tried to appear as modest as possible and responded positively.

“Yes. I originally lived in the neighboring village, but lately, it’s been difficult to make a living there, so I ended up here.”

“Oh, I see. It’s been tough to make a living lately?”

Unlike Dain, Jenin seemed genuinely concerned without a hint of suspicion. I couldn’t tell if she was naturally caring or if she genuinely liked me, or perhaps both. But for now, I just nodded outwardly.

“Still, thanks to the item the warrior gave us… If we sell it, it’ll be a big help. Thank you.”

“It’s okay. We really don’t need those kinds of things.”

As we walked to the restaurant, Jenin, instead of Kelian, responded to my thanks. Referring to the reward item obtained after defeating the boss in the rare dungeon as ‘those kinds of things’. I felt it every moment, but they were truly people from a completely different world than mine.

It was a large two-story restaurant with a clear distinction between the inside and outside. The owner greeted the warrior party with a grateful expression and briskly blocked the villagers who were following behind, ensuring they couldn’t enter. Thanks to this, we could leisurely choose our menu while looking out from the second-floor table in the spacious restaurant without feeling crowded.

“Aine, have you chosen?”

“Oh, no.”

“The menu is simpler than I thought.”

Jenin said so as if she knew, but no matter how I looked at it, the menu seemed too extensive to be called simple. To my eyes, which only knew the kitchen as a restaurant, the menu seemed quite diverse. Unable to decide what to order, I chose familiar items hastily.

“I’ll have the stone bread and cream soup.”

“Will that be enough for you? Aine, you eat very little.”


Actually, it seemed like it might not be enough, but I was reluctant to order more due to the hefty prices next to the unfamiliar names on the menu. How much gold could one meal cost?

Distracted by the warrior party ordering dishes without a care, I belatedly placed my own order. Even though I only ordered stone bread and cream soup, it still cost over 80 silver. The accommodation fee for a day at the inn was only 50 silver, but just bread and soup were over 80 silver!

“It would have been nice if there were seafood dishes.”

“Seafood dishes?”

“Yes. I love seafood dishes. It’s a pity there’s no sea in this area.”

“We’ve never seen the sea before? What does it look like? Is it really that beautiful?”

“Oh, you’ve never seen the sea?”

Jenin’s expression changed as if she were seeing something pitiful. Is the sea really that good? Would it be pitiful if you’ve never seen it?

“It’s blue, refreshing, and the dishes from coastal areas are really delicious. Hunting grounds and dungeons with the sea as the background are also fun. It would be nice if Aine could come along.”

Although I didn’t think the hunting grounds and dungeons frequented by high-level Jenin would be interesting… I was curious about the sea she was boasting about. Just when I thought they weren’t listening to our conversation, Dain glanced at Jenin and blurted out.

“I still don’t understand why you like the sea so much. I can’t stand the smell or the damp air.”

“Why not? Dain, you’re the odd one.”

“I’m not the odd one, you are!”

They started bickering over nothing. To me, neither of them seemed particularly strange… So I said to them as I thought.

“Neither of you is strange… It’s just a matter of personal preference. I don’t like everything Malri likes either.”

Then, both Dain and Jenin fell silent at the same time. Although the pointless and futile argument was stopped, Jenin asked me with a puzzled expression if there was something she was curious about in my words.


“Oh, she’s my friend.”

I didn’t bother to mention that she’s my only friend and quite stingy, neither a pleasant description for me nor for Mali.

By the way, I wonder what Mali is doing right now. Is she having a warm meal with her family? If she found out that I’m having a meal with the warrior party and that I’ve reached level 24, she might be very surprised, even to the point of falling over. Originally, the possibility of her not believing it at all was higher.

“Oh, a friend? Are you close friends?”

“Yes. We grew up together since we were young.”

“I also have friends from my hometown, but I rarely see them because I travel around a lot.”

Jenin, who seemed regretful talking about her friends from her hometown, was approached by the owner who suddenly appeared and placed the food plates in front of us. From Jenin, to me, to Kelian, Dain, and then Sayiris, the plates were laid out one by one. Suddenly, not only the owner but also several employees appeared, placing dozens of plates in front of Barkrud before leaving. Considering his size, he must eat all of that, but it still looked like a feast. Jenin also seemed to feel that way and jokingly wrinkled her nose.

“Barkrud eats a lot.”

“Does he eat a lot?”

“Yeah, he does. Probably.”

However, Barkrud didn’t seem particularly convinced by Jenin’s words.

The two silent ones, Kelian and Sayiris, prepared to eat by wiping their hands with napkins. In front of Kelian, there was a meat dish and a soup, while in front of Sayiris, there were three dishes that were neither meat nor soup nor bread, which looked rather peculiar, arousing my curiosity about their identity.

“What kind of dish is that?”

Sayiris, who seemed surprised by the question, raised her head. Did I ask too familiarly…? Regretting my question, I was relieved when she gave a straightforward answer. No, she gave a rather detailed explanation.

“It’s Titi meat with fragrance from the Garimen region. This one is seasoned with items dropped by Fufu from Maxcellachanio, and this one is yellow Sala.”

I didn’t understand what she was saying, but it seemed like quite an impressive dish anyway.

“Wow, that’s impressive. It sounds delicious.”

Giving a somewhat awkward but positive response, Sayiris’s eyes sparkled a little. What’s going on…?

“Then Aine should order too.”

Ah, she called my name. Of course, she had asked for my name earlier, but hearing my name coming from her mouth felt somewhat unfamiliar. The rest of the party, except for Barkrud, looked at Sayiris and me while eating. I quickly waved my hand.

“No, I already ordered.”

“Then next time.”

Disappointed, Sayiris ended the conversation and started eating. Next time? Next…? My heart was pounding and my chest was about to burst with excitement, but Dain quickly cut off that excitement.

‘Where’s the next? Today’s the end.’

I wasn’t sure if I should be thankful for him cutting off my expectations… With a suddenly gloomy mood, I also started eating. There wasn’t much to fill my stomach, just soup and a piece of bread.

Was this feeling apparent outwardly? Kelian, who had finished eating in no time, asked me.

“Should we order more?”

“Oh, no.”

It seems like my hunger is still quite noticeable. I quickly lowered my head to avoid Kelian’s gaze.


He remains silent without pressing further. It was probably just a polite question from the start, so there was no need for more inquiries.

Most of us, including myself, have finished our meals, but we had to wait for Barkrud, who hadn’t finished yet. The conversation among the party members was mostly led by Jenin and Dain. They engaged in conversation among themselves, but in the middle of it, Jenin directed a question to me, leading me to chime in with the conversation.

“So, you’ve been living alone until now?”

“Yes. My parents passed away when I was young.”

“Oh, I see. Stay strong.”

Jenin seemed genuinely sympathetic towards my situation. It felt like he pitied me for being a low-level player, living alone in the village, hunting by myself.

It was fine for the party members to sympathize with me, but the problem arose elsewhere. While listening silently with a frown on his face, Dain suddenly scolded Jenin.

“It’s weird that you find that weird.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Why do you automatically think it’s pitiful when someone says they live alone or have no parents? This woman here didn’t grow up starving, and she has friends too.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

“I understand your feelings, but it can come off as rude to the other person.”

I’m fine, though… You can pity me as much as you want…

“Is that so?”

Jenin didn’t seem to fully comprehend Dain’s words, but he reacted to the term ‘rude.’ Scratching the back of his head, he apologized to me.

“I’m sorry if it was rude, Aine.”

“Oh, no. It’s okay. I’m actually glad that Jenin showed interest in my story.”


Jenin’s eyes softened even more. If she wasn’t a person with a stark difference between appearance and reality, she undoubtedly liked me.

Dain, who had been watching us uncomfortably, decided to pick a fight with Barkrud, who was still eating.

“Barkrud, when will you finish? I want to wash up and go to sleep.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Barkrud started eating a bit faster. It felt unnecessary to criticize someone who was eating well, and it was evident that once he finished his meal, we would inevitably part ways with the party. Suddenly, I felt more anxious.

What if I were to be honest now?

Although until now, it was a no, Jenin’s evident favor towards me made me reconsider. Moreover, Seiris seemed to like me a bit, too. Even if I didn’t know Kelian’s feelings as the person involved, if the party asked, could I not at least throw them a single drop of saliva, or rather, a kiss?

As I turned my gaze away, I noticed that the day, which seemed unusually long and short today, had already dimmed outside the second-floor restaurant where we were sitting.

Let’s just say it. Even if the chances of being rejected are higher, even if I get rejected, if we part ways like this, I won’t see them again. Since we’re leaving this summer village soon.

Yes, let’s say it. It was the moment when I barely managed to part my slightly trembling lips.

“Did you enjoy your meal, Sir Hero?”

Someone else spoke to the hero before me. While there were no guests except us, uninvited guests were ascending to the second floor.

A middle-aged man in elegant attire and a woman who looked much younger, surrounded by people wearing armor as if guarding them. They confidently approached our table.

“I am the lord of the Three Seasons Castle, Petrul Livens, and this is my daughter, Lina Livens.”

The lord of the Three Seasons Castle…? Although it was my first time seeing his face, he was a giant figure I had heard of, governing not only this summer village but also the spring and autumn villages.

“I am Kelian Ail.”

However, unlike me, the hero’s party didn’t seem particularly surprised. Well, to someone like me who lives here, the lord is a giant, but compared to the lord of the borderlands, the hero is much more of a giant. The lord, perhaps aware of this fact, continued speaking without showing any discomfort even at Kelian’s brief greeting, absentmindedly stroking his mustache.

“I’ve heard that you’ve been to the beginner hunting grounds. Have you finished your business in the village?”

“Yes, we have.”

“Then, how about staying at the Three Seasons Castle tonight? I’ve extended the invitation several times, but since you’ve always declined, I’ve come to extend it personally. Now that your work is done, you should rest.”

Declined the invitation to the Three Seasons Castle several times… If it were Malri, she would have dropped everything and rushed there immediately. I, too, would never have had the courage to refuse. At least in this area, the lord in front of us was an incredibly important person.

“I’ll take care of resting myself. There are already inns where we’ve paid for our stay.”

Dain’s tone to the local lord was somewhat rude. As he rolled his eyes, glaring at the lord, his lips seemed to stiffen slightly, perhaps a little irritated. Well, even if he’s the lord, if you’re going to refuse, you should at least do it politely…

“If that’s the issue, let’s settle it at the castle. Gifts are prepared for all of you as well.”

“Thank you for your offer, but we’ll decline.”

The offer of a gift, which seemed like a stroke of redemption, turned into foam with Kelian’s indifferent refusal. The lord and even his daughter beside him began to look increasingly embarrassed at the party’s blatant indifference.

“…Actually, there’s a separate reason why I wanted to meet the hero. If you don’t want to go to the Three Seasons Castle, I’ll make the offer here.”

The lord tapped his daughter’s shoulder with the palm of his hand.

“Please accept my daughter, Lina, as your wife.”

I alternated my surprised gaze between the lord’s daughter and Kelian. No, proposing marriage like this…? Is this how they usually do marriages in big cities? Even if so, isn’t this too much for a restaurant?

Due to the sudden appearance of the lord, I missed the timing to reveal my curse, but regardless, what was happening in front of me was too shocking.

“I refuse.”

Kelian’s attitude, which had seemed courteous until now, became noticeably colder, enough for me to feel it. It seemed like he was hesitating even a little bit too much in his swift rejection. The lord, who didn’t expect to be rejected like this, hurriedly opened his mouth.

“Oh, you still don’t know my daughter well. If you spend just one day together, you’ll change your mind.”

“Yes, I’ve always dreamed of marrying a hero. I’ve worked hard to level up, and my level has surpassed 30. Of course, it’s incomparable to yours, Hero…”

The more the woman spoke, the worse Kelian’s mood became. Like someone who had been suffering from this for a long time, like someone tired of everything, like someone with no enthusiasm… As those emotions seemed to briefly flicker in his eyes and then vanish, was it just my imagination?

“The hero has already declined. Please leave us alone now.”



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