After Transmigrating into a Book, I Raised Four Big Bosses

Dark Face at the Same Time

Who is Doctor Song? Everyone at this hospital knows who Doctor Song is, but he’s already dead!


He passed away just the day before yesterday, and the reason is unknown. It’s said that his funeral was hastily arranged and he was laid to rest yesterday.


Someone was afraid by the minister’s imposing presence and shakily replied, “The person died the day before yesterday…”


Upon hearing this, the minister shifted his gaze to the unconscious He Jingsi on the bed and fell silent for a while.


“Everyone, leave.”


The people on standby saw him like this and started ushering everyone out.


With the door closed, only he and the unconscious person on the bed remained.


“If you don’t wake up soon, I may not be able to save your life.”


He laughed at himself, “When you die, I’ll just dump you somewhere. Who told you to hide everything so carefully…”


Here, he had completely lost the imposing air he had in front of others, and was chatting casually like with a good friend.


When he left again, the guards outside the door were reinforced. As long as someone went in, someone would follow him to ensure the safety of the person inside.


An Ping had just been taken a day off and was resting at home when he heard someone knocking on the door in a rhythmic pattern. He hurriedly got up to open it.


The person outside saluted respectfully, and An Ping responded solemnly.


After the salute, the visitor relayed the instructions the minister had given him.


Upon hearing that it was He Jingsi’s instructions, An Ping nodded slightly, his expression grave.


After the person left, he went to the room to retrieve something.


It seems he needs to go back there.


However, Fu Yuling was unaware of the situation regarding He Jingsi’s side.


After He Qiu mentioned it that one time, she gradually forgot about the matter.


In the past few days, He Qiu had temporarily moved back. Why temporarily? Because during this time, He Jingxue hasn’t returned at all, and He Qiu hasn’t taken his belongings back either.


Fu Yuling wanted to say something, but considering their relationship was still in a transitional period, she didn’t interfere or try to persuade further.


Her own condition had improved, and she was gradually focusing more on cooking. She had thought of slaughtering the two chickens to make soup for the children, but after realizing they weren’t too enthusiastic about it, she just kept them.


The only use she could think of for the two chickens now was that they would diligently “cluck cluck cluck” every morning, acting as an alarm clock.


Last time when she and Fu Qi went to set up a stall, after deducting the costs, she found that they had earned over 16 yuan.


This amount, while not as much as selling medicinal herbs, was still pretty good. After all, it was their own hard-earned money.


And recently, the news that you could buy things without a ticket had spread throughout the village, with many people buying a lot of stuff back.


In contrast, Fu Yuling’s stall business was still unknown to most people for the time being.


She cooked a relatively rich meal, packed three extra servings, and held them in her hands.


“Are you done eating?”


He An obediently placed his bowl in the designated spot, with He Xuan following behind him.


He Wen and He Qiu, one holding a rag to wipe the table, and the other holding a broom to sweep the floor.


After He An finished his task, his short little legs moved quite quickly as he circled around to cling to Fu Yuling’s legs, nuzzling them.


Fu Yuling was already accustomed to his behavior and instinctively ruffled his smooth black hair.


About a minute later, He Xuan also came over to hold one of her hands.


Seeing this, He Wen and He Qiu’s eyes simultaneously fell on the hand Fu Yuling had placed on He An’s head. Sensing the threat, He An quickly raised his hand over his head to grab hold of it.


He Wen and He Qiu both had dark expressions on their faces.

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