After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 61

“Are you serious? She’s your daughter!”


When his wife raised her voice, Marquis Arzen sighed deeply.


‘Yes, it’s truly lamentable that my daughter is such a fool. If she’s going to kill a high-ranking person, she must do it perfectly without anyone finding out.’


Finally, the Marquis spoke coldly.


“Even if she is my daughter, I cannot tolerate actions that threaten our family’s standing.”

“My dear, how can you say such a thing?”


The Marchioness cried out in exasperation, but he was determined to vent his anger.


‘It’s a relief that the princess’s body hasn’t been found yet. If they see it, they might discover evidence that could implicate us.’


Cornelia might still be alive, and with no solid evidence, Medelin, who was only suspected of inciting the damage to the carriage, couldn’t be sentenced to death.

However, if Cornelia’s body were found and concrete evidence emerged, it would be a different story.


‘After determining her intent, she’ll be executed.’

And then…

The marquis knew that the family could be implicated, and everything he had built could be ruined.


“My sister is the empress, and my nephew is the next emperor.”


Marquis Arzen glared fiercely at his wife.


“And yet, my daughter tried to kill the emperor’s daughter. The emperor will surely use this as an excuse to weaken our family’s power, and you expect me to plead for our daughter’s life? Are you out of your mind?”


Overwhelmed by her husband’s aggressive demeanor, the Marchioness began to cry.


“But she’s our only child; would you be okay with her dying?”


The Marquis replied, suppressing his irritation.


“Be quiet. Even if we don’t plead, the emperor won’t abandon our family.”


Of course, this would require Medelin’s sacrifice.

The Marquis swallowed his words, but his wife, unaware of his true feelings, nodded tearfully.




☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


“They say Marquis Arzen didn’t even submit a petition, even though his daughter is imprisoned. He said he would accept the trial’s outcome.”

“However, how can he be so heartless with his daughter in prison?”

“That’s how he maintains impartiality without being bound by blood relations. I’ve heard he’s planning to appoint the next Marquis from a branch family of the Arzen lineage.”


Listening to their conversation, I held back a scornful laugh.


‘Not being bound by blood relations, huh? That’s not entirely wrong. After all, Marquis Arzen later abandoned his sister and nephew to save himself.’


I had expected as much.

That Marquis Arzen would turn his back on Medelin.


‘Well, I’ve had people like that around me too. A man who abandoned his wife and children for his own safety.’


And now, around me, words were being spoken about him.


“Apparently, Duke Blant also didn’t submit a petition.”

‘Now he’s become a scoundrel who has even abandoned his own mother.’


I couldn’t help but shake my head for a moment.


“But did the Duchess really die? Why hasn’t her body been found?”

“I’m not sure; perhaps her body sustained damage?”

“Could it be that she’s still alive?”

“If that were the case, why would the Duchess keep quiet? She would have gone to the palace and reported what had happened.”

“True, there’s no way she could have survived such a fall.”

“Oh, who would have thought a wicked person would meet such a meaningless end…”


Having succeeded in getting rid of my troublesome spouse, I no longer needed to stay in the capital.

I lowered the black veil covering my face even further and stood up.


“It’s time to go.”


Janet nodded in response to my words.


“Yes, I’ll prepare the carriage.”


As I was about to leave the salon, someone approached me.


“Hey, did you happen to see…?”


It was a minor noble I had bumped into at this salon before.

Honestly, it wasn’t very pleasant, but I was curious about her intentions, given that she recognized me despite my covered face.


‘There are only two possible reasons.’


One was to confirm if I was the widow from the rumors, and the other was if she recognized me as the princess.


‘I came to this salon specifically to avoid being recognized, so it would be problematic if she had figured out my identity.’


So, instead of pretending not to know her, I acknowledged his greeting.


“Ah, Baroness Caden. You recognized me even with my face covered.”

“Oh, it’s because of your mourning clothes and the bag you’re holding. You’ve been carrying that bag every time, haven’t you?”

“Ah, yes. Since I came to the capital from the countryside, I find it hard to leave valuables at the lodging.”

“I see. If you don’t mind me asking, may I inquire about your identity?”


Ah, I knew it. I thought it was weird that she was talking to me after our last encounter. I guess she was curious about my identity and wanted to ask.


‘Well, if she’s curious, there’s no harm in telling her.’


I revealed my identity to her.


“Oh, I am the lady of the Count of Herde household from the east.”


Of course, I meant my new identity, not the old one.



“Oh, I thought so.”


Seeing her reaction, I felt relieved.


‘So she just wanted to confirm if I was the widow from the rumors.’


Now that she had confirmed it, I had no more business with her.


‘I should go now.’



Just as I was about to speak with that thought in mind, I heard a conversation nearby.


“Tomorrow is the trial, but the Duke of Blant is still up in the mountains, isn’t he?”

“Does he not intend to attend?”


Hearing those remarks from the surrounding people, I couldn’t help but mutter under my breath.


“Why on earth would…”


I didn’t understand. If it was so apparent to others, then that should have been enough, but he was still engaging in such meaningless actions.

Then, the woman next to me started talking.


“It’s pitiful how he’s still searching for someone who’s certainly dead. He must have loved her so much…”


I scoffed at that nonsense.


‘Love? That man loved me?’


I knew there was a chance people might react this way to Erich’s actions.

But facing it in reality made me feel truly disgusted.


‘Don’t make me laugh. You have no idea how that man treated me!’


I was angry.

Angry at the people who spoke without knowing anything.

And angry at Erich Lennon Blant, who, with his incomprehensible actions, provoked such talk.

I opened my mouth with a stern face.


“I should be going now. I need to return to my estate.”


Baroness Caden nodded.


“Yes, take care, and I hope we meet again sometime.”


Well, I don’t think we’ll see each other again.

As I stepped out, my face hardened.


‘There’s no way he’s desperately looking for me. He’s probably just pretending to be a good husband.’


I clenched my fist tightly and frowned.


‘But I’ll confirm it with my own eyes.’


When I exited the salon, Janet, who was waiting outside, took my bag.

Sardin dismounted from the coachman’s seat and held out his hand to me.


“Take my hand.”


As I got into the carriage, I spoke to Sardin.


“Before we leave the capital, I want to take one last look at the road by the river.”


The road along the river was situated downstream.

Requesting to go there was essentially the same as saying I wanted to see Erich.

Understanding everything, Sardin’s face hardened, but instead of protesting, he nodded.


“Yes, I understand, master.”


A moment later, the carriage started moving.

As we quickly left the bustling area, the river soon came into view.

I fixed my gaze out the window.


‘I think it was around here.’


Before long, I spotted a blond man, and my face hardened involuntarily.


‘Is that Erich Lennon Blant?’


The usual image of a neat, composed, handsome man was nowhere to be seen.

All I saw was a gaunt, disheveled man moving around aimlessly, conducting a meaningless search.


‘Why on earth…’


Suddenly, something came to mind amid my confusion.

It was the image of Erich speaking to me coldly.


<I’ve tried to think of any wrongdoing I may have committed against you recently, but I simply can’t recall any.>


I let out a hollow laugh.


‘Right, there’s no way you’d regret anything. Searching for my body is just…’


There was a provision in the imperial law that, unless it was a time of war or special circumstances, a person’s death would not be recognized without a body.

In the case of a married couple, if one spouse goes missing, the remaining spouse cannot remarry for five years.

This law was created to prevent people from killing their spouses, seizing their property, and then remarrying their lovers. Because of this law, Erich must have been desperately searching the river.


‘He needs to find my body so that he can remarry.’


I then spoke to Sardin.


“Sardin, stop the carriage a little further downstream.”


When we reached a part of the river where Erich was out of sight, I saw several knights from the Blant duchy positioned here and there.

I took an item from my travel bag and damaged it with a dagger.

Then I handed it to Sardin.


“There’s something I need you to do.”


After listening to my request, Sardin sighed and responded.




  1. Vicky says:

    Hola, gracias por subir diferentes novelas…

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