After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 49


Translated by: Sienna


Several hours later.

As noon approached, the matriarch spoke to the head maid.


“Now go and fetch the child.”


With an ominous grin, the head maid went to Cornelia’s room.

Knock knock.

Landon came out of the room shortly after the knock.

He squinted his eyes and inquired arrogantly.


“What’s going on?”


Seeing him back in his butler attire again, the head maid felt a pang of annoyance.


‘I thought it was good that he became a servant… I can’t believe he was reinstated as a butler.’


Unlike herself, who was Matriarch Blant’s personal attendant, she had always been dissatisfied with Landon, a fallen noble with no pedigree.

The thought of such a lowly wretch usurping her son’s position was not a pleasant one.


‘But if I mess up Grand Madam’s errand, I’ll surely be punished.’


The head maid concealed her feelings and casually replied,


“The Grand Madam wishes the Duchess would join her for tea.”


In response, Landon furrowed his brows and said,


“Say that again.”

‘Didn’t he hear me?’


The head maid opened her mouth again.


“Listen carefully this time. The Grand Madam said,”



At that, the head maid raised an eyebrow and glared at Landon.


“What do you think you’re doing?”


Landon smiled and replied,


“I’m curious, head maid. You’re supposed to be beneath me, yet why are you so boldly making requests of me?”


A butler was responsible for overseeing all household affairs, particularly in noble households, where even nobles were subject to strict treatment.

Landon’s point was valid, but the head maid felt her blood boiling.


‘How insolent. Even your mother bowed her head to me, yet you acted so arrogantly after gaining the Duchess’s favor…!’


However, remembering the matriarch’s command, the head maid’s eyes gleamed like a venomous snake.


‘Well, since this brat is with the Duchess, he’ll share her fate. If the Duchess loses the heir, her position will be jeopardized, and he will find it difficult to retain his position as butler.’


With the promise of a bright future, she also assisted the matriarch.


‘Just a little more patience.’


After calculating her next move, the head maid forced a smile and said,


“I understand… I’ll be more cautious in the future, Butler. Now, may I see the duchess?”


Landon smiled sheepishly.


“Then wait outside. I’ll ask the Duchess for her intentions and come back to you.”


At that, the head maid’s face crumpled.

With her status, she shouldn’t have to wait; she should have been able to meet the Duchess directly.


“Wait! I will meet the Duchess in person and convey the message…”



Before she could finish her sentence, Landon had entered the room.

Trembling, the head maid’s face twisted in frustration.


‘How dare you, a fallen noble, make me feel such disgrace?’


She made up her mind.


‘I will definitely drag that insolent bastard out of this manor.’


Just then, Landon came out.


“The Duchess agrees, but there’s a condition.”


The head maid’s face, which had just moments ago been relaxed and complacent upon hearing the acceptance, stiffened at the mention of a condition.


“A condition? What is it?”

“Well, it turns out that a guest who promised to have tea with the Duchess is coming at noon. If Grand Madam allows it, perhaps she could join them.”


The head maid looked puzzled for a moment before quickly speaking.


“I understand! I’ll ask the Grand Madam and come back…”

“Head maid.”


Startled by Landon’s low voice, she flinched before responding, 




As the head maid disappeared, Landon approached Cornelia with a wry smile.


“Madam, I’ve done as you asked.”


Cornelia smiled and asked, 


“How was it? Did it make you feel good?”


Landon gazed at Cornelia in response to her question. In the past, he might have concealed his true feelings, but now he follows Cornelia faithfully.


“Yes, it did feel that way, and seeing her flustered was quite amusing.”


Though he didn’t show it, Landon inwardly resented the head maid, who had tormented him and his deceased mother throughout their time in the mansion.


“I don’t know why I’ve lowered myself for someone so insignificant all this time,”


Cornelia laughed as he candidly revealed his inner thoughts.

Realizing what he had just said, Landon blushed with embarrassment.


‘I didn’t need to say all that. What if Madam thinks less of me now?’


That’s when it happened.


“Now that you’ve straightened out the head maid, your position won’t be taken away from you, right?” 


Cornelia asked. Quickly nodding in response, Landon said, 


“Yes, of course! It’s all thanks to you, Madam.”


Cornelia nodded in approval.


“I’m glad you liked my final gift.”


Landon winced at the word ‘final’, but shrugged it off.


‘Well, Madam has given me more than just one or two things. I suppose she means not to expect any more kindness from her.’


Suddenly, memories of his past mistakes flooded Landon’s mind, and he felt deeply ashamed of himself.


‘Yes, I should repay my debts now.’


With determination in his eyes, Landon spoke to Cornelia. 


“I will serve you with lifelong loyalty, madam! And… I truly appreciate you giving me another chance despite my past behavior.”




When I first heard him say he would serve me for a lifetime, I couldn’t help but laugh.


“A lifetime? That’s quite a commitment.”


Then came the moment.


“And… I truly appreciate you giving me another chance despite my past behavior.”


I looked at Landon, smiling, but my lips twitched down at his words.


“Ah, I see.”


Though the head maid had been unreliable at times, the truth was that Landon wasn’t much different from her.

But now, after worrying about me and following my orders for a while, I no longer harbored resentment towards him.


“Affection is indeed frightening.”


At that moment, I recalled Landon’s recent behavior.

Despite my attempts to comfort him, he couldn’t sleep properly and stayed by my side.


‘Well, since I’m leaving anyway, I should let go of my resentment and all other emotions.’


I spoke up, breaking the silence. 


“You’ll surely make a fine butler.”


Landon teared up at my words.


“Thank you. I will do my best to serve you.”


Those were the words I had wanted to hear since I first set foot in the manor.

But bitterness filled my mouth, knowing they would never come true.


‘Still, I can’t show any sign of that.’


I was about to respond casually when Sardin’s voice came from outside the door.


“Master, your invited guest has arrived.”




Hearing the head maid’s words, the matriarch pursed her lips.


“What? That woman brought a guest?”


Honestly, this had never happened before, so she was taken aback.


‘I wonder if this will disrupt my plans.’


After the recent incident, she realized there might be some kind of connection between Cornelia and the Duchess of Lienheim.


‘If that old woman is the one she invited, she might see through my plan.’


The matriarch questioned the head maid. 


“So who did she say her guest was?”


The head maid’s face stiffened, and she shook her head.


“I, I was in such a hurry to get here that I didn’t get to ask.”


Unable to contain her anger, the madam struck the head maid’s head. 


“You foolish woman!”


The head maid, startled, grabbed her head and stared back at the matriarch, who spoke irritably, raising her voice.


“Go and find out at once!”


Though the head maid was a commoner, there were ranks even among the servants.

A duke’s head maid is supposed to be of noble birth. Moreover, she came from a family that had been a vassal of Blant’s for generations, and even the matriarch was expected to show a certain amount of deference.

But faced with the domineering attitude of the matriarch, who treated her as if she were a slave, the head maid felt a burning sensation inside.


‘How dare she treat me like this? If I run my mouth, she won’t be safe either.’


Just then, there was a knock at the door.


“Madam, it’s Roban, the footman! I’ve come to inform you that Lady Medelin has arrived.”


The head maid felt her anger rise even more upon hearing her son’s voice.


‘Even my son lives under this woman’s tyranny.’


Her eyes blazed with rage.

However, the matriarch, who was unaware of this due to Roban’s message, stated,


“What? What’s that girl doing here? She’s supposed to be banned from the mansion…”

“She came to join teatime as she was invited by the madam.”


Only now did she realize who Cornelia had invited.


‘You fool, you’re digging your own grave!’


The matriarch then turned to the head maid, who was still standing there in a daze.


“Tell Cornelia. She will join us for tea and have it ready for us.”


The head maid clenched her fists tightly and replied,


“Yes, Grand Madam.”




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