After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 35


Translated by: Alina



At that moment, her gaze fell upon my hand, and her face contorted with anger.


“Are you mocking me right now?”

“I’m not mocking you; I simply wanted to give a gift to the Madame out of a desire to become closer…”


Before I could finish my sentence, she approached me and slapped the ruby necklace out of my hand.

I stared at the fallen ruby necklace with cold eyes.

Fortunately, the gem remained intact, but the painstakingly crafted frame had become a mess.


‘Still the same. Then and now.’


I said to the maid who was watching us.


“Lauren, pick that up and give it to me.”


Looking nervous, the maid picked up the necklace and handed it to me.

I received the broken ruby necklace and examined it.


‘It’s still a mess, just like back then.’


Despite achieving my goal, the overlapping memories disgusted me.


‘Yes, I should speak up this time.’


I looked at Madame and spoke up.


“I bought it as a top-quality item, but if you don’t like it, please let me know. I will exchange them.”

“You… you know everything, don’t you? You deceitful creature!”

“What do you mean?”

“You knew and still gave me this ruby!”


She stopped mid-sentence, gritted her teeth, and glared at me.

Her blue eyes, resembling those of a man I once loved, were filled with venom.


As I had said before, I said to her, “Madame, I truly didn’t know. You never told me anything.”


I once wanted to be a daughter-like daughter-in-law to her.

So, I made an effort to win her favor by handing over my jewelry collection to her.

But afterward, she only smiled at me and ruled as a cold and ruthless mother-in-law.

No matter how hard I tried, the daughter-like daughter-in-law she wanted was Madeline, not me.

At first, I simply accepted it.

But after having a child, I believed she wouldn’t reject me, the one pregnant with the heir.

So, in an attempt to improve our relationship, I tried to give her a nice gift.

But even though I wanted to give her a gift, I knew nothing about Madamee.

I knew she liked fancy jewelry, but I didn’t even know what kind of gems she liked or disliked.

So, swallowing my pride, I asked Medelin, and surprisingly, she kindly answered.


<Huh? You didn’t know until now? Corie, aren’t you too indifferent? Of course, she loves rubies the most!>


I believed her words, and I gave Madame a ruby as a gift.

How foolish of me!


<How dare this wretched thing mock me?>


From that moment on, she unleashed a torrent of insults towards me.

She had never once told me she disliked rubies.


‘I understand now why you did what you did. But even so, there’s no excuse for treating me disrespectfully.’


I clenched my fists tightly and spoke up.


“Next time, if you don’t like something, please just say so. Don’t just destroy it without a word.”

“You… you!”


Though she seemed ready to continue berating me, I ignored her and headed towards my room.




After Cornelia left, Madame Blant seethed with anger.


“How dare that insolent woman…!”


She doesn’t remember exactly what Cornelia said.

Only her condescending tone and expression remained in her memory.

And that appearance closely resembled someone Madame Blant knew.


“Yes, just like Mercedes. That wretch!”


Back when Madame Blant was still the young lady of Gilrathe, she was in competition with Empress Mercedes, the young lady of Arzen, for the position of Crown Princess.

On one occasion, Mercedes criticized Bianca’s extravagant attire in front of others.


“To wear such flashy jewelry at the memorial service for Saint Johannes at the temple…You should be ashamed.”


And the necklace she criticized at the time was a ruby one.

Bianca’s reputation declined as a result of that incident, and people began to admire Mercedes as wise and noble.

Mercedes eventually assumed the role of Crown Princess, the future Empress.

Even though Blant’s prestige in the noble circle was higher than that of the palace, the memory of that day has become a trauma for Bianca.


“Moreover, that wretched woman even ensnared my son!”


Bianca’s real son, ‘Erich,’ was a kind and perfect child that she had raised with great care.

He was the source of pride and joy for Madame Blant.

But he said he had feelings for a woman. That woman was named Cornelia.

Bianca felt resentful that her beloved son loved a princess she didn’t like, a feeling of frustration she couldn’t describe.

And on top of that, whenever she heard that fake son of hers had met that woman, he would blush and hurry back to his room in a panic.


“Why on earth do both Erich and that impostor find such a woman so attractive…”


Lady Blanche clenched her fists tightly.


“I will follow Mother’s orders. However, please refrain from interfering with whatever Cornelia does in this house.”


The reason she had not openly tormented Cornelia so far was not simply because she was part of the royal family.

It was because the fake son, who had taken on Erich’s role, had set that as a condition.



“I told you I couldn’t do what Mother asked.”


Not long ago, Madame Blant’s lips twitched unpleasantly as she recalled the fake son’s disrespectful behavior.


“If that fake guy doesn’t listen to me, there’s no reason why I can’t touch that woman.”




The next day, I decided to fill my stomach before heading out.


“Bring me breakfast.”


Shortly after, a maid entered the room, looking contemplative.


“Duchess, there is a message for you…”

“What is it?”

“…Madame Blant has instructed that if you wish to have a meal, you should come downstairs.”


Upon hearing the response, I twisted my lips.


“Oh, is this how it’s going to be?”


The reason why Madame Blant called me was obvious.


“She must want to harass me in a childish and petty way. Just like before.”


For a moment, I recalled the subtle torment I had experienced from her before the regression.

But it was just a fleeting memory.

I changed my expression and smiled lightly.


“All right, please wait a moment. I need to change my clothes.”


The maid, who was at a loss for words at my response, brightened up.


“Yes, yes! I’ll inform Madame Blant!”


As soon as the maid left, I called for another servant.


“Would you help me get dressed?”

“Yes, of course.”


As she was about to take out a dress from the wardrobe, I shook my head.


“I think the one on the other side would be better than that one.”


The servant’s expression stiffened upon hearing my words.


“B-but, Duchess, changing into that dress…”


Ignoring her concerns, I urged her on.


“Hurry and bring it.”




At Blant’s dining room, the long table was filled with dishes of oysters and seafood.

And at the head of the table sat Lady Blant, gazing at the food.

Fresh oysters and seafood were placed in front of her, but intentionally, rotten oysters and seafood were placed where Cornelia would sit.

‘I went to such lengths because that brat said she doesn’t like oysters and seafood…’

Madame Blant tapped the table with her finger, furrowing her brow.

“Why is she taking so long?”

She had been waiting for her to come down, but nearly an hour had passed.

“I can’t wait any longer. I have to tell her to come in front of me right away!”

Madame Blant called for the maid again, intending to rush Cornelia down.

But just then, the maid entered the dining room.

“Madame, the duchess…”

“So, is she coming down now?”

When the Madame asked eagerly, the maid flinched and answered with a pale face.

“W-well, she did come down.”

“Why isn’t she here yet then?”

In response to the Madame’s impatient question, the maid swallowed nervously and spoke up.

“She… she’s gone out.”

“What? Out? I specifically told her to come down if she wanted to eat.”

“Yes, that’s why she came down and said she would have her meal outside.”

Surprised by her daughter-in-law’s unexpected departure, Madame Blant’s face contorted in displeasure.




“Please come this way.”

Upon being led to a table at the restaurant run by a top chef from the royal kitchen, I smiled.

‘I wonder if, by now, she’s overcome with anger and turned the table upside down?’

In my experience, Madame Blant only invited me to dine together when she had intentions to torment me.

‘She would serve me foods I dislike or even give me spoiled food.’

Despite the abhorrent cuisine that was presented to me, I was unable to rise from my seat.

“Sit down. Where are you going when an adult is talking without manners?”

She clung to me until she finished her meal.

Though she would say being a duchess isn’t fulfilling and that she doesn’t have the skills to be a good hostess, she didn’t hand over the ledger and the keys to the safe, things a hostess should have.

“But I have no intention of being dragged around by her anymore.”





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