After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 21


Translated by: Sienna


“Chance? What chance?”

I asked, puzzled. Reinhardt smiled.

“It’s a chance to see the princess again. It would be nice if we could hear some good news around that time.”

‘Good news? Is he talking about pregnancy?’

Of course I am carrying Erich’s child in my womb, but for some reason I didn’t want him to know.

“Stop the nonsense and go.”

“Yes, then I’ll be back soon with a gift, Your Highness.”

As Reinhardt’s carriage departed, I informed Erich as if notifying him.

“I’ll go to my room now…”

At that moment, Erich spoke,

“I’m sure you still have some things to talk to me about.”

‘Something to talk about? Ah, that.’

Recalling the existence of the mine, I spoke with an annoyed expression.

“Yes, I see.”

Then he extended his hand as if offering to escort me. Normally, I would have ignored such a gesture, but I rejected it with a swift motion.

“No need.”

I couldn’t see his expression, but rejecting him felt refreshing. I left him behind and entered the mansion.


As soon as I walked in, there was a loud voice greeting me.

“Have you returned, madam!”

It was Landon, who had recently been demoted from butler to servant.

‘I see.’

This morning, Erich personally escorted me, so it must have seemed like everything was fine between us.

‘So he’s trying to impress me so he can go back to being a butler.’

However, it wasn’t just Landon trying to impress me.

“Madam, have you returned?”

The other servants and maids bowed to me in unison, but I passed them without much interest.

There was no need for me to get along with these people anymore.




As soon as I entered the office, I openly expressed my displeasure.

“I’m tired, so I wish you could finish this quickly.”

Erich glared at me and then said, “Wait a moment. I’ve instructed my aide to bring the necessary documents for the transfer.”

It seems like he really intends to give up the mine.

‘Thanks to that, I have to endure the unpleasant time alone with this man.’

How long did we sit in silence like that?


With the sound of a knock, someone entered.

“Your Excellency, I’ve brought the documents you requested.”

Seeing him, I involuntarily clenched my fist and glared at him.

‘That man…….’

Erich’s aide, Xenon Reiner, holding a stack of documents, lightly bowed when our eyes met, and then handed the documents to Erich.

“I apologize for the interruption.”

After his greeting and departure, I clenched my teeth.

<This is my master’s will. Without you, the Duke can start anew with Lady Arzen.>

Erich’s loyal servant who threatened me and my child. Although it was due to his master’s command, he had tried to eliminate me.

For some reason, I had an ominous feeling that Xenon would be a threat to me again in this life.

Just the look in his eyes earlier.

We may not be a harmonious couple, but still, such a disrespectful gaze towards me, the mistress of the house?

‘Even if I’m not a helpful wife to his master, his eyes were like looking at an enemy.’

Whether the source of that hatred is excessive loyalty towards his master or contempt for humanity, I don’t know.

In any case, I need to closely observe Erich and Xenon’s movements.

‘So, I prepared for this.’

At that moment, I heard Erich’s voice.

“Please take this.”

I took the documents for the mine transfer and began reviewing them.

‘This seems like a pretty straightforward transfer…….’

I checked if there were any clauses like ‘not divorcing in exchange for transferring the mine,’ but fortunately, it didn’t seem to be there.

“Now, shall I sign it?”

I extended the quill, ready to sign at the designated spot.

Just as I was about to sign, Erich’s voice, close by, interrupted.

“It would be advisable to keep your distance from Archduke Tarrant as much as possible.”

Of course I’d keep my distance from him; he’s a creep, but hearing Erich speak to me like this made me resistant.

“Why should I? He even said he’s going to bring a gift.”

Then Erich sighed and said,

“I’m only saying this because I’m worried.”


I was momentarily stunned by these unfamiliar words.

But it didn’t last long. Soon, memories of the hardships I endured from him flashed through my mind.

<Stay away from me.>

<Don’t get any ideas; I’ll never hold you in my arms.>

<Landon will take care of household affairs, so you don’t have to do anything in this mansion.>

Coming to my senses, I tightened my grip on Erich’s hand.

‘Don’t be ridiculous. Since when do you care about me?’

After we got married, he always wore gloves whenever he held my hand.

If I tried to hold it when he didn’t wear gloves, he would flinch as if I were dirty, then turn away from my hand and walk away at a brisk pace.

Even if I didn’t fulfill my duties as the Duke’s wife, he never said anything about it. He only got angry and scolded me when I picked fights with other nobles or caused trouble.

In a way, it was only natural. It was a loveless marriage in the first place, and he must have thought of me as a burden he’d suddenly taken on.

He probably thought that as long as I didn’t embarrass him in front of the Emperor, everything would be fine.

So, Erich controlled and manipulated me to the extent that I couldn’t do anything, becoming nothing more than a clueless fool.

Even if I turned into a villain, it wouldn’t matter as long as I didn’t tarnish his reputation.

‘If he’s worried about something, it’s not about me; it’s about his reputation.’

I, with a hint of mockery, spoke up.

“You don’t need to worry about me. Especially if it concerns my relationships.”

Ignoring my rejection, he continued to speak.

“Cornelia, he may be showing you kindness, but he is a dangerous man.”

I was dumbfounded by the word dangerous. Until my death, Reinhardt had not threatened me, but had written to me, asking for my well-being and worrying about my safety.

‘It’s actually you who is dangerous. Erich Lennon Blant.’

You who sent your men after me to eliminate me to start a new life.

You, who commanded to kill the child who had followed you so faithfully,

The most dangerous person to me right now is the bastard in front of me.

“For my sake? Speak the truth.”

I stared at him, revealing the truth I had concealed for so long.

“Erich Lenon Blant, you’re just worried that I might create another scandal with another man, aren’t you?”

Did my words hit a nerve?

Erich’s face contorted into a fierce expression.

“I told you it’s not like that.”

“So, what is it? Explain why I shouldn’t meet Reinhardt.”

He furrowed his brow and stared at me after my question.

After a long silence, he said, “I can’t answer that.”

If he had concerns as a husband or simply didn’t want me to be with another man, I could have understood.

But his answer was just no again.

‘Well, I guess a woman you don’t consider your wife being with another man wouldn’t bother you.’

I chuckled sarcastically and said,

“You forbid me from meeting him without even explaining why? Would you find this situation acceptable if roles were reversed?”

“I don’t understand why you’re reacting so sensitively. I just…”

Before he could finish his sentence, I let out what I had kept inside for so long.

“What makes you think you have the right to say that to me? You’re the one who’s being disrespectful right now.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Are you trying to play dumb? I saw you alone with Medelin again today.”

Although I had denied it since my return, I had been jealous of him and Medelin being together.

‘So, when I mentioned the divorce, I lied about having an affair.’

I lied because I wanted him to be jealous of a man who didn’t exist. But now, having let go of all expectations, I felt strangely numb.

Then I heard Erich’s voice, trying to say something.

“I think I mentioned this before. I’m only seeing Medelin because of a contract. Now that the contract is terminated, there’s no more reason to…”

“I don’t consider that woman my wife. It’s just for appearances, for the sake of people’s gossip.”

As the words left my mouth, Erich’s expression hardened.

I finally mustered the courage, overcoming my pride, to say what I hadn’t been able to say due to fear.

“I know you don’t think of me as a wife. So, I’ve decided not to think of you as my husband anymore.”

I smiled and added, “Even so, since you don’t want a divorce, we won’t get one. But remember, we’re just a facade of a couple now.”

He remained silent, staring at me with an unreadable expression.

‘That face again… Are you really listening to what I’m saying?’

Feeling frustrated and angry, I couldn’t help but let out the words I had held back.

“Now, there’s no need to force ourselves to share a bed or pretend to be a normal couple. Just as you find me unpleasant, now I find you equally unpleasant.”

I placed the unsigned document on the table.

“And I don’t need any of this, so don’t bother me again. I don’t need bodyguards either, so don’t assign them to me.”

Having said my piece, I stood up and left the room.


  1. AyraRedwood says:

    Thank you for the update 🥰

  2. ABlossom says:

    Issooooo ai garota 👏
    Ps: uma luz amarela se ascendeu pra mim, até que ponto sentimento que ele tem pelo o primeiro ministro é ciume? Agr to desconfiada do primeiro ministro droga (a pessoa boa é ruim e a pessoa ruim é boa 🤢)
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

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