After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 13


Translated by: Alina



Once, I wanted to be recognized as his capable child, but the Emperor, like everyone else, did not treat me as family.


<How dare a woman who will be an outsider dare to covet what belongs to your sibling!>


<Where is my son, the future Emperor! Bring him to me immediately! Not that useless thing!>


I couldn’t help but let out a bitter smile.


‘For a useless woman, I must be excellent.’


Yet, if there was one advantage over the Empress, it was that the Emperor regarded me as his own blood, his possession, so I knew how to cater to his preferences, even if it meant imitating a father.


And thanks to his personality, I could use him to my advantage.


“To receive praise from Your Majesty is the greatest honor for me.”


For the first time today, the term ‘Your Majesty’ came out, and the Emperor chuckled.


“After a long time, you have done something commendable. I should reward you. If you have a request, speak up.”


My eyes widened momentarily in surprise at the unexpected generosity, and then I grinned.


“As it happens, there is something I need.”


“What is it?”


I answered as if I had been waiting.


“Money, and the bracelet of Ashar, a royal treasure!”


Was it because of the unexpected request? The Emperor’s reaction was hesitant.


“Money and that… Is it necessary?”


“Yes, and if possible, please make the money available in a discreet account at the Imperial Bank for easy use.”


The Emperor seemed to hesitate for a moment, but I was the one holding the cards now.


With a kind gesture, the Emperor acted as if he were rewarding me, but ultimately, to get what he wanted, the Emperor had no choice but to grant my request.


“Very well. I will send someone soon.”


He had already given me a share when I got married, and he was indeed a person with one flawless quality.


‘Good, with this, my living expenses are secured.’


After getting what I wanted, even the fragrant taste of the tea felt exceptionally sweet.


‘His Majesty the Emperor will remain alive for about six more years. Until then, I can live safely under his shadow.’


As I imagined the uncertain future that lay ahead for me and Demian, I set down my teacup.


A while later, the Emperor stood up from his seat.


“I must be going now. Reinhardt is waiting for me.”


I stood up, bowed to the Emperor, and expressed my gratitude.


“I am truly grateful for today. May the protection of the great founding Emperor always be with you, and I hope for your well-being until we meet again.”


Although it was a superficial farewell, the Emperor still responded with a word.


“Take care on your way back.”


Of course, I planned to return safely.


‘I’ll just finish this peach tart here.’


It was a rare opportunity to eat peaches, and I intended to finish even the Emperor’s share.


But before I could finish all the peach tarts here, I had to get up.


As soon as the audience with the Emperor ended, someone came to find me.


“Duchess Blant, Her Majesty the Empress is waiting for you.”


I frowned at the sight of the Empress’s messenger.


‘I was going to say I forgot and not go, but I didn’t think she would do this.’


It was already a time when the sun was slowly setting.


If I returned home any later, Erich might suspect that I had planned something in the palace.


‘If that man has any sense of caution, it could be quite troublesome….’


However, in the current situation, I couldn’t just head straight home.


‘I have no choice. Since it’s come to this, I’ll just have to squeeze out as much as I can and then leave.’


“Please guide me to the Empress.”


I reluctantly made my way towards the Empress’s palace.




Meanwhile, Erich was staring at the clock with a stern face.


The hands of the clock were already pointing to 5 o’clock.




When she said she was going to the palace early this morning, he didn’t think much would happen.


Normally, Cornelia would return from the palace quickly, but knowing that she had four knights with her, including Janet, her shadow guard, gave him some relief. 


However, as her return was delayed more than expected, he began to feel anxious.


‘Could something have happened on the way back?’


There couldn’t possibly be anyone daring enough to harm the Duchess near the palace.


Moreover, even if such a person existed, Janet, a skilled knight, wouldn’t let anyone touch Cornelia while she was under her protection.


Yet, as Cornelia didn’t appear in sight, he couldn’t shake off the discomfort.


‘Why hasn’t she returned yet?’


At that moment, a knock was heard.


Knock knock-


“Your Grace, it’s me.”


It was Xenon, who had been entrusted with overseeing not only the administrative assistance lately but also the affairs within the mansion managed by the butler.


“Come in.”


At Erich’s invitation, Xenon cautiously opened the door and entered.


After a brief pause, he handed the Duke a document and informed him that Marquis Arzen had sent it. “He asked you to review them before finalizing the contract.”


Taking the documents, Erich raised the corner of his mouth slightly.


‘He seems eager to finalize the contract. Judging by his insistence.’


If the Marquis offered such favorable terms, it was to monopolize high-quality gems.


Although Marquis Arzen’s gem processing business was top-notch, there were undoubtedly competitors.


‘He promised to set the prices of gems, excluding jade, higher than the market value, and considering the family, it’s a good deal. But…’


<Just recently, Jade has become more popular. It’s a gem that no one pays attention to, but the more you look at it, the more beautiful it seems.>


“Your Grace.”


Interrupting his thoughts, Xenon’s voice brought Erich back to reality.


“Yes, let’s proceed with the contract tomorrow with certainty….”


At that moment,




A white falcon flew in through the window.




Quickly extending his arm, Erich caught the falcon and untied the message attached to its leg.


Soon, he stood up from his seat. Xenon followed him, looking bewildered.


“Your Grace, where are you going?”


Without any hesitation, Erich stared at Xenon and spoke up.


“To the Information Guild.”


“What? Why suddenly… the Information Guild?”


“I need to gather information about Marquis Arzen before finalizing the contract.”


After finishing his sentence, Erich tossed the paper he was holding into the fireplace.


[Marquis Arzen’s young lady and the Empress have summoned the Duchess to the Empress’s palace.]


The short message sent by Cornelia’s shadow guard, Janet, was engulfed by flames without a trace.


“But Your Grace, if that’s the case, I can handle it…”


Xenon’s words made Erich shake his head firmly.


“No, I’ll go myself. You stay and guard this mansion. Xenon.”


Upon Erich’s command, Xenon sighed and bowed his head.


“Yes, Your Grace.”


Erich, leaving his study, found himself walking briskly, almost involuntarily.




A space adorned with marble and gold.


When I was young, I always felt small whenever I entered the Empress’s palace.


“Why are you so late!”


Ignoring the Empress’s sarcastic remark upon seeing my face, I pointed out the presence of an unwelcome guest.


“I thought it was an intruder, but it seems we have an uninvited guest.”


Upon hearing this, the Empress frowned and retorted, “You insolent child, Medeline is not just any lady, but your cousin. How dare you speak so disrespectfully?”


“Well, I always thought cousins who gossip behind others’ backs were worse than strangers.”


“No, but still, to say such things…!”


As the Empress was about to raise her voice in anger, someone intervened.


“Aunt, I’m fine.”


Medeline smiled at me.


“I don’t know why you misunderstood. But if you feel uncomfortable with me here, I’ll leave.”


Anyway, the fact that she’s pretending even in this situation could be seen as truly impressive in a certain sense.


But that was just my thought, and some of the spectators present here were admiring Medeline as if she were about to become a saint.


‘Gossip will spread through society again. It’s probably these maids who are the source.’


My reputation hasn’t been great for a while, and if a revolution were to occur, most of the people here would be the ones to die.


Therefore, I had to be patient.


But there was one thing I couldn’t tolerate.


“Lady Arzen, even though you’re my cousin, I would appreciate it if you maintained proper etiquette in the palace.”


In other words, it was a polite way of telling him to leave without causing further disturbances.


Medeline’s face turned red with anger, perhaps indicating that controlling anger at a young age wasn’t easy.


But in the end, she left the room without saying a word to me.


As expected, those with higher status have the upper hand.


But I was about to argue with the Empress, who had an even higher status than mine.


‘It may be an unfair fight, but if I win, that’s all that matters.’


As soon as I sat down, I got straight to the point.


“So, what is it that you want to tell me, Your Majesty?”


Perhaps not wanting to prolong the conversation with me, the Empress got straight to the point.


“Sell the land you own in the Eastern Province to Fritz for 1 million gold.”


“1 million gold?”


“Yes, it’s not for free. You’re his sister, you should be able to do that much, right? Besides, you don’t necessarily need land because you live in the favor of the Bland duchy. And 1 million gold is not a small amount, is it?”


To my already abundantly blessed younger brother, I’m supposed to sell him one of the few things I have, and that too, a piece of land that will later hit it big, for a price much lower than the market value?


‘Has she lost her conscience?’


𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊



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