After the Wicked Wife Leaves

AWWL Chapter 03

Translated by: Sienna




A few days later, after finishing a carriage procession on the street, I attended the founding anniversary banquet.


I wanted to skip it, but it was an imperial tradition for imperial children to make their debut into society at the age of fifteen.


“Behave elegantly. That way, you may get dance requests.”


My mother probably wanted to marry me off and get rid of me as soon as possible.


However, I doubted anyone would ask me to dance voluntarily. 


‘If anyone voluntarily asks the Raven Princess to dance, they must be either insignificant or insane.’


As I was pondering my plight as a wallflower.


“Why are you going over there…….”


I heard a shout and saw someone walking towards me.


My eyes widened gradually.


Erich Lennon Blant was extending his hand towards me.


“Your Highness, would you please dance with me?”


Under the chandelier’s light, his sparkling blond hair and finely sculpted features seemed impeccable.


Still impressive, yet somehow lacking.


‘Something seems different; I can’t put my finger on it…’


At that moment, I realized I had inadvertently placed my hand in his.


‘What have I done!’


Feeling the warmth in our joined hands, I awkwardly tried to step back as the music began, only to stagger.


However, thanks to his quick reaction, I could avoid an embarrassing situation.


“Are you alright?”


I nodded and mumbled softly,


“I can’t dance… It’s fine if we just stand here without dancing.”


Honestly, he probably doesn’t want to dance with me either.


Suppressing my internal frustration, I attempted to withdraw my hand.


At that moment, he grabbed my hand.


“Don’t worry. I’ll lead.”


Internally, I thought, 


‘Don’t fool yourself. You’re Medeline’s friend. You’re probably secretly laughing at me.’


Stepping on his foot might invite ridicule. I focused on the dance to avoid any mistakes.


After dancing like that,


“M, my foot hurts.”


As an excuse to leave, he escorted me to the terrace.


“Are your feet okay?”


Afraid he might suggest dancing again, I lied.


“I think I should go back to my room and rest.”


I attempted to return to my room alone, but…


“Let me escort you.”


Once again, I found myself involuntarily drawn by his actions.


A while later, upon reaching the princess’s residence, he smiled and let go of my hand.


“Your Highness, I truly enjoyed tonight.”


I quickly withdrew my hand and replied firmly,


“Alright, then I’ll be on my way…”


Suddenly, I remembered the handkerchief in my room. It was an opportunity to get rid of the troublesome item.


“And about the handkerchief you gave me before, I’d like to give it back now…….”


Before I could finish, he shook his head.


“You don’t need to return it now; it’s fine.”




Not understanding, I questioned, and he blushed as he said,


“If possible, I would like to receive a handkerchief embroidered by Her Highness the Princess.”


My face turned red in surprise at his words. It was a common gesture among nobles.


“Uh, well, I’m…”


I tried to respond, feeling awkward, but he smiled gently and shook his head.


“You don’t have to answer immediately. I’ll be patient.”


After that day, he began to visit me.


One day with a doll, another with a bouquet, and yet another with high-quality tea leaves.


Despite my efforts to keep my distance, aware of the potential disappointment that often comes with expectations, I couldn’t deny the truth.


At some point, I found myself eagerly anticipating his visits.


‘I don’t understand this feeling. But when I’m with him, it feels like I’ve truly become a princess.’


I opened my mouth to Erich, who had brought me another gift.


“Starting tomorrow, you don’t have to bring these kinds of things.”


His face stiffened at my words.


“Your Highness, I cannot accept…”


“No, just come empty-handed.”


After a moment, he understood my meaning and smiled broadly.


“Yes, I’ll do that next time.”


However, after that day, I couldn’t meet Erich.


Due to tensions at the border, Duke Blant died, and Erich, following in his father’s footsteps, joined the war.


Before Erich left for the battlefield, he wrote to me.


[I will surely return. Please keep my handkerchief safe until then.]


I told Erich that I would. I wrote back and prayed that he would return safely.


Every day, I worried about him, recalling his kindness towards me.


Although I wasn’t certain about my feelings, I wanted to somehow repay his kindness.


“Yes, I’ll embroider a handkerchief and give it to him when he returns.”


He came back four years later.


On the day he arrived at the palace as a hero, I looked at him and realized.


‘Ah yes, I have missed you after all.’


It had only been four years, but I felt like I had finally found someone I had lost for so long.


Overwhelmed with emotions, I approached him with tears in my eyes.


“As promised… I came to return the handkerchief.”


I thought there would be a positive change in our relationship with this handkerchief as a catalyst.


However, what came back was his cold voice.


“Your Highness, please don’t approach me from now on.”


Drawing a line as if becoming someone else, his cold gaze shattered my heart.


But the worry that someone else might take him away frightened me more.


<The atmosphere between Marquis Arzen’s daughter and Duke Blant seems unusual, doesn’t it?>


During the past few days, I have longed for Erich and dreamed of a happy future with him.


However, fearing that Medelin, whom they always compare to me, might take away my precious Erich, I felt a sense of madness.


At that moment, the Empress made a proposal to me.


“I hear you’ve been busy following Duke Blant around lately.”




“Tsk! Foolish girl, I’ll arrange a marriage with Duke Blant. However, there are conditions.”


As the Empress regarded Erich, a war hero, as a thorn in her side, she needed someone who knew his weaknesses.


Also, the moment he and I married, it would leave a flaw in the otherwise perfect Duke Blant.


I knew all this was not in his best interest, but I couldn’t refuse.


“Yes, I will follow Your Majesty’s orders.”


So, under the pretext of rewarding the princess for the hero who established military achievements, I married him.


I thought everything would be fine—after all, even noble couples in political marriages usually lived well once they had children.


However, my husband, as if resisting our marriage, didn’t touch me from the first night onward.


It was a miracle that we had a child after five years of marriage.


“I want to name the child Demian.”


I had been quietly anxious all along.


It was because the child was not a product of love but a one-night mistake by my husband, who initially looked dismayed upon hearing about my pregnancy and then urged me to hide the fact.


Yet, when the child was born, he smiled and chose a name for our baby.


Seeing that, I finally found relief.


Since the birth of our child, he has gradually started showing consideration for me.


Even though our relationship wasn’t the same as before, it didn’t matter.


Now that I was truly his wife, I was content.


Tragedy struck seven years later, catching us off guard.


A rebellion erupted a year after my brother, Fritz, became emperor.


“Let’s wipe out the seed of these imperial bastards!”


Not only did the rebels turn against the Emperor, they also targeted me and my child, who was eligible for the succession.


Erich entrusted us to a close associate who had assisted him for a long time.


“Evacuate my wife and son to a ‘secure place.’”


His aide then led us to the rebel’s hideout.


When I asked why, the aide replied, 


“Because these are my master’s orders.”


He showed me a letter bearing the family seal.


It said that in exchange for giving me and my child up, he would be guaranteed the safety of Blant and Arzen.


“Why is Arzen involved in this…”


I murmured without realizing, and the aide smirked.


“Do you still not understand? The Duke desires a marriage with Lady Arzen. So, now, you just need to disappear.”


I wanted to deny it, but the family seal would likely be in the hands of the family head.


‘What should I do now?’


Abandoned by the one I loved, I couldn’t see any way out.


In my despair, I felt like giving up everything.


At that moment…


“Capture the princess, and kill the child!”


Those words snapped me back to reality.


No matter what, I had to save my child.


‘If I shoot with the gun in my pocket, I might be able to take down a few…’


As I was contemplating survival, someone stood in front of us, as if shielding us.


It was Sardin, my escort slave.


“I will hold them off. Go quickly.”


Escaping with his sacrifice, I headed to the border of Alshera, where my aunt, who had married into royalty, was the queen.


However, I couldn’t cross the border.


“Mom, it hurts…”


Throughout our escape, my child’s complexion worsened, reaching a limit.






A little child with hair like his and eyes resembling mine.


I didn’t love this child from the beginning.


However, inevitably, I came to love the little life that looked at only me and gave more love than I had given.


“Demi, don’t worry. Mommy will never give up on you, okay?”


Now, my child was everything to me. I could do without my husband, but I couldn’t live without my little ray of sunshine.


“Demian, sweetheart, are you listening? Just a little further.”


As we neared the border, I continued to call out to my child while carrying him.


Even until the moment when my detestable husband, Erich, led a pursuit to capture me.




I wanted to ask him as he relentlessly chased after me.


Why did you try to kill our child too? If you wanted to kill someone, you should have just killed me, the one who ruined your life—!


The more I thought about it, the more I hated him. I wanted to make him feel the pain Demian had suffered.


Conveniently, I had a new weapon, a pistol, in my embrace.


‘If I shoot him up close, maybe…’


I let out a bitter laugh.


‘But now, what use is that?’


I had denied it all along, but the child in my arms was cold as ice and stiff. Moreover, I couldn’t hear any breathing.




I gently put the child down and pulled out the pistol, aiming it at him approaching from a distance.




I might be a terrible and pitiful human, but I had tried.


Because I wanted to please you.


Because I wanted to be recognized as your wife.


Because I hope that you return to me with the affectionate demeanor you had before.


That you might love me.


‘How pitiful must I have seemed to you back then?’


As he approached, getting closer without hesitation, I raised the pistol.


Before I knew it, my husband was within earshot.


“Cornelia, drop the gun right now!”


Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger as he reached out to me.




The smell of gunpowder was unmistakable, followed by a pounding headache and a heavy, crumbling body.


Nevertheless, I could finally find peace.


‘Demian, Mom will join you soon.’


That was my last memory before regressing.



𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


  1. Bella says:

    This is so heartbreaking, that Erich better not be the ml , hoping for his suffering & down fall.

    1. piyopiyoo says:

      I bet he is the male lead. He loved her and the child, but you know it wouldn’t be a korean novel if he doesn’t do stuff that make our blood boils. He had to do his family dirty, became a scumbag because that’s the only thing to make them save. Kinda like that.

    2. Archont says:

      I think there is a strong possibility that letter was forged and aide worked with Arzen to kill Cornelia and her child.

  2. anon says:

    Well, I can see the “it was all a misundertanding” plot from a mile away…

  3. Natasha801 says:

    Oh, it is really heartbreaking 💔. Please, please continue your wonderful translation!❤️‍🔥

  4. YonaOfTheDawn says:

    Oh great misunderstanding…. Oh he wanted to save…. There was “some reason” why he was trying to distance himself her probably coz he loved her and wanted to protect. Men need to start using their mouths to communicate and other things 👀

  5. piyopiyoo says:

    Thank you for the translation, translator-nim. Can wait to see his despair and regret arc. It has to be painful, misserable, torturous, and every thing in beetween.

    1. Natasha801 says:

      Oh yes! He had to suffer! Don’t you think that we are too cruel?!?

  6. ABlossom says:

    Cara que odio, podemos ver a km que a carta pode ter sido forjada mas se ele fosse confiavel ela não teria acreditado. Alem disso não muda o jeito que ele seduziu ela e depois jogou fora por conta de algum problema dele…
    Ps: mais uma vez a falta de diálogo é o vilão
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

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