After the Ending, the Villain was Saved with Money


“Episode 55”

Daphne raised her voice for the first time in a while. Due to her surprise, her voice quickly turned hoarse. If he let go, he could easily fall into the sea.

She rolled her eyes around to ask for help, but it was useless.

Daphne turned her head slightly to look at the sea. Fortunately, there were propellers and other devices right below, so it didn’t seem like the alligators were nearby.

But as soon as she touched the surface of the water, it was high enough to feel like her whole body could shatter.

‘I have a terrible fear of heights!’

Daphne closed her eyes tightly and blurted out whatever came to mind.

Romeo recited the notes brought by Celestian, offering to return the gold and silver treasures and properties he had wagered at the bachelor party, and saying he would give anything else if she wanted, except for the voucher for the Gella shoemaking workshop, which was all burned, leaving Romeo with an unpleasant expression.

“Why again!”


“I’ll give it, I’ll give it! Of course, I’ll give it!”

Daphne grabbed his hand tightly again and nodded vigorously. She gently opened her closed eyes and looked at Romeo. He was looking in another direction.


“Oh, you’re here.”

Before Daphne could look over there, Romeo murmured and pulled her arm. The cold wind suddenly stopped, and Daphne’s body floated gently.

The feeling of being safe rather than the warning alert of dying came first. His warm and strong arms supported her waist.


Celestian lifted Daphne up effortlessly, holding her waist with strong force.

As if catching someone just before the glass fell, he was breathing heavily.

After briefly checking Daphne, Celestian quickly lowered her feet to the ground. Daphne stood, leaning on his trembling arms.

Celestian’s face had no expression. His chest pain, which had been rising and falling rapidly, gradually calmed down.

“You, the crown prince of a country, soon to be a king’s son!”

“We used to play like this sometimes, as a nostalgic memory.”

Romeo extended his hand as if to say he was sincere. Celestian just stared at him.

“Relax your expression, brother. It’s just a joke.”

Silently, Celestian removed Daphne’s arms from around him.


It was just a momentary action to get away, but a small thud settled in Daphne’s heart. Celestian, with Daphne’s back turned to him, walked confidently to where Romeo was standing.

“Daphne says it’s boring.”

Celestian punched Romeo’s shoulder.

Although a fairly loud and dull sound was heard, Romeo only frowned once. He glanced at the seat he was hit on, then flicked it with the back of his hand and laughed.

“Always rebellious whenever there’s a chance.”

Romeo exaggeratedly complained.

Celestian gently placed his index finger in front of Romeo’s lips, as if to tell him to be quiet. Seeing this from behind, Daphne murmured in a grumbling tone.

“Cele, hit him once more. I’ll take full responsibility.”

Romeo, who was smiling in circles, said it was a “regicide,” and as he walked towards this side, he passed by Daphne’s side, stopped, and said:

“Thank you, Didi.”

“What are you thanking me for…!”

“As you said, we’re humans who shouldn’t think.”

Romeo murmured as he tapped Daphne’s forehead lightly with his index finger, then walked leisurely towards the deck.

“That guy, I really need to kill him. Celestian. Let him go.”

“We’ve never caught him in the first place.”

Celestian replied calmly. His voice ignited even more fire.

Unable to express her feelings, Daphne grabbed her head and collapsed onto the bench. Her ankles were cramping.

“It’s cold, it hurts…”

She blinked her eyes several times against the chilly wind. A few tears streamed down her cheeks. Celestian folded his long legs and squatted in front of her. He quickly offered a handkerchief and bent down to look at Daphne.

“Are you crying?”


It was the usual tender voice of Celestian. Daphne blinked her teary eyes a few more times. As her vision cleared, Celestian’s pretty features came into focus.

Daphne coughed once. She reached out to touch one of Celestian’s cheeks and squeezed it slightly with her fist. There seemed to be no bruises.

“Where were you? Weren’t you in some kind of prison?”


Celestian, now properly seen, was wearing a blue formal suit, complete with gloves that fit perfectly. There were pumpkin brooches on his chest, and elaborate jewel decorations cascading down. “It’s like a prince’s attire,” Daphne said, feeling the fabric of his shoulder. The texture even matched her dress. It was just a plain blue vest, without any gradient since it was a men’s suit, but it was perfect for looking like a couple. “This lunatic,” Romeo, while tormenting Daphne by pushing her further and further, would also soothe her heart with simple gifts. It seemed like he thought he had to play this kind of push-and-pull to win the affection of a beauty like Priscilla when he grew up. So, for Daphne, it was just a matter of enjoying the given gifts without overthinking. “But it doesn’t feel good right now.” Daphne’s deductive reasoning was still a bit unclear. “I really hate feeling like this.” She took a deep breath. Then she decided to ask him what she was curious about. “Celestian, why did you come back?” Celestian flinched. “You didn’t have to come back here. Even if you just disappeared, I wouldn’t have looked for you. I would’ve just felt sorry for you.” “For what?” His pupils widened. “For ruining all your plans.” “I know what my plans were.” Celestian lifted his chin and looked at her. At the same time, Daphne’s eyes dimmed. She didn’t want to talk about her tearful unrequited love entangled with treason. “Tell me from the beginning. I feel like I’m the only one who’s weird.” “Daphne, none of my plans have gone astray yet.” “What?” “I’m still on course like this ship.” Celestian smiled faintly. Daphne was rather puzzled this time. He seemed different from the man who was nervously on edge this morning. “You seem different from this morning.” “Hmm, well….” His green eyes glanced downwards, but when he looked up at Daphne, they sparkled. “I just got rid of something annoying.” He muttered, then gently tugged at the back of Daphne’s white Mary Jane shoe and pulled it off. Due to the quick removal, Daphne tried to hide her legs under her dress in confusion, but she was stopped by his hand. “Does it hurt?” “Are you crazy? Let go.” “Now you know.” Celestian protruded his lower lip. Then, without saying a word, he massaged Daphne’s stiff ankle. It naturally came with pain as he subtly grazed between the bones and tense muscles. Daphne made a shallow groaning sound. “Celestian, you’re insane.” Then she quickly corrected herself. Celestian tilted his head. “Do I seem like it?” “People are like that. Even knowing how a story will end, they can repeat it.” “That’s right. You always held on to your desires and got angry, so you ended up being punished.” “Ah, you’re putting facts in like this.” This time, Daphne pouted her lower lip. Celestian firmly held Daphne’s arm. Daphne started giggling. “Yeah.” “That’s right. Because this isn’t a dream.” Daphne lightly tapped Celestian’s cheek with the back of her hand and stood up. He didn’t hesitate to hold her slender hand and help her up. With the distance closed, Daphne swayed a step away. Then, casually flipping her hair behind her ear, she looked towards the railing. Bang! There was a loud noise, and sparks of red burst behind Daphne’s back, accompanied by the sound of fireworks exploding. The sky, already darkened by the setting sun, was filled with countless fireworks. Daphne’s hair fluttered in the wind, catching the light of the exploding fireworks like a red aurora. Celestian stared intently at Daphne’s face as she turned around. The redness under his eyes seemed to betray a moment of emotion. “Why, are you getting emotional because your crush got married? Do you want a hug?” “…Yeah.” ‘She’s cute.’ Daphne spread her arms as if waiting, and Celestian didn’t hesitate to pull her into an embrace, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and waist. “Daphne.” “What?” Celestian’s arms tightened gradually. Daphne, as if asking to be spared, tapped his back three times with a groan. “Cele, I can’t breathe, my breath…” But Celestian only loosened his grip slightly without responding. Daphne’s hair swayed in the wind, illuminated by the bursting fireworks. “Please save me, I’m being pressed…” Daphne’s face, murmuring playfully, also turned red.



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