After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- She Really Likes Money the Most

After feeding the pigs, Yun Qinghuan originally planned to stay by the pigsty to let the pigs eat a little more. Bai Naihan suddenly wheeled his chair over toward her, saying, “Sister-in-law, let’s go.”


“Huh?” She glanced back at the happily eating piglets, feeling a bit reluctant. “If we leave now, what if Wang Shufeng comes over to steal the pig feed again?”


Yun Qinghuan deeply believed that Wang Shufeng was definitely going to steal her pig feed.


Bai Naihan chuckled lightly, pointing his finger towards the stack of firewood behind the pigsty. “I didn’t say we’re really leaving. Let’s hide back there and see if she comes.”


“Catch her in the act.”


His eyes darkened slightly.


Yun Qinghuan’s eyes lit up. “Why didn’t I think of that?”


She quickly looked around, didn’t see Wang Shufeng, and hurriedly pushed his wheelchair towards the stack of firewood. She even called to An’an, “An’an, hurry up!”


The little one’s eyes were also sparkling. Finding it amusing to hide behind the firewood, he ran over, crouching down to hide.


Because the stack of firewood wasn’t very large, with three people and a wheelchair, the target was inevitably a bit conspicuous. Afraid of attracting Wang Shufeng’s attention, they huddled closely together.


Yun Qinghuan kept staring ahead, waiting for a while. With her legs starting to feel a bit numb from crouching, she still didn’t see Wang Shufeng. Unable to hold back, she said, “Could it be that she thinks she’s stolen enough pig feed and has gone back to rest?”


“Don’t worry, let’s wait a bit longer. If she doesn’t show up, we can confront her in the afternoon,” the man’s refreshing voice sounded.


Initially restless, Yun Qinghuan miraculously calmed down upon hearing his words.


Unconsciously, she leaned towards him and then looked towards the pigsty.


Suddenly, not far from the pigsty, a swaying figure appeared, and upon closer inspection, it was Wang Shufeng.


Probably feeling hot, she had fetched a straw hat and some snacks. While eating, she complained, “Damn weather, damn leaders, and damn pigs. If it weren’t for not wanting the village leader to report on me, I wouldn’t bother coming out in this scorching weather to feed these little animals!


“I wonder if Yun Qinghuan, that cheap woman, has left. Did she cut a lot of pig feed? I hope those pigs haven’t devoured it all by now. It’s a waste of my trip.”


She grumbled while walking towards the pigsty.


Yun Qinghuan, watching her take feed cut by someone else without any shame and even cursing at her, got infuriated. She stood up, ready to confront her, but the man directly stopped her. His warm arm touched her chin, and both of them paused for a moment.


Yun Qinghuan stared at him blankly, forgetting to stand up. The man was truly handsome, with unbelievably long eyelashes, and even his eyes were vividly revealing her figure.


Revealing her figure?


She quickly realized and stepped back, distancing herself from him, feeling a bit regretful.


Yun Qinghuan, what nonsense are you thinking?!


Are you trying to make a mistake?


Don’t forget Bai Naihan is your younger brother-in-law!


She waved the air abruptly and mumbled to herself, “The weather is indeed a bit hot.”


Then, she looked at the man casually, “Why can’t we confront her now?”


The man lowered his arm, placing both hands obediently on his knees, feeling a bit itchy on his neck.


Just now, when she bent down, her hair brushed against his neck.


He responded casually, “We need to catch her in the act, wait until she steals the pig feed.”


Yun Qinghuan thought it made sense; otherwise, rushing out might lead to Wang Shufeng shamelessly denying it. So, she patiently waited for a while.


Sure enough, Wang Shufeng didn’t disappoint. Grumbling, she walked to the pigsty, seeing the pigs almost finishing the feed. She began scolding, “You hungry ghosts, can’t you eat a bit slower?”


While speaking, she carried a basket and began filling it with grass, then poured it into the trough in the pigsty she was responsible for.


At this moment, without Yun Qinghuan speaking, Bai Naihan had already wheeled out from behind the stack of firewood. He stared coldly at her and said, “I didn’t expect someone from the city to engage in petty theft. I wonder if the village chief finds out about your actions, will he write a letter accusing you of misconduct and send it to the city?”


As soon as these words were spoken, Wang Shufeng stiffened. Holding the basket, she turned slowly, facing the three of them. Her face froze, not knowing how to express herself. “Why are you here?”


Yun Qinghuan’s attitude wasn’t great; she directly went over, snatched the basket from Wang Shufeng, and poured the grass into her own trough. “I knew something was off. We’ve been cutting grass all morning, and the pigs are still hungry. It turns out there’s someone like you sneaking around stealing pig feed,”


She mocked Wang Shufeng.


Wang Shufeng’s face turned red, and she couldn’t utter a word for a while.


Moreover, seeing Bai Naihan and Yun Qinghuan like this, it was evident they wouldn’t easily let her off the hook.


Caught red-handed, Wang Shufeng had no way to flatly deny it. Moreover, she was genuinely afraid that they would report her to the village leader. She could only grit her teeth and say, “Speak up, what do you want for this matter to be settled?”


She was prepared for them to make outrageous demands.


Yun Qinghuan looked at Bai Naihan.


Bai Naihan also looked at her, “Sister-in-law, you go ahead.”


After all, this was Yun Qinghuan’s job, and it would be better for her to handle it.


Yun Qinghuan didn’t beat around the bush. She directly said, “I won’t ask for much. We wasted our entire morning, and the pigs still haven’t eaten enough. We’ll be cutting pig feed in the afternoon too. I heard you’re quite wealthy, and you don’t have to compensate us by cutting pig feed. It’s quite tiring after all. Just compensate us five yuan, and that’ll be fine. I won’t ask for more.”


“Five yuan?” Wang Shufeng gritted her teeth. Why didn’t she just go rob someone with that much money?


For that bit of pig feed, she could hire someone to cut it for her for fifty cents. There was a crowd willing to do it.


“What? Too little? I don’t mind adding a bit more. After all, it’s a matter of your reputation. If this incident gets reported to the city where you’re from, or even to your parents’ workplace, the impact could be substantial.”


She smiled, clearly making a threat, yet her voice sounded sweet.


Wang Shufeng’s mouth twisted in anger. She angrily took out five yuan from her pocket and handed it over, “Here!”


This money was sent by her parents for the month. She hadn’t even been willing to spend it on herself; it could buy quite a bit of good food. The money hadn’t even warmed up in her pocket!


Her eyes stared in distress, and she clutched the money tightly.


Seeing the money, Yun Qinghuan’s eyes lit up.


Whether in the past or present, it seemed that she truly liked money the most.


On the side, the man watched her sparkling eyes, lips forming a silent smile, his eyes showing a hint of indulgence.


Seeing this, Wang Shufeng felt even more stifled.


She gazed at the woman’s graceful face, unable to understand what was so special about Yun Qinghuan that made every man so fond of her!


Wasn’t it just being a bit prettier, having slightly fairer skin, a slimmer waist, a better figure, and a sweeter voice…


She abruptly stopped her thoughts, jealous to discover that the woman in front of her really excelled in every aspect compared to her!


Translator Note

Do I change the featured image of this series? The alternative is in the gallery. Please let me know what you think.

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  1. melody says:

    Thank you for the update ❤️
    The alternative image is quite cute with the girl

  2. isaaca says:

    Has this been dropped?

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