After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Social Death

She gritted her teeth, looking at Bai Naihan, enunciating each word, “I refuse to believe there’s no connection between you two. Unless you can swear you genuinely have no feelings for Yun Qinghuan!”


Thinking about the restrained expression she just witnessed, Xia Yuhua spoke with a touch of sarcasm.


Yun Qinghuan also looked at Bai Naihan. Although she knew there was truly no relationship between them, Xia Yuhua’s demand for him to swear in front of everyone seemed excessive.


She wanted to see how he would respond.


Bai Naihan showed no expression, just silently observing Xia Yuhua’s frenzied appearance. After a while, he spoke softly, “Who are you for me to swear to you? Besides, do you really believe you have any connection with me?”


His tone was openly mocking.


Xia Yuhua’s face turned pale.


The man continued indifferently, “Moreover, you just admitted yourself that there’s no relationship between us.”


After saying this, Bai Naihan didn’t care how others perceived him. He turned to Yun Qinghuan, “Sister-in-law, let’s continue cutting pigweed.”


“Huh?” Yun Qinghuan didn’t expect him to say this suddenly. After a moment of surprise, she nodded, “Yes, let’s go cut pigweed. We’ve wasted enough time, and I don’t know if we can finish by noon.”


She unconsciously looked up at the sky, the sun had risen quite a bit.


Indeed, arguing with people is just a waste of time.


Quickly grabbing the basket, she hurriedly walked forward, holding the hand of the little one.


She didn’t even look back to wait for Bai Naihan.


Just the thought of the awkward moment a while ago made her feel socially dead.


It was… quite embarrassing…


She suddenly closed her eyes abruptly. She couldn’t think about it anymore!


Xia Yuhua watched the three of them leaving, gritting her teeth, lips trembling with anger.


Gu Mingliang also watched Yun Qinghuan leave, absent-minded for a moment. Then he looked at Xia Yuhua. Seeing that she didn’t pay any attention to him at all, hid eyes slightly dimmed. He forcefully pinched her hand.


“Ouch!” Xia Yuhua winced in pain, finally coming to her senses. She quickly turned to look at Gu Mingliang, seeing him staring at her without saying a word.


She couldn’t care less about the pain, quickly coaxing him, “Mingliang, the marriage between Bai Naihan and me is resolved. Be happy.”


The people around them looked at the two with some strange expressions. Even if Xia Yuhua had a thick skin, she couldn’t withstand the pressure. She pulled him, wanting to leave.


“Let’s leave this place first. I’ll explain to you when we find somewhere with no one, okay?”


“What’s wrong? Did I embarrass you?” Gu Mingliang’s tone wasn’t very pleasant, but he also didn’t want to be on display like a monkey. He reluctantly followed her.


Not far away, Wang Shufeng saw that not only did Gu Mingliang not get angry with Xia Yuhua, but he also followed her. She couldn’t help but show a worse expression!


Clutching her fists, she thought, ‘Does Gu Mingliang really like Xia Yuhua so much?

‘And he’s not even angry in a situation like this?’


She somewhat regretted specifically bringing Gu Mingliang over, originally intending for him to see Xia Yuhua’s two-faced and deceptive behavior.


To see that even though she was already in a relationship with Gu Mingliang, she was still getting jealous of her ex.


But who would have thought that the two of them would display affection in front of her!


Seeing everyone leave, Qiao Yue sighed. She didn’t expect that what the villagers said was true. Xia Yuhua had actually abandoned the injured Bai Naihan and was now with Gu Mingliang from the city. Wonder what she’s after?


In Qiao Yue’s view, besides looking better and being able to sweet talk a bit, Gu Mingliang didn’t have many strengths.


On the other hand, Bai Naihan seemed like a responsible person.


It was just a pity that he got injured.


But it was also good in a way. This injury helped him see what kind of person Xia Yuhua truly was. It was better than getting married and then being abandoned.


She had finished cleaning the pigsty and was planning to return to the city to rest. When she turned around, she saw Wang Shufeng acting suspiciously in the grass. She frowned, “Wang Shufeng, have you finished feeding the pigs? Don’t forget what I told you. If your pigs are too thin when they are inspected, you won’t have a good outcome.”


Wang Shufeng was already upset, and now with Qiao Yue coming over to remind her, she became even angrier. Especially when she saw the pigs fed by Yun Qinghuan happily eating, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes, holding her nose with disdain, “Qiao Yue, you stink of pig manure. Stay away from me!


“Besides, even if I get scolded, it’s my business. What’s it to you?


“Mind your own business!”


“You…” Qiao Yue was also angry, not bothering to argue with her, she turned around and left.


Wang Shufeng raised her voice again, “Remember to take a shower and change your clothes when you get to the village, or the whole house will stink!”


Qiao Yue paused for a moment and continued walking.


When Wang Shufeng saw that everyone had gone far, she spat disdainfully on the ground, “Pah! What’s with the arrogance!”


Seeing that no one was around, she walked towards the pigsty…


On the other side, Yun Qinghuan walked quickly, as if her feet had turned into wheels of fire.


The little one struggled to keep up while holding her hand.


His face turned red from the effort, sweat covering his small face. Wiping away the sweat obstructing his vision, he couldn’t help but pull his mother’s hand, “I… I can’t walk anymore.”


Yun Qinghuan didn’t hear clearly, thinking he was asking if they had arrived, “An’an, we’ll be there in a little while.”


The little one, with a pained expression, was about to speak when Bai Naihan, in his wheelchair, caught up. He chuckled lightly, “Sister-in-law, An’an says he’s tired.”


Hearing the man’s voice suddenly and that low, magnetic laugh, Yun Qinghuan paused, “Huh?”


Realizing what he said, she abruptly stopped, looked down, and only then did she notice that the little one’s thin robe was soaked with sweat, his face was even more sweaty. Feeling guilty, she said, “Sorry, An’an. Mommy walked too fast and didn’t consider you.”


Feeling genuinely guilty, seeing her son’s slender arms and legs, she walked so fast just now, and he didn’t even complain. Instead, he spoke up only when he couldn’t walk anymore.


“It’s… it’s okay, Mommy.” The little one pinched her hand, smiling softly, “An’an just needs a rest.”


Yun Qinghuan looked around, found a rock for him to sit on, and took out water for him to drink.


On the side, Bai Naihan, seeing her like this, pursed his lips and comforted, “A child gets tired quickly, and they recover quickly too. Don’t blame yourself. Usually, when he plays with those kids outside, he can run for an hour without stopping.”


Yun Qinghuan avoided his gaze, not daring to look in his direction. “In the end, it’s because I, as a mother, am not competent.”


Mainly, becoming a mother suddenly, skipping several years in between, sometimes she couldn’t grasp the fact that she was now a child’s mother, no longer the independent person who didn’t care if the whole family was hungry as she used to be.


The man fell silent at her words. He watched the woman in front of him taking care of the child carefully, thinking about the question Xia Yuhua asked him earlier. His hand gripping the wheelchair tightened momentarily, and his eyes dimmed slightly.


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– Jan. 24


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