After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Bai Naihan, You Have No Heart!

But at this moment, everyone condemned her, as if she were a genuine third party seducing a married man. She could only endure the anger building inside her and prepare to explain.


On the side, Bai Naihan suddenly wheeled his chair in front of her, assuming a protective posture, and coldly warned Xia Yuhua, “Just now, I believe anyone with eyes could see that you intentionally rushed over and pushed my sister-in-law towards me. So, why do you want us to explain?”


A faint smile lifted the corners of his lips as he looked at her mockingly. His profound eyes seemed to penetrate her thoughts. “Or are you trying to use this method to prevent your actions from appearing too immoral? Want to splash all the dirty water on me?”


Xia Yuhua’s grievance faltered, her pupils contracted, and the hand wiping away tears trembled. He saw through it?


Indeed, she wanted to shift all the blame onto him. After all, she had previously shown so much affection for him, appearing as if she couldn’t live without him. Now that he was injured, she intended to call off their marriage and seamlessly connect with another male comrade. Many people in the village would inevitably talk behind her back.


Even if he saw through it, so what? As long as she denied it, what could he do to her?


With these thoughts, Xia Yuhua’s eyes turned fierce. Sobbing and wiping away tears, she accused, “Bai Naihan, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person. How did I become so blind to choose you? Clearly, it’s your own entanglement with Yun Qinghuan, yet you blame me? You even say I want to tarnish your reputation? What dirty water do I have to splash? As for pushing Yun Qinghuan, that’s just baseless speculation. Who knows if she deliberately didn’t stand properly and fell onto you?


“After all these years, we’ve been in a relationship, and you think of me like this. Bai Naihan, you have no heart!”


The angry and pained expression left Yun Qinghuan dumbfounded. She thought Xia Yuhua was wasting her acting talent; her performance was even better than hers.


Unable to hold back, Yun Qinghuan burst into laughter.


Hearing her laughter, Xia Yuhua shot her an angry glare.


Fearless, Yun Qinghuan clapped her hands, applauding loudly. Even her little son, who had been watching, started clapping, not fully understanding what had happened but joining in when he saw his mother clapping.


This mother-son performance left Xia Yuhua with a darkened face. “What do you mean?”


Innocently, Yun Qinghuan replied, “Nothing much, just think it’s a shame that someone with your acting talent hasn’t joined the art troupe. Cry, why did you stop crying?”


She tilted her head, looking at Xia Yuhua with confusion.


That innocent and pure look.


Xia Yuhua was frustrated, not sure whether to cry or not. She felt like a monkey being played with.


Adding fuel to the fire, Yun Qinghuan commented, “My younger brother has been injured for so many days. During all these days, not only did you not show up, but I haven’t even seen a trace of you. Suddenly, you show up today, and not only that, you intentionally pushed me into my little brother’s arms. What kind of scheme are you plotting?


“Bringing so many people over, if you don’t say you came to see Bai Naihan, people would think you came to start a fight. You come to visit a patient empty-handed; this is the first time I’ve seen something like this.


“How about it? Can’t wait to make your new lover official?”


She looked at Xia Yuhua with a smirk, directly exposing the little thoughts in her heart.


On the side, the villagers who were originally criticizing Yun Qinghuan and Bai Naihan now looked at Xia Yuhua with suspicion. Seeing that she indeed had empty hands, and considering it was noon, who visits a patient at this time?


Seeing the situation quickly turning against her with just a few words from Yun Qinghuan, Xia Yuhua was furious. “You…”


“What about me? If I were you, I’d keep a low profile. Your relationship with my little brother hasn’t officially ended yet. Even if you want to distance yourself from our family, you should choose an appropriate time. It’s really something that your new lover isn’t particular about. Otherwise, it would be nauseating. After all, husband and wife are birds of the same forest; in times of great difficulty, they should fly together. But you and my little brother aren’t husband and wife yet. When facing difficulties, you want to fly away. I wonder if your new lover isn’t afraid of facing some troubles; what if you kick him away?”


“What… What nonsense are you talking about?” Xia Yuhua said with a lack of confidence, relying only on her loud voice.


At this moment, for some reason, she suddenly contracted her pupils and exclaimed, “Mingliang, why are you here?”


She subconsciously called out, realizing afterward that her address was too intimate. Others usually referred to Gu Mingliang as Gu Zhiqing.


Instant regret flashed across her face.


Worriedly, she looked at Gu Mingliang, afraid that he might have overheard Yun Qinghuan’s words earlier.


She glared at Yun Qinghuan with resentment.


She admitted it was a bit strange, finding herself simultaneously liking two men – Gu Mingliang and Bai Naihan. Bai Naihan was undeniably handsome, and his monthly allowance was not low. On the other hand, Gu Mingliang, coming from the city, sported golden-rimmed glasses, appeared cultured, wrote poetry, and had a charming way with words.


However, in this moment, compared to the possibility of Bai Naihan being disabled and without an allowance, Gu Mingliang was, of course, her first choice.


Gu Mingliang looked at Xia Yuhua with an inexplicable gaze. Soon, a smile appeared on his face. “Yuhua, what are you doing here?”


As he spoke, he glanced at Bai Naihan, observing the man’s unparalleled handsome appearance, and grew somewhat vigilant.


Well, Yun Qinghuan hadn’t said much yet, and the two of them, with such endearing terms for each other, didn’t seem to care that there were still many people present. They had directly exposed their intimate relationship.


So, it was clear to anyone with keen eyes who was desperately trying to cut ties with Bai Naihan.


Seeing the surprised and strange looks from the crowd, Xia Yuhua’s expression stiffened. Unfortunately, Gu Mingliang asked again with a narrowed gaze, clearly a bit upset, “Yuhua, what are you doing here?”


Feeling a bit flustered and disregarding the onlookers, Xia Yuhua hurriedly went to him, using a soft tone to coax, “Mingliang, you know I used to be Bai Naihan’s girlfriend. I just came to make it clear that I have nothing to do with him anymore.”


“Are you upset?”


She tried to hold Gu Mingliang’s hand, but he avoided her, asking, “Is it settled?”


Gu Mingliang questioned her, and his gaze towards Bai Naihan carried a hint of hostility.


Xia Yuhua nervously turned to Bai Naihan, “It’s settled; we have no connection from now on.”


“So, you admit that to sever our ties, you’ve thrown dirt on me?” Bai Naihan said with a smirk.


With so many people watching, Xia Yuhua felt her face burning. Did this solidify that she was the one who had wronged Bai Naihan first?


She didn’t even know who brought Gu Mingliang here!


She gritted her teeth, “Yes, I want to sever our ties, but that doesn’t mean everything is pure and innocent between you and your sister-in-law!”


Translator Note

[For the records, throwing dirt simply means tarnishing reputation. I really am not sure which is better…]

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– Jan. 18


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  1. melody says:

    Thank you for update❤️

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