After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- She Really Likes Him!

Indeed, she was a conniving and lonely bitch!


Even when falling, she intentionally flirted with men!


Never before had Xia Yuhua seen such an embarrassed and awkward expression on Bai Naihan’s face!


“Ahhh!” Xia Yuhua shouted in anger, “Yun Qinghuan!”


Saying this, she wanted to step forward and hit her.


Frightened, Qiao Yue, who was initially frozen, quickly called over the group of village women who were watching the spectacle to come and intervene, “What are you all staring at? Hurry up and come over to stop her!”


The women were initially here just for the show.


Just now, while they were cooling off under the big tree, they saw Xia Yuhua walking in this direction with an unusual expression on her face. Some busybody women among them quickly intercepted her, asking why she was heading towards the Bai family village.


After all, quite a few people in the village were aware of her recent closeness with the educated youth, Gu Mingliang.


They speculated that she was planning to ruin the engagement with Bai’s family. Given Bai Naihan’s current condition, sitting in a wheelchair with an uncertain future about walking again and losing his monthly allowances, Xia Yuhua, whose family was well-off with only her as the daughter, surely wouldn’t want her daughter to marry Bai Naihan.


At that moment, Xia Yuhua’s eyes flickered, and she paused, pretending to be sad, saying, “I want to go and see Bai Naihan. After all, we’ve been engaged for a few years. Though we haven’t met many times, I still don’t want things to get ugly between us, especially considering his current injury.”


With her attractive appearance and a pitiful expression of reluctance and helplessness, a group of busybody women volunteered to accompany her to see Bai Naihan.


Knowing that Bai Naihan was on this side of the pigsty, helping his sister-in-law cut pig grass, the group of people headed in this direction in a mighty procession.


Among them, gossipers commented, “Isn’t it just cutting pig grass? If you didn’t know, you’d think it’s some heavy and exhausting work. Yun Zhiqing actually let her little brother-in-law, who is injured, accompany her. She really doesn’t know how to avoid suspicion.”


“Avoid what suspicion? In my opinion, it’s not long since her husband died, and she can’t endure loneliness, so she’s trying to flirt with others. Girls from the city are so open-minded, going after any man they see. It’s really not tasteful!” A sour voice echoed.


After all, recently, quite a few men in the village had started showing interest in Yun Qinghuan, hoping to leave a good impression on her mother-in-law, Liu Yuzhi in the hopes that she would speak well of them to Yun Qinghuan.


Who knows, this might make Yun Qinghuan consider remarriage with one of them.


After all, although Yun Qinghuan was married with a child, her appearance was more seductive than unmarried girls in full bloom. 


Her hips swayed as she walked, and her slender waist seemed like it could be held with just one hand. Even her voice was soft and tender, making people feel a tingling sensation.


“Ah, I’d say Yun Zhiqing, although beautiful, doesn’t have a good fate. After marrying into the Bai family for only a few years, the eldest son of the Bai family died directly. Even the second son of the Bai family is now injured, almost losing his life. Could it be that Yun Zhiqing has an inauspicious fate for her husbands?”


“What’s there to be afraid of? Can’t handle her beauty!”


Someone sarcastically remarked.


Xia Yuhua’s lips curled upward upon hearing this.


She never liked Yun Qinghuan from the beginning. Since Yun Qinghuan, that little troublemaker, came to the countryside, she was originally the village belle. Despite not having much interest in her, it didn’t mean that she wasn’t annoyed when Yun Qinghuan seemed to steal her spotlight and grab everyone’s attention upon her arrival.


Now, when Qiao Yue spoke out, the group of women who were initially stunned quickly moved to block Xia Yuhua. “Yuhua, don’t be impulsive!”


Meanwhile, Yun Qinghuan, who was a bit dazed, started to regain some awareness amidst Xia Yuhua’s shouting and cursing. It seemed she might have accidentally touched something intimate.


The sensation under her hand was too real, and she suddenly felt a blackout in front of her. In a panicked attempt to move her hand away, her head dropped, leading to an even more intimate encounter with an indescribable area!



Really dumbfounded!


Yun Qinghuan could sense that the man’s body had become even stiffer, and his voice sounded heavy and restrained. “Sister-in-law…”


She could even feel the suppressed emotion in his voice.


“Sorry, I’m so sorry.” Yun Qinghuan hastily got up. Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened this time.


Even more fortunately, everyone around was busy dealing with the suddenly furious Xia Yuhua, and no one paid attention to Yun Qinghuan’s side. Hence, no one noticed the brief but more intimate contact between the two just now.


Yun Qinghuan finally managed to stand up. Her fair and delicate face was now blushing, as if she had applied rouge. Her eyes were misty, like a lost and aggrieved little deer in the forest. “I-I didn’t mean it.”


Anxiously, she quickly placed the basket on the ground, wanting to check his leg. “Did I press on your leg? Is your leg okay?”


Feeling a bit flustered and not caring about embarrassment at the moment, she was worried about exacerbating his leg injury. If he ended up truly disabled, unable to walk, her guilt would be immense.


The man evaded her touch, adjusted his long robe, and used the hand holding the basket to cover his lower body. “Sister-in-law, I’m fine. You don’t need to blame yourself. My leg is also fine. I know this isn’t your fault.”


As he spoke, his gaze suddenly turned ice-cold as he looked towards Xia Yuhua, who was now shouting and causing a scene.


He had seen clearly what Xia Yuhua did a moment ago.


It just happened so suddenly that he didn’t have time to react.


Under the unexpectedly piercing gaze, Xia Yuhua felt a chill throughout her body. Instead of continuing to scold, she stared straight at Bai Naihan.


He had never looked at her with such icy eyes.


Even when she used to follow him persistently and annoyed him, he had never regarded her with such indifference.


Suddenly feeling a bit wronged, Xia Yuhua said, “Bai Naihan, what’s with that look? Just because you and Yun Qinghuan have some unresolved issues, I can’t say anything? Don’t forget we haven’t completely broken up yet!”


Her chest trembled with anger, and tears streamed down her face.


Clearly, Bai Naihan had truly hurt her.


She genuinely liked him!


Otherwise, she wouldn’t have shamelessly pursued him for so long. Her father was the village party secretary, and in this village, everyone catered to her. No one dared to upset her!


However, she had faced numerous rejections from Bai Naihan.


Moreover, she tried to get closer to him, but any slight physical contact was met with strong repulsion, as if she carried some dirty stain. Yet, just a moment ago, she clearly saw him not resisting Yun Qinghuan’s approach!

In comparison, she felt like a joke!


The village women who were initially holding Xia Yuhua back, afraid she would go crazy and hit someone, exchanged glances. Seeing her genuine distress, they no longer dared to stop her, fearing they might offend her.


Qiao Yue was in a dilemma, looking at Yun Qinghuan with some discomfort.


Yun Qinghuan was utterly bewildered. Seeing Xia Yuhua looking at her as if she were a rival, the situation became even more absurd!


Clearly, there was a clear and innocent relationship between her and Bai Naihan!


Translator Note


Apologies~~ Translator couldn’t post any mid-release updates as partially promised on Discord ~

Translator recently got six of her teeth removed and went for a check-up appointment yesterday ~ °The memories of the surgery are truly horrific and I could even see myself reconciling with my creator at the time. Right there and then, there was strong resolve to never experience 80% labour pains~~°

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Next Release

– Jan. 16


I'm that person behind the scenes... ✨


  1. melody says:

    6 teeth 🥺🥺🥺 I wish you a well and speedy recovery ❤️ take your time. We can wait.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

    1. Thank you so much~ 💕

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