After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Ill Intentions

He was originally clumsy with words and not good at comforting children.


Unable to do much, Yun Qinghuan could only squat down, half-holding the little one, and softly comfort, “An An, you’re still little. You don’t need to protect Mommy now. When you grow a bit bigger, you can protect Mommy.”


“Really?” The little one sniffed, but due to his deep sadness, his nose was particularly runny, hanging under his nostrils, unsure if it would fall.


Initially worried about him, Yun Qinghuan ended up finding it a bit amusing, holding back her laughter, afraid of upsetting the little one later.


After all, this little one was wholeheartedly insisting on protecting her, and she couldn’t afford to burst into laughter right now.




Her voice trembled from holding back laughter.


Bai Naihan, on the side, looked at her several times. He realized that his sister-in-law was nothing like his mother described – not quiet and gentle but rather mischievous, with varied thoughts and a knack for teasing people.


In the countryside, girls like Yun Qinghuan weren’t well-received. People believed girls should be obedient, support their families, and avoid causing trouble.


However, Bai Naihan quite liked this type of girl. He didn’t think girls should be confined to the kitchen; they had the right to pursue their own lives.


Wang Shufeng, talking to someone nearby, inadvertently turned around and saw Bai Naihan looking at Yun Qinghuan with a slightly appreciative, calculating gaze. She quickly narrowed her eyes; with a calculating look, fearing being noticed, she swiftly turned her gaze away.


Usually, Bai Naihan’s keen insight should have allowed him to sense others watching him. Unfortunately, at this moment, the tranquil surroundings relaxed his vigilance. Coupled with his continuous smiling gaze at Yun Qinghuan and her son, he overlooked Wang Shufeng’s ill intentions.


Bai Jin’an, feeling better after hearing his mother’s words, wiped away the tears from his face, “Then I’ll eat a lot and grow up quickly.”


Grandma said he could grow up faster by eating more.


“Okay, An An, eat more from now on. Don’t be picky. If you don’t eat vegetables, you won’t grow tall.”


The little one’s face drooped for a moment, then he clenched his small fist, “For growing tall, I’ll eat!”


He wore a look of one willing to endure hardship, making onlookers unable to hold back their amusement.


Not long after the scorching sun rose, Old Li drove the ox cart shakily towards them, waving to everyone. They quickly found seats.


Many went empty-handed on the way there, but on the return journey, many had bags filled to the brim, concealing their purchases, as if afraid of being seen.


Like Wang Shufeng, she carried back quite a lot, drawing frequent glances from others.


In this era, goods were precious, and bringing back so much hinted at significant spending. Wang Shufeng’s family seemed to be well-off.


Under the scrutiny, Wang Shufeng arrogantly lifted her chin, casting a smug glance at Yun Qinghuan.


Both being sent down to the countryside, her parents treated her much better than Yun Qinghuan’s parents treated her.


Wang Shufeng’s parents were afraid she might suffer from hunger or cold, always eager to send the best things from home. In contrast, Yun Qinghuan’s parents, Chen Pandi and Yun Yong, were reluctant to send good things, fearing she might live too comfortably in the countryside. Every letter they sent either lacked something or missed something, trying every means to keep the essential items to themselves.


Therefore, during the time in the countryside, everyone could see that the original host lived poorly. Often not getting enough to eat and engaged in farm work, her face would turn a bit sallow from exhaustion, slightly diminishing her beauty.


However, after marrying Bai Wensong, her living conditions improved, and perhaps becoming a real woman enhanced her beauty.


So, Wang Shufeng, having been compared unfavorably by the original host even in the last aspect she could take pride in, naturally felt disgruntled.


She didn’t hesitate to speak ill of the original host in front of her, not only marrying a country bumpkin but also deliberately choosing someone disabled. Her words were sharp, but the visible kindness Bai Wensong showed the original host couldn’t be hidden.


Now that Bai Wensong had passed away, Yun Qinghuan became a widow. Wang Shufeng suddenly felt she could revel in superiority again. Thus, she intentionally showcased anything that could undermine Yun Qinghuan.


Yun Qinghuan twitched her lips, originally planning to sit beside her, but she chose a seat on the other side, holding her belongings, seemingly indifferent to Wang Shufeng’s flaunting.


Seeing Yun Qinghuan’s lack of reaction, Wang Shufeng’s eyes drooped, and her expression remained unpleasant throughout the journey.


During the trip there, Yun Qinghuan was a bit uncomfortable, but on the way back, perhaps due to a good lunch, she felt perfectly fine and even showed interest in the scenery along the road.


Old Li wasn’t in a hurry to drive the ox cart back; they took their time.


People chatted noisily again.


It was a rare slow pace, and Yun Qinghuan quite liked it. In the modern world, she was busy with acting every day, waking up before dawn for makeup, leaving the set only in the middle of the night, tired like a spinning top, never getting proper rest.


Actually, the countryside roads in the 1970s didn’t offer much to see. They were dirt roads, bumpy and uneven, with ordinary trees planted along the sides and endless fields of crops. However, the scent of wheat on her nose made her find it more pleasant than the smell of roses. She couldn’t help but deeply inhale.


At the village entrance, she took special care to wrap the meal she brought for Liu Yuzhi in layers of torn newspaper, afraid the smell of meat might leak out and lead to gossip. After all, there were many people in the village who couldn’t afford to eat meat throughout the year.


She had also become clever, wrapping the bag containing shoes with newspaper and handing it to Bai Naihan, who was sitting in a wheelchair.


Because a man in a wheelchair would make things less noticeable in his lap.


Bai Naihan took it with a light laugh, “Quite a few people have already seen it. Isn’t it a bit late to wrap it up now?”


Yun Qinghuan glanced at him, “If one less person sees it, there will be fewer people gossiping. Besides, those people’s mouths shouldn’t be that long to gossip about others.”


Even she felt guilty saying that.


But she didn’t bother much; in any case, when others asked, she would come up with excuses.


Because Yun Qinghuan had preemptively wrapped up the food and shoes, no one intentionally asked her what she bought along the way, and she sighed with relief.


Back home, Liu Yuzhi hadn’t returned yet. After tidying up a bit, Yun Qinghuan prepared to cook. Since they had just eaten and hadn’t fully digested, they weren’t hungry. So, she planned to make pumpkin porridge, steam some sweet potatoes for dinner, and also steam the buns and vegetables she prepared for Liu Yuzhi.


The little one, seeing her steaming buns, hurriedly brought over the half-eaten bun he had left, “Mommy, there’s mine too!”


Afraid she might forget.


Yun Qinghuan looked at the half-eaten bun, twitched her lips, and intentionally took a small bowl to put the half-eaten bun in.

Translator Note

Premium chapters released before the 1st of January will be unlocked on the first day of 2024, hopefully.

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