After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Observing Objects and Missing People

Upon hearing Yun Qinghuan’s words, Wang Shufeng’s face stiffened. She noticed others staring at the things she bought and quickly tightened her grip on them. “Where did I buy anything? These are all sent from home because they’re afraid I won’t eat well or dress well here. Unlike you, Yun Zhiqing, with a bag clearly from the department store. The things there aren’t cheap. You just lost your husband, and a few days ago, you were crying about being broke. Now, you’re still willing to spend money there.”


Listening to her, Yun Qinghuan’s fake smile disappeared from her face.


So, she was waiting here for this?

It was her fault for not realizing that the bags from the department store here were specially made and different from others. Anyone could tell at a glance.


Indeed, the items in the department store were not cheap, more expensive than those at the supply and marketing cooperative. Many were imported from foreign countries.


If only she had brought a simple cloth bag from home to carry her purchases.


Others, hearing Wang Shufeng’s question, also curiously looked over. After all, a few days ago, Yun Zhiqing asked for money from her parents, claiming the family couldn’t afford meals. Now, she turned around and bought expensive things. She didn’t seem worried about being criticized when she returned to the village.


Wang Shufeng looked at her with a triumphant expression, thinking that Yun Qinghuan wouldn’t be able to handle the current situation.


Yun Qinghuan quietly observed Wang Shufeng for a while. Her smile faded as she lowered her head, seemingly preparing her emotions. When she raised her head again, her expression was filled with profound sadness.


She wiped her reddened eyes with her hand, and a few crystal-clear teardrops even squeezed out from the corners of her eyes.


Originally beautiful, her delicate appearance made people feel sorry for her. Now, with her eyes turning red, she looked even more pitiful.


“In fact, I didn’t want to buy them either. Even though I came from the city, and my biological parents are both working, not considered poor, they treated my two older brothers better than me. So, I’ve never worn leather shoes since childhood.


“Later, after marrying Wensong, he knew I had never worn leather shoes and always wanted to earn money to buy me a pair. But who would have expected him to leave so suddenly? When I was shopping at the mall, I suddenly saw these shoes and couldn’t help but think of Wensong. I unconsciously held the shoes and looked at them. But as you all know, the saleswomen at that mall always have a bad attitude. They insisted that I dirtied the shoes, and if I didn’t buy them, they wouldn’t let me leave.”


She became sadder as she spoke, tears falling uncontrollably.


The more she spoke, the sadder she became, and tears fell incessantly.


Initially, Bai Naihan’s expression turned somewhat gloomy and uncomfortable when she mentioned her brother. However, as she continued speaking and things seemed to take an unusual turn, he couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth. Suppressing his sadness, he silently watched his sister-in-law’s performance.


Hearing Yun Qinghuan’s words, others resonated with her. “I’ve experienced a situation like Yun Zhiqing’s. Last time, I was at the mall, saw a pretty headband, picked it up, but when I asked about the price, it turned out to be quite expensive. They claimed it was imported from Hongcheng. I didn’t want it, but the saleswoman insisted, forcing me to buy the headband. It left me broke for a month or two.”


Women who had been harassed by the saleswomen at this mall sympathized with Yun Qinghuan’s situation.


“The saleswomen at that mall are really arrogant, with a terrible temper. Since being tricked, every time I go there, I dare only look, not touch. Yun Zhiqing was also forced; it’s not your fault. It’s just unfortunate for the difficult days you’ll face ahead.”


Money spent, what to do next?

In an instant, the sentiment shifted, and everyone looked at Yun Qinghuan with deep sympathy.


When Yun Qinghuan saw that it was almost enough, she skillfully held back her tears, lifted her head, and gratefully thanked them, “Thank you for understanding me. Otherwise, if this were unknowingly spread to the village, my reputation, which was already not great, would probably be tarnished. If I had known I would be forced to buy these shoes, I wouldn’t have touched them no matter what.”


“Sigh, Yun Zhiqing, it’s not your fault. After all, you’re reminiscing about the past.”


Yun Zhiqing had a good relationship with Comrade Bai Wensong, but unfortunately, fate was unkind, and this catastrophe occurred just as she started a new chapter in her life.


Wang Shufeng, witnessing everyone standing on Yun Qinghuan’s side, was infuriated, her mouth twisted as she muttered, “It’s not reminiscing about the past; she’s only pretending. She probably killed someone and is pretending to be innocent. What innocence is she trying to feign? It’s ridiculous!”


Though muttered, her voice was not low, and everyone present heard it. In an instant, the surroundings fell silent.


Yun Qinghuan restrained her emotions, looking at Wang Shufeng calmly, “It seems Comrade Wang’s education isn’t profound enough. Otherwise, how could you believe in such feudal and superstitious ideas as being cursed to death? If people find out, they might say Comrade Wang is a backward individual.”


With this statement, Wang Shufeng’s face turned pale. She bit her lips, glared at Yun Qinghuan hatefully, and mumbled, “I was just joking, Comrade Yun actually took it so seriously. I voluntarily went to the countryside to contribute to rural construction; my ideology is incredibly advanced!”


Terrified of having a label of being unprogressive placed on her by Yun Qinghuan, she couldn’t risk lowering her chances of returning to the city.


Seeing Wang Shufeng’s urgency, Yun Qinghuan innocently said, “I was just joking too, Comrade Wang. Don’t take it so seriously.”


Returning her own words right back at her.


Wang Shufeng was rendered speechless by her own words. Fuming, she moved to the side. Feeling that they hadn’t met in a while, Yun Qinghuan had become increasingly articulate and dared to retort!


Wang Shufeng, with a malicious glance at Yun Qinghuan, then a brief look at Bai Naihan sitting in the wheelchair behind her, smiled even more unabashedly.


Afraid of being noticed, she quickly turned her head to look elsewhere.


Bai Naihan noticed Wang Shufeng’s malicious gaze, furrowing his brows slightly. He glanced at his acting sister-in-law, hoping she didn’t provoke someone ruthless. Those who schemed behind the scenes were the ones to be especially cautious of. 


Being someone’s target, you never know when you might fall victim to a plot.


He lowered his head, suppressing the coldness in his eyes. It didn’t matter; as long as his sister-in-law remained in the Bai family, he would do his best to protect her. 


Seeing that Wang Shufeng had finally settled down a bit, Yun Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief. She truly didn’t want to make enemies, but Wang Shufeng had clashed with the original host before. Even if she tried to be kind, there was no guarantee of appreciation. Moreover, the conflict was instigated by Wang Shufeng.


Wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes, Yun Qinghuan felt a bit triumphant. Her acting skills were becoming more and more impeccable.


Unexpectedly, when she lowered her head, she saw An’an looking at her with teary eyes. An’an seemed on the verge of crying, startling Yun Qinghuan. “An’an, what’s wrong?”


Bai Jin’an rubbed his eyes and tightly clutched Yun Qinghuan’s clothes. “Mommy, it’s all An’an’s fault. An’an can’t replace Daddy to protect you.”


He even let people outside bully his mother in front of him.


The little child felt extremely guilty.


Yun Qinghuan was taken aback, quickly checking on Bai Naihan. He shook his head, indicating that there was nothing he could do either.

Translator Note

Free chapter release is over!

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I’m not yet sure about new year updates, but I’ll try my best to release bonus chapters. If I’m unable to do so, please forgive me in advance 😔

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  1. melody says:

    Thank you for the bonus chapters ❤️❤️❤️

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