After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Are You a Sucker?

Seeing Bai Jin’an eyeing the shoes with sparkling eyes, Bai Naihan directly said, “An’an, do you want to buy shoes too? Uncle will buy them for you.”


Another saleswoman nearby brightened her eyes and quickly brought a pair of children’s shoes, saying, “Comrade, these little leather shoes are perfect for this little comrade to wear.”


She took out a pair of brown children’s leather shoes that looked quite stylish.


Yun Qinghuan’s eye twitched unintentionally as she accidentally glanced at the price tag. Surprisingly, these shoes were priced at thirty-eight!


More than twice as expensive as her own leather shoes!


Obviously, the saleswoman had picked the most expensive pair to showcase.


She silently turned her head to look at Bai Naihan and asked him in a very low voice, “Do I look like a sucker to you?”


Bai Naihan: “???”


Before he could react, Yun Qinghuan had already pushed him away, holding An’an’s hand. She turned back to the saleswoman and said, “Comrade, sorry, we won’t be buying for now.”


She still had a bag containing the black leather shoes.


The saleswoman looked a bit regretful as she watched them walk away.


The saleswomen weren’t supply and marketing staff, but in large department stores, they earned commissions on sales. If they could sell those leather shoes, they could earn almost a whole yuan in commission!


As they reached the entrance of the mall, Yun Qinghuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She noticed An’an unwillingly looking back towards the store. She patted his head and said, “An’an, Mom will buy you a nice pair of shoes when she earns money in the future. But, for now, we can’t afford the price of those shoes. With the money we saved, these shoes can buy you meat buns for over a month.”


Hearing that he could eat meat buns for over a month, An’an’s eyes brightened, instantly saying, “Then I don’t want those shoes!”


For people of this era, clothes and shoes were not as important as having enough food. An’an, being a child, had also learned that what mattered most was having enough to eat.


Yun Qinghuan touched his hair. “Mom knew An’an understands priorities. Let’s go. It’s already noon, and Mom is treating you to meat buns today. Eat until you’re full.”


The little guy’s eyes sparkled with excitement.


Seeing the child walking ahead, Yun Qinghuan whispered to Bai Naihan, “You don’t need to spoil An’an too much. He’s still young, and everything grows fast. Regular clothes and shoes are enough for him. Regarding those little leather shoes, he can wear them for maybe a year at most. It’s a waste to spend so much on something he can wear for just a year.


“Moreover, that saleswoman was obviously trying to overcharge you. Buying such expensive shoes, and, Naihan, I know you have subsidies, but you should still be thrifty. Money doesn’t come easily.”


She glanced at his legs. They say it takes a hundred days for muscles and bones to recover. It would be a while before his leg was better, and during this time, changing dressings and looking after the leg would cost money. They needed to save some.


Bai Naihan listened to her words and nodded obediently. “I just wanted to buy you both a nice pair of shoes. But I’ll remember what you said, Sister-in-law.”


He didn’t want to be the sucker she described.


Yun Qinghuan scolded him, and he wasn’t angry; instead, a smile lingered on his lips.


After a few steps, they reached the state-owned restaurant. At this time, the restaurant was decorated quite simply, with only a wooden board hanging at the entrance with the words “State-Owned Restaurant.” Besides that, there was nothing else.


Peeking inside, they saw only a few scattered people sitting in the restaurant. There was a chubby middle-aged man sitting on the side, cracking melon seeds. When he saw someone approaching, he casually raised his head and glanced, saying, “Just look at the menu above and order what you want.”


Pointing directly at a small wooden board in front, on which today’s menu of the state-owned restaurant was written, he had a somewhat unfriendly attitude, “We don’t serve dishes not listed here.”


Yun Qinghuan took a quick glance and knew this middle-aged man was probably the chef. After all, in this era, plump people who could afford to eat were quite rare, indicating good profits at the state-owned restaurant.


Yun Qinghuan gestured for Bai Jin’an to sit down, moving a chair from the side to accommodate him. She also asked Bai Naihan to wheel his wheelchair to the table.


Then, looking at the menu, she inquired what Bai Naihan and Bai Jin’an would like to eat. Bai Jin’an didn’t hesitate, “Meat buns!”


His voice was loud, clearly having longed for them.


Bai Naihan glanced at Yun Qinghuan and, with a smile, pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hands. “Sister-in-law, I’m not picky. Order whatever you like.”


With this, Yun Qinghuan didn’t hold back. She ordered a plate of braised pork with potatoes and ten large meat buns.


Not daring to order too much, after all, meals in this era not only cost money but also required ration coupons.


A plate of braised pork with potatoes cost eighty cents, not cheap, but it was quite generous in quantity. Yun Qinghuan asked for a small bag from the restaurant staff, put several pieces of meat and potatoes into the bag, planning to bring it back for Liu Yuzhi to taste.


Curious, Bai Jin’an asked, “Mom, why are you putting the meat in a bag?”


Seeing that she was putting mostly large pieces of good meat into the bag, the little guy was a bit greedy, his eyes fixed without blinking, afraid that Yun Qinghuan would pack all the meat.


Yun Qinghuan smiled and touched the little guy’s head. “This meat is for your grandmother. She works so hard at home. We mustn’t forget about her when we eat well outside. An’an, in the future, you should also remember to be good to your grandmother.”


Taking the opportunity to educate him a bit, after all, Liu Yuzhi might have only this one grandson in her lifetime. Bai Jin’an couldn’t become an ungrateful child.


He was still young, and there was much to teach him. Naturally, he needed to be educated about gratitude.


Upon hearing her words, the little guy quickly looked at the white, doughy meat buns in front of him, even swallowing saliva, “Mom, pack meat buns for Grandma.”


Pointing at the meat buns, he signaled her to pack them.


Yun Qinghuan smiled and asked for another bag from the staff, indicating for him to pack it himself.


The little guy took the bag and hesitated a bit before starting to pack. After packing one, he hesitated again, looking at the remaining nine buns, seeming to consider stopping. However, he changed his mind and continued to put more inside.


Yun Qinghuan’s eyes sparkled with amusement, recognizing that little An’an had a good nature now. Moreover, he was particularly thoughtful and caring for the people around him.


Clearly reluctant, yet he knew he should give more to his grandmother.


When he placed the third one, Yun Qinghuan held his hand, “Alright, your grandmother can’t finish too many. Two is enough.”


These buns were steamed quite large. Yun Qinghuan felt that two would be enough for her and Bai Jin’an to eat their fill, and Liu Yuzhi should be satisfied too.


If this little guy continued, Yun Qinghuan was afraid they wouldn’t have enough for the three of them.


Out of the remaining eight buns, Yun Qinghuan only ate two, even though she was already full. As for An’an, she had told him to eat to his heart’s content, but being only three years old, after a few bites of the second bun, he couldn’t eat anymore.


However, perhaps due to hunger, he clutched the bun and refused to let go, forcing himself to eat.


Yun Qinghuan felt sorry for him, “Alright, you don’t have to force yourself to eat. Later, Mom will ask the sisters over there to give you another bag, so you can take the remaining buns with you and eat them when you’re hungry.”

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