After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Heroine Among Women

Despite her thoughts, Yun Qinghuan couldn’t really charge over and beat Lu Sunhua again. She could only turn around slowly.


However, she immediately met her brother-in-law’s eyes, filled with indescribable emotions.


Yun Qinghuan: “…”


Oops, did she forget to conceal herself just now?


Pretending to be casual, she said, “What if I told you I was so angry that I lost my mind? Would you believe it?”


Batting her eyes, looking particularly innocent and fragile, she resembled the delicate wife Liu Yuzhi often talked about. Quite the contrast to the woman who had just ruthlessly beaten an adult man.


If Bao Naihan hadn’t witnessed it himself just now, he probably wouldn’t believe it either.


Unable to contain his laughter, he covered his mouth and chuckled. “I never expected my sister-in-law to be such a heroine.”


He even gave her a thumbs up.


Yun Qinghuan suddenly felt a bit awkward.


Hastily laughing it off, she said, “I’m not as impressive as you make it sound. Are you hungry? Let’s go back for a meal; otherwise, it’ll getting cold.”


Saying this, she directly approached and pushed his wheelchair swiftly towards home.


Upon arriving, Yun Qinghuan suddenly noticed that the door to her room was open. She was alarmed. Could it be that in this short period, a thief had entered the house?


There was still little An’an sleeping inside; she couldn’t let the child get scared.


Loosening her grip on the wheelchair, she said, “Naihan, go ahead and have your meal. I’ll go check if An’an has woken up.”


Saying this, she directly pushed the door open. As soon as she entered, she found An’an wiping away tears with the blanket, crying softly.


Yun Qinghuan panicked and quickly rushed over. “An’an, what’s wrong?”


Bai Jin’an suddenly heard a familiar voice, lifted his little head from the blanket, and upon seeing Yun Qinghuan, cried even louder, “Mom!”


A heartbreaking cry echoed.


Yun Qinghuan’s heart shattered at the sound. She hurriedly approached and embraced the child. “What happened? Don’t be afraid; Mom is here.”


Bai Jin’an hiccupped, holding onto Yun Qinghuan tightly. “Mom, An’an thought you didn’t want An’an anymore! An’an couldn’t find you!”


Before fully waking up, he felt an unusual silence and didn’t hear his mother’s voice. Initially a bit confused, he instantly woke up. An’an, with his short legs, got out of bed. He didn’t even bother to put on shoes, hastily opened the door, and ran into the yard.


While running, he called out, “Mom! Mom!”


Unfortunately, despite calling several times, no one responded.


Feeling increasingly anxious, he hurriedly called Uncle and Grandma, but no one answered him.


An’an thought of the two people who came the day before wanting to take Mom away, so did Mom really leave now?


The more he thought about it, the more upset the little guy became, his eyes turning red. He took short steps, wanting to climb onto the bed.


Knowing that Mom liked cleanliness, he intentionally wiped his feet clean before getting on the bed.


Hearing his words, Yun Qinghuan felt distressed. She patted his back and said, “An’an, be good. How could Mom not want you? Don’t worry; Mom won’t leave you.”


“Really?” The little guy raised his head, tears still in his eyes, looking at her.


Yun Qinghuan hesitated but faced with the hopeful eyes of the little one, she nodded. “Rest assured, Mom won’t leave you in the next two years.”


He was still too young and didn’t understand the subtle meaning behind Yun Qinghuan’s words.


Upon hearing her, Bai Naihan felt relieved.


Outside the door, Bai Naihan, who had raised his hand to knock, heard her words and lowered his hand. He paused, turned his wheelchair, and left.


He was initially a bit worried when he heard his nephew crying, thinking about coming in to check. Unexpectedly, he heard her words.


He sighed bitterly. Indeed, the Bai family couldn’t selfishly ask someone to stay. Her solemn promise to accompany the child for two more years was already considered righteous and heartfelt.


Yun Qinghuan was unaware that her words were overheard. After comforting An’an, she touched his head and found that his forehead was no longer warm. She breathed a sigh of relief and asked if he still felt unwell. The little one nodded obediently.


“Now, let’s go eat.”


At the mention of food, An’an’s stomach made a crisp sound. Yun Qinghuan chuckled, “Let Mom listen. Who is the little glutton growling in our belly?”


The little one blushed, covering his stomach and remained silent.


Not teasing him further, Yun Qinghuan changed his clothes, put on his shoes, and led him to the kitchen.


An’an was still a bit afraid that Yun Qinghuan would leave. Even though she assured him she wouldn’t for the time being, he still followed closely, eyes fixed on her without blinking.


Yun Qinghuan knew he lacked a sense of security but didn’t say anything, allowing him to tag along.


In the kitchen, the man had already prepared the meal and placed it on the table. Although Yun Qinghuan suggested he start eating first, he didn’t touch his chopsticks, evidently waiting for her.


The feeling of someone waiting to eat softened Yun Qinghuan’s heart. She gently said to Bai Naihan, “Naihan, let’s eat. You don’t have to wait for me. We are all family, no need to be formal about it.”


Holding the child, Yun Qinghuan washed her hands in the nearby basin. Perhaps after Yun Qinghuan mentioned yesterday that not maintaining hygiene might lead to bugs in the stomach, An’an was now not averse to washing his hands. Moreover, without Yun Qinghuan’s reminder, he diligently cleaned even the gaps between his fingers.


Yun Qinghuan smirked, finding the child quite easy to teach.


Bai Naihan also noticed, and a smile appeared on his face. “I’m not in a hurry to eat; I’ve been waiting for you. As you said, we are a family, and it’s livelier to eat together.”


Yun Qinghuan paused for a moment, then smiled, pulling Bai Jin’an to sit next to him. “You’re right; it’s more lively to eat together.”


She handed him a vegetable bun and another to the little one. When he received it, An’an’s eyes lit up. Yun Qinghuan signaled that he could start eating, and he took a big bite. After chewing, his eyes sparkled even more. “Mama, hao hao chi.”


His pronunciation was unclear.


Yun Qinghuan squinted and smiled, “If it’s delicious, eat more.”


She took a bite as well. The taste was average; even though she had processed it and deliberately crushed the coarse flour, it wasn’t as good due to the rough texture. However, for many people in this era, buns with vegetables and oil residue were the most delicious.


Bai Naihan echoed from the side, “It is delicious.”


The uncle and nephew’s praise made Yun Qinghuan almost think that the vegetable buns were some exquisite delicacy. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel that they tasted better than the expensive dishes she had eaten.


Even though they had eaten lunch just past noon, she found herself consuming two more vegetable buns in a row.


The three of them even finished the spicy cabbage and didn’t leave a drop of the sweet potato noodle soup.


In the end, Yun Qinghuan and An’an slouched in their chairs. Bai Naihan seemed fine, but he also appeared a bit stuffed; Yun Qinghuan could see that the clothes around his abdomen were a bit tighter than before.


Soft breeze swept through, and all three of them, without coordination, let out a loud burp. Yun Qinghuan looked at Bai Naihan, and as they made eye contact, they couldn’t help but laugh.


Seeing them both laughing, Bai Jin’an also held his stomach and laughed uncontrollably.


It wasn’t until Yun Qinghuan handed him medicine to take that his laughter abruptly stopped, adopting a look of deep bitterness, which amused the two adults even more.

Translator Note

Next release

– Dec. 25 (9pm)

(There’ll be extra chapters for Christmas, stay tuned!)

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  • Luke 1:37
    “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

I'm that person behind the scenes... ✨


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