After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- I Won't Let You Off Easily


Yun Qinghuan was utterly disgusted and immediately moved aside, evading the repulsive gaze of this man.


“Could you please stop disgusting me?” She didn’t hide her disgust, “Even if Wensong is dead, there’s no possibility between us. It’s best for you to stay far away from me in the future. Otherwise, I won’t let you off easily.”


She narrowed her eyes at the man, “Since I’m already a widow, my reputation isn’t that great. I don’t care if it gets worse. If you dare to do anything to me, I’ll risk ruining my own reputation to report you to the brigade. Even if your family has influence, I’ll go to the town, and if needed, I’ll go to the county. I’ll report step by step, and I refuse to believe that I can’t deal with you, Lu Sunhua!”


His confident demeanor and the unsettling way he eyed her made Yun Qinghuan genuinely nauseous. She even felt close to vomiting last night’s dinner.


Suddenly, she thought of the original host, who, after marrying Bai Wensong, was occasionally harassed by this man when no one was around. The original host, naturally timid, dared not speak out, given the feudal mindset of the time. If she did, the village would surely blame her for enticing Lu Sunhua.


After all, why did Lu Sunhua only target her and not others? There must be something she did that was considered shameful.


This victim-blaming narrative could easily tarnish the original host’s reputation.


So, the original host endured it, and in the end, she stayed at home, trying to avoid meeting Lu Sunhua as much as possible.


But now, Yun Qinghuan was furious thinking about all this. She wasn’t the original host, and she wasn’t one to tolerate such things!


Seeing Lu Sunhua’s attitude, it seemed he had confirmed the original host’s timid nature, someone who wouldn’t dare speak up even if truly wronged.


Threatened by Yun Qinghuan, Lu Sunhua became frustrated, “You’re just a broken shoe! You dare threaten me? Even if I did something to you, reporting it to the city won’t change anything. Others will only think you enticed me by not keeping your virtue!”


Ignoring the people around, he reached out to grab Yun Qinghuan, clearly intending to pull her to a secluded place.


What did he want to do? Was this an attempt at forced harassment?


Yun Qinghuan’s eyes turned cold, preparing to give him a piece of her mind. However, behind them, Bai Naihan quickly seized Lu Sunhua’s hand.


“Ah!” Lu Sunhua screamed in pain.


His face instantly turned pale.


“I advise you to watch your mouth. If I see you disrespecting my sister-in-law again, I won’t let you off easily!” Bai Naihan’s gaze was as sharp as a blade, his voice ice-cold, showing no emotion as he stared at Lu Sunhua.


“Y-You, let go of me!” Lu Sunhua’s face twisted in pain, not caring about anything Bai Naihan had just said.


Bai Naihan not only didn’t let go but increased the pressure. Ignoring Lu Sunhua, he turned to Yun Qinghuan, “Sister-in-law, are you okay?”


Yun Qinghuan shook her head, “I’m fine.”


She knew he had seen everything that happened just now.


“Naihan, let him go, or it won’t look good if others see this later.”


Already, curious onlookers had gathered in small groups around them.


The unusual glances from people towards Yun Qinghuan and Bai Naihan were evident, even carrying a hint of scrutiny.


Yun Qinghuan felt fortunate that the weather was hot, with people either in the fields or reluctant to come out, so there weren’t too many witnesses, just occasional villagers.


Otherwise, their current appearance could easily lead to speculation.


At these words, Bai Naihan slowly released Lu Sunhua’s hand, disdainfully wiping his hand that had touched him, then tossing the used tissue onto the nearby trash pile.


Lu Sunhua was finally let go, and he quickly retreated several steps. He inspected his hand, now covered in bruises, wincing in pain with any touch.


Glowering at Bai Naihan, he cast a malevolent glance at Yun Qinghuan. Not daring to stay any longer, he issued a harsh threat, “You all just wait for me!


“And Yun Qinghuan, you broken shoe, even if you’re unwilling to marry me now, later you’ll kneel on the ground begging me like a female dog. I won’t marry a woman like you, a whore ridden by a thousand men!”


He spewed malicious words before leaving, refusing to let go of the opportunity to insult Yun Qinghuan. Perhaps fearing retaliation, he dared not look at Bai Naihan, but his eyes were ice-cold as they fixed on Yun Qinghuan.


Bai Naihan’s face darkened, and he tried to move his wheelchair forward to pursue, but despite his past prowess, he was now seated in a wheelchair, a semi-disabled person. How could he catch up with the able-bodied Lu Sunhua?


Seeing Bai Naihan furious, Yun Qinghuan patted his hand, “I’ll go after him.”


The cool touch of her hand against his momentarily halted Bai Naihan’s raging temper, extinguishing some of the anger.


In the blink of an eye, Yun Qinghuan had caught up with Lu Sunhua, who wore a self-satisfied smile that belied the beating he’d received.


“What… what do you want?” Lu Sunhua was a bit flustered to see Yun Qinghuan catching up with him.


He hadn’t even seen how she caught up with him earlier; it felt like a blur, and suddenly she was right in front of him.


Yun Qinghuan coldly looked at him, “Did you think I was joking just now? I told you not to bother me again.”


Her voice was calm, but she was already rotating her wrist.


Seeing Yun Qinghuan like this, Lu Sunhua inexplicably felt a sense of fear.


“Since your mouth is so filthy, let me help you clean it up a bit.”


With that, she directly swung a punch at him.


The man cried out in pain, “Ah!”


Enraged, he retaliated against Yun Qinghuan.


Yet, Yun Qinghuan calmly and unhurriedly avoided his attacks, her brows slightly furrowed. She wasn’t quite satisfied with the strength of this body.


In her previous life, she was beautiful but lacked influence and wealth. Without any real skills, she would have been devoured long ago if not for her efforts.


Before gaining fame and fortune, she had worked part-time and sparred in some boxing gyms. Taking her training seriously, the coaches, appreciating her dedication even as a part-timer, had taught her quite a bit.


Later, after she became famous and wealthy, besides acting, she wasn’t fond of marketing. In her spare time, she hired top-notch martial artists to teach her combat skills and brought in various experts from different fields to provide instruction.


She absorbed knowledge like a dry sponge, constantly seeking to learn and improve.


At this moment, having thrown just one punch that felt disappointingly weak, Yun Qinghuan realized she needed more training in her free time.


Then, she proceeded to hit Lu Sunhua.


Especially his face.


To avoid dirtying her hands, she even wore gloves.


At first, Lu Sunhua cursed at her, but later, he began pleading for mercy.


As Lu Sunhua’s gaze shifted from lecherous to fearful, she remained unfazed. Remembering his earlier insults, she continued to rain down punches on him.


Eventually, feeling pain in her hands, she picked up a wooden stick from the ground and continued to beat him up.


Behind them, Bai Naihan watched the sharpness of his sister-in-law’s actions. His expression transitioned from initial concern to astonishment, and finally to numbness.

Translator Note

Next release

– Dec. 25 (7pm)

(There’ll be extra chapters for Christmas, stay tuned!)

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  • Psalm 34:8
    “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

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