After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Gossip Abounds at the Widow's Door


In the field, Yang Guihua was almost foaming at the mouth, unable to tolerate Liu Yuzhi’s current situation and speaking with a harsh tone.


Zhang Yufen, standing nearby, couldn’t bear it any longer and directly said, “Yang Guihua, you’re just someone who can’t stand others’ happiness. If your mother-in-law treats you badly, that’s your family’s business. Can’t you allow other mothers-in-law to treat their daughters-in-law well? I think you’re just sour grapes. If you have the ability, go home and argue with your mother-in-law. If you can make her treat you well, then I truly admire you!”


Zhang Yufen had a knack for poking at others’ wounds when she spoke. Yang Guihua’s face turned pale when she heard the blunt words, looking particularly unsightly.


In reality, Yang Guihua was suppressed by her mother-in-law. She gave birth to her children in the fields, and after childbirth, she didn’t even get a chance to rest or have a proper meal. It was only when the child had difficulty nursing that her mother-in-law reluctantly gave her something to eat. Just two days after giving birth, before her wounds had healed, she was driven to work in the fields by her mother-in-law.


Unfortunately, she couldn’t resist. Even a slight displeasure towards her mother-in-law would result in her filial husband beating her mercilessly.


Yang Guihua’s natal family also adhered to the preference for sons over daughters. They believed that once a daughter was married, she was like spilled water, and they wouldn’t care even if she were beaten to death. Consequently, Yang Guihua couldn’t seek help from her natal family.


In theory, someone like Yang Guihua should evoke sympathy and pity. However, she seemed to have adapted to the patriarchal environment, displaying an aversion to men treating their wives well, disliking families showing kindness to their daughters, and even resenting mothers-in-law treating their daughters-in-law well.


In short, whenever she witnessed such situations, she would sow discord and speak ill of others.


Over time, those who initially felt sympathy for her grew tired of her behavior.


Yang Guihua glared at Zhang Yufen with resentment, hitting her sore spot, “So what if your mother-in-law treats you well? You’re still a widow after your man died, right? People in the village have seen men leaving your house every day. Can’t endure loneliness, so you’re seducing other women’s husbands, aren’t you? You shameless fox spirit, do you even have the right to talk about me?”


Yang Guihua looked at Zhang Yufen’s beautiful face with malicious intent in her eyes.


Zhang Yufen’s face instantly turned cold, a fleeting glint of sadness in her eyes, quickly replaced by anger.


Her mother-in-law, standing beside her, also glared angrily at Yang Guihua. She wanted to speak up for her daughter-in-law, but Yang Guihua blocked her from saying anything.


Liu Yuzhi originally didn’t care about Yang Guihua’s insinuations and didn’t want to have conflicts with the villagers. They were all neighbors, and if things got ugly, it would be awkward to meet each other every day. However, now that Zhang Yufen was being targeted, Liu Yuzhi couldn’t pretend not to hear it.


She looked directly at Yang Guihua and said, “Guihua, you can’t spread baseless accusations. Everyone in the village knows that Yufen is a good comrade and a good woman. When her husband passed away, she had the chance to remarry, but she couldn’t bear to leave her child or her mother-in-law. Now she’s taking good care of her child and serving her mother-in-law well. She is a virtuous woman. By tarnishing her innocence like this, you’re not afraid of hurting the hearts of so many women in the village who dedicate themselves to their families.”


She directly elevated Yang Guihua’s accusation against Zhang Yufen to an attack on all good women.


Initially disliked by others, Yang Guihua, upon hearing that she was spreading more gossip, earned the unfriendly glares of the women who were enjoying the shade under the trees.


“Yang Guihua, if you keep talking behind my back, I’ll tear your mouth apart!”


“That’s right! If you continue with these antics, I’ll complain to your mother-in-law and let your man deal with you!”



One by one, they all started condemning and threatening Yang Guihua.


Yang Guihua was angry but didn’t dare to speak. She glared at Liu Yuzhi, who, in turn, was unafraid. She continued packing her things, paying no attention to Yang Guihua.


Zhang Yufen gratefully thanked Liu Yuzhi, saying, “Auntie, thank you for speaking up for me.”


Liu Yuzhi sighed while looking at her, “You’ve had a hard time.”


This girl was about the same age as her son, and Liu Yuzhi couldn’t fathom why she had such bad luck. The saying “a lot of gossip in front of a widow’s door” was not just an empty phrase.


Because she had witnessed the malice that villagers often directed towards widows and saw the accusations and grievances Zhang Yufen endured, Liu Yuzhi couldn’t bear to let her daughter-in-law suffer the same fate.


She had never thought of preventing her from remarrying. In fact, she even considered whether there were good families suitable for her daughter-in-law. However, as the biological grandmother of her grandson and the birth mother of Wensong, there was a hint of selfishness in her. She wanted her daughter-in-law to wait a couple of years before considering remarriage.


Suddenly, Zhang Yufen laughed and said, “Auntie, isn’t that your daughter-in-law, Yun Qinghuan over there?”


“She must be here to bring you food, right? It’s truly rare. Auntie, it shows that your daughter-in-law is filial. If you treat her well, she also cares about you. Unlike some people who seem to treat their mothers-in-law like enemies.”


Yang Guihua, who was scolded, looked sullen, but she didn’t dare to say anything more, especially with so many people watching.


Liu Yuzhi, upon hearing Zhang Yufen’s words, followed her gaze and quickly noticed Yun Qinghuan, wearing a straw hat and a long shirt, wiping the sweat from her face.


Ignoring the task of packing things in this situation, Liu Yuzhi hurried over. “Yun Qinghuan, why did you come on such a hot day?”


Jiang Wenxiu saw Liu Yuzhi approaching and greeted, “Auntie,” then nodded at Yun Qinghuan and walked towards her husband’s direction.


Yun Qinghuan handed over the lunchbox she was carrying. “Mom, I brought you lunch. You’ve been working in the field for half a day, tired, right?”


Seeing her drenched in sweat, having finished the large bottle of water she brought, Yun Qinghuan felt a bit distressed. “Mom, you’ve worked hard.”


She spoke in a soft voice.


“You, this child…” Liu Yuzhi felt a bit complicated. 


On one hand, she thought Yun Qinghuan had come to such a sunny place after cooking, bringing lunch. What if her illness worsened? On the other hand, she was touched that her daughter-in-law still cared about her. Her genuine care for her daughter-in-law didn’t go unnoticed.


Unable to express her mushy feelings, she quickly took the lunch and advised Yun Qinghuan, “You quickly rest under the shade of the nearby tree. It’s cooler there.”


Yun Qinghuan didn’t argue with her over who carried the lunchbox and followed her footsteps towards the shade of the tree.


Zhang Yufen saw her and greeted, “Hello, sister-in-law,” and Yun Qinghuan smiled in response.


Liu Yuzhi found some dry grass to cushion the ground for Yun Qinghuan to sit on, while she casually arranged some leaves as her own seat. Then, she opened the lunchbox, ready to eat.


Seeing two flatbreads inside, along with the stir-fried sour and spicy cabbage, the rich aroma of the food reached her nose as soon as she opened it.


Liu Yuzhi was indeed hungry. Unable to resist, she took a bite of the flatbread and instantly tasted the fragments of eggs and oil residue, savoring the deliciousness that made her tongue almost bite off.


After swallowing what was in her mouth, she quickly looked at her daughter-in-law. “Qinghuan, why did you bring such good flatbreads for Mom? You should have simply brought two plain ones.”


She didn’t plan to eat the remaining flatbread; the eggs and oil residue were too precious to waste!

Translator Note

Next release

– Dec. 25 (5pm)

(There’ll be extra chapters for Christmas, stay tuned!)

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  • Proverbs 17:22
    “A merry heart does good like medicine.”

I'm that person behind the scenes... ✨


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