After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Discomfort

Yun Qinghuan lowered her head to look and found that the man’s hair was damp, gathered together, and his face was dotted with sweat beads the size of peas. Wearing a tank top, muscular patterns were visibly exposed under the tank top, and the visible part of his powerful arms was robust.


The tank top was visibly soaked with sweat, giving him an overall sense of strength and sexiness after exercise.


Yun Qinghuan’s mind was momentarily swayed. She had encountered various types of men in the entertainment industry, including those with strong eight-pack abs from intense fitness. However, she had never seen someone like Bai Naihan.


When he wore long sleeves, he seemed thin and weak. At that time, she wondered how this man, who looked gentle and somewhat scholarly, had achieved so many military merits over the years.


Although it might seem judgmental based on appearances, seeing his muscular build hidden under his clothes made her think that her initial impression was too hasty.


Despite her thoughts wandering, Yun Qinghuan remained calm on the surface.


Even more effortlessly, she looked at Bai Naihan and said, “Naihan, are you exercising?”


Bai Naihan nodded at her words, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hand. “I’m doing rehabilitation. The doctor said it’s good for me to practice more. It helps my legs recover faster. By the way, sister-in-law, is there something you need from me?”


“Yes, there is. Can you help me scrub An’an? Although he’s still a child, he has become shy and doesn’t let me scrub him. It used to be his dad who helped him with that.”


As these words were uttered, both of them fell silent.


Bai Wensong’s death was an undeniable pain in this household.


Yun Qinghuan had the memories of the original host and knew from those memories that Bai Wensong was an exceptionally good man.


It was quite unfortunate that Bai Wensong had left this world in such a way.


“Okay.” After a moment, Bai Naihan responded, “Sister-in-law, you don’t need to worry about An’an. I’ll help him with the bath.”


Yun Qinghuan smiled when he agreed, “Thank you.”


Feeling a bit awkward here, she nodded at him and turned to leave.


As she left, her gaze unintentionally swept to the room behind the man. The furniture inside was particularly simple, with only a bed, a desk, and a large suitcase on the floor.


The bed was neatly folded into square tofu-like blocks, the quilt had turned somewhat white, and there were a few patches indicating its age. It was clear that this bedspread had been used for many years, exuding a nostalgic feel. Compared to the new quilt on her own bed, it looked stiff and not very warm.


After just one glance, she averted her eyes. Then, she went to the kitchen to fetch water, preparing to take a bath in her own room first. After the bath, she could wash her hair. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for her to wash when the little guy finished his bath later.


As she arrived in the kitchen and picked up the wooden bucket, Liu Yuzhi guessed her intention and couldn’t help but smile, joining her to lift the water. “No need to rush for a bath. If An’an finishes bathing later, you can let him sleep with his uncle.”


“Okay.” Yun Qinghuan was momentarily stunned.


Suddenly, she learned from the memories of the original host that An’an seemed to have not slept with the original host these past few days. Due to the original host’s illness and some resentment towards An’an, which often led to outbursts of anger upon seeing him, Liu Yuzhi had Bai Naihan take care of the child at night.


The two of them carried buckets of water into the room, pouring them into a basin. Unfortunately, Yun Qinghuan had a small frame, and even lifting half a bucket of water seemed a bit strenuous. By the time she finished carrying the bathwater, she was somewhat panting.


She felt a bit unaccustomed. She had grown up enduring hardships. She had even worked part-time in a boxing gym before. During acting, while others used stunt doubles for fight scenes, she did her own stunts. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have let someone take advantage and tamper with the wires on her wirework. So, despite Yun Qinghuan’s seemingly delicate appearance, she actually had considerable strength, performing household chores quite proficiently.


Suddenly experiencing a decrease in strength felt genuinely unfamiliar.


She silently resolved in her heart that having less strength as a girl in this era wasn’t a good thing, especially considering her current situation. Who knew if she might encounter any danger? Having strength gave her a sense of security, and she wouldn’t be so passive. Therefore, she decided to start training.


After fetching the water, Liu Yuzhi, as a considerate mother-in-law, closed the door. “You can bathe in peace, washing away the bad luck from this period. The days ahead will definitely get better.”


The original host had been lying in bed for several days. Although the weather wasn’t too hot, there was still a faint unpleasant smell on the body. Yun Qinghuan had been somewhat intolerant of it.


She opened the door and then found a set of patched cotton clothes in the original host’s wardrobe to wear as pajamas. Although they looked a bit ugly, they felt comfortable.


Then, she began washing up. Her body was a bit dirty, and she scrubbed off a lot of dirt, making her skin turn red.


As she was enthusiastically soaking in the bath, it seemed An’an had finished washing up. He hurriedly ran over, pushing the door. The door made a creaking sound but didn’t open. “Mom, I’m done washing!”


His voice was lively and somewhat proud, clearly wanting Yun Qinghuan to praise him.


Probably the first time the door wasn’t pushed open, he tried a few more times. “Mom, why did you lock the door? What are you doing?”


Curious, he also wanted to approach and peek through the crack in the door.


Yun Qinghuan was startled but fortunately, the bathing tub was relatively high. Sitting inside, it covered her shoulders, vaguely concealing the important parts.


The crucial point was that she also heard the sound of wheels rolling on the ground behind the child. It was quite evident that the little uncle, Bai Naihan, had also arrived.


Afraid that the child would knock on the door if she remained silent, she quickly said, “An’an, Mom is taking a bath. Wait outside for a while, Mom will be done soon.”


As she spoke, she hurried to get up and grab a towel to wipe off the water stains. The dripping sound of water suddenly reached the outside.


Bai Naihan, hearing this, instinctively stopped the wheelchair and said to An’an, “You wait here; Uncle will go in first.”


“Uncle, will you play with me?” Bai Jin’an had already run over from the door, staring eagerly at him. The strength Uncle used to bathe him was just like his dad’s.


Thinking that he would never see his dad again, the little Bai Jin’an’s eyes also showed a trace of sadness, and his gaze towards Bai Naihan was filled with expectation.


Bai Naihan glanced at him, and the clear sound of water dripping came through. He coughed slightly, covering his discomfort, “Sure, let’s go play outside the main gate.”


“Great!” Bai Jin’an, who had just taken a bath, wasn’t tired at all. Instead, he became more enthusiastic. He quickly followed behind Bai Naihan, pushing the wheelchair, afraid that he might change his mind.


In the eastern room, Yun Qinghuan, hearing the silence outside, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


During the bath, she didn’t feel it, but just now, the thought that the sound of water could be heard clearly by the man outside made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Even the actions of wiping her body became much gentler.

Translator Note

Next release

– Dec. 25 (6am GMT + 1)

(There’ll be extra chapters for Christmas, stay tuned!)

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  • “Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or what you’ll drink, or about your body, what you’ll wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are?” — Matthew 6:25-26

I'm that person behind the scenes... ✨


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